Starting Over for the First Time

Be sure to read to the end for a chance to win a copy of Made to Crave!!!


How often have you (and I!) vowed to lose weight, started out of the chutes with gusto, only to fizzle within the first weeks (or days!)? Yes, I know, sometimes even by noon of the FIRST day!

Regular readers know this has & will always be a battle for me. And for many of my close friends.

After all, we gals bond over food, don’t we?

When we’re eating it.

Or trying desperately NOT to eat it?

A sister loses weight and we want to know the secret.

So we share and struggle; sometimes seeing success. Most times not, which leaves us back where we started.

Starting over AGAIN!!

Four years ago when I lost over 100 pounds, I was securing endorsements for a book I was writing and for my website. My friend & Proverbs 31 President Lysa TerKuerst wrote this:

“……Karen encouraged me to finally get serious about losing my baby weight. Twenty-five pounds later…I’m healthier and happier than ever.”

I thought, “Oh how sweet, I was an encouragement to her.”

Yes, Lysa & I bonded over tiny little pre-packaged, calorie restricted cakes & air-popped salty treats. We  lost weight by working from the outside in; being a food Nazi about every morsel that went into our mouths.

It worked.

For a while.

Then, within less than two years, Lysa gained back all that weight.

A year after that, I gained back over a third of what I lost.

Then, Lysa, at her wits end, tried a very different approach.

An approach from the inside out.

And it worked.

I won’t go into the long story as you can read it for yourself, but the result was Made to Crave.

It is a book.

And a website.

And weekly webcasts.

No….it is a movement!!!

I encourage all of you who are also tired of starting over to check it out.

And, if you want to study this fabulous book (I’ve already read it!) with a group of over 1000 gals, check out our other P31 sister Melissa Taylor’s online study of Made to Crave.

Melissa is a fellow struggler. She and I have commiserated over the years as both our weights have meandered up and down the scale. She is such a shot in the arm with her sweet demeanor and warm, encouraging (yet often zany) ways. You will LOVE her!!!!

The study starts January 16th. You can sign up in the right sidebar of Melissa’s site here.

I’ll be there too. :-)

I want to start over again….for the first time.

How about you?

After checking out Made to Crave & Melissa’s online study, be sure to come back here and leave a comment. One gal will be chosen to win a free copy of Lysa’s Made to Crave book!!! Winner announced Friday. :-)



  1. I am so excited about this! It’s going to CHANGE some lives! I hope one of them is mine!
    I’ve been listening to Lysa all over the radio (Klove)and over at her blog!
    I’M PSYCHED!!!

  2. I have struggled with weight for about 10 years now. My parents got divorced, and my sister and I both gained a lot of weight because of stress-eating. I’ve always been about 50-60 lbs over weight, and am currently still about that much over weight. I’ve been trying to figure out any and every way to lose the weight. Thank you for your thoughts.

  3. Made to Crave looks like a much needed resource and the site looks great. An on-line study will work out really well, too. Thanks, Karen!


  4. I am on the precipice on having weight loss surgery because of a truly life-long struggle with weight. I am fully aware that our relationship with food has a deeply spiritual implication. It would be wonderful to win this book and to begin this journey to knowing God more. I joined the online Bible study as well. Thanks for making this available and for sharing your story.

  5. i can relate to your post so well it’s as if I wrote it myself. Weight has been an up and down struggle for the last 6 years. I am finally to the point of ‘enough’ and here comes along Made to Crave. Can’t wait to get started.

  6. As a breast cancer survivor I have tried to lose weight – knowing it would improve my chance of cancer not returning. Other things have not helped – I am going to do this and see if it helps. Thanks.

  7. Thanks for sharing Karen, I signed up for the study last night , but not because I have a weight issue but because I was made to crave for joy, peace and happiness. I hope this book in another way allows me to stop a vicious emotional cycle

  8. I have been praying about doing the study with Melissa. I have actually signed up. But I have tried so many different things before and wind up just having to start over. If I do this I want it to be different and life changing. Not about the weight loss but more about growing in Him and giving all things over to Him.

  9. This sounds intriguing. However, I do not think I can participate in the online bible study due to the live webcasts and videos/vlogs. Why? I’m deaf.

    But, I am interested in the book. Sounds like a good one!

  10. I have already ordered the book and signed up for the bible study! I am so excited, this sounds like something totally diffent that what I have tried in the past to lose weight and only to put it back on again. I would love to win the book to give to my sister!

    God Bless,

  11. Karen, this is just what I looking for. I know WHAT to do to lose the weight healthily, but more often than not, I don’t WANT to do it because I know that I am craving the food more than my heavenly Father. I want this so bad I can taste it…pun intended. Looking forward to truly getting to the root of the cravings for me. :o)

    Thanks, Karen!
    Marcia Jordon

  12. As a fellow sister who constantly struggles with weight, I’m into getting healthy, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Here’s to all the women who have struggled over the years committing to losing what weighs them down, through God’s grace and help! Made To Crave will definitely help us all with our goals.

  13. I found Melissa’s last words so encouraging:that we shouldn’t ask: “how much weight do I want to lose?” but think, “what lifestyle changes can I realistically make?” and “what changes can I make that will benefit my mind, body, spirit, and draw me closer to God?”

  14. Oh yes – starting over again for the first time FROM THE INSIDE OUT THIS TIME!

    I’ll be joining Lysa for her webcasts and I can’t wait! I don’t have the book. :( Would love to win it!!!


  15. Ordered the group study set yesterday!! I know we will be working on this one this year! Looking forward to all God will reveal to me!

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