You’re Already Amazing with Holley Gerth

The winner of Letters from Leanne & a $10 Bath & Body Works card from Tuesday’s post is: Lyn. Send your home address to [email protected]. Be sure to tell her what you won!


Ever feel the pressure to be perfect?

Look perfect.

Have a perfect marriage.

And perfectly behaved children.

A perfect house anyone?

How about a perfect job, extended family or past?

In the best-selling book You’re Already Amazing, popular blogger and cofounder of (in)courage Holley Gerth helps women understand and embrace the fact that they don’t need to do more, be more, and have more–because they’re already amazing just the way God created them to be.

As a licensed counselor and certified life coach, she knows what readers need to hear.

Like a heart-to-heart talk over coffee, reading this joy-filled book encourages women to forget the lies and expectations the world feeds them, instead believing that God made them for a purpose and that he loves them right now, at this moment, and always.

Holley takes readers on a journey of the heart to discover their strengths and embrace all God created them to be.

This fabulous author and regular girlfriend has agreed to give away a copy of her encouraging book to one of you who comments on this post. And you may also pick one item from the Holley collection from Day Spring. Click here to see it.

Tell us this, in what area of life do you most feel the pressure to be perfect?

Winner announced Monday.


  1. Most of the pressure comes from me and how I react to others, I constantly compare myself to others and usually fall short of how I think I should measure up. I know this is totally wrong but old habits die hard.

  2. I most feel the pressure to be perfect if someone is coming over. I want to make sure the house is neat and organized, but that is very hard with 2 small kids.

  3. I feel pressured to be perfect at, well, everything! I need to be a great cook, baker, coach, mom, wife, friend and more. I really hope I win this book, it looks great.

  4. Two major areas: Motherhood and my body. I make mistakes daily, the majority of them in these two categories. I feel a tremendous amount guilt about the mistakes I make in eating too much or the wrong foods, or snapping at my kids, or being too hard on them, or not being hard enough on them. I can’t ever seem to find the place where I feel good about my day regarding these two aspects of my life.

  5. It is so hard to nail it down to one… …. work is a constant pressure to be perfect- mistakes are not tolerated well… I am going to school, working on my doctorate, so there is added pressure to excel… and well, if I am working on my doctorate, then why am I working at a barely above minimum wage job that I am struggling with? Also, I feel a pressure from myself to be “further along” in my christian walk than I seem to be.

  6. I feel pressured all over the place, but I know that if I’m honest, I’m the one who expects me to be the perfect mom, wife, ministry leader, friend, co-worker, etc. I fill many roles and the balancing act makes me weary. Resting in my Savior is top priority for me today!

  7. I think I struggle with my responses when people ask “how are you?” I simply say “fine.” I never really get to “know” people.

  8. I definitely feel pressure to keep my house looking clean and organized, despite having two preschoolers. Oops, a friend is stopping over in 30 minutes, so I better run pick up…..

  9. To be a perfect daughter. I really dont want to let my parents (or God) down. My parents both earthly and my father in heaven have done so much for me and I struggle to please them and to make them proud. Its taken me a long time to accept that God loves me in my mess and my parents tell me the same too. I still try very hard though but I have become a lot closer to both by understanding that I need to be open instead of perfect.

  10. From God’s Perspective – With God in my life and by my side each and every day. I have no reason to feel “Pressured” because I know HE his my strength to carry me when life tends to throw to much at me.. TAKE THE COVER OFF Our “PRESSURE” Cookers and you will never have a reason to BLOW YOUR LID. With God HE just boils over into our hearts.

  11. Wow. Must I choose just one area? I struggle with being a perfect mom, wife, daughter, employee…. Guess I’m hard on myself

  12. I guess it depends on the situation.. Anytime I lean on myself to do it…whatever it is….only need to please God not people
    .Your book sounds intriguing!

  13. I feel pressure everywhere. I work full-time, and a wife and a mother. I feel the pressure to have a clean house and it definately isn’t!! I feel pressure to be the perfect wife and I’m not! I’m not the perfect mother either….I’m told by my teen!! ;-) The pressure to be the perfect child to my parents who have raised me. Thank God for prayers….He keeps me feeling good.

  14. Being a wife and mother are probably the areas I feel most pressured in performing. Making sure that everyone’s needs are being taken care of all the time can become quite a chore. I think that sitting back and thinking (and then accepting) that I am already amazing is an “aha” moment. Because…I am! Loving the nuggets!

  15. I would have to say I feel the pressure to always look perfect. It may sound vain, but I am approaching 40 and am dreading the fine lines I see. While striving to be a good mom, wife, friend, volunteer, etc. it is not always easy to keep up with perfectly manicured nails, lastest fashion, etc. I want look nice for my husband. I try, but it is nice to know that others are struggling with life’s imperfections like I am.

  16. Oh, definitely with housekeeping. My husband is a self-proclaimed “neat freak” and organizer extraordinaire! When he comes home on the weekends from working away all week, I feel like this is his time to really relax… not clean house, so I am always obsessing if the house is clean enough for him when he gets home. I obviously worry about this way more than he does because he always tells me that the house looks so good. He is being sweet though…. :) :) :)

  17. Like so many others, perfection was expected as a child, and I still have issues with that thought! Right now, I feel pressure to be the perfect supportive wife for a husband that is suffering severe heart issues. Hubby is being evaluated for a heart transplant and part of the evaluation is on me…am I supportive enough? I missed one appointment and the doc asked where I was!

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