Walking with Jesus Giveaway

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Welcome to those of you who have found your way here after reading my Proverbs 31 Encouragement for Today devotion. If you haven’t read it, click here to see what we are commetning about today.

You back? Good. Let’s chat.

Have you, like Peter, ever followed at a distance?

Are you ever tempted to now?

What part does the Bible play in helping us to stay close behind Christ, following His lead?

These are the things we are chatting about here today.

Leave a comment today about this topic and you will be entered to win a Walking With Jesus giveaway. It includes:

~ A copy of our newly released NIV Real Life Devotional Bible for Women. {A $34.99 value!}

~ A $10 Target card

~ A Ghiradelli Intense dark chocolate bar

Winner announced Wednesday.


Speaking of winners, the winner of Julie GIllies book Prayers for a Woman’s Soul is: Maryann Schwinge. Send your home address to [email protected]


  1. Wow. How easy it is to follow from the distance and not even realize it. I want to be walking right beside Jesus but sometimes it takes something like to to make me realize that I’ve fallen behind and need to catch up. Thanks so much for that reminder! By the way, saw Karen at Heart at Home this weekend, great workshop on dealing with inlaws and outlaws!

  2. Throughout my childhood and even through college I was a very faithful Christian. I went to parochial schools and had a very strong faith. Christ was very evident in my life on a daily basis. I’m not sure what happened, but shortly after getting married my faith started to wane and He was placed on the back-burner. I made some bad choices and have now found my way back into the Word. I am hoping to get myself back to that spiritual place I was at before. I am making time for Bible study again and letting Him lead my life again. I couldn’t be happier!

  3. This hits me hard. I don’t have time in the evenings but I need to rearrange time before my DD arrives home for some quiet time. Thank you for your timely message and this opportunity :)

  4. Thank you for the wonderful devotional this morning ~ I too struggle with following Jesus from a distance ~ my prayer is that I be “present” in my walk with Him and that through gaining knowledge through His word, I gain boldness to share Him with others. Lord BLESS you and your amazing ministry!

  5. Guilty of not spending enough time with Jesus and putting HIM first. It seems like on most days I talk to HIm at the end of my day and just for a few minutes because I am exhausted but I am sure he will give me the strength I need if I put HIM first like I should.

  6. I think that at one time or another we have all followed at a distance, I thank God for His Word and His people and the power of prayer; it is through these that when I have followed at a distance I am reeled back in to a closer walk with my Lord!

  7. I have been struggling with this topic for the last week. How do I improve my devotional time so that it will draw me closer to God and let others see what God can do for you and me? I don’t want to follow I want to be in his pocket.

  8. I enjoy doing & leading Bible study, but still find myself not spending time daily in the Word. For me it’s a process, creating and adding routines that stick. But with an ever changing schedule, routines are often disrupted! I enjoy reading Proverbs and often take notes on things I read. I find the writing helps me to move the words from the page into my heart & life. But one reading doesn’t do it! I really need to read His word every day.

  9. This subject of following at a distance has come up twice this week to me. I too am guilty of following at a distance. I have been a follower of Jesus for a long time but not beside Him but a ways behind. It’s like knowing that I should be closer but not doing it. Although there are times when I am walking more closely than others. I need to work on this.

  10. Karen,

    I appreciate your thoughts today very much. I think I will be chewing on them for awhile. Thank you for this challenge and life story from Peter. I’ve been guilty too of following at a distance. But, I desire to be so very close to Him.

    Blessings to you, Hester Christensen ;)

  11. Very good devotional today! I gain Jesus’ perspective when I am in the Bible regularly. That makes me a better woman and closer to Him too!

  12. Just when you think that you’re walking closely with God, something happens and causes you to fall behind…… I never compared myself to Peter before, but it makes absolute sense! Thank you for causing me to do a little soul searching!!

  13. I am real good about staying close to Jesus when I am involved in a Bible study. But, when it comes to an end, I tend to follow at a distance. Thank you for the reminder to always walk with Him.

  14. Walking at a distance. It’s so easy to let life push you further and further backward. Being in the Word and allowing it to get into you is indeed the key in receiving the strength to persevere…..and catch up.

  15. Thank you for today post. I find myself trying so hard to spend quality with God and in his word. I try to start my mornings with devotions and it works for a while then I find myself feeling like I don’t have enough time to balance everything. Need help and prayer

  16. So guilty of this…On my husband’s side of the family you really get ridiculed for be a Christian and I find myself not saying a whole lot about it. But lately I have prayed for a boldness so I can be strong enough to start saying something and not being afraid too.

    Thank you so much for today’s encouragement.

  17. Wow!..I feel the pressure on my toes as they have definitely been stepped on. It is so easy to only discuss God with certain folks. Not wanting to be the odd ball or outsider. Thanks for the encouragement to study and show all the world we Christians are proud to be part of God’s people.

  18. Ugh, I am guilty of this. I try, I do… but do I? In this day and age of social media (both a blessing and a curse in my opinion), I find I will often hold back speaking His truth, or not even saying/reaching out when my heart knows I should… all because I’m “worried” what someone might think.

    Thank you for this powerful reminder that we are called to be God’s witness, and to always, ALWAYS walk BY his side.

  19. It is so easy to cower to those who are skeptical of your faith. I try more and more to be who I am, but sometimes other’s opinions get the best of me and I find myself following from afar in situations. I am getting better, but have a long way to go. Thanks for sharing this devotion today!

  20. What a great reminder – best intentions often go by the wayside – but being immersed in God’s word is one that shouldn’t – it is as essential to our well being as eating – sleeping – thanks for the post!!!

  21. Great post and I fit the bill when it comes to following at the “arm’s length” that Jen S shares….I can look at Christ square in the eyes and know He is the ONE who provides, comforts, listens, answers….and on and on….but, to claim Him in the midst of a crowd of those with body language and facial expressions, I coil back and don’t proclaim and share as boldly. I notice even when we meet in a public setting for Bible study, if one of the women is talking so boldly about a Scripture and her voice is louder than our table, I tend to become more silent in sharing so others won’t be somehow offended by discussing the Bible in public. Your post was a reminder to boldly read and learn and grow more in God’s Word and focus on Him. Thank you.

  22. For over 50 years I have felt that God/Jesus is with me and by my side continuously. So I would say that it is more of a friendship than someone I don’t know. We talk daily like friends do, or I Talk to him every morning then listen for him the rest of my day.

  23. i am one of those who follows behind….I was introduced to Prov.31 late last year and since following all of you wonderful women
    daily since, I have seen and still very much seeing a big change in myself. But, for some reason (???) I just have NOT been
    reading the Bible on a regular basis. BUT…because of your words today…an article I read yest. and a “feeling”
    I know that God is calling me to read his word on a daily basis. I just don’t know where/how to begin.
    Thank you for your inspiration and guidance!!.

  24. As much as I hate to admit it, I feel like I have been following at arm’s length. It scares me sometimes to think of the risk, unknown that may be involved if I follow so closely with my whole heart. That being said, when things go wrong, as they often do, He is the first place I turn. he is my hope and strength. I just crave a more intimate relationship on a daily basis. I am trying to really dig into His word- really read, learn and study it- to help keep me closely tied to His truth.

  25. Thank u for the reminder. So often the busy bustle of life distracts me
    From my top priority, which creates a distance.

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