A Triple-Braided Cord

Many of you have made your way here via the devotion I have running on Proverbs 31 and Crosswalk.com. If you haven’t read it yet, you might be lost so click here to get caught up with the rest of us. :-) Don’t forget to come back!


Have you ever had a sister or two who joined you in the midst of a battle? Or perhaps you have been such a person for one of your dear friends. God’s directions to us are clear; living a life of faith means connecting with others. We weren’t meant to march alone.

If you have been looking for a support network when it comes to dealing with the addictive tendency to over-eat and under-exercise, you are not alone. Here on this blog you will find a group of cyber sisters who too are in the thick of the battle. We’d LOVE to have you join us.

You can click on the Weight Loss Wednesday link in the sidebar and leave a comment on the last post listed there (and read the others if you desire more encouragement and ideas). Or, just simply begin joining us each Wednesday. You don’t need to tell us what you weigh. You can tell us if the scale went up or down or how you are doing emotionally. You can vent, encourage, pray, joke. Just be our friend in our collective journey to health.

And, as a special incentive, today I am offering a “jump-start weight loss giveaway” compliments not only of me, but of my other two strands, Lysa TerKeurst and Shari Braendel. We are banding together to offer the following “basket-in-a-box” to one of you who leaves a comment on this post. It includes:

  • From Lysa for your inner beauty: Lysa’s mission is to lead women in the adventure of faith. So, she is giving away a signed copy of her latest book Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl. Learning to live out your faith in a tangible and real way will assist you in your journey to health. This book will show you how.
  • From me for your kitchen connection: A sunny set of citrus-y recipe cards to record some new healthy kitchen concoctions. Six bags of my favorite herb teas including two each of Passion Fruit, White Tea-Raspberry and Chocolate Hazelnut. And some “one-size-fits-all” Bath and Body Works White Citrus body lotion. One of my favorite scents!
  • From Shari for Your Outer Beauty: Shari is Proverbs 31’s resident fashionista. She is giving an awesome accessory that will flatter anyone trying to lose weight: a beautiful turquoise jewelry piece!

Okay gals….hop on and leave a comment. If you are a regular Weight Loss Wednesday gal, check in as normal letting us know how your week went. If you are new, just tell us what your goal is for weight loss or exercise or health. Or, if time is tight, just say “I’m in!”

And….if you also visit  Lysa or Shari’s blog, your name will be entered each time you comment there. Shari has a related post up about what to wear while you are losing weight that you won’t want to miss!

The winner will be announced Monday.

Glad to have you be a strand in our ever-thickening cord. Leave your comments!

Braided Blessings,


  1. Thank you for this encouragement. I to have lost weight inthe past just to gain it back. Here I go starting again. Also strating to try to get my priorities in line. Please pray for me.

  2. I know I am behind, but I read the devotional today and I loved the verses that went with it.

    I’ve delat with weight issues my entire life. I was bullied at school and even at home. I still remember my father telling me stuff like – “You would be so pretty if you lost weight.” So that kind of stuff also led to self-esteem issues which I am trying to get through as best I can. Some days are easier than others.

    More than one time I have tried to lose weight and failed. I seem to enjoy losing the same 10 pounds repeatedly!

    I am on my second day of starting the weight loss journey again and I am scared and feel constantly attacked by the enemy. This time will be just like the last…or I’m going to eat something bad and then quit because I’ll start thinking there’s no point. I am currently 345 pounds and I don’t want to die in my 30’s. I have fertility issues because of my weight and struggle with the added pain of not being able to conceive a child. That’s more painful than carrying around excess weight.

    But I know I can’t do this alone. I have failed so many times because of my thinking that I can do this alone. That my willpower is enough. After being in Celebrate Recovery for a couple of years and completeing a step study, you’d think I would know better!

    Forgive me for rambling and getting emotional on you ladies. I just know that I can’t do this alone. Not anymore.

  3. I really liked this bible verse that went with Triple Braided Cord and the devotion. Helped me to remember that two or more are always better than one. Your words and story are encouraging! Thank you. My short term goals is 10 pounds. God Bless you and your readers.

  4. Hi Karen! Stumbled over her from Lisa’s site, and I know you from Hearts at Home! You look fab! I creeped up on my weight, despite running a 5K for the first time last weekend. After pigging out at Easter, I said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Am using an excel spreadsheet to track calories, weight loss and exercise. Down 6 pounds this week (but alot of that was excess weekend weight). This week 2 will be tougher, but I’ve been combing the blog world for a weightlosss blog. Woo-hoo!! 2 for the price of 1! You’ve got weight loss and God! Thanks.

  5. I saw myself in this devotinal today.I have used food as a crutch to deal with life stressors. As a result,I have been diagnosed with a few new illnesses this year. I have been trying to drop the weight on my own without seeking God’s council. Thank you for reminding me ” I can do all thing through God who strengthens me.Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone. I sem to find time for everything except exercise.Truely the Lord Knows and supplies our needs. I will start reading the Wednesday blog. God Bless!

  6. I have been in Weight Watchers and reached my goal weight lose of 25 lounds in Feb. Since then I have struggled. But reading your devotional showed me what was missing. What I had been doing praying and asking God to stand with me. I as many have been at goal before and over years put it back on. I was commited to not letting that happen this time. To contiure my meetings with the support of my WW girls but the key piece missing for me was God!

  7. Thanks for all the encouragement I received from your blog. I have lost 10 lbs but the scales haven’t been moving much in the last couple of weeks and I really needed a lift to keep moving on my weight loss path.

  8. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I too struggle with my weight and fail to look to God for help. Even though I know He’s telling me to get up and exercise and eat right I dismiss it as if it is a random thought.

    We’re all in this together. We can do it. We are strong.

  9. Your story is my story is my sister’s story is… thank you for writing your entry. There is hope, and together we can help each other. I’m looking forward to learning more and getting and hopefully giving support from and to others.

  10. Your devotion at P31 spoke right into my life – 18 months ago I lost 6stones, but since my husband lost his job last summer have gradually turned back to over-eating and put back two of them. God is so good in reminding me of the value of sisters walking alongside me in my struggles. Thank you for pointing me back onto the straight and (hopefully) narrow(er) road. My prayer partner and I had a time of repentance and have recommitted to supporting each other. Wow!! What timing…

  11. Losing weight has been a long battle for me. In the last three years I’ve gained back almost 30 lbs. It’s time to take it off and keep it off. My husband does’nt have a weight problem and does’nt understand how hard it is to lose weight. I’ve been feeling God nudge me lately to get back to eating healthier and excersizing on a regular basis and this was obviously confirmation. So here goes I’m going to start running again and eating alot better. If God be for me who dare be against me! Thank you, Ladies

  12. Thank you so much for your encouraging words about women and weight (losing and gaining!). Sometimes I forget I am not the only woman with this battle. I do feel a little bit though, like I am out there in a different realm with the weight loss battle, then most of the ladies that left comments. (Although, I must admit I didn’t read all of the other comments, but I did read many of them.) I see most ladies need to lose 20 to 75 pounds. I am on a mission to lose 240 lbs. I am and have been an emotional eater all of my life. I have been overweight since as far back as I can remember! I have had some heart wrenching, soul seaching experiences in my life, and I like you, was giving the blessing of a friend about 6 years ago, that has helped me heal mentally, so that now I am finally ready to tackle my weight issues. This time it is not just me alone in the battle, it is God, my friend, and me! Strand of three! And, it is working! I have lost 45.5 lbs (have to include the half pound) in 10 weeks. I actually have 2 groups of 3 strands for encouragement and accountability. Second group is my doctor, a dietician, and me. I see the doctor and dietician each once a month. God is the number one encourager in this battle, He is doing most of the battle for me. Without Him, I could not do this. He healed me mentally and continues on a daily basis healing me. What a great and awesome friend He is. The dietician told me that I should have all the weight off by Spring of 2012 – WOW, that is a long time, so I don’t think about the long haul, I take it day by day, sometimes minute by minute! But, I am going to be successful this time. You see I am a yo-yo dieter. I have probably lost 600 pounds in my lifetime, and each time gain it all back plus more. Oh, I forgot to mention, I joined the YMCA. So I am exercising also and have received great encouragement there. They even made me the the member of the month for April. I am so big, that right now I cannot do some of the weight machines that I would like to do, because I don’t fit in the machine, but someday I will fit. Meanwhile, I do what I can – treadmill and some of the weight machines that I can fit into. If I can go into the public and exercise, anybody can! Let’s go girls! I know this is a rather lengthy first comment, but I felt the need to let you know where I am coming from. It should give almost anyone encouragement, cause if I can do this, they can too, cause they probably don’t have quite the long battle to go as this 55 year old lady! I do not call what I am doing – dieting – it is finally for the first time in my life, learning to eat healthy! My husband and I hardly leave the produce area when we go to get groceries these days.
    God is my strength and together we can do this! Thank you for reading this lengthy ladies chatter. I am happy to become a part of the Weight Loss Wednesday group. Thank you also for your words in the Proverbs 31 Ministries.

  13. Thank you so much for this devotion, I have been struggling with a weighty issue for a few years and have been praying for a way to get started and today I found it. I am joining the journey today and will see you aon Weight Loss Wendesdays.

  14. This devotion really impacted me. Once again I am trying to lose the same fifty pounds. I will do well for about six months and then lose my resolve. I am not sure what triggers it but I do believe having the support and prayers of others helps me to be accountable. Ladies, we have a great God! I thank Him and praise Him for guiding me to this site. Most definitely I will be following Weight Loss Wednesdays.

  15. I have been on and off diets for 9 months now since my daughter was born, but these 2 past weeks I have been doing great. Except I am really been struggling today. Then I read this devotion and it put everything back into perspective. Thank you for this, it is so nice to know that I am not alone in this fight.

  16. Count me in as well! At my age (63), it is like prying the top off a stubborn paint can to lose anything….and I have a lot to lose. Sadly, my children don’t remember my thin and trim days, and I am concerned about health issues that may rear their ugly heads before too long if my problem with weight persists. Ecclesiastes 4:12 was featured at my daughter’s wedding last summer, and it was one of the verses I chose to memorize as part of Beth Moore’s Scripture Memory Team, but I never thought about using it in connection with eating right, exercising, and losing weight. Thanks!

  17. I am trying, again, to lose weight. Lots of it. I am DOUBLE the weight I should be….ouch. Thank you for the triple braided cord verse and thought. It is CRAZY that I am the weight I am. I am a cancer survivor and there is a strong history of heart problems in my family. I want to be there for my kids and, someday, grandkids. I will find my other two strands this week.

  18. I have lost the same 50 pounds several times. I’m very discouraged knowing I have to do it again. I realize this is not only a physical battle but a spiritual one as well. I’m so excited to have found this special place for support, encouragement, and accountability!

  19. I’m in!! I have been fighting the weight loss battle for years. I am a member of a national weight control program, but have been struggling. I lose 2 pounds and gain 3, over and over again. They advise trying something new. I never looked at turning to God with this struggle, until I read today’s message. God and this wonderful cord are my “something new”!

  20. I just found your blog. I’m hoping to join in this weight loss journey. I have lost 15 pounds and have maintained it for about three months but would like to lose more.

  21. My two co-workers are on a mission to loose weith and get our bodies healthier. Your words of encouragement helped me alot today! Praise God he knows when and what you need… Keep up the good work!

  22. I have the same situation as Melissa—husband wants to help but doesn’t understand the struggle. I am on the journey again and glad to have some sisters with me! Blessings to you!

  23. This is so true! I’ve been trying to loose weight with my husband as my support, but as much as he wants to help me, he’s never struggled with weight so doesn’t truly understand! And you’re spot on with Satan keeping that hold. He’s letting go today! Thanks so much!

  24. I briefly was looking at the Triple -Braided – Cord when I almost scanned right past what God needed me to see. I can so relate to everything you said. I so struggle with my health regarding eating and excercise. Satan has the hold. No more! Thanks for this resource! I will be checking in on Weight Loss Wednesdays!

  25. Wow…it’s been a busy week, so I’m just now checking in on Weight Loss Wednesday on Friday. I don’t have time to read all the comments, though–925!–so I’ll have to come back later. :)

    My scale has stayed the same, but I’m keeping at it!

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