Lil’ Light O’ Mine Giveaway with Courtney DeFeo

NOTE: You still have until April 30th to get all six of the companion video teaching sessions to my newest book LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith ABSOLUTELY FREE from Christian Book Distributors (CBD) if you buy either the paperback or e-book from them. (A $27.00 value) The book in on how to stop trying to control other people, your circumstances, etc.. and start controlling your emotions and behavior as you learn to trust God. Each session features a humorous, yet biblical message on a different character from the Bible who either was a control freak or instead an example of someone who trusted God.

If you already have the book, consider buying one to donate to your church or local library or as a Mother’s Day gift so you can still enjoy the six downloadable sessions for free. Click here for more information.


I love when I see someone who has found a passion and is using it to help others.

My friend Courtney DeFeo is one such woman.

Her site is a little online corner that provides hope, inspiration and creative ideas in the thrilling journey called motherhood. She wants moms to forget the cheerios that crunch under your toes and believe your kids can light up the world for Jesus.

I’m turning over the keyboard to Courtney today while I steal away to work on my next book. She is offering a great giveaway so be sure to watch for it in her post. Now, here’s Courtney:


I remember the moment. Ella was four and Larson was two. I was having an out of body moment or as we say now … I was coming “unglued.”

Both girls were disobeying or “not making wise choices.” They would not do ONE thing I asked them to do. Can you even imagine? A two-year-old and a four-year-old being defiant? And, I think Ella smacked Larson or something absurd and I started to explain WHY we don’t do such things.

I was exhausted and I was speechless. I was so OVER the “because I told you so”… and I knew I needed some key scriptures in my heart and hers.

At the same time, God was doing a work in me. I was sorting through prayers and nudges about my career that I left behind, my identity and how He might use all of my past experience, gifts and talents to serve Him. Full story here.

I had heard of folks putting scripture to the alphabet – and I thought that would help mine memorize it! And, this would help me have a common language with the girls.

I looked some up online that were printouts and I didn’t really love the verses chosen or the format. I wanted them to be really relevant in my home (nice way to say “stylish please.”) I wanted them out on display like décor, but useful enough that we could “teach” and “train” as we went about the day.

So, combine the transplant God was doing on my heart and my desire to make some changes in my home and you get the first product that was launched on (now

ABC Scripture Cards were designed for mom’s style and the child’s heart. I thought my friends and their friends might buy them, but I had no idea that thousands would buy them in the first year. The thought of God’s work coming alive in homes all over is so thrilling.

Ella is now six and knows all 26 by heart. And so do I! Larson knows half (4 years old). We have a common language that has helped me tremendously in parenting. They are still children and still defiant – but I believe God’s word never returns void. I am praying and trusting these will stay with her for life and surface in her heart and thoughts when she needs them most.

For instance, when someone was mean to her at school …we could easily talk about the appropriate response.

When mine were scared at night, I quickly had the words to sooth their heart. He does care and He will protect you!

When they are worried ALREADY about their looks – or when they make a great choice, I remind them what God is focused on.

I am beyond passionate about empowering moms and changing little lives. We are all in this together. I am sharing 10 Ways To Bring Faith to Life In Your Home today on my blog. Scripture Memory is just one of them and this product is not the only answer.

Thank you Karen for giving me this space to speak about the God I adore and the little lights in our homes – our kids that can shine so bright for His glory.


Now, would you like to win a set? Courtney will give away a set to two of the gals who comment on this post. Simply tell us what was the first verse that you ever memorized or that you taught a child to memorize. Or, if you’ve never memorized one, pick one you’d like to commit to memory and tell us what it is.

You have until Sunday at midnight to enter. Winner announced Monday.:-)

Happy weekend!


  1. The first verse I memorized was Isaiah 41:10. “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you. I will uphold you with My victorious right hand.” That verse as been my life verse. It helped me get rid of all the fear I had the first time I had to fly for business. I had always been scared to death of flying, but I meditated on that verse and it got me through my first flight. And now I love to fly.

  2. I can’t say I remember the first verse I memorized but I do remember learning Psalm 100 and Psalm 23 in first or second grade. The verse I am committing to memory this week is: 2 Timothy 1:7- For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

  3. The first Scripture verse that I ever memorized was–Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. And what a great verse for this tired momma to remember daily :)

  4. The first scripture I taught our oldest daughter was
    Nahum 1:7a
    The Lord is Good (she was about 3yrs old)

  5. As so many others have said, John 3:16 For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, that who ever believes in him shall not parish but have everlasting life.

  6. My daughter is 4 and one of the first verses she memorized for AWANA Cubbies this year was “All have sinned.” She talks about it at least once a week, and I’m proud she already knows that we’re all sinners, but that the good news is “Christ died for us,” the other verse she first learned!

  7. I don’t recall whether it was Psalm 23 or John 3:16 that I memorized first in Sunday school. I’ve always delighted in Scripture in songs as the music helps me memorize faster. There have been lots of choruses and hymns that have planted Scripture in my heart. Now I’m teaching them to my grandchildren.

    I’d love an ABC set for my daughter and grandchildren.


  8. ” I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
    This verse was one of the easiest to memorize but has been the hardest to follow. My personality is set on auto pilot when it comes to doing things in my own strength. My tendency to just do it on my own has come to a near crash many times. But this verse has also become a life verse for me, God reminds me of it often!

  9. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength….You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Live the great commandment through the great commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

  10. These are beautiful! What a gift you have Courtney! & so on time because we’re getting ready to dedicate our 1 year old daughter to the Lord in a couple of weeks; and in general, I’ve been thinking/praying about helping my three year old son know and memorize scripture. Thank you for all you do to help little ones know God more intimately in an age-appropriate and fun way!

    {Love you Karen :)}

    1. Oh I almost forgot, my favorite scripture is Psalm 62:5 My soul wait patiently for God alone for my expectation is from Him. I’ve been a Christian for about 7 years and this scripture has been consistent since. I also have a lot of favorites from Psalm 119.

  11. Not sure if it’s the first, but one they know and we refer to often is Psalm 56:3 “When I am afraid, I will trust in You.”

  12. Absolutely LOVE these cards – they are beautiful and special! I first memorized Jn 3:16 as a child in Sunday school. It’s impacted me ever since :)

  13. The first verse I had ever fully memorized was Jeremiah 29:11. This verse also ended up being my class verse when I graduated high school in 2007. I look to this verse quite often today as I take on new roles at church, try new career paths, and think about my future. It all seems overwhelming and it can be confusing, but knowing that God already has it all figured out brings me great comfort and relief.

  14. Mama taught me John 3:16 as my first verse, and I passed that on to my children! My life verse is Isaiah 41:10 & 11.

  15. The first verse I can remember learning was John 3:16. Being a young child and thinking, why would someone die for me? Oh how to learn of our GOD and his unconditional love for us. Those scripture cards are way too cute and I would love to have a set!

  16. We would have memory verse contests. We always started with the shortest possible…Jesus wept…Pray without ceasing…Remember Lot’s wife. Then move on to others. One of the first my daughter learned was Psalm 23.

  17. What beautiful scripture cards! What a great idea! I just love these and I so hope I win a set. The first one I memorized was John 3:16. Yeah, that is one of the “typical” verses that people memorize, but I did so because long before I was a Christian and read the bible I would see personalized license plates with a bible verse on them (such as JOHN316 or DEU 6 5) and I was curious what the verse is. I’d see John 3:16 all the time.

  18. One verse my kids have all memorized (mostly because it’s so easy ) is 1 Thessalonians 5:17 – Never Stop Praying! when we were learning it, we put little stickers on our wrists so that every time we saw the sticker, we would remember that we needed to pray right then and there. Worked like a charm! my son said he prayed 30 times that day!

  19. First verse I recall memorizing was John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him could have eternal life.”

  20. Psalm 34:4 “I sought the Lord & he answered me. He delivered me from all my fears.” It was the very first verse I memorized when we began our faith walk, and one of the first I taught my kids. It’s a constant comfort to me and, hopefully, them.

  21. My first verse to tuck away in my heart was Phillipians 4:6. Over the years, I’ve noticed my anxiety is almost completely gone!

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