Living So That Giveaway with Wendy Blight

Today I’m super excited to introduce my friend and fellow Proverbs 31 gal Wendy Blight! She is guest posting how we all struggle daily with faith-fully living in the mist of our peaks and valleys of life.  Be sure to leave a comment on today’s post for a chance to win one of 2 copies of her new book.

Now meet my friend Wendy.

WendyBlightWendy  Blight is an InScribedStudies author, speaker, Bible study teacher, curriculum writer, attorney, wife and mother. Sparked with the desire and giftedness to share God’s Word, she teaches women to stand on Scripture, understand what it really says, and apply It in their daily lives.

She brings intensity and hard hitting reality to her teaching. Her messages and lessons share the specific verses and prayers that have transformed her heart and home.

She equips women to:

  • Apply God’s Word in a way that makes it relevant to everyday circumstances
  • Gain victory over trials and struggles through faithfully praying the Scriptures
  • Write powerful and effective prayers for themselves and others

Wendy has authored two books. Her newest book Living So That: Making Faith-Filled Choices in the Midst of a Messy Life and Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner: The Transforming Power of God’s Story. She has also authored numerous Bible study curricula, teaching them live in Charlotte as well as through on-line studies.

And now, here is Wendy:

Do these thoughts sound familiar?   

How am I gonna hold it all together today?

I know I should be kind, loving, patient and have self-control, but...

how can I be kind with that annoying coworker who always drinks my Diet Coke…

how can I not spew out words of anger at my husband who missed dinner with us yet again…

how can I hold my tongue with this child who again popped her little brother in the head after he stole the remote…

how can I refrain from joining in the gossip on our girls’ night out…

I know I should forgive, pray  without ceasing,  and trust God, but…

how can I forgive when my husband walked out on me after 15 years of marriage…

how can I offer one more prayer when a wayward child for whom I have faithfully prayed continues to rebel…

how can I not fear when nightmares from years of sexual abuse intrude upon my sleep…

how can I trust God as chemotherapy treatments wreak havoc in every cell in my body?

We struggle to live faith-fully in the midst of life-altering pain and heartache. We struggle to live  faith-fully life in the midst of our crazy schedules…to balance it all and make decisions that honor God. We know what we’re supposed to do, but it’s so stinkin’ hard! We want to react with an understanding heart but find it impossible. We want to be nice but can’t hold our tongue. We want to forgive but can’t speak the words. We want to trust, but it’s just not there..

So how can I be who God wants me to be in the middle of this mess?

If you identified with any or all of the above, Living So That is for you!

Now for the giveaway.  Living_So_That wendy

Two fabulous people will win a copy of Wendy’s book Living So That: Making Faith-Filled Choices in the Midst of a Messy Life.  Simply leave a comment with an example about how arming yourself with God’s word helped you make faith-filled choices in the daily chaos of life. Or, tell us why you or someone you know needs this book!

You can learn more about Wendy {and get links to a free  5 day devotional & a free chapter from Living So That} by visiting



  1. It’s easy to become complacent. To forget or even ignore the very words we need most, to remember we can’t do it all on own, forgetting to lean on God. Books such as these can give you that little reminder, that wake up call, to put down this book and instead to dive into the only Book that matters.

  2. As a ministry wife, I am always encouraging others and am in need of encouragement myself. I look forward to possibly having this tool to build others (and myself) in God’s Word!

    1. Our finances are always. So. Tight. Hubby has a job he loves with a great company, but it just is not a living wage for a large family with one income in today’s America. This book would perhaps help me know God provides for His people and that I am more than my bank account!

  3. How easy it is to get lost in the messiness of life and forget the Faithful One that offers help in the midst of our mess. The book would be a blessing as I need all of the help and reminders I can get to keep God at the center of my life and not give him the leftovers.

  4. I want to be so much better than I am! I want to be described as a person who “…never has an unkind word to say about anyone”. I want people to know that I will never resort to gossip. I often struggle to be the person I aspire to be.

  5. I need this book because I can’t seem to stop yelling at my son before school because he can’t seem to get it together no matter how much I punish him! We both leave each other in the morning feeling like a mess. :(

    1. Oh, Sarah, I have another book that I would love to share with you. If you see this, e-mail me at [email protected]. I used to be a yelling mom and the Lord did a great work in my heart. It was hard, but He has truly changed me from the inside out. And I wrote a study about it. There is HOPE!!! I promise. :)



  6. I’d like to be able to say that I’ve armed myself with God’s word to make faith filled choices, but most of the time I really struggle to live out my faith in the midst of CHAOS! I pray that I may be obedient and surrender to His will, and that He will give me His guidance/direction and peace.

  7. I could really use this book! I am looking for ways to keep God’s Word hidden in my heart and to think on good, positive things.

  8. I need this book. It’s hard to stay focused on God’s wisdom and his word when you get caught up in life and its details. When you want to react the way you think is best or the way your emotions tell you to. If only we could see God’s bigger plan. I wish I could stay focused on his word more throughout the day. I need books like this to help my heart stay focused on God.

  9. This is a wonderful study!!!! Our ladies Bible Study group is now going thru our 2nd Inscribed Bible Study, D.I.V.E. Deeper.

  10. When I arm myself with Gods word, all worry and doubt leave me, as I know He is there with me every step of the way! I am able to be there for my friends and share Gods promises with them.

  11. I remind myself of my favorite verse, Psalm 46:10- Be still and know that I am God!

    Whenever I feel out of control, I tell myself to be STILL!!!!

  12. I am currently in my room having a “mom time out” to collect my thoughts and calm down before interacting with my family any more. This helps me from snapping back at them with an unloving attitude. Being a stay at home mom has stretched my patience thinner than I knew possible, but God is definitely using the process to weed out some sinful attitudes I have been holding on to! This book sounds amazing & I would love the chance to read it, so timely for my life.

    1. Morgan, I love your honesty. We all need “mom time outs” sometimes. And if we would take more of them and spend that time out with Jesus and His Word, we would be much better wives and mothers. Thanks for setting a great example today!



  13. I am prone to forget what I know to be true about His love for me, and His hand in my life… especially when my feelings try to convince me otherwise. When the kids are disobedient, when my attitude is lousy, when I can’t seem to pull it together, the reminder from His Word helps me refocus and grounds me once more in truth.

  14. I have learned to forgive all trangressions because Christ has forgiven me! From a husband / deacon who committed “the worst” ( in my mind) to an abusive mother. I can truly say i can love them unconditionally, through Christ. I released their judgment to the Lord. I am only responsible for my response. Through Christ this is possible because all things are possible with Him! Amen! I am not perfect, but My precious Lord is!

    1. Vicki, these are such wise words you have shared with us today on forgiveness. “I am only responsible for my response!” I have come to learn that too in a few very hard relationships. And once I truly try to live that out, the relationships change for the better…not perfect but so much better than when I hold on to a grudge.



    1. I, too, struggle DAILY in this area! When I pray and ask God to show me His ways, show me the path He wants me to follow and guide me to honor Him, I’m being introduced to the Proverbs 31 OBS. At the time, the bible study was Limited Life, so I signed up and prayed “Thank You, Lord! I KNOW that was You!” So many encouraging women on the FB blogs! Now I’m doing the “Am I Messing Up My Kids” by Lysa TerKeurst, and even tho my “kid” is all grown up, I’m finding myself wanting more, another study, something that keeps me “accountable” on a daily basis, to stay in the Word. Lysa is VERY good about showing me scripture that relates to the topic and then encourages me to read more. I struggle with praying the scriptures! And I find that is really one of the easiest ways to pray—talk to God! I guess my main point here is, Eileen, maybe this is something you and I can both say: “Thank You, Lord! I know that was You!” to bringing us this book, this page, this opportunity! Psalm 25:4 “Show me Your ways, Lord, teach me Your paths…”

    2. Yes, the P31 OBS studies are wonderful!! Living So That was a spring study, and I LOVED meeting all the women. The key to heart and mind transformation…to living in the fullness of the JOY God promises us is His Word. We must spend time reading, studying and applying His living and active Word.



  15. I think I would love this book because I am still trying to learn to live with the fact that my Mom & I will never have the relationship I desire. She loves me, I love her, but we can’t be close – she won’t allow it. I know God has this, but it’s hard in the day to day when I watch friends with their moms and even my adult daughter and myself having great relationships.

    1. Mitzi, I have walked a similar road. It’s hard. But I encourage you to continue praying. God has done some special work in my relationship with my mom in the last year. With Him ALL things are possible. Still a long way to go, but every forward step of progress is a celebration when I consider from where we came. I am praying now for the Lord to tender your mother’s heart to you…to enable her to be vulnerable and willing to open up, even if it’s only in baby steps!


  16. With young children and the chaos of everyday life, I could definitely use some practical guidance and spiritual thought to keep myself intentionally focused on living God’s will for my life. Thanks for the opportunity!

  17. I try to live “so that” every day. But it’s not always easy. I left my job a year ago to take care of my parents. My dad has Alzheimer’s and my mom was not doing well health wise. She has since been diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson’s. My son started his own business which was his dream around the same time last year and it has been a struggle as well as a truck driver, his truck has had many issues, even though the work has been there. I have been his business manager as time provided. So many overwhelming situations. So many decisions. Living “so that” can be hard everyday under that kind of stress. I love Wendy’s stuff. I know that this will be awesome as well.

    1. Mandy, thank you for your kind words about my work. It means so much to hear that. And I am praying now for the Lord to bless you in very real and personal ways as you serve and care for your family. May you find sweet rest as you lay your head on your pillow at night and wake refreshed and renewed in His Spirit.



  18. I pray every morning that God would help me be “slow to speak, slow to get angry and quick to listen”, especially with my children. Keeping God first and meditating on that verse throughout the day shifts my focus off me and onto Him.

    1. Oh, I am going to add this prayer to my prayer list!! I know the verse, but I have very rarely prayed it. Thank you so much for sharing your prayer with us.



  19. This book sounds great! I tell my children all the time what is the point of going to the doctor and getting a prescription if you don’t apply it when you get home? Same with Gods word. If we don’t apply it and allow the string from our mind to our hearts attach we will go on living not transformed and I did that for years. I am just getting to a place in my relationship with Christ where I am praying scripture over my children, my husband and myself. Wow what a difference. God is watching and waiting to hear His word come from the mouths of His children and it does not return void. I believe your book would be a great resource for me as I do struggle with discipline myself each morning because I am up a lot with our 3 month old baby so I’m tired and not consistent each morning. I know this is a season though ;). Bless you for your ministry!

    1. Missy, I just love what you wrote, “if we don’t apply it and allow the string from our mind to our hearts attach we will go on living not transformed.” Such a great visual. Thank you for sharing. I pray the Lord will enable you to carve out sweet time with Him during this time of being a new mother. And you are right…it is a season…ENJOY it!! My daughter is now 20, and how I miss those times when she was my baby girl. :)



  20. I try to read my bible in the morning before the kids get up and the chaos starts. :There is such a difference in the way I’m able to handle with the stress and drama of the day when I don’t do that. I need that time with God to get my head and my heart ready to face whatever life throws at me.

    1. Amen, Laura! I feel the same way. It truly centers me and gives me a new perspective on my day. He prepares us by filling us with all we need to face the day.



  21. Wendy is gifted with the ability to weave words so that you learn and,are blessed with her thoughts at the same time. I have given Hidden Joy as gifts and would love to bless a friend in need with Living so That!

    1. Jane, thank you for your sweet words! And thank you for sharing my books with your friends. It truly is the greatest compliment an author can ever receive.



  22. Without God to anchor to, I’d have thrown out my friendships and family when they disappoint me. I know God is the only one I can look to in the midst of disappointment and that alone has kept me from burying myself under my covers each day in a world of self pity.

    1. He is our anchor, Tristi! He is our Rock and our Shield. Others will always disappoint us at one time or another, but our God never will. I pray the Lord will continue to give you eyes to look up and realize His great love for you and your great worth as a child of His!



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