Sweet Dreams Giveaway

If you haven’t read my Proverbs 31 Encouragement for Today devotion that is running today, click here to get caught up with the rest of us. Don’t forget to come back for the giveaway!! __________________________________________________ Well, little did I know…

Holy Sickness

Last Thursday, our twelve-year old came down with the flu. The high-fever, aches & chills, cookie-tossing, constant coughing, cruddy flu. When my kids get sick, it kicks me into high momma-gear. Someone once told me a statement I’ve never forgotten:…


Lots to do on this snowy Wednesday….. First, let me welcome those of you who’ve popped over from the fabulous Facebook group Moms Together. One of the organizers of that group is my dear friend & fellow Proverbs 31 speaker…