In Pursuit of the Proverbs 31 Woman Giveaway with Amy Bayliss

Hey girls–You are in for a treat!

I’ve asked my cyber friend Amy Balyiss to guest post today while I work on my edits to my latest manuscript (and hang out with my youngest who has a snow day today)

See? Here is the view this morning from my back deck:

So, while I fix some coffee for me and some hot cocoa for the man-cub who will be packing to go on our church youth group’s ski trip this weekend, you can enjoy her post.

Don’t forget to leave a comment. You may be one of SEVEN winners of her new e-book!

Now, meet Amy:

Amy Bayliss is a small town Cajun girl living life in the big city. She and her husband Ryan have four children, all boys, ranging in age from toddler to teen!

Amy is a writer, blogger, and she has been “following” Jesus since before Twitter made it cool.  She is the author of Pursuit of Proverbs 31. You can visit her at her personal blog, Cajun Joie de Vivre.

From Amy’s Heart: I gave my life to Christ at the age of 21 but it took me several more years to grasp what that really meant.

I got caught in a vicious cycle of “doing” in hopes of pleasing Him. I thought the verses in Proverbs 31 were my ticket to holiness.

What I discovered was that it isn’t just about the words on the pages. It is about the heart behind them.

Our Father never intended for us to mimic this lady the way we have. He created each of us uniquely. Why would we confine ourselves to a template?

On my journey to discovering the Proverbs 31 woman I found Jesus. He loved me, taught me, and at times, corrected me.

I realized that as long as we pursue Him and have a “fear of the Lord” then the natural outcome is that the work of our hands is blessed. It doesn’t happen the other way around.

We each get different results because we are unique individuals with different gifts and callings but the common thread is that we make God our priority. We acknowledge Him above all else.

In this book I cover the traits that come as a result of putting God first. We are blessed with clarity to be the best wife to our husband, the best mother to our children, the best homemaker in our home, to top it off, we are resourceful, creative, and yes, even organized. Each result is uniquely yours.

I wrote Pursuit of Proverbs 31 in the hopes that other women would be freed from the bondage of good works and freely receive the love our Savior has for them and the abundant life He has promised.

It is my hope that you find yourself, the person God created, as you read through these pages.

I would like to give away 7 copies of Pursuit of Proverbs 31. In order to enter you need only comment here, on this post, and let us know what questions come to mind when you think of the woman of Proverbs 31.

Although that is the only requirement for entering, I’d be thrilled if you’d consider subscribing to our updates, “liking” our page on Facebook and “following” us on Twitter.

Thanks for having me, Karen!


  1. My used-to-be initial thought was, “‘How does she do ALL of that?”, knowing, of course, that I would never “measure up!” It was and is much easier to focus on just a few things at a time! As I strive to become more like my Saviour, I do find that the “list” is no longer so exhausting, and He imparts to me many more of her qualities as I allow Him to work in and through me.

  2. I have studied her and am certainly guilty, as you were, of trying to make her qualities a “checklist” for my life that would indeed make me perfect. Even with the knowledge that we are only made perfect through Christ, it is difficult not to “put on the pressure”. I laugh at verse 15 when it states she “provides portions for her servant girls”. That leads me to believe she had help in order to accomplish all that she did in a day! So, my girlfriends and I like to joke that we need each other and TOGETHER we are the Proverbs 31 woman. I loved your story and will read your book, for sure! Thanks!

  3. I think that its hard when others use that as a standard to judge if you don’t live up to their ideals of that….
    And when you let yourself fall into that trap the hurt is difficult to get over…..
    I want to be the woman He wants me to be not what others want me to be.

  4. When I think of a Proverbs 31 woman, I smile. A Proverbs 31 woman is a great woman, a strong follower of God. I strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman!

  5. I still struggle in the “doing”. However, each morning as I pray, I turn my to-do over to God and ask for His guidance.

  6. So thankful for the Proverbs 31 woman. And, so very thankful God has given me everything I need for godliness. And, so very thankful, that I am a work in progress. And that His mercies are new every morning. Cuz I need His mercy every single day.

  7. First, yeehaw to that beautiful snow! This is the FIRST year in the 12 that I’ve lived in Indiana that we haven’t had any snow days! Literally, none!
    So, I’m jealous! ;)
    Second, I adore Amy! She is dynamite and I have admired her for a while now. I’m super excited for a chance to win her book!

    And last, what a great weekend for a snow ski getaway! Yay, them!

  8. When I think of the Proverbs 31 woman, I think she has it altogether and I couldn’t possibly ever become like that. But I am working on it and I know that God is helping me get closer to him on a daily basis.

  9. As a mother of 4 it seems daunting some days…without his grace and wisdom I’d never make it. I often ask is it really achievable Proverbs 31?

  10. I am a mother of two young children and a full time minister in the Church of Scotland, and this post really struck me, first because it mentioned Proverbs 31, which I often read from at the funerals of farmer’s wives and loving homemakers, who’ve given their lives to looking after family and using their creative gifts for the good of the community. I am often in awe of their talents, and of the time they have given to make their house a home, sometimes even jealous. However, I know that is not what God has called me to do. I love my family and my home, but could never give up my day (and evening and night job) because it is a true vocation, and a calling from God, and your words remind me of the sentiment of the passage, and have indeed freed me from a bit of the guilt I experience when my daughter sees me dressed for work and says “You’re not just a minister!” or when my two year old says “Meeting” with the tone that says, don’t go!! Thank you for the gift of these words this lenten season. We love God because God first loved us, and can only do our best to live out such love in action!!!

  11. Funny you should post on this, since “She is clothed with strength and dignity” has been running through my mind Continually the past week or two. Read somewhere that “her home lacks no good thing” can also be interpeted, “lacks no plunder” and that a lot of the language has the image of a warrior. I love that! What’s your take on this?

  12. I often wonder what her support system looked like…was her husband supportive? I struggle a lot because I want to be that woman but my husband’s walk with God is questionable, and he doesn’t really support me spiritually. I know that all I REALLY need to lean on is God Almighty but, shoot, I think it would make it easier for me if I had some human support! :\

  13. I think she had an assistant :-) I am not sure how she did it. I do my best, but seem to fail each day – so much to do, it’s too easy to put chores ahead of my children’s needs. i am very curious about what Amy has to say.

    Thank you

  14. Always in pursuit . . . when will we will we know ‘we have arrived’ ?
    “I glorified you on earth by completing down to the last detail what you assigned me to do.” John 17:4 msg

  15. Oh, Amy!!! This is such beautiful insight into the heart of our God. To be who He uniquely created us is the most honoring thing we can do. I love, love, love that you wrote a book to give women permission to break out of the “template” of our perceived perfection,and just walk with Jesus and be the best WE can be individually. This is a MUCH needed message. Thank you for your servant heart!! Can’t wait to read the whole book!!!!

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