Curb Appeal with Guest Darlene Schacht

Oh friends, my head is about to explode!

For two reasons, really. One, because there are so many goodies here for you today including two free e-books and a chance at a free night’s stay at a fantastic Georgia Bed & Breakfast! and our last swap and share day giving some hospitality on the road ideas and……

Because I am sick.

The sore throat, pounding sinus-headache, coughin’, creepin’ crud SICK!

But when I think of what day it is and what Jesus did for me by suffering on the cross? Well, a little creepin’ crud ain’t NOTHIN’!

Today’s guest is giving us ways to lay down a little of our lives in order to make our husband’s return home each day relaxing.

My new fabulously talented friend Darlene Schacht is here!

Darlene is an ordinary mom, living an extraordinary life, because of who she is through Jesus Christ.

As help-meet to her husband Michael, she guides and nurtures their four children, leading them toward a deeper walk of faith.

She is a New York Times best-selling author through the book she co-authored with actress Candace Cameron Bure titled, Reshaping it All: Motivation for Physical and Spiritual Fitness.

You can find her blogging at Time-Warp Wife where she empowers wives to joyfully serve and on twitter.

My Desire for Curb Appeal defines hospitality this way: The friendly reception and treatment of guests or strangers.

It’s a wonderful thing to treat our guests with a friendly reception. I like it and I’m sure that you appreciate the extra effort too. It’s unfortunate however that many families don’t take the time to treat each other with the same level of respect.
When my husband walks through the door after a hard day at work, I like to offer him what I refer to as “curb appeal.” Curb appeal offers him a feeling of peace, respect and acceptance from the moment he steps into our home.

~ Take a look in the mirror an hour before your husband comes home to ensure that you are presentable. An hour allows ample time to hop into the shower if need be.

~ Go light on the perfume, but use great smelling soaps, shampoo, and antiperspirant so he’ll want to snuggle up for the evening.

~ If you wear makeup, put a little on before he walks in. Your goal is to look happy and radiant–not done up.

~ Dress in feminine clothing. Men are attracted to women, not fashion, so do your best to wear styles, fabrics and colors that remind him you’re a woman and not another one of the guys. Dress as well for him as you would for new friends.

~ Have all chores done before he walks in the door, and try to have things like the dishwasher and vacuum turned off.

~ Put aside your problems and be cheerful when he walks in the door.

~ Make your bed every morning so he has a comfortable place to rest at night or upon returning from work.

~ Ensure that the television and stereos are turned off so that the house is peaceful.

~ If the kids are excited about something, encourage them to wait about 15 minutes before they share their news.

~ Prepare dinner before he arrives. There’s nothing quite like the smell of home cooking when you walk in the door—especially when you’re cooking the food he likes.

~ Have the pots and pans washed ahead of time so that the kitchen is every bit as presentable as the meal.

~ If you have problems to deal with, wait until after dinner to spring it on him. Husbands are happier when their tummies are full.

~ Greet him at the door with open arms, a kiss, and a warm embrace.

~ Make an effort to look at him when he is speaking so that he has your full attention.

~ Close the computer if you’re on it, and if you’re chatting on the phone try to end the conversation and call her back later.

~ Have the children tidy up the front entrance when they arrive from school. Backpacks, jackets and gym bags make for an untidy greeting.

~ Do your best to have the house clean and organized at all times. He is working hard outside the home and needs home to be his haven of rest.

~ Don’t be angry if he’s working late, instead show appreciation for long hours put in.

~ Have the kids wash their faces, and change their clothing if they are soiled from play before Daddy comes home.

~ Don’t nag him or try to reshape his bad habits. Work on your own and practice acceptance at all times.

~ It is imperative that you defend your husband to your children and that they respect him at all times. Never allow them to grumble or complain about him whether he’s present or not.

~ Don’t compare him to other women’s husbands or to your father when it comes to your definition of a man. Love and respect go a lot farther than criticism ever will.

“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. ~ Proverbs 31:10”

You are loved by an almighty God,

Ok gals—for the giveaways!

First, for a copy of Darlene’s free e-books; One on Esther, the beauty of courageous submission and one on Ruth, a woman of virtue, click here.

Then, one of you who leaves a hospitality on the road idea, either as a comment or as a link to your blog post on the topic, will win one free night’s stay at the Madison Oaks Inn & Gardens!!!

This stay, subject to room availability, is for the Hannah room, their nicest room and a $280 value! Thank you to Cheryl–the proprietor of the inn who read my book and contacted me with this generous offer!

This will be a great get-away for you and your hubby or a friend. (Sorry, no children under 13 and of course, this doesn’t include travel. You’ll need to get yourself to the inn which is about an hour from Atlanta.)

OK–please leave us a hospitality on the road idea: a clever way to reach out and love on someone that doesn’t involve your home but involves you going to them!

Is there a theme basket you could take a sports-lover, a bbq fanatic or ballerina?

Any way to bless a stranger? A faraway friend or relative by using the US mail?

What could you do for a new family in your church or neighborhood?

A coach, teacher or bus driver?

I can’t wait to see your ideas!

PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you end your comment or post by putting in quotes “B & B” So I know if you’d like to win the Bed & Breakfast giveaway. If you are chosen at random as the winner and can’t get away to the inn, I’ll give you a different prize and pick another winner for the Inn.



  1. I try to take a center-piece to whose ever house we are going to. Simple flowers or a cute arrangement for special occasion is a nice thought! Also, I would like to get better at hospitality away from home, so looking for ideas :)

  2. As school draws to a close for summer, I think a basket for the teacher would be nice. For our teachers I will include a gift certificate to everyone’s favorite, huge used bookstore and packages of lemonade and sweets for long summer days!

  3. One of my favorite things to do to bless a family outside of our home and I’ll admit I have not done this in awhile, is to bring dinner to them.

    I did this a lot when life was a little more simple. I would make a nice pot pie or casserole. My whole family and I would pile in the car and visit some friends that could use a blessing. We would be talking, the kids would mention they are hungry, and I would ask if they would like to have a meal together.

    Of course, they would be into the idea. As they would be looking around for something to throw together, I would run out to the car and get the casserole. It always blessed the socks off of them

  4. My sweet new friends…what a blessing this study has been (and will continue in the days ahead) to me. I have an entirely new approach for how much things mean to others and me. I love to take something homemade when I go to someone’s house….it makes them feel special that I took the time to make them. I have a church friend with her two daughters that has cancer right now. She has spent many days in and out of the hospital. So anything I do for her I feel lifts her spirits….she loves chick-fil-a lemonade so when I visit in the hospital I take her a gallon of lemonade and a cute tervis tumbler so she can enjoy it. Now that she has been home more….I take dinner over every Monday. I don’t ask…I just do it because I know that my friend is much like me and would say no…so I don’t give her a chance to say no.
    I would love to win the B&B get away…I only live 30 minutes away so it would be perfect for a little R&R….be blessed today for you are a blessing to someone! Praying for Karen to feel better…it is stinky to be sick over Easter.

    Smiles and Blessings Abound,
    Robin :)

  5. My hospitality on the road idea is simple: bless someone with a listening ear and a phone card. I never realized how many people live far away from their loved ones. I saw this all the time when I worked in the peds icy. Parents wanted to update families and couldn’t because they didn’t have a way to pay. Now this is less of an issue, but still can help people far away from their support systems.
    B and b, please!

  6. I recently had a friend who was stressed and depressed and made her a “relaxation bag”, complete with soaps, candles, and cookies. But, more importantly were my prayers

    Would love to win the B&B getaway

  7. I had a friend who has been depressed and stressed for the past month. I recently made a “relaxation bag” with candles, body wash, and cookies. More importantly though, were my prayers.

    Would love to win the B&B getaway

  8. This has been a wonderful study and I have learned so much about hospitality! Thanks for all the great guests that you had, as well as your book!
    My husband (a pastor) and I deliver homemade chocolate chip cookies with a hand-written note to people who visit our church for the first time. It has been the start of some meaningful friendships over the years.
    We would love to win the “B &B” get-away ;)
    Have a blessed Easter.

  9. My mom is fantastic at sending hospitality via snail mail. Since she lives in NC and my family lives in TX, she sends us care packages at least every other month with some of our favorite goodies like hot tea, gum, t-shirts, flip flops (in summer), or anything Elmo for our lil’ man. She never forgets sending a card on a major holiday. She is definitely an inspiration in this area for me.

  10. we will be getting new neighnours soon as a house next door just sold. I think that maybe I will go and introduce ourselves make a welcome card and maybe some flowers and cookies or dessert of some sort and then maybe bring a meal or something and ask if they need any help with moving and maybe if kids offer to watch the kids while t hey move and unpack if there are kids

  11. I had the opportunity this week to give on the road hospitality to my son-in-laws family at. the hospital as they were spending the day waiting for a loved one to recover. Knowing they would be at the hospital all day, I thought I could bring lunch so they didn’t have to worry about that. I brought publix subs, iced teas, chips, and chocolate chip cookies. We gave them some hugs, encouraging words, and prayed with them before we left. They were very appreciative. “B&B”

  12. Ive recently began to see such an importance in being hospitable to others. I’ve taken food to others when they’ve had a rough week. I’ve also given them a word of encouragement in a card with a little cash that they may use as they see fit. Generally I just try to listen to my spirit about each person that it might meet their need. I’d love to go to the “B & B”

  13. I do one thing for sure I am card maker so I will make a batch of generic cards ( ex. bday cards him/her, get well, thank you and sympathy) and I will give this to them. However with the new site Pinterest I usually find something on there that works for the people I am going to go visit. We just spent part of our spring break in Chicago with a cousin seeing museums. I put a basket together of wine glasses with chalk bottoms (I made them) coasters, chocolates and some wine. It was well received.

  14. Good afternoon!! I am really enjoying the hospitality postings!!! My only comment is that today’s posting, wonderful as it was for a stay at home mom, did not apply to me, i felt. There are so many women that are having to work outside the home and, like myself, arrive AFTER the husband and children have been home awhile, that I felt left out in to posting for today. Any ideas for working women in my situation?? Any help or ideas would be SO GREAT!!! I’ve been trying the crock pot for the cooked meals and ‘scents’ of home but there is just NO way I can do this one…. however nice it would be!! It’s all I can do to come home, listen to my children rattle off non-stop, as they are walking out the door headed to work and recoup from a hard days work while looking at my home that appears to have three teenage tornadoes run through it…… sigh……
    “B & B”

  15. I have 3 friends who are dealing with cancer this year. I made and sent cards & encouraging statements for Valentines day and just sent out crosses (made with plastic canvas & yarn). Also sent one to a friend whose dad just died of cancer. She really appreciated it. My little sister lives in GA but she is a single mom so while she could benefit from a get away don’t know if she would be able to go or not & while I would love a get away can’t travel right now.

  16. Thank you for these great ideas! Seemingly simple but what an impact! As for hospitality on the road – I keep a small tub filled with dollar store or clearance finds that I’ll put together to run over to someone. I always keep brownies on hand. (yes, they’re my favorite but I love to share them, too!) B&B

  17. Hospitality on the road. I take the second loaf that most of my bread recipes make and give it to different neighbors. I once had a woman say to me, “well thank you, I can’t figure out why you would do this, though”. I felt a little funny, but love heals all, and I am reminded that I should continue giving bread. Jeannine

  18. An idea that I got from a friend…at Christmastime…send a small artificial tree. Attach little paper scrolls to branches of the tree with pretty ribbon. On the pieces of paper are Bible verses that I have prayed for the person I’m sending the tree to. You could also adapt this idea for Easter. “B & B”

  19. When it comes to Curb appeal….I am thinkin’ “Pick Two!” Go from there!! Quite a list!! I could manage two, though. Anyone??? : )

    1. The list seemed overwhelming to me, too, at first. Then I realized that they were all meant to be suggestions that we can choose from . . . one might fit you better and another would be something I would do. Great Ideas!

  20. I think that the idea of this list is wonderful. It is not very practical for every day life, especially for women who have a job outside of the home and then another full time job taking care of their family. I do however, believe that the concept is very sound. The point is not that we do all of the things on the list but that we make an EFFORT! I find that my husband is often placed at the bottom of my list of “to do’s” and I need to put him first after my relationship with God – even if it is just a sweet note left in his lunchbox, or maybe running a comb through my hair before he comes home from work.

    Hospitality on the road – I like to pick up lunch and take it to my grandmother. Something as simple as picking up lunch or even making a picnic basket and taking it to someone who is unable to get out on their own is a perfect example of hospitality on the road. “B&B”

  21. (B&B) This really isn’t an on-the-road idea, but it doesn’t involve a planned hospitality event. I can’t claim credit for this idea – I saw a neighbor do this and sorely wish I had done it myself. We occasionally have salesmen (or women) come to our door – sometimes in the heat of the summer. My neighbor declined what they were selling but gave them bottles of water to refresh them while they walked. Such a thoughtful gesture!

  22. I have not done any of these things but have learned them from others. A lady I used to work with would bake something and leave a goodie tray for her mailman, trashman and her hair dresser. She would often times leave a gift card or money. I think the gift basket idea is a great idea. That is an idea I will probably use.

  23. I work with seniors, one of my sweet ladies moved about 20 miles away, so I go an take her out to dinner every couple of weeks. She is always glad to get a phone call from me, especially if I ask her about doing dinner together. It makes her day. So much joy for both of us.
    yes, please enter me for the B&B drawing.

  24. Karen, I do so hope you get to feeling better soon! I am going through the same thing right now and my housekeeping is paying for it!

    Regarding hospitality on the road, the idea has been touch upon in a couple of posts, but I would like to flesh it out a little more…always keep a few gallon-sized ziplock bags in your car filled with water bottles, pre-packaged snack crackers (like peanut butter on crackers), or any other snacks that keep well for a good while, a travel-sized pack of baby wipes, kleenex, hand-sanitizer, there a lots of great travel-sized personal care items and pre-packed single-serving foods out there. You can also include kid-friendly items like stickers and so forth. Then, when you are in your car and pass someone at an intersection you can hand them a whole bag of goodies to make there day a little more bearable. Also, I would encourage you to include a tract or small booklet about how much Jesus loves them!!!


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