31 Days Giveaway with Arlene Pellicane

Today I’m super excited to introduce my friend, Arlene and she is guest posting on becoming a happy wife.  Who doesn’t want that?  Be sure to leave a comment on today’s post for a chance to win one of 2 giveaway books.

Now meet my friend Arlene.

unnamedArlene Pellicane is a speaker and author of 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife. She and her husband live in Southern California with their three children. You can learn more about Arlene and find free resources to make your home happier at www.ArlenePellicane.com

Has it been more challenging lately to find your smile?

I remember a day when my son came home from first grade, long-faced, dragging his backpack behind him.

“How was your day?” I asked.

“It was so boring, boring, boring,” he replied. “I didn’t learn anything new. I played the same old games at recess. It was boring.”

I had to chuckle. If my first grader thinks recess is boring, what’s he going to think of college lectures or a full-time job? I launched into my best motivational mom speech about how we are the ones who bring the action. “If you’re bored (you know what comes next), it’s your own fault.”

I realized that day that marriage can be a lot like that. We can whine, complain, and fuss about the dull routine of married life. Doing the same thing every day and going apparently nowhere. Inwardly or out loud, we sigh, “I’m bored.”

But I have good news for you. Marriage doesn’t have to be like that. And it’s up to us to bring the action.

You can enjoy new passion and purpose in your very important job as wife. Don’t wait around for your husband to fix things for you. Be proactive to grow in your marriage.

Plan a date to a new restaurant.

Try a new activity together like kayaking, dancing, or photography.

Have a candlelight dinner at home.

Journal about five things you value in your spouse.

Take the words “I’m bored” out of your vocabulary. Realize the blahs come to everyone. Those who have happy marriages learn how to keep boredom at bay by constantly growing.

Now for the giveaway.untitled

Two fabulous people will win a copy of Arlene’s book 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife.  Leave a comment about what makes your husband so wonderful.



  1. Been married 34 years – and he is my best friend. We are total opposites and he is able to push me out of my shell and introduce me to new things.

  2. My husband supports me in everything. When I decided to leave my teaching position to take a much lower paying one, he encouraged me to do so, even though it meant he would have to make significant sacrifices. He chose to transfer to a job which required him to travel frequently and into harm’s way so that I could have my dream job. I can’t thank him enough for the sacrifices he was willing to make on my behalf.

  3. My husband is great because he makes me smile. Ever since I first met him, he has always made me smile. He still makes my heart flutter too. I would not be where I am today without him and without God’s working in my life. I thank God every day that He brought my husband into my life and for the life I have no matter the struggles.

  4. My husband is the best and most wonderful husband ever!! He started his own business 25 years ago and amid the ups and downs of a small business and the economy he has never once given up. He works hard in construction every day. Does his own work and then comes home and is a wonderful father, coaching our children in all their sports and loving me. He has always sacrificed and put his family first. He loved my mother like she was his own and constantly did things for her just like a son would. 18 months ago he unexpectedly had to have quadruple bypass surgery then a week later suffered a stroke. He had speech aphasia which affected him in that he could still talk but what he wanted to say always came out wrong. He had to do speech therapy for 4 months and he worked so hard, accomplished much and surprised all the doctors and therapists at how well and quick he overcame his stroke. God was so good to him! Truly performed a miracle!! You cannot even tell he ever had a problem. God is still healing him on a daily basis. But amid all these things he had to overcome and work through on a daily basis he continues to put us all first and praises God for all He has done and continues to do for him.

  5. My husband is great because he always makes me feel beautiful and loved. Whether I’m feeling down about my body or feeling like I failed at something, he always lifts my spirits. He asks me “who’s princess are you?” and I answer “Yours and Gods.” Today is our third wedding anniversary!

  6. My husband is my best friend and has been for 36 years. He is my iron man (he does all of our ironing!- yes dream come true) He always pitches in on all of the housework. Our grand kids love to spend time with us and he is never to busy to put down what he was doing to go outside and run with them or put on a crown and have a tea party. He has made many personal sacrifices for me so that I can do the ministry that I love. I am so blessed to have my man!

  7. My husband took on a very challenging family when we got married. He instantly became the father of three young children, one with autism and seizure disorders. But every day for the last 7 years, he has embraced his role as their father and my helpmate with joy, patience and love. In fact, when our oldest daughter graduated from high school this past week, he cried as much as I did :-) I’m blessed to have him.

  8. Several years ago I mentioned how I loathe the chore of emptying the dishwasher. My husband unloads it for me every morning and never complains about it!

  9. He is an awesome provider, he is a hard worker. When I became ill 14 years ago he and the children had to completely do everything work and take care of me, the children and the household and he did not miss a beat.

  10. My husband is a gift from the Lord….perfectly suited for and fashioned for my sanctification. He is not perfect, but loves Jesus. I am always trying to find ways to love my husband in “word and deed”. Your book looks like a wonderful way to start!

  11. My husband brings me coffee in bed every morning- I work full time and he is a Youth Pastor, the quietness of the morning is wonderful to spend alone time together.

  12. I am deeply grateful for my husband’s time he spends with the Lord at the start of each new day. I know this will bring God’s guidance to his day. This has helped bring us closer together when we need to discuss hard things.

  13. My husband is wonderful because he’s my gift from God!! Some days I forget that gift. We’ve known each other for years, but have only been married for a few months. Excited about this journey God has us on!!

  14. My husband knows how to make me laugh, he loves to cook and will tell me to get out of “his” kitchen, and he always knows when something is bothering me.

  15. After 29 years of marriage, we seem to be in a rut. Some days we dont have lots to talk about, love this man and know he feels same but we need some SPARK!!!

  16. We’ve had our ups and downs but he continually gives every thing he has for me and our 3 boys. His family always comes first!

  17. Just last night after a long day and getting stuck in traffic he was still happy to be with us with hugs for me after caring for sick children and kind words about a hasty meal, and immediately helping care for sick children and clean out sand from a scrape. He loves us and cares for us c

  18. He is truly my partner and teammate in everything! And he still makes me laugh harder than anyone I know!

  19. He balances my seriousness with his beautiful sense of humor. Couldn’t do this life without him.

  20. Never tell my husband he can’t do something. No matter how difficult *I* think something may be, my husband is willing to try it. I don’t think there’s anything he can’t do. He can build; he can fix; he’ll even sew the kids costumes for the school play. He’s supportive of me and always there for our four kids, even if what they need comes late and he really should be getting to bed (he gets up really early). I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in life.

  21. My husband is funny, he makes me laugh when no one else can. Also, he is tender towards me.

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