Move It and Lose It

Note: If you missed yesterday’s post by Rachel Lee Carter on her new book Fashioned by Faith, be sure to scroll down to catch it! You might win a signed copy of this fabulous resource!!

Do you hate exercise?

Me too.

No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to shake images from my past: being the last around the track in gym class; not being able to do the minimum numbers of chin ups for the President’s fitness test thingy every year; stinking at the ‘dashes’ in track–50 yard, 100 yard. Yep, I was more dwaddle and waddle than dash.

It still affects me today. Even though the gym I go to is full of mostly normal (and several elderly) people—it is a gym/hospital rehab combo, not a trendy gym– I still hate that I can’t crank up the treadmill to the speed of the gal next to me.

But I haven’t hated ALL exercise.

I used to love to play softball. And swim. And I was a cheerleader for years and captain of my college’s dance squad. (no snide remarks, please!)

I liked these activities because I thought they were fun and I was actually sort of good at them.

So, while I am in a bit of a movement slump recently, I’ve decided to quit focusing so much on the movements I loathe and try to go back to some I love.

Yep, just bought me a hip-hop dance exercise dvd . And I will have no audience, thank you very much! I’m hoping it will make the movement more enjoyable.

And I’m also planning on combining walking (which I don’t mind too much) with chatting with friends ( which I love). My Made to Crave Bible study is finished but some of us want to get together to pray and walk.

I think I’ll call it Made to Move.

We’ll just have to be careful we don’t walk to a coffee shop, grab an iced latte and drink back all the calories we just burned!

Now, tell us– what exercise do you enjoy?

There may or may not be a Starbucks gift card for one of you, chosen randomly, who comments! (You’ll just have to promise me you won’t use it for one of those screamin’ goodies in the glass bakery box!!!)

P.S. Thanks for the reminder in the comments from Gabriela. Have any of you memorized any scripture like we talked about back in March on this post? Let us know!!

Moving Blessings,


  1. I love running while listening to podcasts/sermons… but when I can’t get out, I love doing videos (30 day shred) for just 20 min… I burn about 200 cals… Something is better than nothing… oh, and I don’t get those heavy sugar laden drinks at starbucks. I’ve learned to appreciate regular coffee… but sometimes add a shot of flavor ;)

  2. Walking has always been the easy favorite.

    However, I love to praise dance, and if you know anything about praise dancing, it can get you losing all sorts of things including spiritual and physical :)

    I have not been as diligent about keeping up with any sort of exercise but with the weather finally warming up, I suspect it will become easier.


  3. I love my elliptical machine. I also love to walk my dog. It’s not as fun to walk without him. With him, I have to keep up a decent pace or else he’ll walk me instead of me walking him!

  4. Hi Karen,

    Lately I have been running on the tread mill and working toward the 5K mark. ( I had not even run a mile since I was 16!) It’s fun to see the progress and feel stronger. Last night was the first night of adult tennis class. Tennis is something I really enjoy but don’t do very often. The class is a way to get me out there at least once a week and to learn better technic! I also enjoy biking and walking with my family. Happy moving everyone!

    Rebecca Ann

  5. Exercise. I don’t really enjoy exercise either. In fact, in high school and college I was always more into thespian pursuits rather than sporty. Now I try to stay active mostly in walking. I live in a snow on the ground for six months out of the year place, so I find walking with Leslie Sansone very helpful. I also stay accountable with a friend, so the encouragement helps motivate me. Thanks for your post!

  6. I started running 5 years ago with a local program that gets women from 0 to 4 miles (either running or walking) over the course of 12 weeks. The end result is participating in a local women’s only 4 mile run/walk that benefits our local hospitals breast cancer center. I literally could not run one lap around the track (1/4 mile) and now I have run two marathons! I have a small group of women that I almost always run with, it is so much better to have company. We all hold each other accountable and if one of us can’t make it there is usually someone else who can.

  7. I enjoy walking and have just got back on my bike after a long time and have been enjoying that too. I have just cancelled my gym membership after nearly 2 years of going as I have been lacking motivation. I hope that by having a few months off I will feel more like going. I would quite like to try one of those exercise boot camp groups (we have quite a few in our city) but memories of PE class at school are putting me off!

  8. Laugh if you want, but my favorite exercise is from the 90s–step! Actually, I love any type of choreographed, dance-type workout, especially in a class setting with a great instructor. I am dying to try Zumba but can’t afford a gym right now. So, I settle for DVD workouts and fill in with my elliptical on days when I don’t feel as strong.

  9. I like running, Jazzercise (no longer live near one), Faithful Workouts (awesome programs that used to be on tv) and exercise videos.

  10. Good afternoon.
    A old favorite of mine is Turbo Jam. This DVD set gets you up and moving like it or not. The instructor makes it fun and makes you fit all the while to some old school (80’s) music.
    -Colleen G.

  11. I love to walk and bike outside, but am horrible at taking the time to exercise. I’ve recently made a commitment to do a 20-30 minute walking DVD (Leslie Sansone) in my basement daily and am amazed how differently I feel every day! I am happier and more patient with my kiddos.

  12. I did a couch to 5k training program and found that I love running (well, somewhere between walking and running, not real fast I must admit). I love to plug in my ipod and pound it out.

  13. I am bad at exercising also but I do like to walk especially with a friend. I also like to dance but haven’t done this in awhile. I might have to find a fun dance DVD to exercise to.

  14. I love to run!!! It makes me feel great. I get into a zone, start talking to GOD and just go. I do however enjoying listening to my music when i run also. I am one that actually feel worse when i don’t exercise. I am addicted to it! I am a better mother, wife, and person when I wake up exercise followed by my quite time with the LORD and then start my day!

  15. I LOVE strength training! And Wallyball! Well, when I had a gym For those that don’t know, Wallyball is just like volleyball, but your in a room and you can use the walls to play off of! So fun!

    I do have a couple hand weights that I use. I love to walk. Especially when spring is just starting or in the fall.(I HATE bugs!)

    I love to dance too, but I try to stick to those music that is only the beat or Christian music. If not, before I know it, I’m doing moves that would not glorify God at all because a tune from my ‘old self’ infiltrates the mind and body. I love to throw on some Christian techno too. That is fun!

  16. I have come to realize that actions of my high school/elementary phy.ed. teacher have really impacted how I view myself and exercise. Two very vivid memories have stayed with me- one where I was singled out in kindergarten as the example of how to do something wrong and one where I won the 400 in junior high (which I hated so was expecially excited to be in the lead) and all I heard from the teacher was cheering for the girl behind me. Finally, at age 40, I am realizing that I shouldn’t let a teacher I didn’t like anyhow impact me that way.

    This past winter I have found Wii “My Fitness Coach” and am loving it. As the weather gets nicer, walking or hiking will come into the mix.

  17. I’d love to get involved in a dance class of some sort, or even just consistently going to a park with a friend (especially one with kids) and chase after the kids for a good amount of time. :)

  18. I joined a gym several months ago and I do enjoy going. Even when I don’t feel like going, once I get on that elliptical machine or treadmill it feels so good that I almost don’t want to stop. I like that they have a TV in front of each machine because that makes the time go faster and makes me want to work harder. I also enjoy walking and hiking. I would LOVE a Starbucks gift card!

  19. I enjoy walking outdoors when the weather is decent (not raining, not 90 and humid, not below 35 and snowing). I was gifted with a gym membership last September (wonder whether that was a hint!). It was a budget gift, so the gym is one where mostly men go and it’s very basic. I go because I have the membership, but can’t say I enjoy it a great dea, because I feel very self-conscious. :( I do not own any kind of personal music player, so the treadmill is BORING. About three weeks ago I finally learned some of the weight machines, and I like that better.

  20. Definitely just playing with my boys, at the park, walking around the neighborhood, or running around the house… I almost can’t keep up with them!

  21. I love dancing! After reading your comment about the hip-hop DVD you bought, I just might have to go buy one of those for myself! I also enjoy walking, swimming, and exercising to the Leslie Sansone DVDs. Thanks for the inspiration to get (and keep) moving!

  22. I love to exercise! I get up do my devotions, and then I pop in a DVD – either Jillian Michaels, Leslie Sansome, or my faith DVD work out. I continue to “stagger” my workouts, this is the best way I can tone. I have read Made to Crave – I am my second time around because I “back slidded” on eating the sugar. :( I still Crave God just as much! I love how you said “Made to Move”. I am doing the Bible Study on my own, I am still “praying” that I can get some ladies to join me. God Bless You Karen.

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