Back to School is For Grown Ups Too! (& A Giveaway!)

NOTE: This post will remain up until Monday morning when the winner will be announced. And stay tuned for two more giveaways next week. One will be an interview with a P31 sister and her FABULOUS new book release and one will be in conjunction with an Encouragement for Today devotion I will have running. Oh, and it involves dark chocolate, coffee and gift cards!!!


Welcome to all you who’ve joined us via the guest post I have running over at LeAnn Rice’s She Cooks. There is a fun kitchen giveaway over there. And right here you have a chance for a back-to-school organizational giveaway for grown ups!

Double the fun!

Double the chances!

I don’t want to take time here to chat since I really hope you’ll visit She Cooks and see what’s cookin’ over there :-) So, I’ll just tell you about the giveaway and give you chance to win!

Since all the kiddos are buying pencils and pens; notebooks and notions, I thought we’d give away some organizational “officey” stuff for big girls! This giveaway includes:

~ Some funky push pins

~ Some matching funky big paper clips

~ A set of push pins with clips for items like coupons, reminder notes, lunch money, etc..

~ An equally funky desk pad that lists the days of the week. You can use this to display your to do list, your menu plan, your prayer list. Anything goes! It is undated so you can begin using it any time of the year.

~And a signed and personalized copy of my book The Complete Guide to Getting and Staying Organized. It tackles how to take care of the ‘have tos’ of life (cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry, errands, dealing with paper piles, etc) in an efficient manner so you can get around to the ‘want tos’ of life (spending time with God, your family, or friends or pursuing a hobby or interest)

So, simply leave a comment telling us the one project you’ve had on the back burner for waaaaay too long that you wish you could tackle this weekend.

I’ll go first.

I wish the world would stop so I could take about three hours to steal away at a coffee shoppe (with some friends along for company of course–working on their chosen projects) to sip lattes and transfer all of my sticky notes, scribbled napkins, pieces of scrap paper and corners of Christmas card envelopes with all the latest addresses I need to update into a nice, new address book.

I’m talkin’ about 5 years worth of addresses, people! Currently, they are all shoved into my old, falling-apart, excuse-of an-address-book. Positively pitiful!

Now, how about you?


  1. The list is LONG, but the one that has been on the back burner for the longest is the RECIPES! They cut from magazines, cut from boxes, printed off from online, written down from various places, etc., and they are all thrown into a hidden away cabinet… I would love to have neat, organized, and easy to access!

  2. Oh boy…if I had to pick one, then it would be repainting the white woodwork inside and outside of the house. It’s a project where the kids need to occupied in order to accomplish. Easier said then done. :)

  3. My project would be my basement. Too many times things get sent to the basement because we don’t know what else to do with them…and now the basement is a disaster! Would love to have a nice, neat, organized basement.

  4. Just ONE? I literally made a four page list the other day of all the projects around here I need to do! LOL Cleaning out my computer files and making back-ups is very important, but I would also really like to clean out the closet of my two younger daughters. The oldest leaves for her second year of college tomorrow, and soon we are hoping to give her larger room to the younger two, and delegate her down to the smaller room since now she is only home for break time. But since we are TAKING her to school and helping her move into a small efficiency this weekend, I guess everything else is on hold!

  5. I’d love to organize all my “clipped, written on the back of envelopes, printed off web-site recipes and put them into a brand new recipe book! My recipes are in such a mess, it’s a wonder I can cook!! I have a treasure trove that currently looks like a pig pen!

  6. I have my finger in too many pies apparently – as I read the other comments I kept thinking, “ooh, I want to do that too!” What I would love to do is get caught up on this entire year (so far) of scrapbooking. My hubby & children love looking through our memories, yet I haven’t touched the pictures yet for this year.

  7. Granted I have much to organize, but since we are in the drama of redoing our bath, new roof, walls, etc… I am satisfied I got through all our closets and bagged stuff to donate these past two weeks. So I hope to tackle some baking and get some cookies tucked away in the freezer for packed lunches and snacking.

  8. I want to get my photos organized. I don’t even want to say how many years worth are in envepoles, tucked into a very pretty – and overflowing – basket and still on memory cards.

  9. Oh the list, it’s long, it’s old and I’m weary to write about it; but the weeding of my lawn is long overdue. Also, I’ve been chipping away at organizing my “office”. Quite a process, but this Saturday is the first Saturday in over a year that I’m not working and don’t have other plans.

  10. I want to get my basement back into acceptable shape. After spending the last 3 years helping to take care of my Mom, there is much clutter from not having enough hours in the day to take care of everything. Mom passed in Feb. and it has been a hard adjustment to make. The world does not stand still for mourning. Now that fall is here and canning season is almost over, it is time to put the basement back in order. Thank you for the chance to win.

  11. I would love to get my scrapbook items organized. My boys are 8 and 4 and I am so far behind and have too many piles of things I want to put in their scrapbooks.

  12. I would tackle the recipe folder I have. I say folder because it is literally a two pocket recycled folder from our previous women’s retreat. It is overflowing with scraps of paper, torn our magazine pages, and some actual recipe cards. I have holiday recipes with my holiday decorations and I have stacks of cookbooks that are dog eared. Every year when it is time to do holiday baking I go crazy trying to find my recipes. It really is a mess.

  13. I want to finish my 5 year old daughters baby book. She has a 5 month old brother now. I know I need to finish hers before I get started on her brother’s book !!

  14. I really want to just get the house organized. Give away things we don’t need, use or wear anymore. And get papers, pictures and such all organized.

  15. I want to give my house a deep cleaning. Get rid of the “stuff” we don’t need or use anymore. I would love to be more organized, (used to be before kids. Just can’t seem to get back to it, although I have tried.) Then I could take a day to just sit back and relax.

  16. Mine is to clean out the office closet. We moved 18 months ago and that office closet is just the same as the day we moved in! Random stuff we didn’t know what to do with.

  17. I want to get my entire house organized. I use to be so good at keeping up with things but for some reason have let things go. My lawn is in dire need of some attention and as a single, full-time working mom, there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get it all done. I praise God for all the blessings he has given me and for the times that I chose to say ‘yes’ to my children in spending time with them instead of cleaning the house. But somewhere, somehow, i’ve got to get things in order. This weekend will be the yardwork……

  18. I have a spare bedroom that has become a “catch all” for anything and everything. I would like to have the time to clean out and go through the things that have accumulated in that room. It would be nice to have a bedroom instead of a “junk room”.

  19. I would like to have time to cook ahead (at least meats, if not a whole meal) so our evening meals are more enjoyable during this busy time of life. Since we moved a month ago, I haven’t had time to do so.

  20. I would like to clean out my closet. Get rid of the “maybe I’ll wear this again someday” items and get organized.

  21. I want to get all the random canning jars in my kitchen back to their shelves in the basement and return my kitchen to a normal, uncluttered condition!

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