LET. IT. GO. Sneak Peek & Giveaway


Want a sneak peek at my new book LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith?

It is on how NOT to be a control freak and start trusting God—-with our circumstances, our schedules, our homes, our hubby and kids (if we have them) and ultimately with our lives.

I am posting an excerpt over at Roomag from the chapter Hovering Over the Home. Roomag is the online magazine headed up by Candace Cameron Bure. (You may remember her as DJ Tanner from the sitcom Full House) She wrote the foreword to my book. :-)

I’d love for you to take a peek and then come back and tell me what you think.

In fact, I’ll give away a signed copy to one of you who does when it releases hot off of the presses on November 13th.

If you’d like to pre-order a copy to get it when it comes out, you can do so by clicking here. It also includes a 6 week dvd teaching and a Bible study workbook for group or individual use. Maybe you could grab a group of friends and study it together!

Okay, head over to Roomag to check it out by clicking here but be sure to come back here to comment!


  1. I watch my little sister employ your advice in her home. Her house may be messier than she’d like but she has children whose little personas are strong and I believe this is because they have a mother who values who they are. As busy as she is, she puts their belief that they are loved above a clean house, and instills in them how delightful they are to God.

    Great message. Can’t wait to read the book!

  2. Oh man, just reading your excerpt is enough to convince me that I am a control freak. I never really thought of myself that way. But, I had to have the towels and washcloths folded just right (a.k.a. my way). And, if they weren’t…I made a point to refold them the “correct” way. I have lightened up on that aspect, but even now I will put the towels/washcloths folded by others on top of the pile so they get used first. How messed up is that?!

    1. Lori ~ I totally do this, too! And what’s worse…when my husband folds the clothes, rather than being THANKFUL, I actually refold my clothes because I prefer the way they stack in my drawers when they are folded “my way.” How crazy is that?? I even have a certain way I organize the dinner plates, bowls, etc. in the dishwasher…

      1. Kimberly ~ I think we may be related. I have done the same thing with how my husband folds my undergarments. I fold them outward (if that makes sense) and he folds them inwards. I don’t know, but that just seems backwards to me. I’ve stopped refolding them, but I put them on top to be used first, just like the towels/washcloths. Dishes in the dishwasher…me too! After all, there is only one “right” way to put the dishes in the dishwasher, right?! Thank you for the laugh today! :-)

  3. I wouldn’t have called myself a “control freak” until I read this post today. Wow…I have issues! Totally convicting…no wonder I can’t get my kids to help willingly! I’ll be buying the book!

  4. WOW! That little excerpt was SO powerful to this mama CONTROL FREAK! Thank you for the reminder and for writing this book. I am truly convicted when I think of the damage I have done to my littles…..Thank you Lord for forgiveness!

  5. Ummm… I need to read this book. Just today, I was grumbling about an interruption that happened in my schedule & God gently reminded me that it wasn’t all about me. Gulp!

  6. I would love to read this book and do the study…totally felt like I hit a wall and crashed yesterday realizing that I am NOT superwoman and I can’t do everything by myself but that is so hard to admit and stop trying to do that and trust!

  7. Karen, I am so glad that I am not the only control freak .I am also glad that you wrote this book to help me learn not to be.I really like the way you tlod your preteen that stacking the dishes to make his job fun was good

  8. Oh my Karen!! You hit the nail on the head!! I really needed to read that. I’ve been struggling with our 12 year old lately and his chores. Thank you for giving me the questions to guide my response. Thank you so very much!!

  9. Where was this book when I was raising my children and early years of marriage? Oh well I can still learn from this book, God continues to stretch and grow me every day!

  10. Wow….you were standing in my kitchen last night ..and the night before…and before that! I am a big control freak when it comes to cleaning the house, and especially the kitchen. I accuse my 23 year old daughter still at home that she is slack so I will yell and just do it myself! Thank you for helping me see what I could not. I can’t wait to read this book!

  11. I see myself there now. I have already raised 2 kids but I am starting over by raising 2 of my grandkids. I really need to step up and start now while they are young. This will be good for me to learn not to control everything and learn to LET GO.

  12. Karen,
    Is there any way you can get my husband to read this? You see, he’s the real control freak, demanding everything be done his way which isn’t even right! Joking aside — have you been spying on my house? I may start peaking behind the curtains. But I would dearly love to read your book first.


  13. I am the granmother of 6 five of which are boys,they try their best to help there Mom sometimes they miss things and I jump in and remind them to do it,there mommy (my daughter) says to me Mom, just Let It Go. I know when she was little girl,she loved helping around the house,she now has a 4 year little girl who also loves to help her Mommy. I keep her while her Mommy subs at the boys school, when I wash dishes she gets her little chair and says “Grammie ” I will help you and part of feels I can do it faster then I remember when her Mommy was little to just “let it go” and let her help.. I guess it teaches us patience no matter how old we get,our kiddos need to learn,and we need to learn to Let it go.
    Thanks for the book would love to have it, dont know if I will be able to afford Iam on disability and have a fixed income. God Bless You!!!!

  14. That was a wonderful chapter on how that need to be in control touches every part of our lives. Although my kids are grown and no longer wash the dishes for me, I remember the struggle it was back in the day! Now, I would be happy to have them wash the dishes just so I could spend time with them!

  15. Ooh!! I just peeked “a little bit” because I want to wait until my copy arrives on the 13th (like shaking Christmas packages two weeks before the big day?), but I am excited about what I saw. “Can I pause and praise instead of interrupt and instigate?” PERFECT! Looking forward to reading the whole thing over Thanksgiving break!

  16. Oh I have that same scenario in my brain… but it is my husband washing the dishes!! Does that mean I have to bite my tongue with him, too? LOL

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