Announcing The Dig for Kids Giveaway
(Psst….be sure to check out my guest post over at Nicole Odell’s Choose Now by clicking here.)
Those of you with kiddos in your life are gonna love this e-book!
The Dig is written by my friend Ruth’s hubby Patrick. (Ruth is the creator of The Better Mom where I guest post each month)
Here’s what you will find inside of this Ebook that focuses on the Gospel of Luke!
A typical Dig lesson consists of the following four components:
1. The Map: The Map tells you and your child where you’ll be going in each lesson. It is a short summary of the study ahead.
2. The Dig: The Dig is the main passage you will be studying. Following each passage will be several questions designed to help conversation and understanding. They are meant to be a guide. You can use them or tweak them to help you talk with your children.
3. The Treasure: The Treasure is the big idea of each lesson. In a short statement, it is what you want your child to remember from the passage you studied.
4. The Display: When an archaeologist finds a treasure, they will clean it up and put it on display for everyone to see. This is the basic idea of the Display. It is the application of the Treasure you have found!
To download a free sample lesson – click here.
To buy the ebook – go here.
To enter to win 1 of 5 copies I’m giving away – leave a comment in the comment section.
For bonus entries, share this giveaway on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest and then leave an extra comment telling me where you shared it!
This giveaway ends Friday, August 17th.
I think my 2 boys and I will try this out They love reading the bible at night, this sounds like fun!
Can’t wait to share this treasure with my 2 daughters!
Would be thrilled to win a copy!
I am definitely intriqued by this book. I would love to get it to help my daughters learn more right along side me.
Shared the link on my facebook page.
Looks like a great resource!
Hi I think my grandson would love this book (not think I know he will). We sent him to summer camp two years now and he loved it. This book would be perfect for his little mind that wants to know everything and asks all types of questions.
This looks like a great kids book! Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
I would love to have this study for my sons. They are both at critical times in their lives when they need to know that CHRIST is there for them no matter what… that if we lean on HIM, all the other things will just fall into place and the craziness doesn’t really matter!!
I think this would make a great gift for my grandkids. They love to read and this would be great for them to read every night.
I would love to win this and donate to our children’s ministry. I would love to see this used in our boys ministry.
Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of this!