12th Day of Christmas Giveaway…..with Lysa TerKeurst

WEEKEND UPDATE: Just got word of ANOTHER great interview and giveaway happening next Tuesday you WON’T want to miss. I am so excited, I can hardly stand it! Kinda like a kid at Christmas!!!!

So, on your check list, make sure to do the following:

  • Comment on all 12 Days of Christmas posts;
  • Join us Monday for the awarding of the 12 prizes(and a bonus prize for one person who comments on all 12 posts);
  • Enter to win a new contest Monday in conjunction with a Proverbs 31 devotion I’ll have running and then,
  • Tune back in Tuesday for ANOTHER awesome Christmas interview and giveaway with someone I’m sure you’ll all know!!! FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!!!!

NOTE: If you are just joining us in our 12 Days of interviews and giveaway goodies, click here to get caught up. You can enter to win the prizes on any of the 12 posts until midnight EST on this coming Sunday, December 13th.

Today is our last day together in the 12 Days of Christmas journey. Makes me kind of sad. I love connecting with you each day, reading your comments and getting new ideas. If you are new to this blog and found your way here by way of this series, keep coming back, okay?

I love finding new friends.

And I love introducing you to my friends too. You get to meet one of my favorite’s today.

But, I want to tell you two important things…..you can leave a comment on all 12 posts until this Sunday evening at midnight EST. Tune back in Monday when the winners will be announced and then ANOTHER giveaway will be offered in conjunction with a Christmas devotion I’ll have running at Proverbs 31 and on Crosswalk.com.

So, if you have time, visit all the posts in this 12 day series and comment. You increase your chances of winning one of the giveaways that way. Oh…..and there may just be one more prize thrown into the pot for one fortunate gal who comments on all 12 posts. I’m just sayin’…….

Now, I saved the 12th Day of Christmas to feature our president at Proverbs 31, Lysa TerKeurst.

I first met Lysa in 2001 (or 2002?) at a Heart at Home conference where we were both workshop leaders. She struck me instantly as a transparent woman who wanted to help others ‘do life’ and do it well, introducing them to the God who had so changed her life. And she struck me as someone who was fun, as she (and my friend and her culprit Julie Barnhill) struck me with paper wads launched from their book tables to mine. When I looked over to see who it was, they’d get all spiritual, put their arms around whomever was standing near, bow their heads and say, “Let’s pray.”! The nuts!

Anyhow….back to Lysa.

Her story is remarkable.

So is her God.

She however, would be the first to tell you that, despite what women sometimes think of well-known authors/speakers/bloggers, she…… is not.

She is ordinary.

She is quick to point out that she struggles with junk drawers, cellulite, having patience with her kids; she asserts, “I feel like a success in my everyday life if I get through the day having spent time with the Lord, exercised in some way, had a laugh with one of my kids, had clean underwear in my husband’s drawer when he needed them, made a friend smile, and limited my chocolate intake within my weight watchers points!”

Yep….Lysa is an ordinary gal, just like us. (In fact, I thought about having my daughter, who spends time each week at the TerKeurst house, sneak and snap a pic of Miss Lysa for this post in her sweats, sans make-up, and undone hair, but I restrained myself. :-))

Seriously, it is Lysa’s faith in that remarkable God that makes her so sought out as a speaker and successful as an author and treasured as a friend.

So ladies, it is my distinct pleasure to introduce you to my friend, one of my daughter’s part-time employers/mentors….our P31 president and resident ‘God’s girl’, Lysa TerKeurst.

0102_TerKeurstLysa is a wife to Art, mom to five priority blessings and a nationally known speaker. She is an award-winning author of 12 books including her newest release from Zondervan publishing titled ‘Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl’. She has been featured on Focus on the Family, Family Life Today, Good Morning America, Woman’s Day Magazine, “O” Magazine and on the Oprah Show.

Lysa, this is our 12th Day of Christmas here and many of our P31 sisters have been sharing their favorite aspects of Christmas. How about you? Do you have a favorite Christmas song?

Hmmmm… I’d have to say that Silent Night is probably my most favorite.

How about holiday foods? Is there something you enjoy at the TerKeurst home each year at Christmastime?

Yes ma’am….there is! Even though I am a southern girl, I love a dish with a northern name. Every year for Christmas morning, we serve Yankee Spoiler. It is a fabulous dish that I discovered when I was at a party at a Bed and Breakfast once. Our family really looks forward to having it each year. It is a sausage and egg casserole dish that includes grits and cornbread. Yum!

Does your family have any traditions they’ve enjoyed over the years?

When my girls were little, I would tell them the story of the first Christmas by making cookies in the shapes of bells, hearts, angels, stars and trees. Using these symbols, we would work our way through spelling out the real meaning of the holiday.  In fact, years ago, I turned that idea into a book called The Sweetest Story Ever Told. Even though my kids are older, they still enjoy this activity.

Speaking of books, any favorite Christmas book you or your family enjoys?

Well, there isn’t any one book in particular. However, I do enjoy reading and sharing the account of the first Christmas written in the Bible in Luke chapter 2. You just can’t improve on God’s word!

When it comes to God’s word, you have a passion for inspiring women to not just study the Bible, but to apply it successfully to everyday life situations too.

Yes I do. Have you ever gone to Bible Study, felt all spiritually empowered, and then came home an hour later only to have a melt down over bleach being spilled on your favorite shirt?  Or one of the other one million things that can invite us women to have a good old fashioned emotional tirade?  The danger of these moments is this question that weasels its way into the core of our soul, “Why doesn’t Jesus seem to make a difference in my real life stuff?”  It’s easy to sit in Bible study and theorize spiritual answers, but how effectively is all this translating to our everyday life?

Your latest book speaks to this topic, addresses the issue of connecting with God in a real way over our Bibles each day, and provides women with answers. Tell us about it.

Sometimes in the rush of everyday life, it’s easy to reduce our devotion time with Jesus to being just another item on our to-do list— Something else that’s required of us for which we simply don’t have the time.  We know we shouldn’t feel this way about God and we hear other Christians making much of their thriving devotion time.  Shame sneaks in wagging its fingers and hissing out accusations that it will never be better for us so why even try.

There is a chapter in the book that frees women from the to-do list mentality regarding her devotion times and equips and empowers her to make this the most essential part of her day.  Not because she’s supposed to do it, rather because she can’t imagine her daily life without it. She’ll learn it is possible for her to unpack spiritual truths for herself, read verses in the context they were written, understand how these verses apply to her daily life, and practical ways to live out what she learns.

That is awesome! (That is not just an expression. I actually know. I have read this book and am leading a study on it at my church in January!) Well, for your giveaway to close out our series, what are you offering to one of our readers who leaves a comment on this post?

I will send her a signed copy of the book we have been chatting about. It is called Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl. To take a peek at it, click here.

Thanks for popping over today Lysa. And I want to thank you and my other P31 sisters personally for all you have done for our daughter since she moved from Michigan to Charlotte in August. I’d tell you to keep her away from that Yankee Spoiler, but I think my little Yankee has already been spoiled. She now guzzles sweet tea by the gallon and actually has been occasionally overheard saying “Ya’all”!!!!

Now, ladies…..this is your last shot to enter for a giveaway. Today, let’s be a little more serious. When it comes to Jesus, the greatest gift ever given to mankind (and womankind! :-)), how hard/easy/complicated/glossed-over/stagnant/vibrant is your relationship with Him and with reading the Bible?

Ever tried reading it? Did you once read it regularly, but now your passion has waned? Do you have goals for 2010 that include Bible study? Could you use some advice on how to actually live out your faith in the midst of your own crazy/busy/sometimes frustrating life? Leave a comment on this topic and you’ll be entered to win Lysa’s book. And yes, I’ll say it again….if today is one of those crazy, busy times, you can simply leave a comment stating, “I’m in!”.

Merry Christmas everyone. Don’t forget to hop on here Monday to see if you won any of the 12 Day prizes or the special bonus prize for someone who leaves a comment on all 12 posts. And remember, there is another big giveaway on Monday you won’t want to miss! (oh…this is so fun! It really is more blessed to give than receive!)

Giveaway Blessings.


  1. To be honest, my time with Him has been few and far between. However, this week, I have enjoyed reading my Bible while eating breakfast. It takes 21 days to form a new habit, and I know I can do it!! I have always wanted to read through the entire Bible, and that is my goal for 2010!!

  2. I was in a Bible Study a few years ago and really miss it. I am considering starting up again in January. I think Lysa’s new book sounds really interesting! Thanks.

  3. For me, staying in a bible study throughout the year is the most effective tool I’ve found to staying in the Word. Having said that I struggle with the daily quiet time, too. I’m so looking forward to Lysa’s book and we’re planning to do it soon in bible study.

    I’ve really enjoyed these last 12 days of getting to know the women from P31! It’s been especially fun reminiscing over the wonderful Christmas memories!! Thank you for all you do!

  4. Before my three children were born, I was really good at reading the Bible and praying and ministering to people around me. I really want to get that back in 2010. I know it will help me draw closer to God!

  5. I owe my progress in Bible study to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) which I have been a part of for 10 years. It keeps me moving forward- the accountability is great, and the fruit I’ve been given from being in God’s Word daily is worth it all.

  6. God has done a complete makeover in my life in this area! I have slowed down…way down and realized when I did I could hear Him more clearly and actually desire to spend time with Him rather than checking it off my to-do list! It started last January when I set out to memorize more of God’s word. My original goal was 2 new verses this year (2x a month) and have made it to 38. I don’t share that to brag about myself but to share the soul transformation that has happened through memorizing God’s word. I can’t wait to read Lysa’s book! Sounds like it might be our next study for a small group I am part of.

  7. I’m no where near where I want to be with my intimacy God and Bible study. No where near. I have high hopes for 2010! Right now, my main struggle is working full-time and having two children two and under. My husband helps out tremendously, but it’s still a struggle to get everything done (which it doesn’t all get done) before collapsing into bed exhausted.

    Prayers and blessings,

  8. I have read about the book and am a daily follower of Lysa’s blog and P31 daily devotions. I so enjoy them because like most I struggle with reading the Word daily. I have been a Christian for almost 29 years but not always walking with the Lord as I should. The last 3 years the Lord has been leading my husband and myself back to Him. He really spoke to me when I found out I was going to be a Grandmother and I really reflected back to my grandmother and what a impact she had on me and I wanted to do the same for my grandchildren. Although God has shown me that it’s not me, but Him through me, who does it all.
    I lost that grandma this year, she was 102 when she went to meet her Lord and see my grandpa again.
    It has been a long road, but God has always been there for me, even when I didn’t think He was. I thank Him that He never gives up on us and He always loves us no matter how much we mess up. Thank you Lord.
    And thank you ladies for all you do for us and these great giveaways. Even if I don’t win this book I am going to get it.
    Thank you and Merry Christmas.

  9. I am afraid I have been a crisis only kind of bible study girl. But in the last month God has had something different in mind. He has been busy wooing me in a way I did not know existed. While it may have came out of a crisis, I have fallen so in love with Him that I can’t go a day without Him. It is a combination of receiving P31 devotions and scripture via email, but more dwelling in Him and allowing myself to be completely vulnerable to a God who just wants me to pursue him. I know that at some point life will mellow out, but I want to keep my relationship with Him a priority. I am always looking for new ways to draw closer to my Savior.

  10. We are ALL called to walk by faith. I thank God for every step Lysa has taken. I pray we ALL become MORE for Jesus. He is truly everything!!! B

  11. Wow–the book sounds great–if I don’t win, I’ll be getting it. I tend to get a little legalistic about it, so when I don’t keep up, then I just quit. Nice, eh? Thanks for all 12 days, this has been a real treat!

  12. Reading and truly immersing myself in the bible is the biggest place I struggle right now. I struggle to find that time and quiet place that I can truly be alone with God. I want so much to understand his word and apply it to my life. I plan to buy the Chronological Bible this week, so that I can start it at the beginning of the year. I hoping to be more than a good bible study girl by this time next year :)

  13. Unfortunately, some days I feel like I am reading the Bible just to check it off my to-do list. I’m finishing the Chronological Bible this year and plan to read with more of a purpose next year. I hope to walk away with more to apply directly to my life and help my children apply.

  14. Thank you for the personal introduction to Lysa. I am so inspired by her (I follow her blog) and her walk with God. My parents bought me the Chronological Bible last year for Christmas. I started out full force and did well until March, then I started slacking off and now it just sits on my night stand. I read the Bible for my weekly Bible Study but I don’t feel that I am gaining what the other women are. I feel like I am just going through the motions and answering questions like they were a school test. I would love to know how to dig, really dig, into God’s word and have it speak to me.
    I have a new, dear friend that God has brought into my life. We have committed to be being prayer partners in 2010, meeting once a week to study and pray. I am hoping that together we can learn how to be what God would have us to be.

  15. I find myself seeking God more than ever lately, yet still beating myself over the head that I haven’t spend enough time or just am not doing it right. I struggle with condemnation and I guess this 2010 it is going to be about me learning to not have such a condeming fearful spirit.

  16. I have really enjoyed studying Ephesians in a precept group this fall. It has been good to do along with coworkers in our ministry.
    The Word had come alive more and yet I know I need to be meditating on it daily. I really want to memorize scripture this coming year.

  17. Mine waxes and wanes as life rolls about through sickness and other situations. I have been reading through the Bible Chronilogically. When I got to the part where David dies I just couldn’t get back to reading for a while. It wasn’t that I didn’t know he was going to die, but I had gotten attached to him and had to mourn his death somewhat.

    I do love that when I read the Bible it is fresh and alive. I can see the people and feel the emotion of what is going on on the pages. I wonder and marvel at the situations the men and women find themselves in… some good and some absolutely horrible. I am reminded that God loves me when I find myself in the good and also when I find myself in the midst of the horrible.

    We serve an amazing God who doesn’t candy coat the real lives of the people in the Bible. Which makes me wonder…if God doesn’t candy coat why do we sometimes feel the despite need to candy coat with one another? Live in the pretend world of “I’m ok and your ok…let’s just pretend we have no problems.”

    I am thankful that God meets us where we are …literally. Which makes this season even more amazing. That the God of the universe would make a way for fallen man to be where He is. Absolutely and totally breath-takingly….amazing.

  18. I need to spend more time in God’s word each day. I have been struggling with this. I have really enjoyed learning about the P31 women. What a fabulous group!

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