His Revolutionary Love Giveaway with Lynn Cowell

Congrats to the winner of the Easter weekend giveaway. She is Amber Jensen ! Amber, send your address to me at [email protected]. :-)


If your life includes a teen girl you love and care about, well have I got a treat for you!

I’ve asked my good friend and Proverbs 31 speaker Lynn Cowell to join us and chat about her brand new book His Revolutionary Love. Lynn has a passion for Jesus and for helping moms and teens connect with each other and with Him.

She is one of the most generous women I know and often serves out of the limelight. But when she is on stage, be prepared to be encouraged and challenged by this gifted and engaging speaker, who is now an author too! Now, bloggy sisters, meet Lynn:

As a speaker and writer with Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lynn Cowell lives in North Carolina with her husband of 23 years and her three teenage children. The Cowells enjoy being outside whether it is hiking, fast pitch softball or white water rafting.

Empowering women with confidence through Jesus’ radical love is Lynn’s heartbeat. She is very excited about the release of her first book “His Revolutionary Love: Jesus’ Radical Pursuit of You”; a study for young women.

Sushi, well worn sweatshirts and anything that combines chocolate and peanut butter are her top three favorites.

Now, watch a quick clip of Lynn telling of her passion for working with teen girls by clicking here. Be sure to come back for the rest of the interview and her great giveaway!

What prompted you to write His Revolutionary Love?

When I was 19, I discovered a side of Jesus I had never seen before. I had known Him as my savior, shepherd and friend, but I was still looking for more. It as then that I found Him to be the perfect, unconditional love I was always looking for. I found He wanted to be more than the God I served; He wanted to be the God I loved.

Years later someone I dearly loved was going through her third divorce, I asked Jesus why that wasn’t me. He revealed to me that falling in love with Him had filled my heart and completed me. I had discovered young that if a guy doesn’t like me it doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with me. I already had God’s approval and it had nothing to do with me. Jesus is crazy about me and that is enough. Spreading this truth is my passion.

What is your greatest desire for the girls who pick up your book?

My prayer is that each young women who reads “His Revolutionary Love” will discover the Love that has always wanted them and that this Love will fill their hearts for a lifetime. I hope they will find confidence, truth and power that will ruin them for a mundane life. I want them to be ignited with passion for Jesus that will revolutionize their lives with real change.

You are offering a wonderful giveaway to one gal who comments on this post. Tell us about it!

Today I am giving away a “Revolutionary Love” bundle. This bundle includes a signed copy of my book, a t-shirt from my “Revolutionary Love” conference, and a DVD of my “Revolutionary Love” message.

Okay gals, leave a comment about what Lynn has shared today or about your own teen years and your relationship with God then. Or perhaps tell us about the girl you’d give this great prize to if you won.

Winner will be announced Wednesday. See you then!


  1. My daughter just turned 13. She is a former foster child, whom we adopted. She is going thru a time of wondering about her birth family, dealing with peer pressure, and trying to just be a “normal” teenager. I need all the tools I can get to help. This bundle would truly be a gift! Thank you!

  2. This sounds like an awesome message for teenage girls. Ahhh… the teenage years, full of angst and drama, love and laughter, heartbreak and fears. I”m so glad I’ve got that part of my life over with =)

  3. Wow! Sounds like an amazing book, loaded with wisdom! Can’t wait to dive in. I would love to have this book for my Proverbs 31 Teens girls group. We have all sorts of girls with different backgrounds but the same desire….to be wanted, needed, & cared for! It breaks my heart to hear their stories sometimes but I love on them & show them how important they are not just to me but to JESUS! The world is a cruel place for our girls today. My daughter, 13, knows Jesus but somehow can’t quit grasp how MUCH He loves & cares for her. Please pray for our group of teens, as well as all of them out there, that leaders are able to demonstrate & share just how much Jesus wants them 100% & nothing less. Thank you for everything you do!! May God’s hands always be on you!! †

  4. I would give this bundle to my good friend Amanda, who is a freshman in high school. She’s been through a lot of bad relationships with guys and is finally looking for healing in healthy ways. This would be such a great tool and blessing for her to help get her started on the right track! She doesn’t understand that God is more than God, but He is Love. Thank you so much for writing a book like so, sharing a phenomenal truth with so many who definitely need to hear it.

  5. I would give it to my daughter, who is 18. She has had a very tough life (lost her mom to breast cancer when she was 9). She is also our niece and my husband and I adopted her when she was 15. I can see that she struggles and I daily pray for her. I would love to have anything to encourage her.

  6. I raised two boys. My husband has two girls. The youngest has struggled for years due to the relationship with her mother. As a step parent, it has been very hard to understand when it is my turn to step in. I feel that I am closer to her then her mother is. I would do anything I can to make her (my stepdaughter) see that she is worthy of love, understanding, peace and she has the right to her voice. I can not undo what I didn’t break. Only God can.
    She struggles in relationships, eatting disorder, communicating emotionally, rejection and a few other things. She is beatiful. She is smart. She is worth more than the price of rubies. I would do anything to make her see that.

  7. What a wonderful giveaway…sounds like a wonderful book! I would give it to my 12 1/2 year old daughter. I was raised in an unsaved household that was VERY dysfunctional and want better for my 2 girls. My beautiful eldest daughter who the Lord has given many talents and a soft heart, is struggling with puberty and her self-worth. She is not your typical girl (into reading, dragons and archery) so does not fit into the “girl mold” at school. We are trying to teach her that God made her the way she is and she is fearfully, and wonderfully made. So hard to be a teenager in this world. God bless whoever wins this bundle…and I pray that the Lord is glorified through this blessed young lady. God bless.

  8. Thanks so much for writing a book about teen girls and all they are going through.
    WE can never get enough Biblical information to share with them.

  9. I would love to have this for my daughter. She is 14 and starts high school in the fall. I know she has a good head on her shoulders but I also know how much peer pressure there is in high school. I’d like for her to do this study before she starts high school so she starts with her head in the right place.

  10. I just bought Lynn’s book a couple days ago and I can’t wait to begin reading! If I were to win this, I’d give the copy to my daughter. I’m sure she won’t want Mama’s after it’s all written in. Then again, I might give to a friends daughter for her Bday that is coming up. She turns 13!

  11. I have a 15 year old daughter who, thankfully, has her priorities in the correct place. Having said that, I’m concerned that I’m not doing enough to help her and especially as she begins to move out of high school and into college in the next 3 years. Being born and raised in a Christian home, and going to church almost every time the doors are open, doesn’t necessarily make us Christians. We live in an area where few of my daughters friends are Christians and where we only have a few youth in our church for her to hang out with. I believe this is the type of book that might help her to continue on the right path.

  12. This would be a great share for my oldest daughter who is 12, and her two younger sisters (9, 5) as they reach an appropriate age.

    I really appreciate this quote:
    “He revealed to me that falling in love with Him had filled my heart and completed me. I had discovered young that if a guy doesn’t like me it doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with me. I already had God’s approval and it had nothing to do with me. Jesus is crazy about me and that is enough.”

    If they can feel that Jesus is enough, we’re so far ahead. The key is taking that head knowledge and getting them to feel it in their hearts.

  13. I actually would like FOUR copies of this book!!! One for each of my two daughters because of the struggles they have had and one for each of their two best friends!! I would then also pass it to two teen girls at my church, one of which has struggled with a bad break up with an older boy and an eating disorder…….

  14. As the mom to 3 daughters, ages 13, 18 & almost 21, I would love the opportunity to share this bundle with my girls. My oldest had a close relationship w/ Jesus as a younger teen, but as she got older she seems to have lost that. I do see her starting to come back, but I would love to foster that even more so. My youngest seems to be struggling w/ her teen years more so than her older sisters did and doesn’t have the same relationship w/ Christ that her sisters did at that age either. I hope to bring us all closer to Him and this would be a great help. Thanks so much for your work!!

  15. This sounds so fantastic. The unconditional love of Christ was what first drew me into a relationship with him. There are so many young women I would want to share this with. I would read the book, review it on my blog, and then talk about it with my students (I lead an afterschool Writing Club with kids in 2nd through 6th grades) and share the materials with my sister-in-law for my precious nieces who aren’t quite teens yet.

  16. Thank you for sharing that! The teen years can be so hard~I’m already girding myself for raising my four girls~two on the brink of teenhood. I appreciate your ministry! ~Lyn

  17. I would love to have this book to share with my daughters. I am mom to eight beautiful children, four of whom are girls aged 17, 15, 13 and 10. I so desire for them to know that the love of Christ is all they need. A book focused on this vital love relationship is a wonderful find.

  18. I would love to give this book to my daughter who turned 13 in February. I think this would be an awesome way for her & I to connect over the summer. I also feel this book could help me as well.

  19. I searched for love in all the wrong places as a teenager, and, as a result, had an abortion when I was in college. My own daughter is approaching 13, and I am in constant prayer to lead and guide her in a way that will avoid all of the sinful things of my past. I want so much more for her, and I am constantly seeking new tools in my parenting journey. I would love to have this to share with her and use in our discussions in the upcoming months and years.

  20. I have the tremendous blessing of being loved completely and unconditionally by my Hero/best friend. Our 15 yr old daughter would devour this book…she is so hungry for Him, His love and her strengthening relationship with Him.

    Thank you…Jeannie

  21. I would give this to my 13 yr. old daughter. She has a heart of gold; and already has big dreams for her life. She tells me her life goals; but always adds~if this is what the Lord would have me do. I love the fact that she’s already realizing the need to include God into her future plans. I’d also share it with my other two daughter who are a few years away from being teens themselves.

  22. I would give this to my daughter. Whom my heart is breaking for. She is fourteen and struggling with her own sense of self. Maybe she would find comfort in this wonderful material.

  23. I would love to share this with my lovely daughter, Alyssa. As a youth worker, we are very interested in what Lynn has to offer all our girls. We hope to do more with her book coming soon!

  24. I would give this to my granddaughter, Ashley…just about to turn 14 and will be starting High School in the Fall. Her mom is a believer but not “walking with our Lord”. I would hope this would be a help to both of them

  25. I found Christ at the age of 13 but I wandered away from His amazing love and tried doing it on my own. My parents were both ministers but that did not bring me to Christ. It was their prayers they lifted up to the Savior and the fact that God used my dad’s sickness and his death to draw me back into His fold after about 34 years of running away. Not raising my children in the church but about once a month or every 6 weeks to church my oldest son is following his parents footsteps and hardly taking his children to church. My oldest granddaughter will soon be a teenager and needs guidance, assurance of Christ’s love for her so she does not become like her mother or father full of anger, hatred, bitterness,. I try to guide all my grandchildren to church and Christ’s love but it is difficult when their parents don’t understand and I have limited time with them. The world’s draw is powerful. I would love to share that book with my granddaughter, Kaylee. I love her so much! I would be most appreciative if you would consider us. Thanks and God bless each and every one of you!!!!

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