Girlfriends Giveaway with Mary Snyder

Hey friends.

Today I am up to my elbows in cookies and fudge (literally!). Cranking out neighbor, teacher and publisher gifts. What a perfect day to have you meet my friend Mary Snyder and have a chance at winning her new book, a Starbucks gift card and a funky luggage tag.

Why a luggage tag?

Well, Mary is an adventurous girl. And works for a cruise line. And she loves friendship.

What a great combo!

Here is a short post from her:

Girlfriends.  I wanted girlfriends.  Not just women to spend time with, but true-blue, laugh-so-hard-you-have-to-cross-your-legs girlfriends.   Women who would link arms with me and do life together; women I could trust with my hopes, dreams and my fears.  I needed girlfriends.

These feelings were the beginning of the journey the Lord had in store for me – a journey I call the great girlfriend adventure.  An adventure filled with incredible times in Bible study with girlfriends to devastating lows when I learned of the betrayal and manipulation of someone I considered a friend.  Through it all God has shown me His amazing grace.

I share all of this in God, Grace and Girlfriends: Adventures in Faith & Friendshipalong with fun ideas for finding girlfriends, figuring out just what kind of girlfriend you are and I also share my love for getaways!

I have everything from a quick night out ideas to suggestions for week-long road trips.

It’s all about the adventure – in faith and in friendships.

This adventure is a part of my life and I hope that it’s a part of yours.  The girlfriend adventure is about relationships in life – relationships with the women you know today and women you’ve yet to meet.

Each day is a fresh opportunity for a new adventure- grab on to this adventure of faith & friendships!

Today Mary is giving away this package. it includes:

~ A copy of her new book

~ A $10 Starbucks gift card

~ A luggage tag (which, by the way, perfectly coordinates with the whimsical cover of her book. She’s all matchy-matchy like that. I dread her seeing my piece-meal luggage set when I travel with her next month!)

So…leave us a short comment with the place in the world you’d most like to visit with a girlfriend or two.

Or, if time you are crunched for time, just say, “I’m in!” (I realize you may be baking cookies today too!)

Winner announced tomorrow and …..speaking of winners….the winner of the giveaway from Tuesday is:

Valorie Raica

Valorie–send your home address to my lovely assistant Kim at [email protected] right away!

See you all tomorrow :-)



  1. I would love to go on a trip to the Holy Land! What a blessing that would be for those with me and an awesome experience to say I’ve been there too. Would love to see photos of the finish baking projects. Don’t forget to throw a sprinkle of flour on your cheeks so we can see how hard you’ve been working. :-) Merry Christmas!!

  2. Karen,

    How about sending me a little bundle of those cookies you’re baking today:-)

    The place I would love to most visit with a girl-friend or two is a place real place of love, honestl and trust!


  3. I would love to just go to a beach and be able to read and talk to my friend. Any beach as long as it is warm and sunny!!!

  4. I too understand that longing for a close friend. I don’t share my feelings and thoughts easily. Praying that God will help me to cultivate close friendships.

  5. I want to do a road trip to unknown places, people …. maybe some shopping along the way.
    Anywhere with a good friend is nice.

    Of course, Heaven, as the ultimate destination with My Lord and friends that have gone before me.

  6. i am a single mom and greandmom
    how i have longed for just one girlfriend -not work buddies that are gone when the job ends but a real heart to heart girlfriend

  7. I would love to just go eat somewhere with some girlfriends – any place where I didn’t have to clean up after everyone :) Then I’d like to be somewhere quieter just to sit and talk. Or have a little slumber party for a night. I CRAVE fun girl time like this.

  8. I pray to go to Uganda with a few of my girlfriends in May..along with other people too! I would really love to go to Australia one day and see the Outback, and Steve Irwin’s zoo! My daughter and I watched his show all the time! But mostly I would like to go to the beach..with no agenda, just time with the ocean, sand, books, and girlfriends!

  9. I feel like whenever I try to get close enough to someone to have that “girlfriend” relationship, something ugly rears up between us and we drift back to “just friends.” And it’s usually something different with each person…so, I’d be happy just to get to the stage where I had a close enough friend with whom to go anywhere!

  10. The mountains sound good with snow falling and a warm cup of hot chocolate with a close friend with no kids or relatives calling “my name” every two seconds! I’m like all the other working wives and mothers………….not a lot of “me” time.

  11. I can’t think of a specific destination, however it must include wonderful food choices and be a peaceful environment that allows for lots of loud laughter. Haven’t had a girls get-away for so long I hardly remember if when we went last. An actual road trip sounds fantastic. We are all so busy, just an evening away to laugh and giggle sounds wonderful too. Hmmm, time to plan something.

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