One More Day

I have decided to leave Rachel Wojarnowski’s post up one more day since there was such an overwhelming response. And, great news! A cyber friend has offered to pay for 5 more copies of her ebook on prayer so tomorrow we will annouce 10 winners!

So, if you haven’t left a comment yet, scroll down to the next post to do so. (Those of you reading this in your email’s inbox will need to click on the title of the post to go to my actual site.)

Also, I am posting today over at Nicole O’Dell’s place Choose Now Ministries on priorities, lists and God’s plan B.  Click here to read it.

Tomorrow, I will be back with a special guest and a wonderful giveaway, just in time for Mother’s Day.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I need to be more faithful in my prayer life, especially the LISTENING part! I do pray several times a day, but the prayer times seem to be a list of needs and wants, starting with praise, but almost never waiting on Him to answer! I look forward to reading the book! Thanks for your ministry!

    1. A post script to my earlier post, I can identify with the “scent of prayer”, many times, memories have been triggered by a whif of something familiar.

  2. I have never read an ebook but I guess there is always the first time. Can you read them on your computer? The fragrance of prayer, I love the sound of that. I struggle with making time to sit down and prayer for all the things I think I should be praying for. I say little prayers thoughout the day but don’t feel like that is good enough.

  3. Thanks for giving us another day for this. My life has been very busy and I didn’t have a chance to read my email until this morning. Sometimes I feel that since God is so wise and loving and knows better than I what I need, why do I pray? In the past, I prayed really hard for a specific event to happen (daily for months), and after a long time, it did happen, only to end up being a bad experience for myself and my family. It seemed like He finally let it happen so I would learn to trust Him to know what was best. So now I think it’s easier to let Him guide my life instead of asking for things for myself. I do pray for others, though I’ve learned to accept the final outcome, trusting that He definitely knows better than I what is best. It’s just become hard to pray for things for myself – it’s easier to let Him take care of it. However, I don’t think that’s quite what prayer is supposed to be either. Prayer, or rather supplication, is definitely a hard thing and any help is always appreciated.

  4. Prayer has become more difficult lately. Daughter and two young children moved back home, busier schedule, and not seeing any results have all contributed to this dry time. Have been reading books on prayer and really like the sound of this one. .

  5. My biggest struggle with prayer is to kee my thoughts on track and remember to not let my thoughts wander. Distractions abound and pretty soon I’m lost in random thoughts.

  6. Karen…I just wanted to tell you Thank you so much for your blog…it gets me thru my days. I also want to thank the cyber friend for the extra on the give away…your cyber friend has a generous heart. I pray that you both are richly blessed beyond your wildest dreams today.

    Smiles and Blessings,
    Robin :)

  7. Prayer is a lifeline for me. When I know that I can’t control a situation or feel like hope is a long ways away, I know I can connect to the One who gives hope and has control of every situation!!!

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