Next Monday…..

Welcome Weight Loss Wednesday gals!!!!

I look forward each week to our little cyber group that is cheering on one another in our weight loss journeys. After last week’s Proverbs 31 devotion about my triple-braided cord that invited new women to join us, I thought we might pick up a few more gals who would meet with us here once a week.

I about fell over when nearly 1,000 of them responded.

God is truly amazing.

And I feel VERY inadequate!!!!

Pouring over the comments, I saw women who were frustrated. Ones who felt alone. Some were scared for their health. Others were embarrassed and ashamed. A few were sick and tired of being sick and tired.

All of them wanted support and encouragement.

That is what WLW is all about.

Please be assured, I am no weight loss guru. Although I have lost over 100 pounds, I also regained a good chunk last year and am still trying to get it back off. I need this group as much as anyone.

And please know, we already have a core of amazing women. I love to see how they cheer each other on, offer gentle advice and heartfelt prayers for the other gals here.

We are thrilled to make our circle even bigger. Before we do, however, let me just go over a few things real quickly.

First, I’ve had many ask “Just how does this work?”.

It is simple.

  • Just click over here each Wednesday and read the post that is up.
  • Leave a comment about the topic if desired. At the very least, let us know how your week went. Did you struggle? How? Did you make some good choices? Pick that apple over the fudge brownie, etc…
  • You can also let us know what the scale did IF YOU WISH. (Not required.) Did it go up or down? How much? Please note our rule of thumb: If the scale went down, you lost solid fat. If it spiked up slightly, you are retaining water! ;-)
  • Finally, hop back on later in the day or the week if you can to read the other comments and offer words of encouragement if you wish.

That’s it!

Now, I have had some ask if I can set it up that the WLW posts come into your email box. I’m sure it can be done. I however, have no idea how to do it. I will get with my web gal, the amazing Vicky Hughes to see what can be done about that.

Now, for today’s topic.

Starting over.

How many times have YOU started over at losing weight? I have no way to accurately add it up, but I’m sure my count would easily be in the hundreds.

You know the routine.

You feel fat. Ugly. Disgusted. Compared to others.

You vow you are going to start over…first thing in the morning.

So, you eat everything in site that night.

Tomorrow comes. You do fine at breakfast. But by mid-afternoon, the munchies are calling.

You answer their call, fall off of the bandwagon and straight into a huge vat of gooey guilt.

So you again pig out, vowing you’ll start over.


Tomorrow comes.

Tomorrow isn’t so hot either and by 2:00 pm, you are plum out of calories (not from eating plums, but from cramming cookies down your throat or opening the hatch and downing nearly a pound bag of peanut M & M’s!!) so you tell yourself, “I’ll start next Monday.”

Then you eat like a pig until Monday comes, try to start over, blow it again by noon and promise yourself… “Okay, let’s try next month. Yeah, that’s it, I’ll start the first of next month…..” and on and on it goes.

Enough already!!!

Let’s stop the “start over” cycle of defeat! Let’s all vow to begin again RIGHT NOW.

No, not once you’ve eaten up all the “bad food” in the house.

No, not once you get a large fry on your way to pick the kiddos up from school this afternoon.

No, not next Monday after you pig out at a fattening function this weekend.

Start RIGHT NOW!!!

And hey ladies…I am talking to myself here! I started off great guns last October, dropped a couple dozen pounds by February and then have been hovering around the same number on the scale ever since. And I still need to drop 20 more pounds. Dropping these last 20 is harder than the first 80!!!!!

So there you have today’s topic.

Please comment with your thoughts. Can you relate?

If you are a current member of WLW, also tell us how your week went. And for motivation, if you will, tell our new cyber sisters how much weight you’ve lost since you joined WLW.

If you are a newbie, let us know your goal. How much do you want to lose? Why? What habits do you want to break or to begin?

Okay….here we go….comments please!

Praying for you,


  1. Thank you so much for saying the RIGHT NOW comment. I fall off the wagon then set my goal a few days off to give myself some time to get used to the idea again, and then sabotage myself. I find one bad day can set me back a few weeks with this approach. So, for right now, the rest of the day, I choose to believe the Holy Spirit can prompt me with a yes or no, and satisfy me from the inside out by choosing Him first. I am 5 pounds down over the past two weeks.
    Praying we will ALL make our lifestyle & healthy weight goals in His strength!!

  2. I am down 1.5lbs from last week, when I joined you all! Trying hard to make healthier food choices and I’ve been walking for about 10 minutes during my lunch break. It’s not much and it’s not far, but it’s better than sitting, right?
    Praying for all of you who struggle, that God will fill the empty spaces that we tend to stuff with junk food and other trinkets that will never make us happy.
    Jennifer D

  3. Hello ladies! I am a newbie to this blog also but not a newbie at trying to lose weight. It’s an ongoing process, as we all know. As of yesterday I weighed 180 although the day before I was at 177.5… go figure! To break the 180 plateau was huge for me. I have been stuck between 180 and 186 for 8 months. I think my happy weight is 160-165. So that is my goal. My 20th class reunion is July 31st so I am hoping to be at my goal by then.

    What got me into gear this time was my 15 yr old daughter. She has struggled with her weight for years. I blame myself for having junk food int he house. As we were coming home one day she cried the whole way home because she is at her highest weight. “Boys don’t like “fat” girls.” “All of my friends are skinny.” It broke my heart to listen to her but it was a turning point for the both of us. I told her we can do this together. So we are keeping each other accountable for what we eat and working out. Last week during the Biggest Loser commercials she walked in place and I jogged through the house! It was quite a sight! After a hard day yesterday this morning she was all a glow because she was down 7 pounds!!

    I enjoyed the scriptures shared today and am wondering if anyone else has a favorite scripture that helps them along this journey.

    Thank you for your blog, Karen! I am looking forward to reading all of the comments today.

  4. This is my second week of following WW. It is inspirational to read other’s trials and triumphs. I am 5″2″ and should weigh around 135. I am currently at 183. Guess I am still carrying around that postpartum weight although my youngest daughter will turn 34 next month! Amazing, when I think of it: I went in to deliver her weighing 159! I started healthy eating (the word diet does not work for me) on March 15 and have lost seven pounds since then. Have been diagnosed with hypertension and the doctor suggested the DASH diet. Anyone else familiar with it? I have discovered that I really enjoy roasted vegetables. Something else I discovered: after eating healthy foods for the past month, those gooey and decadent desserts look obscene and even somewhat repulsive. Take comfort, those of you out there who have a carb addiction. After not eating the junk food carbs for a month, suddenly you wake up and discover that your withdrawal symptoms have stopped. I must stress, though, that this is not done on my own strength alone. I give all credit to the Lord.

  5. Another newbie here. Happy to have this group for encouragement. Giving all credit to our wonderful Father in heaven, I have stayed away from soft drinks and all “empty” foods (my faves: cookies, cakes, anything with sugar, even the Teddy Grahams my kids love if nothing else is available.) I don’t own a reliable scale, so I can’t comment on pounds lost, but I can zip a pair of capris that were too tight! :) However, I feel better about my food choices. I was very emotional for a couple of days, and I really think my “cold turkey” from sugar had something to do with that. But I’m good today! My overall goal is to lose 2 sizes in pants, and I think that probably equates to the 20 lbs. I’ve gained over the past several years. Continuing to pray for strength, because I can’t be successful at self-control without Him.

  6. Oh today’s post has been my life, it seems. I just started last week and only lost 1.5 pounds. I could have done better, but easily fell into the trap of eating the wrong foods when things got rough. I’m going to freeze all the rest of the Easter candy. I now have a short term goal. There will be a family reunion Memorial Day weekend. I would like to lose 10-15 pounds by then. I’m hoping the thought of all the picture taking will help as well…. God Bless you all ladies!

  7. I recently stumbled on this site while on Wendy Pope’s site, another Proverbs 31 gal, and could really relate to everything Karen said today. I was told at the age of 10 that I needed to go on a diet and have struggled ever since. Although I have been successful in losing twice in my life I am now at the most I have ever weighed and need to lose about 100 lbs. My doctor officially diagnosed me with type 2 diabetes. I am totally disgusted with myself. I have an addiction to carbs. There is no other way to put it. Like any other addict I am slowly ruining my health and my enjoyment with life. I am letting my weight keep me from things I want to do and don’t know how to get out of this rut. I think I have tried every diet known to man. I know I need to think “lifetime of healthy eating” and lose the d word but it doesn’t make it any easier. Oh well. Enough about me. Thanks for Karen’s blog and everyones sharing.

  8. Oh I so need this! I’m a newbie by the way :o) My friend and I have recently begun supporting each other in our quest to lose (re-lose) weight. She’s in Missouri, I’m in SC. It’s been great and now to have this group as well for support…well, yahoooooo!!!!!! I lost 60lbs 2 years ago and have gained 20 back, so now i need to lose another 70-100 lbs total. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve “started over”. I know I can do it again! Ready, set, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  10. Oh, to have a nickel every time I’ve re-started an eating plan. I’d have enough for a trainer and a chef I’m sure and then my weight wouldn’t be an issue! I was on the verge of giving up…again…when I started realizing that Satan is using my weaknesses against me, and there’s only One person who can change that. Hide me in the shadow of your wings, Jesus, so Satan can’t find me. Amen

  11. Did not lose any weight this week….but I did throw out my Easter candy….LOL…thats a step, right?? Once the weather gets better, I plan to ride my bike every day it doesn’t rain….
    Pray that I am able to keep this goal…Thanks…
    God bles each and everyone of you!! <3

  12. So great to see all the new people!! I’ve been a part of this blog almost since the beginning, not exactly sure when I started! It’s been great. I so look forward to Wednesday’s! I’ve lost about 16#’s. Although I will say I did not weigh today. I gave up desserts for Lent then ate dessert on Easter and haven’t stopped since. I had already recommited my journey back to God this morning, before I read Karen’s blog. Usually the first thing I do in the morning is get my food journal out and write the K-Love (my favorite Christian radio station) word of the day at the bottom of the page. Today it was “Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” Psalm 37:24 Isn’t it great how our awesome Lord works!! I love it!! I’m off to a great start, but it’s only 10:28! :-)

    I was going to suggest weights to, I think it was Susan, who walks all day. I had foot trouble last year and was not able to walk so I bought a “Total Gym” and started using that. I love it, well, as much as a person can “love” excercise! I believe it was $400 at Dick’s Sporting Goods. I try to use it twice a week, but I have an excercise routine of different things all week long.

    Thanks God for speaking to our hearts through Karen this morning. Please be with us all as we battle our weight and healthy eating issues. Give us your strength to endure. Amen

    “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is good, he will not let you be temped beyond your ability, but with temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13

    Have a blessed week ladies!

  13. I’m new. I’ve been on Weight Watchers off and on in the last year I have lost 27 pounds. I need to lose about 70 more. I also suffer from depression and I’m in one of my “low” seasons right now. I have an awful self image so I’m working on a Bible study right now that deals with our thoughts and how to replace the bad thoughts about myself and life with truth. It has been a process and some days are better/easier than others. I look forward to reading everyone’s comments. It is easy to feel very alone at times. ~Danette

  14. This past week has been so amazing! I’ve struggled so long with my weight and relate so well with alot of you. I was living in denial for so long also, telling myself that I was big-boned and I was tall, so you can’t really tell I weighed 266lbs. What a lie. I avoid mirrors and pictures of myself like the plague. I hate that I weigh more than my husband, and am embarressed that I weigh more than my Dad, could hardly believe that!
    I ‘m afraid of accountability, but know from experience that it’s the best way to overcome unhealthy eating habits.
    As of monday, I’ve been tracking my calories, which I’ve never done before. What an eye-opener! I couldn’t believe that added up so fast!
    I’m so encouraged by this group and am praying for God-given success for all of us.

  15. I have definitely been more aware of making choices this week…whether healthy or unhealthy ones. I’m a “Come Monday Gal” through and through. This then shades the lack of self-confidence and self-respect which affects self-worth and self-control. Whew with all those selves I think I would thrive more with my eyes off of self and more on God and how He sees me! So, starting right now (no matter how many times I need to stand back up and start toddling) I keep my eyes on God and taking care of His temple, the body for him with love and respect. It’s time to make Monday a Sunday 24/7.

  16. So I found this a few weeks ago. My goal is at least 45 pounds, and then we will see what happens. I have joined WW and feel pretty good after 2 weeks of weight loss. I am trying to focus on God and not gratify the flesh. Check out my blog and perhaps you will find more encouragement there. Praise the Lord for his blessings and success!

  17. I found this last Wed, so this is my first week to account for myself – and I lost .6#. Well…it’s a loss! I’ve lost about 15# since the first of the year. VERY slow. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done exactly what this says – I’ll eat bad today and get it out of my system then start over tomorrow. And tomorrow. And Monday. And the first of….
    I started WW in Feb (again), so now I start over every Tuesday when I weigh myself for that. The past couple weeks, Tuesday seems to be the only day I log my food very well. So when my time runs out in May, I’m done with paying money for what I should be doing with God (and all of your support) for free. And that’s the main thing I need in my life – EVERYTHING with God.
    I’m doing this so I can get enjoy being more active again. So a hike feels good instead of wearing me out. So I can have more energy, not be so tired all the time.
    And PS – I’m getting married Saturday. Praise God!!!

  18. I am new to this site. I have lost 15 pounds since the first of this year but have slacked off. I got on the scale and had gained back 2 lbs. I would like to lose at least 22 more pounds. Thanks for your inspiration and help in this journey. With God we can all lose weight and get healthier.

  19. I started last week with WLW, but I have been ‘starting’ over for years. A few years back, I lost a lot of weight with weight watchers. I thought I could keep it off on my own, but haven’t. I have gained it all and then some. I keep trying weight watchers but have a hard time getting to the meetings. The first time was an ‘at work’ group. I am praying that the accountability on here will help. I really felt God helping me make better choices this week. Thank you to those who pray for all of us. I went down 2.8 pounds this week. I love reading all the old posts and articles.

  20. Hi, I am new to this site. I hope the support is what I need. I have been up and down with my weight since I had my kids. I had 4 kids in under 6 years. Getting a shower was a good day back then. After each baby I retained weight and then added some with each one. I want to lose 60# and would love to be 15# lighter by June 1st. I’ve got the exercising down. I have a 4 mo. old Golden Retriever and I take him on a 35-45″ walk every morning. I need to watch my calories. Please pray for me. I am 38 and want to decrease my chances of breast cancer and be a healthy example to my children. Good luck this week ladies. Here is a good verse to keep with you this week when we want to munch when we shouldn’t: I say to myself, : The LORD is my PORTION; therefore I will wait for him.” Lamentations 3: 22-24

  21. Today, I am greatful for the Good and Glorious Lord Who moves us in the right place at just the right time! I am new to the P31 devotional and am in awe of how God works in my life. Thank you for this ministry and for the support of so many beautiful ladies who struggle with the same things I do!

    Sadly, the scale did not move for me this week…I lost my battle with food. I made poor choices!

    Heavenly Father, please grant us Your strength and wisdom to make better food choices and be healthier, stronger ladies for Your Glory. In Jesus’ Precious Name, Amen.

  22. Good morning ladies!
    I’m new to WLW and glad to be here. Karen, your Triple Braided Cord touched me. Thank you. I’m beyond middle age, mother of two and grandmother of two with a slower metabolism to match. 2+ years ago, everyone in the family went on the South Beach diet and everyone met their goals. I lost 22 lbs.! I was so jazzed because I had been playing the “tomorrow, next week, when I finish eating the bad food in the cupboard” song for years. Kept that weight off for over a year, then let it all creep back on. Ashamed of myself? You bet. The doctor finally tired of me trying to get my cholesterol down on my own and put me on medication. Ridiculous, but everyone needs a catalyst for renewing the dedication to being healthy. So I’m back at it. I started at 161 and am down to 158. Goal? Would sure love to see 140, but I’ll be realistic and will be satisfied with 145.
    And I have a thought for SUSAN…When you hit that wall and need something new to shake up your body…with little ones in tow…try whay my daughter has done…she either puts in a fun exercise tape or uses one of the offerings on cable to do a physical thing together. That’s a win/win because it’s new movement for YOUR body AND you are starting your kids out on a healthy path in life as well. God bless all and may you feel His closeness today!

  23. This is my first Wednesday with you all. I have made some bad decisions in my life and had resolved that I have no self-control. I have continually gained weight over the past 20 years. A several pounds every year. On Monday, my start day, I weighed 244.
    The Lord has brought me through alot this past year. I am learning that with Him I do have self-control. Satan is really kicking up a fuss over this. He is laying snares in my path at every turn. But I must choose to believe!
    I have started a new routine. I have been getting up at 5:20am and walking around our neighborhood. It is a awesome time of day. I can’t believe that I usually have slept through it. I have also quit sugar. Not like what you find in bread and other things like that. Just the obvious sugars (Pepsi, Sweet Tea, Cake, candy,etc…). I have committed to quit for a month. I told my friend that after that I might find that I’m like an alcoholic, that I can’t dabble in it that I have to be a teetotaler.
    My plan is to weigh in on every Monday morning. Please pray that I will continue to depend on God to give me the victory.

  24. Well, I am new to this blog and weight loss period. I am 30 and for my entire life I was the skinny girl. Very skinny – I wore a size 0 or 2 all through college and grad school. Then my career began with all it’s stresses, I got married, and then my hormone system decided to just go crazy. I was diagnosed with Grave’s disease late last year which also affected my cortisol levels, testoternone levels, estrogen, and keep going. Every hormone in my body was so far off from where they needed to be, my docs couldn’t believe I wasn’t in a hospital. So, the affect of all of that was an additional 30 pounds on my body – resulting in my BMI being out of the healthy range. Believe me, I take full responsibility for a good portion of this weight and do not blame my illness. But let me tell you, hormone imbalances make loosing the weight almost impossible. I said almost. Yes, it’s hard, but I’ve begun to see very small results (I’ve been actively working out and eating right for 2 1/2 months now). My weight loss story won’t be like someone else’s, we all loose weight differently. Thanks for this blog, I need the encouragement and I appreciate it. And to all the other ladies, don’t give up – even on the mornings when you think I cannot do one more dang push up or cardio move, keep going. You will thank yourself when your done.

  25. I was excited that today is WLW! Finally, women who understand this struggle! Finding you all is such a blessing! I prayed for you this week! I’m still doing pretty good about not binging & making better food choices the scale went down a tinty bit but I know that I have to incorporate some exercise into this. I believe that it would be obedience to God. Please pray for me to work this into my day. Thanks to my Sisters In Christ!

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