The Joneses are Overrated Giveaway

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NOTE: It is not too late to join over 8,000 women who have now signed up for Proverbs 31 Ministries” Melissa Taylor’s online Bible study of my new book LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith.

Sign up here.

Get started by reading  LET.IT.GO.Free.Chapter until you can get the book.

Check out the optional conference calls by Jill Savage, Sharon Glasgow, Candace Cameron Bure and me here.


Welcome to those of you who found your way here after reading my Proverbs 31 devotion tody. If you haven’t read it click here to do so and catch up with the rest of us. :)

Today, let’s chat.

Do you struggle with contentment? With keeping up with the Joneses?

Is this something new or have you done this since high school?

Do you think social media like Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest make this harder when you see what others are doing, buying, making or thinking?

Have you ever had to go on a media fast to realign your contentment?

Any tips for gaining contentment that you’ve learned along the way?

How about any guidelines you put in place for your online viewing habits?

What do you think of this statement: discontentment comes from counting someone else’s blessings instead of your own?

Leave your thoughts and questions in the comments section. We’ll tackle this topic together today.

Also, one person will be chosen to win this giveaway.

It includes:

~ A copy of LET. IT. GO. (signed to increase the worth at your garage sale someday!)

~ A pink and brown softcover, compact, but large print Bible in the Holman Christian Standard version.

~ A bright, funky journal–you can use it to count your blessings.

~ An index card binder system, to use to record and memorize verses to help you keep your perspective.

~ A bag of cinnamon coffee–just for fun!

Okay—let’s chat. What are your answers to any of the questions above or any other thoughts you have?


NOTE: the winner of the free conference call on how to write a bang-up book proposal is: CassandraS Send your email address to [email protected] so we can get you signed up for the call. If any of the rest of you who did not win want to sign up for the call, the information is found here.


  1. Wow this is sooooo interesting, I just got off of a media fast. I remember one night I was crying out to God asking him what was wrong with me and why I didnt feel the same as I used to. I was noticing I was growing a little envy towards some ppl on facebook and other social media sites because I was seeing how luxurious they were living or so I thought. After reading his word and crying for an hour God spoke to my heart and told me to start a media fast. It was amazing how much more time I spent with him and even with myself just letting my brain rest It felt amazing. I’ve learned that with all this social media it is very easy to lose yourself in it and lose focus on whats really important. I feel much better and have honestly only been on facebook for less than 5 minutes since the fast. I also limited my sons time for TV and internet. Now we spend more time together, he is not a fan of it…yet. :) Its funny because this blog was pretty much like a confirmation to what God had told me to do and I am happy I listened. God Bless you and Thank You!

  2. I have struggled with contentment, but am really trying to see what God has for me in my current circumstances. For me Facebook is a way to get glimpses into people’s lives with whom I otherwise would not be able to have contact. Try to see comments as a way to pray/praise though sometimes hard not to wish I also was experiencing some of the things about which I read.

  3. I find that many times we all get sucked into the keeping up with the Joneses. It’s so easy to see what everyone else is buying, where they are going and everyone wants you to think their kids are perfect, with social media. When I get caught up in thinking wow….I need to be going on this great vacation or buying that expensive car, I am reminded of the many people who have it worse than I do. They would give almost anything to have what I have and it can all be lost so easily. People are so far in debt these days that they are an illness away from losing it all. So when I find myself wanting to get discouraged, I just think of all that I do have and that someone, somewhere wishes they had the same!

  4. i’m really struggling with contentment right now. i’ve always compared my situation with others, and God has recently been working on *trust* with me. trusting that i’m where i’m supposed to be, that i’m who i’m supposed to be, and mostly, that i have exactly what i need.

  5. I heard this definition of contentment long ago, and it has always stuck with me….”Contentment is wanting what you have.” So many times it has helped me to think on the things I DO have, not on what I DON’T have.

  6. Hello. I just found your blog today. It was an amazing read. It was something that is current in my life. I’m a mom of one and one on the way. As I was reading about the Joneses, I saw that in how I feel about a lot of people. I see everyday on facebook how someone is doing this, someone is making that. I’ve even had to go so far as to hide some friends and families posts because they can make it pretty overwelming. Im very happy for them, but some like to just throw it in everyones faces. I do wish I had something I could sell and make lots of money, I wish I had my own home. I wish I could cook better. How I feel when these people post is a bit of jelousy. I need to start learning to put God first and know he will provide my family with what we need. And God has given me talents that others cant do. So, at the end of all that, I need to count my blessings and be thankful for everything.

  7. I think social media is a huge killer of contentment. Everybody looks their best on facebook and can say anything they want without anyone knowing whether it is true. Some people make it sound like their life, husband and kids are beyond perfect all the time – and there is no way that is true! I like your saying about discontentment coming from counting other people’s blessings instead of our own – that is so true!

  8. Discontentment…seems from a young age we were taught to be better, compare, win….and so, Its kindda became a sad part of society…judging and comparing instead of seeing what God wants us ro be.

  9. I have gone on a media fast and it was very freeing. It does help to align you with what is right with the world. I also find contentment when I start my day with God. Breathing in the silence of the morning and reading and listening focuses me to make it through my day.

  10. I struggle with the contentment issue- I tend to be a little addicted to Pinterest. I refuse to join any FB/ myspace type website. I have been instituting a media fast in my home, where my whole family unplugs- then plugs in to a family activity (devotions, a board game, discussion). It does help :)

  11. Contentment is something worth striving for! I think I get it under control then the social media sets me back. I’m also thinking this will be even a bigger problem as my kids & grandkids get bigger so that scares me alot.

  12. Yes, I think that social media leaves you feeling discontented, esp when you see your friends and other people buying clothes and other things.

  13. if you count other people’s blessings, you’ll never be happy. I had a Bible study years ago, when I had to write down each day’s joys and blessings. It was amazing how many there were, and some so simple. From going through nearly 10 years of difficult financial times, I have learned to appreciate and love the blessings that are not materialistic – my children, good health for all the family, seeing a beautiful sunset, walking in the woods, strolling along a beach, etc. Those so-called “hardship” years were great because I gained contentment by enjoying the most important things in life rather than material possessions. I do like posssessions too, but my happiness is not dependent on them.

  14. I also struggle with contentment, and the media doesn’t make it any easier. It is all around us to want more, have more, do more. Contentment is something worth striving for!

  15. Thanks for a great devotional this morning that speaks directly to me. I am constantly comparing myself to everyone that I “see” online and have to remind myself that all I am seeing are the best snapshots of their lives. I only need to focus on Christ and His plan for my life and the life of my family. I struggle with wanting to give up the internet completely but then I would miss out on encouragement from the likes of you, Karen! So it’s all about balance, which is pretty much impossible unless my focus remains on Christ and His perfect love.

  16. Discontentment comes from counting someone else’s blessings instead of your own..when we look at what others receive it is easy to think less of what we have. If you get stuck in this rut it may be very hard to get out and you may very well become discontented.

  17. I’ve been struggling with this for sure – but more for keeping up with what I think others expect of me. I don’t worry so much about the perfect house or car or clothes. My struggle is rooted in WHO I should be. I compare against “better” moms, “better” wives, “better” Christians. My husband wants to keep up to a standard he has in his mind of where we should be in life, so I try everything in my powers to bend the finances to afford things (and stretching the dollars to cover it all), to take the vacations, to keep the kids in sports, while wearing myself out. I’m a juggler. And I’m tired. And now that our oldest son has been diagnosed with a GI issue that requires a special whole food/whole grain/low dairy diet, I’m trying to keep up with that while working full-time. I NEED to let it go. It’s just the how. How do I do it without it all crashing down?

  18. I need a lot of help with counting my blessings and nt being worries, stressed, and anxious all the time!!!!

  19. With media it is so easy to pretend. To be fake. My sis-in-laws facebook page makes me sick because she has the picture perfect life. She posts pics of her big house, perfectly decorated, with nice furniture, her darling daughter with all her accomplishments, her amazing husband who does x,y, and z, etc. But I know her real life. Her husband lives in a locked room upstairs, is dating other women, and not providing for his family. Her daughter has several health issues and is behind in developemental growth. They cannot get a mortgage on their huge house because they don’t make enough so they are just paying a “fee” to the bank to let them live there. But to look at her facebook or pinterest page you would think she has got it made. You would want her life and feel discontented with yours. I think it is good to keep in mind that everybody has problems. There are no perfect lives. No perfect people. The person who has the perfect facebook life may just be trying to hide the nightmare they are living.

  20. Karen, your devotion today put in perspective what God has already been tugging on my heart about recently. I have realized that my struggles seem to be magnified by social media (specifically Facebook for me). Recently I have had little desire to look at or post on Facebook for the same reasons you described. When I have had a thought about posting something I have asked myself ,”Why would I post this?” The answer was usually to put myself in the comparison of others for all to see. So I have just chose not to. Thank you for putting it into more of a scriptural perspective! Your obedience to share Gods word and heart on this subject confirmed Gods tug gave me more clarity!
    I will also be sharing with a struggling friend!

  21. Contentment- I thought I was the only one that struggles with the whole looking at Facebook and Pinterest.. UGH!!! It hurts. I desire to be content, I strive for my children to be content, why can’t I be content. I have a loving Father who died for me why can’t I just be happy?

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