Home Sweet Home and Work @ Home-with a giveaway!!

***Updated info on our possible home sale: Thanks to all of you who have been praying. Long story short….the builder has had a few inquiries on the property in the past few days. However, the realtor has told them that there is an accepted offer on it. So, as long as the folks inquiring have a home to sell or other contingencies, we are fine. However, if any of them come along with no contingencies, YIKES!!! We would be left with no home to live in. This whole journey has been a trying and exhausting one, but one that has taught us many lessons (I’ll post the whole long story when we are in the new house). Could you please pray that all goes as scheduled? We are hoping to close on both properties back-to-back sometime before I leave for the She Speaks Conference on Wednesday the 18th with my daughter and sister-in-love. Our interest rate lock runs out the 20th and the rates are now half a point or more higher. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!


**Update from last weeks posts on weight loss: I was blown away by the response from many of you who are determined that you will rid yourself of the idol of food in your life. Please keep checking back to my site. I am exploring the possibility of posting more on this on a regular basis. If you missed the series, scroll back down to get caught up and leave a comment if you too would be interested. And to those of you who have emailed me to share the pounds you have already lost, congrats and keep it up!!! Remember—move more, eat less. You can do it!!! J

Also….many of you have inquired about the status of our home sale. Well, it has been an emotional roller coaster ride over the last 22 months. We thought we had our home sold two other times, but both buyers had homes to sell and their sales fell through leaving us once again with a home sitting on the market in our slow Michigan economy.

This time we have an offer from a buyer who has no home to sell, but we have had to take a rather low offer. We asked our buyers for time to look for a deal since we had to give them a deal. Well, we found a wonderful deal and the papers should all be signed tomorrow. However, it is all contingent upon some inspections and our buyers being granted permission from the county to build a pole barn. And, if our seller (the builder of a spec home that has been sitting on the market for two years) gets another offer from a buyer with no home to sell, our offer can be bumped leaving us with a sold home and no where to live!! (and friends of ours who live across the street from the home we have an accepted bid on saw a couple yesterday looking at the house and overheard them saying they were bidding on it the next day. Now, if they have any contingencies, such as a home to sell, it won’t affect us. However, if they don’t…….oh dear, after all of this waiting, I don’t think my heart can even stand the thought!!!!) Sooooooo….any and all prayers appreciated!!! Not to mention that all of this is happening just as I am getting ready for my last speaking engagement of the year (a high school commencement address this Friday to a Homeschool Performing Arts academy) ………and two new talks to prepare for the Proverbs 31 She Speaks conference ………and getting ready to hopefully move in the next 3-4 weeks. YIKES!!! It stresses me out just thinking about it!

But enough about me…..

profile.jpg  This week I’d like to introduce you to my friend and fellow Proverbs 31 speaker Glynnis Whitwer. Glynnis is on staff with Proverbs 31 as the Senior Editor of the P31 Woman magazine.  She is the author of work@home: A Practical Guide for Women Who Want to Work from Home, and co-author of a Bible studies series entitled Kingdom Living.  Glynnis and her husband Tod run a home-based business (www.roselanecottage.com), have five children and live in Glendale, Arizona.

workhome.jpg    Today we’ll feature an interview with Glynnis and info about her book along with a chance for you to win one of two copies she will give away at the end of this week (so you have plenty of time to leave a comment on this post). Work@home” is a practical and inspirational guide offering help with all aspects of transitioning from the corporate workplace to working from home. Transitioning home requires careful thought, organization and expectations. Glynnis helps readers analyze the true cost of working outside the home, create a budget, define a timeline, find employment at home, and be successful working from home.

If you work from home or have ever toyed with the idea of doing just that, you’ll be encouraged as you enjoy this cyber visit with Glynnis. Or, if you know of someone who is desiring to work at home, send them over to my site this week. Also,be sure to check the end of the post for how to enter to win one of the two  free copies!

So Glynnis, what prompted you to write a book about working from home?


About 8 years ago, I was part of a small group at my church with a passion to help women who want to leave the traditional workplace, but didn’t know how to make the transition.  We started a small group, and then held some conferences.  I realized that there were many ministries helping women who were already home, but there wasn’t much for women who want to be home, but didn’t know how to get there.  So that’s when I decided to write a book that could reach a larger audience.


How long have you run a home based business and what got you started?


My husband and I started www.RoseLaneCottage.com in 2005.   We started it because my husband realized that although he was in top management, there was no security in working for someone else.  Actually, our only security is in God.  But my husband also wanted to spend more time with me and the kids.  I was already working at home for Proverbs 31, but we needed something for him. 


Do you have any statistics on just how many women run a business from their home?


The National Center for Policy Analysis claims there are 17 million home-based business being run by women.   However, if you include the number of women who tele-commute (work for a company from home), the number probably doubles.


What is the biggest challenge you personally face when it comes to working at home?


Without a doubt, the distractions are my biggest challenge.  I have five kids, and when they are home, my deep thinking stops.  So I strategize what I need to do while they are at school, and either don’t work when they are home, or only do simple tasks.


On the flip side, what has been the biggest blessing that has come from this choice?


My husband and I love the flexibility we have.  We schedule our work around our lives, instead of the other way around. 


What is your prayer for the readers who pick up your book? What do you hope they glean from reading it?


I pray that women who want to be home, will be given hope.  There are too many women who believe it isn’t possible for them to stay home with their children.  And their hearts break each morning when they drop their precious ones off into someone else’s care.  I want them to know that it is possible.


Any other tips or bits of advice for someone who might be contemplating whether or not this lifestyle is for them?


The most important thing any woman can do is make sure that she is obeying God’s will for her life at any given time.  Just because your best friend is working at home, doesn’t mean you should.  Take some time to pray about your priorities, and consider if you are giving enough time to your top priorities.  If not, then perhaps a change needs to be made.   For more information on how to make the transition from working outside the home to working inside, visit www.transitionhome.org.


Thanks so much for sharing with us, Glynnis!!!


You are more than welcome!!!!


Okay….now here is the way you can be entered into the drawing to win one of 2 copies of Work @ Home that Glynnis will be giving away: Simply leave a comment any day this week and share a tip about how you have successfully balanced your work at home and the other demands on your time such as family time and responsibilities. Or…leave a comment telling why you would like to learn more about making the transition to working at home. Make sure to leave your email address as well. Glynnis will pick the winners and we’ll announce them next Monday.

Happy Home-Working,





  1. I have been very blessed by the Lord on our situation. I work for a chiropractor, who allowed me to bring my precious son with me for the first year of his life to the office. I knew God had placed me in my job, and it is a wonderful opportunity to minister to our patients, but I still got to be a full time mommy. My son also was able to give the older patients love they were missing, since many of them were separated from their grandchildren by distance. After he turned 1, he started at a daycare that is next door to our office, and goes 3 days a week. He still comes to the office to visit at times, and I can see him play at daycare from my office, so I still get to be a part of his day. He has enjoyed the socialization with the other children, but he also benefited from the interaction with all the people early in life. Because of this, he is a big people person and has a heart for others. My husband would love to be able to work from home, so we are excited about this book being a way to show us how that could occur.

  2. I’ve got more questions. Please bear with me. With the economy like it is today, are home businesses as successful as they used to be? Is the typical home business made up of “extras” that buyers will have to skip in the tightening economy? What about the whole tax thing? How do you assess the market for your product to know if what you have will sell?

    I’ll quit for now, but those questions have been on my mind since I read your interview!


  3. Hi Karen,
    I will be praying for your home situation.

    I also wanted you to know that I will be praying for you as you gear up and prepare for She Speaks. I pray that God will show you new things and encourage you as well.


  4. I’m currently a stay at home mom, and have been thinking for a while now about starting a small business from my home. The thought is always so intimidating though. Is my product good enough? Do I have the time and the gumption? Can I afford start up costs? What about taxes? I think my biggest fear, however, is that nobody would want what I make. In any case, I’d love a copy of this book. I think it would be such a great resource for me!

  5. I would love to learn more about transitioning to working from home. I have 3 kids (1, 4 and 5) and work full time. I desperately want to be able to spend more time with my kids and building my family than at the office. I’ve been waiting for my husbands career to take off but have decided there may be other options for me in the meantime. Thanks for the encouragement!

  6. Hi Karen,
    I was lured in by your weight loss devotion. Thanks for that! Interestingly enough, I went searching for a daily e-devotion just the DAY before. I felt as though it was a pretty special message from the Father. Now, as I read this blog entry, I feel as though He’s really working on putting me where HE wants me to be. I would love to read Glynnis’ book.
    I am a WOHM of a 2.5 year old who is just the biggest blessing in my and my H’s life. She has a wonderful Christian sitter who has an in-home daycare, so I am also blessed there. My goal since her birth is to be home when she starts school. I remember as a child wishing that I could go to MY house and be with my mom instead of with friends and their families, but it wasn’t what my parents could do at the time.
    No income from me isn’t really an option for us right now, as we purchased a large house after a failed IVF treatment and started making plans for renovations. We’ve followed through with most of them, and now we’re working on paying it off! And – God blessed us with a beautiful little girl with no medical intervention shortly after this purchase — so I know that He has a plan for this little family!
    All of this to say – although immediately working from home would be my dream, developing a plan and exploring my options to work at home within the next couple of years is my reality. This book is likely to do me a great deal of good, and provide the guidance that I need. I can’t thank you enough for providing His message through your words.

  7. Oh, and I forgot to mention that my current job will be playing out at the end of this year. Plus, we are trying to get pregnant again, so an at home job would be a huge bonus for me. If it’s something I can do, I guess I need to start planning on it now, huh? I just need to figure out WHAT TO DO? How do you go about finding what is out there for at home jobs?

    Prayers and Blessings!

  8. I would love to be able to stay home but haven’t been able to figure out how to make it work. I am 53 and have a 17 year old son with one year of high school left and a 10 year old daughter. I have worked part-time since my son was born, which has been nice once they were in school except for the summers. I feel like I’m missing so much of their lives because I have to leave them with someone else while I work. But even if I was working at home, I’m not sure I would know how to balance my time very well to make sure I spent good quality time with my children and had everything done when my husband came home from work. I would love to read your book for any tips. I know that anything is possible with God and I pray that I can walk in His will. Thank you.

  9. The way I balance my life can be summed up in 1 word: teamwork! My husband and I share all of the household responsibilities. He goes to work early and is home with the kids in the afternoon so I can go in to the office. While the kiddos nap, he does some general cleaning around the house so I can play with the kids when I get home. I try to plan suppers ahead of time to allow more playtime. I will be graduating with my bachelor’s degree in 6 months (after 6 1/2 years of working on it), so I will have a little more free time soon. I have several ideas for businesses, but I’m not really sure what the next step is. After checking out the various websites Glynnis mentioned, I’m even more intrigued to read her book. Thanks for the post!
    ([email protected])

  10. Hi there! I have seen Glynnis’ book before, but was unsure about working from home. You know, could we do it? Could we afford it? Could I juggle an at-home job AND a brand new baby girl? My little girl will be 9 months old tomorrow and I have to tell you…I TOTALLY DISLIKE dropping her off at daycare everyday. I’m glad she gets to be around other kids, but I feel like I miss so much. She gets up in the morning, my husband feeds her, then she plays while we get ready for work. Then she’s off to daycare! After work, we pick her up and head home. My husband feeds her while I cook supper and start laundry. Then maybe just maybe I’ll have about 15-20 minutes with her before she goes to bed at 7 or 7:30 p.m. It just seems so unfair!!! On the weekends, it feels like I’m trying to catch up for the week on time spent with her, but you and I both know that doesn’t work.

    Anyway, I would LOVE a copy of Glynnis’ book. I’m multi-talented, have tons of computer experience, have DSL at the house, etc…..so I really think I could swing an at home job. HELP me do that!

    Prayers and Blessings, y’all!

  11. I have been home for the last 12 years; I have taken care of 4 family members in that time. They have all passed on to be with God now, but it gave me the opportunity to be there for my kids. I have tried several home based business( At Home America, Creative Memories; twice) and they never seem to take off the way they say they will. I now trying to sell my homemade cards and invitations, and praying this will kick off the way I would like it to. I would love to read more about how to make it successful. Our last child is leaving for college in August and would love to be able to help with some of the cost of things they all will need. Let me tell you it’s not just the cost of college, its ALL the extras that can kill you!

    Just thought I’d share and hope to learn more from Glynnis.

    Have a blessed day,
    Paula in California

  12. Karen..and Glynnis..
    Thanks so much for sharing this information with us. I am a stay at home mom..and have been for about 8 years. I absolutely love it. I never wanted anyone else “raising” my babies. I do feel called to be home. BUT I have been toying with the idea of working from home. I have researched different options and nothing seems to stand out just yet..except..a couple of things..1..I am an avid cook/baker. I would love to figure out a way to use that to supplement our income. 2. I’m interested in soap making. This is something else I have researched and found interesting.
    We are praying about sending our kids to a Christian school and I would like to be able to supplement our income for this. We also live in a rural area, so I need direction as to how to start something in a location as this. I do feel called to be home..I just need to know what I can do to earn money and stay home for my family at the same time!

  13. When my first child was born, she came to work with me as I was the director of a non-profit with a wonderful board of directors. When my second child was born, I was able to work form home writing grants and doing some part-time marketing for another company. When he was two, God paved the way for me to be home full time. Now we have four children and have always homeschooled. With the changes in the economy and the oldest just a couple of years from attending college, I have been praying about working from home again. I would LOVE to read Glynnis’ book.

  14. I currently work two hours a week (yes, that’s it) outside the home. But like other people have commented, the college years loom in my childrens’ future and the plan is for me to work outside the home starting in two years (once my youngest is in school all day), unless… I am working hard to prove that I can earn enough working “from home” in a business I started las year to cover those college costs. Then I could continue to work at home.

    Glynnis’ book sounds like it would be a great help (to me and many others).

  15. Making the transition was hard for me after working in corporate for so long. My identity was in what I did and it took me a long time to figure out who I was without it. That took over a year to do. I’m now comfortable in my role as a WAHM and am enjoying it very much!

  16. I have always wanted to work from home but I have never been able to make everything come together to do that. I am looking forward to reading Glynnis’ posts on this subject..


  17. I’m a church secretary for two churches. One of my churches is a part time position, and I do about 50% of my work at home. I love doing that. The thing is, I must always be sure to schedule work first, and then do email or blogging or whatever after the work is done! Also, a challenge for me in my small home is to store work supplies and equipment. I would love to have a copy machine but don’t know where I’d put one (and I do have a printer/copier/scanner but the ink is expensive for multiple copies).

    I’d love to read Glynis’ book and find out more about working from home. If I can’t afford to retire someday, at least maybe I could work from home totally!

  18. I was very blessed to be able to stay at home with my kids for 16 years. As they got older and the college years got closer, I realized that it would help if I could earn an income to contribute to the college expenses. I spent much time in prayer and finally decided that God was calling me to follow my passions…interior decorating and hospitality. So with much fear I stepped out in faith and began a new adventure with a new career. I love that I am in control of scheduling clients and that my job rarely interferes with taking care of my family. Every day is a faith walk, but God has blessed me in amazing ways and I don’t have the guilt of feeling that I have sacrificed my family to get to have the career that I wanted. An added blessing is that God has given me a career that is also very much a ministry.

    The biggest obstacle that I face is time management. When I am at home in my office, I see everything that I need to be taking care of in my home. I have had to learn to try to keep my home very organized so that it is not a distraction from the work…but sometimes it is a struggle. I look forward to reading this book and gaining new insights into how to make this great job even better.


  19. This is something that I think about everyday and the need for balance is HUGE for me. I have two daughters ages 2 and 5. I am a children’s minister and am so blessed to get to work from home. With ministry, it seems like my “job”- or at least passion and heart for children is never-ending. I also have ideas of writing curriculum, books, etc to supplement income but desperately need to know how to balance this with my passion and #1 responsibilty in the home. When should I begin projects? Is now the time or should I wait for my children to get older? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this. Thanks!

  20. I would love to learn more about transitioning from working in an office full time to home. I have worked full time in office settings for 30 years. I have been at my present job for 25 years and am turning 50 in a few days. I have often wondered what it would be like to be able to work at home, but I didn’t know exactly what kind of a business to start. I would love to read the book by Glynnis.
    Thank you,

  21. I am fortunate that my husband has worked hard to allow me to be a stay at home Mom, but as our kids are getting older, we are looking at needing a bit more income especially for college tuition. I would love to know how I could supplement my husband’s income WITHOUT LEAVING HOME, so I’m anxious to hear more from Glynnis this week!
    And I appreciate you both! (praying about your home buying/selling situation!, Karen!)
    For His Glory,
    Amy ([email protected])

  22. I am a mother of a 2 1/2 year old little girl. She is the apple of my eye. When she was born I realized I could not go to work everyday and miss her as much as I did. So I asked my bosses if I could start working 2 days from home. They thought it over and decided to not only let me, but to let anyone who wanted to in the office. Although they have allowed me to do this I still feel like I miss so much out of my daugthers life. I would love to be able to stay home and work!!! I would love to get a copy of this wonderful book to find out more great ideas to help me stay at home.

  23. Hi,
    I am still in the process of learning how to balance family & home. For 4 years, I was a single parent and now I’m newly married. Currently I work outside the home & my son is in Pre-K. Since he will be going on to kindergarten soon, I’ve been seriously contemplating going back to school to gain my teaching certification. My husband and I live in a state where it would be difficult to survive on a one-family income. I’m praying that if teaching is in my future, then at least this way I will be on the same schedule as my son. I’m still in prayer about everything, but hopefully in taking this route, I’ll find the balance I need to be a supportive wife and mother for my family.

  24. I’m VERY interested in reading this book. I run a very small home based hobby. I’d like to see it flourish into a business, but lack the knowledge about how to make that transition.

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