God is Not Worried

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Welcome to those of you who read my Proverbs 31 devotion God is Not Worried. {Click here to read it if you haven’t yet}

As promised in the devotion, here are five ways to turn your greatest worries into your deepest prayers:

Make a list. Grab two pieces of notebook paper and on one make a list of the things about which you are most worried. Is it money? A loved one? The future? Your health? Number them one by one. Then, make a second list on the other sheet of paper with corresponding numbers. For each number, write out a one or two sentence prayer about the corresponding worry from list number one. Then, take a bright red pen and make a big X through the first list. Write across the top “I’ve got it covered. Love, God”. Post the list on your bathroom mirror. Tuck the other one in your Bible so you can pull it out each day to pray through the list.

Question yourself. Ask yourself this, “If my greatest fear came actually did come true, would God still be enough?” The answer ALWAYS is yes! For encouragement, ponder this quote by one of my favorite authors:

Our vision is so limited we can hardly imagine a love that does not show itself in protection from suffering…. The love of God did not protect His own Son…. He will not necessarily protect us – not from anything it takes to make us like His Son. A lot of hammering and chiseling and purifying by fire will have to go into the process.” ~ Elisabeth Elliot

Set an alarm. Utilize your phone’s alarm, or a kitchen timer or regular alarm clock, to remind you a few times a day to pause and pray about the issue you are most concerned about. Stop and whisper a sincere prayer. Then, go back about your day knowing you have left the issue in God’s hands.

~ Lend a helping hand. Sometimes we are able to get our eyes off of our own worries by helping out someone in need. Can you sign up to visit shut ins or those in the hospital from your church? Does a local battered women’s shelter need help serving a meal or sorting free clothes for the residents? Does an elderly person in your neighborhood need help around the house or transportation the the doctor’s or grocery store? Helping someone in need can refocus our nervous energy as we spend time with others who need assistance.

~Memorize. Recite. Believe. Repeat. Chose one of the verses below to commit to memory. Have a friend or family member be your accountability partner. Practice reciting the verse to them once a week or so until you can do it by heart. Then, believe what the verse says!!

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)  

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7) 

Do not fret – it leads only to evil. (Psalm 37:8) 

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? (Luke 12:25-26) 

An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up. (Proverbs 12:25) 

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. (Psalm 55:22) 

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul. (Psalm 94:19) 

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.  (Psalm 139:23-24) 

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food and the body more than clothes. (Luke 12:22-23) 

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. (Matthew 6:28-29) 

So do not worry, saying “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or ‘What shall we wear?” For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. (Matthew 6:31-32) 

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34)

P31devobook_1024x1024Leave us a comment telling us your greatest worry right now so we can pray for you over the weekend.

Two people who comment will be chosen to receive a copy of our new Proverbs 31 Devotional: Encouragement for Today. It will help you turn your worries into prayers.

Winners announce Monday. Have a worry-free weekend!


  1. My biggest fear and worry is that I am facing vulvar cancer once again. i had surgery in 2011 and now it is back. I am scheduled for surgery next week on the 7th. I’m afraid of going under anesthesia as I always fear I won’t wake up. I almost died on the table in 2008 when I had a radical hysterectomy for serious problems including cervical cancer, adenomyosis and endrometriosis. Since then going in for surgery brings me great fear. Also hoping the surgery is successful and that the lab results show that it’s not too invasive. If so I may not need chemo and radiation. i’m just trying to give it all over to the lord but i’m struggling with insomnia, nightmares and serious anxiety.

    1. Hope,
      When you pray, keep asking God to place His peace within you. The enemy is determined to take away your faith and hope in God. You are God’s child and he hasn’t brought you this far to leave you now. We pray for you, the doctors, nursing staff and all parties involved in your well care and recovery. Remember no weapons formed shall be able to prosper. May the peace of God fall fresh on you.

    2. Lord I lift Hope up in prayer. Please take away her anxiety and comfort her. Praying for the doctors, nurses and everyone that is with her.

  2. my greatest fear is that I’m never going to get over my anxiety problem I’ve been waking up for two years shaking and Have not found the medication that works withmy body I fear that this will never end and I will never feel normal agsin.

  3. November 1,2013 at 4:44 pm in ill.My greatest fear is …Not being to have good grades.Iam starting on-line for school,a b.s. in pschology to become a drug counselor.

  4. My greatest fear is for my aging parents’ health issues…cancer, diabetes and degenerative joints…..BUT the name of Jesus is higher! Thank you, Jesus!!!!

  5. Thanks for your thoughts Karen – and we’ll be praying for healing for your MIL and you as you support her. My worries are often centered around fear of dying; myself or close family members. In fact, I’ve started a blog that is my journey through worry as a Christian. It’s my hope to provide encouragement, insight, and help to other Christians who battle worry. I’d love to share some of your post in the coming weeks. Thanks for writing about this topic – it’s one that plagues us all to some degree but is rarely addressed!

  6. Hi everyone– This is Karen Ehman–
    I so wanted to read through and pray for all of these requests today but I got word right after I posted this in the morning that my mother-in-law who turned 84 yesterday fell and severely broke her hip. I am the only family member close enough and who doesn’t have to work who can get to her so I am headed now to make the 6 hour round trip to stay with her til her surgery is done (if they can do it–she is having heart issues too) I had to cancel speaking at a retreat this weekend but they were so gracious and are going to watch my DVD series instead. Thank you for your prayers!!!! God is not worried!!!!!

    1. God is not worried so take courage knowing that He is our Jehovah Rapha, the great healer. Be careful as you make the round trip.

  7. My greatest worry is my daughter who is overseas at school and is currently on leave of absence because of lack of money to pay her tuition. Hoping and believing for God to pay her tuition for the winter semester (this is due 11/04/2013) in addition to get her a place to live rent free. I know that God provides for His children and He also keeps His promise so I am standing on Phillipians 4:19. Won’t you all come in agreement with me. Thank you all for your prayers and love.

  8. Fantastic post that I have already shared with a friend gripped by fear. My fears come and go but the ones that always come back are for my husbands health, and for my unsaved family to experience God’s saving grace and mercy. I desperately want them to experience the abundant life and break the cycle of depression and unbelief.

  9. I worry about my two sons, Matthew & Jeremy. I want them to have a living relationship with Jesus Christ, have a Godly mate, and having meaningful employment (though I give thanks that my oldest son starts a new job, in his field of study, on Monday).

  10. I am worried about many things. But I think my biggest worry is that I will never truly feel and believe that Jesus loves me and is here with me always. I feel I should be judged and I am so disappointed in myself and my inability to be a better person and worthy of Gods love. I will keep trying. Thanks you for your post..

  11. I worry about my children and what will happen to them in the future. It is so hard for children now. There is so much inappropriateness in our daily lives with media and peer pressures. I want them to stand firm in their faith and carry it with them daily.

  12. Our 4th baby girl is due 4 weeks from today–Black Friday (ha!). Please pray for her and for my health; I’ve been having lots of contractions and just feeling exhausted. There’s still so much to do before she gets here. Thank you for your prayers and ministry!

  13. I deal with the fear in my own head nearly everyday. I really let myself get stressed when i just shouldn’t. I KNOW better but I get sucked in by my feelings of doubt. I am so thankful God is working in me to change me and my Faith in him on a daily basis.

  14. Thank you for your prayers. I am concerned for my daughter and son-in-law who are going to lose their house and are trying to find a place to live soon. I pray for their marriage and for guidance and wisdom for them especially at this time.
    God bless you and your ministry.

  15. Thank you for this devotional and chance to win a great book. My greatest fear is how to keep up with everything. I fear messing up daughter by not spending enough quality time with her. Also, messing up my marriage (slowly) by not spending enough quality time with hubby.

  16. I like your devotional. I fear for the future. I have arthritis, knees approaching replacement surgery, hands and wrists weak, surgery soon for left wrist/thumb, already had the surgery on right one. how long will I live , with no help,as I become less and less able to do the things I once could. will my daughter meet a man who truly respects her, and loves her unconditionally, and has the faith…most especially if they have children. the gift of faith in the one true God is the best gift to our children. I also fear for my financial future, how will I pay for the medicines, p.t., dr. ov’s, surgeries, care during recovery,…I cannot do it all myself anymore. I am too old and too tired. but, when I read your words the lilies of the field came to mind. and then Jesus’ own words. who of you can add even an hour to your life by worrying. each day has trouble enough of its own. let God handle it. apple

  17. Thank you SO much, Karen, for this wonderful devotion! My biggest fear right now is finances. My husband lost his job several years ago and then endured a traumatic accident. God provided literally miraculous healing of my husband’s mind and body and he is working and leading a normal life — beyond explanation! However, we have never recovered financially. I have prayed so long for our circumstances to change, and part of me thinks I should just accept that this is the Lord’s will for us. The accident and finances have definitely been a refining process and God has been faithful for sure! He is good!!!

  18. I biggest worry is marriage! I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 9 years. We never got married we talked about but it never was something that ever really matter. Well I’ve been saved for about a year and a half now. God has so many plans for me but still I am unmarried. I just need prayer I need God to show me the next step to take.

  19. My biggest fear is that husband of 23 years, who walked out on me and our kids a year ago, will never come back. God has been showing me that HE is enough, and I have been more at peace recently as I absorb that knowledge, but i still fret and worry about my future and my children’s futures.

  20. Thank you for the Bible Verses. I am copying them on notecards and will read them daily. I am also gong to set my cell alarm as a reminder to pray during the day about my worries and then give them over to our Heavenly Father.
    Please pray for my daughter, Ashleigh.

    God Bless,

  21. First of all, thank you for this post! I LOVE the quote by Elizabeth Elliot – just beautiful!
    My biggest worry right now has to do with my marriage. My husband and I are separating and I’m just worried about my future without him. Thank you for your prayers!

  22. currently my biggest worry is my future and trusting God (I know I know it says He will have our best in mind, more than we can imagine), I just get anxious about what if His best is not what I really hope and desire for….that He will be enough even then for me, but also that hopefully He will grant the desires of my heart :) Thank you in advance for your prayers! I really appreciate it.

  23. Please pray for my oldest daughter who is living outside of God’s will for her life right now. She is 18 and very much desires to be independent and out from under parental control. She has refused all contact with family. Intellectually, I know this is a stage and I pray she will grow through it; but emotionally, I am devastated to be without her in our lives and I fear that she will make choices that will impact her life negatively long-term.

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