Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants Giveaway with Lynn Cowell

TheTypeofGuyIs there a teen girl in your life you love? Then you are gonna love the opportunity to grab her a tool that will help her navigate the drama-filled and often turbulent teen years and that will point her toward God and His desires for her.

What a treat to have my dear friend and partner in ministry at Proverbs 31 Lynn Cowell guest posting today.  Lynn is giving away a copy of her new book, {hot off the presses==>yesterday} Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants.  Be sure to leave a comment on today’s post for a chance to win a copy.

Now meet my friend, Lynn.

Lynn Cowell 2Lynn Cowell is a Proverbs 31 Ministries’ speaker, and author whose passion is helping our generation become wise women who raise wiser daughters.

She is also a writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries Encouragement for Today reaching an audience of over a half a million people every day. A regular contributor and guest blogger, she often shares her passion for teen girls and their moms through additional venues such as The Mom Initiative and The Whatever Girls.


Lynn’s new book, Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants will help empower young women to choose to live out nine amazing characteristics—known as the fruit of the Spirit.

She will not only cultivate an inner and outer beauty, but she’ll also hold an irresistible appeal for godly guys. Shifting the focus from a guy to the Guy, she can become the magnetic young woman God created her to be.

Don’t miss this chance to win a copy of Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants for you, your daughter or a young girl you may know.

Leave a comment or share words of encouragement that helped you as a young women to keep your focus on God. Or tell us about a teen girl you would love to give a copy of Magnetic to.


  1. I would like to give this book to my niece who is in the 9th grade and could truly benefit from this book. I also have a daughter who is 10 and will benefit from this book in time too. I may buy the book for my niece and have her hand it down in time to my daughter.

  2. This sounds like an amazing book. My daughter, age 14, is just entering the world of “boys”. She want’s a boyfrend because “EVERYONE” is dating. I’m hoping this book will help me, as her mommy, guied her in the right direction and help her to internalize her importance in the eyes of God and feel deserving of boys that are deserving of her.

  3. This would be. Great gift for my niece who will become a teenager this October. Thanks for posting. I hope I win a copy for her.

  4. My Granddaughter is 14 years old and lives in a broken home. Her mom-my daughter and her dad divorced when she was small and she does get the chance to visit with him every other weekend. I would love to put this book in her hands! She is a great teen-no issues really-but is becoming disrespectful of her mom. She gives us no trouble at all, but I believe she is becoming old enough to see that her mom has not always made good choices. It could also be passed on to our youth group to use in their sessions!

  5. Working at a High School and having been a youth worker I have had young girls on my heart for so many years now. I would love to have a tool that I could use to help even one. So many girls I know are desperate for a boys attention instead of being truly desperate for Christ. I know God has a plan for all of our lives but I wish so much for them to seek him instead of the world and it’s ideas of happiness and not make the same mistakes I and so many others have made in our life. Thank you for your contribution to young women and keep up the God work!!

  6. I did not have any sort of real relationship with God as a teenager. It wasn’t until about two years ago that I truly began to start understanding just how awesome God is. My daughter is much farther ahead on the learning curve! When she received her very own bible as a gift from our church, she spent several nights reading it as her pre-bedtime book. She is always full of questions about God and her relationship with him. This book would be a wonderful help in exploring those answers. It would also be a great thing for her to share with the other two girls in youth group at church.

  7. I have been looking for something to help teach these characteristics. It would be perfect to use with my daughters as well as a Girl’s Night Out series with our youth group. Thank you for sharing.

    1. That is awesome, Melissa! Each chapter is based on the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control!

  8. Having like minded friends is important! I would like to have this book to go through with my 14 yo daughter. Thank you.

  9. Wonderful resource for my granddaughters! I would love to share this with them as they grow into the Godly women He is shaping them to be!

  10. I only wish that there had been a book like this when I was a teen!
    It would have been so helpful in the battle against what the world says and believes!
    Thank you for writing this book Lynn. I pray that it will empower my daughter
    and so many girls/women around the globe!

  11. During my teen years, having a close friend who was a genuine Christ-follower helped me keep my focus on God. She was a key factor in my firmly established faith.
    Even if I do not win this give-away, I will purchase this book to share with my neighbor and her teen daughter. These neighbors have become like family to us. It’s great having adopted grandchildren living next door while our own grandchildren live so far from us.

  12. I work as a marriage and family therapist intern and have three teenage girls that I am currently counseling. I would love to give one of them this book, or use it as a resource in my therapy sessions with all three.

  13. I would love for my 13 year old daughter to read this! Her dad passed away last year so it has been a rough year, and she doesn’t have a godly male roll model now. Thanks

  14. I would love a copy of this for my 13 year old daughter. Her dad passed away last year so she doesn’t have a godly male role model to look up to for guidance. Thanks!

  15. What helped me to keep my focus on God was knowing that I had to be an example of Christ if I wanted to be an effective witness for Christ. So I would try to do what Jesus would do and live like I thought He would want me to live. “This I do for the glory of God” would often go through my head as a teenager. It isn’t for my glory, but for God’s.

  16. Surrounding yourself with like minded key friends can make all the difference in the world. I would love this book for my small group.

    1. Hi Katrina! This is an easy book to do with your girls because it has a leadership guide in the back. I wrote this book while spending Tuesday nights with my small group of high school girls, so I had other “leaders” in mind when I wrote it!

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