Wife After God Giveaway with The Unveiled Wife: Jennifer Smith

0Today I’ve asked Jennifer Smith from The Unveiled Wife to tell us about her new book Wife After God and offer a giveaway!

Jennifer began a web-based ministry for wives in March 2011. She publishes weekly marriage articles on her personal blog, UnveiledWife.com, including encouragements, devotions, and prayers of the day, all geared towards empowering and discipling wives.

She and her husband currently serve as leaders in the Marriage Ministry at their church in Southern California. Jennifer is devoted to encouraging wives all around the world to develop God-centered marriages.

wife-after-god-30-day-devotional-unveiled-wife1-1Wife After God is a refreshing and inspirational 30 day marriage devotional for wives who desire to have a deeper more fulfilling relationship with God and their husbands. This devotional study was prayerfully composed with 30 days of biblical concepts and practical challenges to help you nourish your relationship with God and your relationship with your husband in marriage into ones that are captivating, intimate and extraordinary. Every day you will be presented with a biblical topic to help draw your nearer to your God and your husband. You will find that as your relationship with the creator deepens so will your love for your husband.

Jennifer, tell us a little bit about life at your house this summer.

This summer is special for us because we have the privilege of spending quality time in Bend, Oregon visiting with family! Escaping the heat and congestion of Southern California, we are enjoying the fresh air and the incredible scenery along the Deschutes River.

What is your heart’s passion for your blog and ministry?

My heart’s passion is to help develop strong Christ-centered marriages. The ministry of Unveiled Wife is simply to encourage wives daily, through prayers of the day, testimonies, and articles dedicated to discussing relevant marriage topics.

What prompted you to write this devotional?

Wife After God is the result of a need I had to draw closer to God. I realized that as my relationship with God grew, my relationship with my husband also grew. I feel like God prompted me to write out what He was teaching me about these two important relationships and wanted it to be available for all wives to be encouraged by.

What do you hope readers of this devotional will gain?

My hope is that wives gain a better understanding of the correlations between our union with God and our union with our spouse. I also hope that the message woven throughout the devotional will inspire every wife who reads it to be intentional about building a Christ-centered marriage.

You are offering a giveaway today to my readers. Tell us about it.

I am so excited to be giving away 2 free copies of Wife After God! All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below telling us how your marriage could benefit from this devotional.

Two random winners will be announced Sunday night, August 25!

Before leaving your comment, check out this trailer for Wife After God:

(If you are viewing this via email, click here for video)


  1. This really hits home with something God has been trying to teach me lately. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God” even before my marriage, God is top priority. Sounds like this devo is just what I need for this season of my life.

  2. This book is on my “wish list”. I know that I can personally use it as a tool to strengthen my relationship with the Lord as well as with my husband. Not only that but I’m into her a few young married women that I know will also benefit from this book. god bless you for writing such a wonderful devotional book.

  3. I’m trusting God to fulfill His promises to me in restoring my marriage. During this difficult season, I’m relying on Jesus to be my Spouse and am always looking to find more ways to draw closer to Him. I know God will honor our marriage and rebuild it to something stronger than i could have ever hoped, asked or imagined it could be. I pray God will use your words to help each woman who reads it to fulfill our role as a faithful, loving and committed wife.

  4. I would love to read this book! I know God is nudging me to work on my marriage more as well as spending more time with Him.

  5. My husband is my best friend on earth. I’m always on the look out for godly ideas to strengthen my marriage and bring my husband and I not only closer to each other but at the same time closer to God.

  6. As we approach our 20 year anniversary I feel further than ever from my husband. We put kids, work, church, house, aging parents, everything in front of our marriage, and probably always have. I would hope this devotional would help me, as well as help me to learn how to approach this subject in a non confrontational way with my husband.

  7. I would love to have a daily reminder to be less selfish and to put my husband first. A few months ago i was lead by god to a christian bookstore i thought it was for a book on how to be a better mom but while i browsed the shelves i found one on how to be a godly wife. I learned a lot of things from that book, the only thing is that its got a lot of pages, lol. I’ve got two small children so i dont have time to get into that book, but im excited to have found this blog/devotional. Its the perfect thing for me. Thank you for sharing your blessings!

  8. actually I’d like to win these 2 copies so I can give them away. Two friends of mine are getting married in a month. The girl is passionate about God and seeking God, so I’d like to give her a copy with the hope to easy her way into a new chapter of her life and to do things right as much as possible from the very beginning instead of learning on her own mistakes (which I guess is a part of any relationship as well). Another one I am thinking at the moment would be for a ‘stranger’/or someone whom God may place into my life who will need this devotional as an encouragement to improve her marriage.

  9. Thank you for sharing with us-I am hopeful for my marriage and y walk with Christ. I get discouraged as my husband is not a believer and I pray for him. I think your ministry and book would help me to continue to work on myself and my marriage and honoring God.

  10. I am blessed to be married for 16 years now! I’m always searching for ways to be more like Jesus-in the “dailys” as well as my marriage! I would love this devotional! Blessings

  11. Even though we will be celebrating our 34th anniversary next month-yeah God!- there is always room to make things better and closer to God. We have faced challenges the last few years with hubby becoming completely disabled and no longer working. He has taken on the role of homemaker while I now work to help ends meet. Looking back, we can see where God’s plan for our lives doesn’t always line up with what we thought we wanted!! He is always in control and wants what’s best for us! God has allowed him to be able to minister to people he would never been able to help, including family members had he been working a full time job. God bless you in your ministry as well!

  12. i thank God for having His hand upon my marriage. It has not always been an easy road and during the early years of my marriage there was many times that I felt like ending it. However God has been my Rock and has guided me through all the difficult times. Reading the Word and books like the Praying Wife I have matured and triumphed. Now I am married for 14 years and each day my marriage grows stronger and stronger by the grace of God. Having a beautiful relationship with my Father has made me who I am today and I know that He s going to take me to greater heights.

  13. God willing
    I’d love this book
    You see I divorced after I got sick
    As my hubby and I weren’t coping with my illness
    And a small baby at the time
    I ended in Europe being told I had / weeks left to
    Live. Ended up
    Having partial amnesia due to surgery and trauma
    And then my ex husband ( I believe is still my spiritual husband)
    Flew over to be by my side, take me back home to
    Our child. He ghastly started going back to church
    We believe although divorced legally
    We still have a spiritual connection
    We do not live together but god willing could really do with
    Your book as I have a chance to recover very very slowly
    Still bedridden but with the help if god
    Anything is possible
    Sure so many beautiful marriages deserve this
    Instead of us who gave up
    But god loves us, even though we gave up
    God is showing us that the Spirit if martiage never
    Dies. We just need help
    We need support
    We are alone but with god and our beautiful
    Daughter who deserves a mum
    And dad

  14. I have been wanting this book because I know it will help me with my marriage and teach me how to become wife after God’s heart.

  15. Jennifer, I could have been YOU in that video trailer myself!!! So MUCH of what you said sounds JUST-LIKE-ME!!! 3 years ago my husband and I hit rock bottom in our marriage and I was begging to get out, after 10 years of marriage. He wouldnt give up on me and us. We tried Christian marriage counseling, but after just a few months, my heart wasnt in that. Like you said, I was broken. I had been rejected and neglected for too many years. My relationship with my husband and with my Lord was soooo paralleled (at least in my mind) that it was uncanny to look back on it now. This earthly, human man had hurt me, yes, although completely forgiveable. But I had turned my back on both him AND God because I felt that they had both let me down. After 3 years now of working on emotional and spiritual issues on my part, I’m so happy to say that my relationship with God is healing and I’ve growing closer to God than I’ve been in many, many years. Our marriage is a lot “better” than it was 3 years ago, but there’s still a void… In the trailer, you said that if you draw closer to the Lord its inevitable that you would draw closer to your husband as well. I *want* our marriage and home life to be *exactly* what GOD wants and prepared for a marriage to be!! This is what I pray for and what I know is missing~ that void! if there is a way that you could help me to understand whats “missing” or what I could be working on or doing as a Christian or as a wife, better or more completely, please let me know. If your devotional address this, I would LOVE the opportunity to read it!! Please keep us in your prayers!! Thank you for your ministry!! I’ve been following you on facebook for a while now and am so thankful for you!! May God continue to bless you!! :)

  16. God has laid it very heavy on my heart to “take care of my house”. God has got to be the center of everything. We can all be doing better and I want to do my part.

  17. I would benefit from this book in many ways… Not only would I develop a closer relationship with God but also to my husband with whom I have been struggling to restore love, trust, and communication after his infidelity 2 years ago. We have just had our 30th anniversary this summer but it felt like we were celebrating the death of our marriage. By strengthening my relationship with God I can be healed of the hurt and pain but also I could regain my self esteem and truly forgive the man I married. We are recently connected to a new church plant and have been working hard to get back to a healthy marriageable relationship with our God but my doctor recently put me out of work and driving permanently. This has now put a new financial burden added to our tangled mess. I recently have made an effort at daily journaling about something I have found that day to be grateful for… I am on day 4 with hope that this along with my daily devotional quiet time I can refresh my body, mind and soul. May God bless all who post here with an enriched spiritual and marriage life

  18. I have learned after 20 plus years that marriage is a work in progress. Requires work for husband, wife and prayers for God’s guidance, grace and mercy! We have seen God’s faithfulness in our relationship. We are again intentionally looking for ways to strengthen our relationship.

  19. My husband and I are very faithful to our church as we are there everytime the door is open unless my son is sick or something we do not foresee like that comes up. Otherwise we are there and we drive about an hour one way to our church for sure Sun and sometimes back home and bck again on Sun night if we do not have somewhere to go closer to visit etc. and we are there every wed night and most of the time for prayer meeting on Tues nights and my husband goes to praise and worship team practice on sats when they have practice and he and I attend the men’s and women’s meetings the sats that they ate gng on.
    One thing is our marriage lacks good communication skills like it should have and we both are close to God but I feel if we both could get closer to God by communication with the father then he will see to it that our marriage doesn’t lack.
    I always love a great Bible studybor devotional to help with ANY part of our marriage or our walk with God. These are very important to me.
    Leslie Wilson

  20. I believe this could help me. My first marriage lasted 30 years mainly out of pure determination to be a Godly wife and an example of Christ. After my first husband passed away I met my high school sweetheart we have now been married 5 years. I have struggled with releasing being the spiritual head of the home. We also have so little time together as he is a workalcoholic. I desire and consistently pray for the Lord to guide me in becoming a wife of a wonderful Christian man.

    1. so this is why you are on so many date sites yeah a godly wife my ass a freaky swinger
      that is full of lies and deciet

  21. My husband and I will be hosting a marriage Bible study this September. I would love a resource to share with the wives attending and also to grow in my own marriage. After 33 years of marriage, it would be refreshing to grow even closer to God and my husband. I am continually learning to be a better wife and a wife after God. Thank you.

    1. May God bless you and all those who attend your marriage bible study with marriages that reflect Christ’s love

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