Much Ado About You Planner Giveaway

Recently, my friend Lysa wrote about her favorite paper planner in this post here. I am also a gal who cannot get into the swing of an electronic calendar and, since it was time for me to get a new planner in September, I ordered one of the planners from the dear folks at Much Ado About You.

My calendar (and my kiddos pick on my desk)


Month-at-a-glance, week-at-a-glance, a pocket in the back and tons of space for notes & numbers. It is an invaluable tool for any gal!

Here is a little bit about Emmy, the creator of this business:

Hi! I’m Emmy from Much Ado About You.

I am a Paper Freak. Really. I love all things paper, and I get giddy excited when the paper companies come out with their new lines each season.

I am married to my high school sweetheart, and we have an 8 year old son and a 7 month old daughter.

I love Jesus, and like to tell people about the amazing things God has done in my life to reveal Himself to me.

I run my business out of my home office and garage work space, and have 5 employees {including my baby’s nanny}, without whom I could not function.

We make products to help plan and organize life, including our popular Personalized Day Planner that has been sold in all 50 states and 7 countries. Life is crazy, my house is usually a disaster, my printer makes me bananas… but I love it all!

Well, the creative and generous Emmy who owns this swell business has offered to give away a medium sized planner to one commenter today. Just tell us what kind of planner or calendar system you currently use.

And Emmy also will provide 10% off of any calendars ordered through Friday, November 25th. Use the coupon code karen10 at checkout. Note that orders must be placed by December 1 to be ready for Christmas delivery.

And don’t worry. If you order one and then are the winner, your money will be refunded. :-)  Winner announced Wednesday.

Seriously—-ask for this for Christmas. And then, go on her cool site, pick your cover, choose your size and you can even upgrade and get all your special days put in the calendar.


I have all my family’s birthdays, anniversaries, upcoming weddings, etc…. already printed in my calendar.

Oh, I am in planner heaven!!

And soon you will be too!

*By the way…the winner of the Beating Busyness package from the weekend is Andrea Stanley. Please send your home address to [email protected] to claim your prize.

Also, since so many of you have been asking for a family update on my sister-in-law, please see the post below. I appreciate your prayers.


  1. I currently use the calendar function that comes with Windows Mail. I’m in trouble if my computer crashes. I would love to win this planner.

  2. I use the google calendar and I color code each calendar so it looks like a real rainbow…4 kids, 2 jobs, etc…

  3. Oh, wow -would I love one of these. I use 4 calendars – desk calendar and wall calendar in home office; calendar in kitchen; and calendar in office. I also use my Blackberry. Somehow need to get all of this into 1 super great planner!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  4. I use a desk blotter calendar and last month I missed two appts because we lost power for 3 days and I did not rip off the previous month until it was too late, total chaos and hurt feelings, I hope in 2012 to be so organized and on top of my game, mailing special cards for all occassions that family and friends will know how much I do care for them…how great would it be to be early or on time and not always sending belated (I would really love to win this) (^=

  5. I have used a great planner for years that contains uplifiting stories weekly and a Bible verse on each day. It is kept near our phone and is the master planner for the family. I am not ready to go electronic when it comes to my planner. Praying for your sister!

  6. I love beautiful papers and office supply stores – my weakness. However, I confess I use an inexpensive planner with gobs of sticky notes plastered in the pages. Please put my name in the drawing!

  7. I use both paper and electronic…..
    mostly paper one for family, etc. and electronic for work….with mixture for some things that slip my mind….

  8. Well, I use a wall calendar, but I need one of the really big ones so I can fit everything into each day’s box :-) I’ve tried using one of the small planners to carry in my purse, but I could never manage to get everything recorded in 2 places! I’m not a smart phone user, so that’s a no-go. Struggling to find that perfect method so that I don’t miss or forget important dates!! Blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving!!

  9. These planners are soooo adorable! I currently use a 99 cent pocket planner from Walgreens. It gets the job done, but it’s definitely nothing special! I also use a 1-month dry erase calendar for my 3-year-old son’s activities so he can see what’s coming up, mark out each day that goes by, and is hopefully learning a sense of time. Anyway, while I won’t mind getting my 99 cent planner again, I would love to carry around this fun planner :)

  10. Ahh, the smell of a fresh new planner. Lots of possiblities . . . look at all of those God given days ahead of me!!! Pocket calendar (paper kind) in purse. Weekly planner (paper kind) on desk for scheduling time with God, customers quilts, sewing retreats, family time, guild meetings, dental and chiropractic appointments. Fridge calendar (paper kind) for merging of hubbys and grandkids activities. I really, really, really like paper because . . . I don’t have to plug it in or worry about it breaking if I drop it!! Blessings to you and your family for a lovely and down to earth Thanksgiving. Allison

  11. Hi Karen,
    Blessings to you and your precious family. I echo Elise’s prayer for Thais, and am also praying for your family.
    I’m a paper-loving girl too, but have been trying (unsuccessfully!) to combine several systems – I add events and appointments to my Outlook computer at my office then invite myself and send an email to add them to the Flylady calendar on the kitchen counter at home,. But that doesn’t always get done :( These calendars are SO cute and I’m SO glad you featured them today. I think it would be easy to carry one around and write the events in it at the same time I add them to my Outlook calendar. I saw them on Lysa’s blog and even looked at the website that day, but procrastinated about ordering then couldn’t find the website when I looked later.

  12. Currently use a wall calendar but also need one to carry in my purse. I usually have a to do list on the counter by the radio.

  13. I am currently using Family Planner. But it wasn’t my favorite. I am looking one that meets my needs better. This one looks great!

  14. I am a list making, binder carrying, agenda following busy mother, and my husband calls me, “The Planner”! I would love to try out a new planner. I’ve tried so many, and I never manage to find JUST what I’m looking for. :) This -to me- is beyond exciting!!

  15. Currently using a calendar with a month at a glance with enough space for the appointments and the To Do list. I have used the Covey Planner/Quadrant II planning system and it works very well.

  16. I have one for work (I am a teacher) and, now that we are empty nesters, deliberately just use a monthly calendar at home that hangs on the wall for extras – otherwise it’s all in my head. A little protest against having to be over-organised in my free time when it all has to be super-controlled at school.

  17. I currently use a desk calendar that sits on top of our desk at home along with a small notebook I keep with me. It’s hard to find a calendar/planner that I like – these look great, very personable and small enough to take with you. Thank you for offering this giveaway.
    Blessings on your day! Jodie

  18. I use my Covey calendar and dabble in online options, but I too just love paper! And I love the idea of my important dates printed right on my own customized calendar. That is really cool.
    More importantly, I want to join in your prayers for Thais.
    Thank you Lord for amazing women of faith, like Thais. Thank you that as she suffers so much pain and lets go of the pleasures of earth, she is such a testimony and witness to You. That she reminds us of what’s really important, the people in our lives, but even more You. Thais has the eternal perspective, Lord. Obviously, she trusts you with her very life. Allow her to feel your pleasure with her. Strengthen her in you. And, yes, Lord, we ask for the miracle of healing for Thais, as we trust your will in all matters. I thank you Lord for the witness of Thais, that reminds me of your Word, “But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.” – Philippians 3:7-8. Bless Thais Lord, this day and every day in Jesus’ name, Amen.

  19. Love planners, calendars. This year I used a freebie advertising one. I like one small enough to carry in my purse, but not TOO small. Half the fun is in the finding! Now if onwing an prganizer only insured being organized… :-)

  20. I just use a spiral notebook that I write the date on each page. Last year I could not find a calendar that I like. These are beautiful!

  21. I love to plan! I am currently using a Google calendar that I share with my husband but I have been toying with the idea of using a paper planner again – will definately check out Much Ado About You.

  22. I use several type of planners but nothing formal. I have a pocket calendar in my purse and then I have a printed calendar that I record our meals on sometimes they mesh and sometimes they don’t.

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