Just Imagine…..

I sat in the driveway of the car repair shop waiting for my husband to pay for the latest fix on our aging mini-van. As I did, I spied a sign on a garage nearby. It said, “Imagine Your Perfect Day”.

A perfect day.

Well, since I had a small chunk of time alone as I sat there, I obeyed the colorful sign and started to do a little imagining. Now, my mind could have wandered to a far off land with exciting site-seeing and exotic food. I could have dreamed of meeting someone famous or starring on opening night in a Broadway play amidst the cheers of adoring fans. 

But with yet another ‘daily day’ ahead of me that morning, I simply thought of imagining my perfect ordinary day.

First, I’d get to sleep in. Yep–no one to get up and out the door. No hubby waking me up when he arises BEFORE 5:00 am!!!! Once up, my coffee would be magically waiting for me–a tall, decaf, skinny mocha with a shot of mint. I’d sip it out on the deck in the warm sun while reading my Bible and praying. 

Then, it would be time to work. But wait!!! I’d look around my house and the work would be already done. No laundry, dusting, cooking, straightening or school work. My dear family would be happily going about their days. Boys out pitching baseballs to each other; Kenz chatting on her computer; Todd puttering in the yard.

They’d give me the day off.

So, I trek of to Lansing to kidnap my mom. We’d stroll through some antique malls, with no kids in tow. We’d eat at a lovely cafe.  Then, I’d go back home so I could enjoy my favorite, but seldom experienced past-time–TAKING A NAP!!!!  Once awake, I tune into talk radio—not a music station— and listen UNITERRUPTED while lying on the couch eating dark chocolate and fruit.

Dinner would also appear on the table complete with all my family’s favorites and we’d enjoy a wonderful time of laughing. Then, that evening,  Todd and I would take in a play at the university—Phantom of the Opera would suffice. 

Home. Bubble bath. Candle light. Soft, warm pajamas. 

Blessed sleep.

I can only imagine…..

Now–back to reality. That might be my perfect day, but my real day today looks more like this: school, answering emails,catching up on paperwork piles, getting groceries, cleaning house; addressing Kenz’s open house invitations and scrounging up some supper. Then falling asleep in a heap of exhaustion only to do it all over again.

But we can imagine, …….can’t we?

Well I imagine I’d better announce the winner of Micca Campbell’s book An Untroubled Heart. It is:

Molly: timestamp:

April 27, 2009 at 10:44 am 

Congrats Molly!!! Contact Micca at [email protected] to give her your home address.

To the rest of you, stay tuned in over the next several weeks for more Spring Has Sprung give aways!!

Happy ‘Daily Day’,

One Comment

  1. Karen, this reminded me of a children’s book I treasure entitled, “Imagine a Day”. “Imagine a day when the ordinary becomes the extraordinary…a day when anything is possible.” It contains such wonderful imaginings as: “Imagine a day…when you forget how to fall”; “Imagine a day…when we build a moat, not to keep strangers out, but to welcome them in.”; “Imagine a day…when you don’t need wings to soar”; “Imagine a day…when the edge of the map is only the beginning of what we can explore.” It ends with two simple words, “Imagine…today.” The illustrations are incredible.

    A friend asked me the other day to imagine a day…to imagine if I could do anything that day would would I do? I’m ashamed to confess that my imagining didn’t take me too far. My dreams stayed within the confines of what I felt I could accomplish on my own. I forgot that God could do so much more than I could imagine, but living through days of uncertainty, heartache and confusion right now, with my Dad struggling in the hospital, I had momentarily forgotten how to see a bigger picture and a grandeur plan.

    Thanks for encouraging me to imagine again today. Your “perfect day” sounds lovely. I pray you WILL get to enjoy such a day some day soon. (If your family reads your blog…Mother’s Day is coming…maybe they could help make it happen :o)


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