When it Rains, it Pours….and Sometimes a Tornado Hits!!!!!
Okay, people. I know that God is in complete control of our circumstances. I know He loves us and wants the best for us. I know He even promises not to give us more than we can handle. However, this weekend left me wondering if somehow, He has me mixed up with another Karen Ehman.
I am in the midst of packing for the expected sale of our home and obtaining items (like window treatments for the entire house) for the purchase of the new one—both hoping to be closed on early next week. Kenzie, my sister-in-law and I leave next Wednesday for the Proverbs 31 She Speaks conference—the one that I have three new talks to prep for and a speaker evaluation group to love on and encourage. YIKES!! All good….but still YIKES!!! Couple that with “take-me-out-to-the-ballgame” evenings four nights a week and….well, let’s just say my life was hectic enough, thank you very much!
Then, this weekend, Mitch came down with the crud, accompanied by a high fever; Spencer’s deep puncture wound on the top of his foot (that he obtained by practicing spearing fish with a hotdog roaster and then complicated by allowing a leech to attach to it while he played in the pond) became infected again requiring a trip to the doctor’s 45 minutes away and as I type, Todd is headed to the hospital with him to get x-rays on it to access the situation.
Oh yeah….and horrible storms passed through our small town in mid-Michigan Friday and Saturday resulting in our new neighborhood being hit by a tornado. (Okay…so one station says tornado. One says a squall. It was something fierce, that’s all I know!)
At any rate, some homes had major damage, one was hit by a falling power pole and transformer that fried the insides of the house, one had an entire roof lifted off like the lid of a cookie jar. Barns were leveled. Trees were uprooted and the home we are buying? Thankfully only some shingle damage, a caved-in entire garage door, minor debris in the yard, oh and I did have to retrieve the realtor’s face that had blown off the sign and was lying a yard or two away!!!!
Here are a few pictures from the highway that leads up to the new subdivision.
I am trying not to freak out. Really I am.
All prayers for my “not-freaking-out” mission appreciated!
Now, for the winners of the books from lasts week’s series of posts by Glynnis Whitwer on working at home. From the comments on the first post that Glynnis shared with us, the winners are Rebecca and Laura. Congrats!!! You ladies please contact Glynnis directly at [email protected] to give her your mailing address.
For the rest of you…please be patient with me in the next few weeks. (Even now I had to drive 15 minutes into town to a coffee shop to access the internet since the storms took that out too!)
I will try to hop on and update, but all of these circumstances have put me in a place of clinging very tightly to the Lord. It is a good place, but doesn’t allow much time for anything beyond God, Todd and the kids.
Sweet someday-I’ll-know-why-all-of-this-is-happening blessings,
I am sorry so many things are going on in your life! I will be praying for you and your family today. I will be praying that God will give you peace and strength in the midst of this “storm” that you’re in.
Keep leaning on Him as you prepare for the upcoming She Speaks Conference.
As you turn to God, I pray He carries you through this hectic, difficult time. May He bring you peace in midst of the chaos.
Lysa gave us a heads-up about everything the enemy was trying to do to take your eyes off the God-glorifying weekend coming up, so I wanted to throw my “prayer hat” in the ring and know you’ve got them being sent up for you fast and furious. Praise Jesus that the storm damage wasn’t worse, and that your family is safe! I am also praying for Spencer’s quick healing.
No more, loser enemy. You’ve done enough to this precious family!!
Love and prayers,
First, know that I am praying for you in that mission not to freak out, and to repair the damage, and to prepare for She Speaks with peace and calm.
(Satan is so obvious, and) God is so good! He is going to do something amazing… How kind of Him to make that so abundantly clear!
And I am impressed already just knowing that you’ll take these sour tasting fruits and make lemonade to refresh so many women!
(I bet you’ll do a mean Dorothy Gale!)
Hi Karen,
It’s me again. I just wanted you to know that I am continuing to pray for you as you prepare to leave and face so many other struggles as well. I really feel that God has mighty things in store for She Speaks this year. I pray that you feel His presence in a way you never have before.
Lifting you up to the Lord as you prepare for She Speaks! I’m so glad that you are safe and sound and your house only had some minor damage!!! Praying also for your family and safety while you are gone!!
Karen – I am praying for you! I am praying for peace in all these storms that seem to be hitting. He will provide!
Lord – it is so hard to trust in you when we see choas around us, yet we know and believe you are in control. Fill Karen with your peace as she prepares for She Speaks. Give her unbounding energy as she finishes her work, and be with her family as they recover from various things. Finally Lord, be with all the families in and around her community as they suffer the loses of homes and valuables. And help remind them that the true value is in You Lord. And that can never be taken away. Amen.
Lord I lift up this precious sister, her family, and the area where she lives. Father I know that you are in complete control in the mist of all of this, give them a comfort that only you can provide a peace that only you give. I ask these things in your most Holy and precious name. Amen
I’m praying that the Lord will give you His strength and power and peace in the midst of all the storms that are going on in your life. I pray He will bless you and keep you and your family in the midst of it all.
GIrl, I am PRAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry. Wow, that is a lot. What a storm and I pray that in the midst of it all He calms the one that is raging within you to complete deadlines, messages, outlines, planning for moving, closing, traveling but more than all of that caring for the Ehmanites! His strength is perfect -when ours is gone! Lord, Help Karen to lean in to YOU and let Jesus live His life in her as He pours His power into every area of her and her family’s needs. Lord, I pray that you would show up BIG in a very amazing way. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Oh sweet Karen…
I am praying for you right now. You know after every storm comes the most amazing calm.
So, I am praying for that calm to settle in and lift you up.
God, please be with Karen and help her in very practical ways right now. Thank you!
Love you friend!
I’m so sorry to hear about the weather, and the subsequent yuckiness, in your neck of the woods. I’ve said a prayer!
I’m so excited about winning Glynnis’ book! Whoo-hoo! :) :) :)
Thanks a million!
Prayers and Blessings!
Hi Karen,
I’m so sorry to hear about your new neighborhood and all of your family problems. I live in NW Ohio and we had the same storms go through. We were pretty lucky, and only had tree damage. I’ll keep you in my prayers, that God would give you peace that only he can. Take care.
Karen, You are in my prayers! This is part of what I am praying for you and your family…that “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” He also promises to NEVER leave you or forsake you…no matter what you face! He is the best help there is!!!
Karen, I just prayed for you and will continue to do so.
Thanks for taking the time to drive to the coffee shop with updates. Thanks for your heart for reaching women and families. Thanks for sharing your journey.
You have been such an encouragement to me as a mom and wife.
Praying with you.
Hi Karen,
Just wanted you to know that I will be praying for you. May you feel His peace even in the midst of storms.
Those pictures are scary looking! I’m glad your new house suffered only minor damage. I’m sorry for all the other houses that didn’t fair so well.
You will be in my thoughts & prayers as you dive into the next several weeks!
Karen, I’m so sorry for all of your trouble. It does seem to hit all at once!
TN has lots of tornado’s. They can be scary…for sure! I’m glad your house was “passed over.” Perhaps some blood from Spencer’s wound dripped in front of your door post! (smiles)
Praying for you yours!
Prayer – the first thing we do when friends call out, is never a bother, but an honor.
I’ve been so amazed by the damage that has been done in the midwest this last week. My parents are in Nebraska, and a tornado hit close to them. My sister is in Iowa, and has water in her basement. And I have friends in Indiana that have water all throughout their homes. I live in Nevada, and have never been more thankful for the dry weather.
Praying for your family and the others that have been affected by these storms. I’m glad there wasn’t more damage to your new home!