Curb Appeal with Guest Darlene Schacht

Oh friends, my head is about to explode!

For two reasons, really. One, because there are so many goodies here for you today including two free e-books and a chance at a free night’s stay at a fantastic Georgia Bed & Breakfast! and our last swap and share day giving some hospitality on the road ideas and……

Because I am sick.

The sore throat, pounding sinus-headache, coughin’, creepin’ crud SICK!

But when I think of what day it is and what Jesus did for me by suffering on the cross? Well, a little creepin’ crud ain’t NOTHIN’!

Today’s guest is giving us ways to lay down a little of our lives in order to make our husband’s return home each day relaxing.

My new fabulously talented friend Darlene Schacht is here!

Darlene is an ordinary mom, living an extraordinary life, because of who she is through Jesus Christ.

As help-meet to her husband Michael, she guides and nurtures their four children, leading them toward a deeper walk of faith.

She is a New York Times best-selling author through the book she co-authored with actress Candace Cameron Bure titled, Reshaping it All: Motivation for Physical and Spiritual Fitness.

You can find her blogging at Time-Warp Wife where she empowers wives to joyfully serve and on twitter.

My Desire for Curb Appeal defines hospitality this way: The friendly reception and treatment of guests or strangers.

It’s a wonderful thing to treat our guests with a friendly reception. I like it and I’m sure that you appreciate the extra effort too. It’s unfortunate however that many families don’t take the time to treat each other with the same level of respect.
When my husband walks through the door after a hard day at work, I like to offer him what I refer to as “curb appeal.” Curb appeal offers him a feeling of peace, respect and acceptance from the moment he steps into our home.

~ Take a look in the mirror an hour before your husband comes home to ensure that you are presentable. An hour allows ample time to hop into the shower if need be.

~ Go light on the perfume, but use great smelling soaps, shampoo, and antiperspirant so he’ll want to snuggle up for the evening.

~ If you wear makeup, put a little on before he walks in. Your goal is to look happy and radiant–not done up.

~ Dress in feminine clothing. Men are attracted to women, not fashion, so do your best to wear styles, fabrics and colors that remind him you’re a woman and not another one of the guys. Dress as well for him as you would for new friends.

~ Have all chores done before he walks in the door, and try to have things like the dishwasher and vacuum turned off.

~ Put aside your problems and be cheerful when he walks in the door.

~ Make your bed every morning so he has a comfortable place to rest at night or upon returning from work.

~ Ensure that the television and stereos are turned off so that the house is peaceful.

~ If the kids are excited about something, encourage them to wait about 15 minutes before they share their news.

~ Prepare dinner before he arrives. There’s nothing quite like the smell of home cooking when you walk in the door—especially when you’re cooking the food he likes.

~ Have the pots and pans washed ahead of time so that the kitchen is every bit as presentable as the meal.

~ If you have problems to deal with, wait until after dinner to spring it on him. Husbands are happier when their tummies are full.

~ Greet him at the door with open arms, a kiss, and a warm embrace.

~ Make an effort to look at him when he is speaking so that he has your full attention.

~ Close the computer if you’re on it, and if you’re chatting on the phone try to end the conversation and call her back later.

~ Have the children tidy up the front entrance when they arrive from school. Backpacks, jackets and gym bags make for an untidy greeting.

~ Do your best to have the house clean and organized at all times. He is working hard outside the home and needs home to be his haven of rest.

~ Don’t be angry if he’s working late, instead show appreciation for long hours put in.

~ Have the kids wash their faces, and change their clothing if they are soiled from play before Daddy comes home.

~ Don’t nag him or try to reshape his bad habits. Work on your own and practice acceptance at all times.

~ It is imperative that you defend your husband to your children and that they respect him at all times. Never allow them to grumble or complain about him whether he’s present or not.

~ Don’t compare him to other women’s husbands or to your father when it comes to your definition of a man. Love and respect go a lot farther than criticism ever will.

“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. ~ Proverbs 31:10”

You are loved by an almighty God,

Ok gals—for the giveaways!

First, for a copy of Darlene’s free e-books; One on Esther, the beauty of courageous submission and one on Ruth, a woman of virtue, click here.

Then, one of you who leaves a hospitality on the road idea, either as a comment or as a link to your blog post on the topic, will win one free night’s stay at the Madison Oaks Inn & Gardens!!!

This stay, subject to room availability, is for the Hannah room, their nicest room and a $280 value! Thank you to Cheryl–the proprietor of the inn who read my book and contacted me with this generous offer!

This will be a great get-away for you and your hubby or a friend. (Sorry, no children under 13 and of course, this doesn’t include travel. You’ll need to get yourself to the inn which is about an hour from Atlanta.)

OK–please leave us a hospitality on the road idea: a clever way to reach out and love on someone that doesn’t involve your home but involves you going to them!

Is there a theme basket you could take a sports-lover, a bbq fanatic or ballerina?

Any way to bless a stranger? A faraway friend or relative by using the US mail?

What could you do for a new family in your church or neighborhood?

A coach, teacher or bus driver?

I can’t wait to see your ideas!

PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you end your comment or post by putting in quotes “B & B” So I know if you’d like to win the Bed & Breakfast giveaway. If you are chosen at random as the winner and can’t get away to the inn, I’ll give you a different prize and pick another winner for the Inn.



  1. These days it is so rare to get a hand-written note or card from friends faraway. I still think it is one of the nicest ways to let someone know they are being thought of. I also like to get small souvenirs when I am on trips to send to faraway friends to let them know I am thinking of them.

  2. We do not travel a lot but when we do we bring food for the other family and usually pay for the kids to get gas for their car and a movie out.
    Feel better!
    Happy Easter!!

  3. My husband and I are planning to take a cross country road trip in the fall–Lord willing. We are both drawn to missions and he located a small town on our route that has a homeless shelter. Their website has a list of their needs. Our plan is to stop there and take some of the items on their list. Just typing this I realize that we should also take something special to the staff that does such a great job of providing this service. Any suggestions?

    1. I like your idea of also blessing the staff.
      I might fill little cellophane or tiny paper bags with samples of lotion or chapstick and tie it up with a pretty ribbon and a tag made of cardstock or scrapbook paper cut with pinking shears. On one side of the tag I’d put a scripture verse like:
      Galatians 6:8-10 “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do’nt give up”.
      or another lifting verse like: Matthew 11:27-29/ Isaiah 40:30-31
      On the other side of the tag I’d put the message “You’re Appreciated!” or “You’re a Blessing!”
      then I’d put these in a basket or tin to be placed on the staff’s main desk for them to help themselves to.
      Or I might just find or make an encouraging card to place for the staff to see and know that they’re appreciated.
      love & blessings, tonya

  4. I enjoy sending cards or notes to friends far away. A handwritten note in the mailbox is a great way to tell someone you love them, appreciate them, pray for them, etc. I also enjoy sending little surprise packages from time to time. When we visit friends out of town (especially when we’re staying overnight) I like to bring a little gift of appreciation along – a potted plant, homemade bread and jam, a pound of coffee and some pretty beverage napkins, etc.
    In regard to today’s post, I think one of the most important things we can do for our husbands is to be respectful of them in our conversations. When talking with friends, am I criticizing and complaining about my husband or am I honoring him? Do I point out his faults or his strengths? Do I make sarcastic remarks that, while intended to be funny, are really degrading? Honoring my husband with my words is one of the most important ways I can show my love for him – whether he is within hearing distance or not.
    B&B – It’s our 20th anniversary this year. That would be a fabulous getaway and within driving distance.

  5. There are many elderly and disabled members of our church who don’t get to come often. In order to make them feel special I started a traveling outreach ministry. It is Traveling Tea Time. Preparations begin with prayer and packing up tea varieties, sweeteners, and oven-baked cinnamon rolls/or other goodies.. A personalized card of encouragement is ready for delivery at Tea Time. Upon arrival, a vintage table cloth, fancy tea set, and all the goodies are unpacked.
    Each visit I read a brief devotional out of Tea Time with God. Traveling Tea Time concludes with sharing personal requests and praying specifically for these needs.


  6. “Book exchange” via the mail: It’s nice to send a book in the mail (something that I’ve finished reading) to someone who also likes to read and would enjoy a “new” story. B and B.

  7. One thing I think would be fun to do to take hospitality on the road would be to take some different teas, teapot, cups, pretty napkins, fancy cookies, etc. in a basket to someone’s house just to have tea together! I haven’t tried this idea yet but really want to do it!

    1. Hey Kelly,
      Started that ministry at our church. It has been a huge blessing to me. You should start it you won’t be disappointed. Its amazing what is shared over tea.

  8. Happy Easter weekend everyone! I love all of the ideas on how to bless husbands, thank you. I like to bake so I try to bake goodies that are different and tasty. I also love good smelling candles so I will bring a favorite scent along. My friends are so varied, so depending on who they arae will determine what Iwould do. reader friends – books, strugggling friends – something inspirational, homey friends – trinket for the house etc. B&B

  9. I cannot take credit for this, but during our very hot summers, some families in our city would leave coolers filled with ice and bottle water on the curb on garbage pick up days so the guys on the trucks could get something cool to drink. I know the workers appreciated it. B & B.

  10. When my kids were in public school, I took cards, chocolate, and special bookmarks to the secretaries at their school on Administrative Professionals Day. They were always so helpful and I wanted them to feel appreciated!

  11. I usally pick up the grandkids when I get off work and sometimes pull in the garage about the same time as my husband. The grandkids get picked up about an hour later depending on work schedules so today’s list sounded nice but. . . . That said I do need to work on other times to show my husband how much he is appreciated

  12. LOVE the “B&B” The Easter egg toast was amazing and I will certainly try it this year! My favorite hospitality on the road is to pay for the car behind me at any drive thru. I enjoy doing random acts of kindness and telling the cashier that all I want is for her to tell them that Jesus loves them.

  13. My daughter-in law lives in Arkansas (I live in Texas). she has a close friend that is going through a divorce and has two teen age girls. I don’t know her friend but felt I needed to do something to encourage her. So, I sent her a Starbucks gift card, an encouraging card and a book by Max Lucado. She asked me to be her friend on Facebook and then asked if I would adopt her. I felt very blessed.

  14. I coupon and love to keep bodywash and lotions and other goodies on hand for impromptu gift. When a friend was down I put together a “spa” gift and delivered it to her at work. It was just what she needed. I also like to garden and share plants with others. I left an easy to care for snake plant with a card and instructions for plant care for my new neighbor as a welcome to the neighborhood gift. She loved it. “B&B”

  15. HOSPITALITY ON THE ROAD – we live in a pretty isolated area. When a neighbor is ill, just home from the hospital, or some other emergency, I love to take a basket to them. I use containers that do not need to be returned. I pick up lg. baskets at thrift shops and put a complete prepared meal in it. I decorate with whatever is available to make it a ‘gift basket’, not just a meal. Pretty paper plates and napkins give it a festive touch. It is such a great way to show Christ’s love through me.

    1. Thanks for sharing, I think this is a great idea. We often make a meal to bless others and I think dressing it up a bit, when it is appropriate and affordable, with something like plates and napkins makes it more special and is a wonderful touch!

  16. First, let me say that I agree with ALL of your ideas on “Curb Appeal”. I have done most of those things through 48 years of marriage. Now that we are retired, it’s a different atmosphere. Ladies in my Bible study group were saying last week, that “times have changed”. Wives don’t have to be like the wives of the 1950’s. I disagreed with them completely and said so. God expects us to love, respect and submit to our husbands always. That doesn’t mean we don’t have a say……we have INFLUENCE with our husbands if we respect them and show it. That’s the way God planned a marriage relationship to be.

  17. I’ve done candle baskets when we go to a friends home or a basket of a variety of our home canning, both gifts are always accepted warmly. Lately though I’ve tried to focus my gifts more on those who need them. I love our friends and church family, and they enjoy our gifts, but they don’t NEED them. We have started focusing in a specific single mother or father with children, or a young family trying to make ends meet. Then we buy a large tub that has a lid and begin collecting. We scour the clearance racks, sales and coupons to fill the tub. When we to and visit friends, we tell them what we are doing and so far everyone has wanted to help. We buy anything that they may need and put it in the tub. It’s awesome to see everyone come together to help others, especially those who can use the blessing. The last tub we did I was even able to include a new handmade blanket for a new single mom and her baby. Once the run is ready, we take food and the tub over (with permission to “drop” by). We try to include a note with it with the names of everyone who was involved, and asking them to give the glory to God, right where it should be!! :)

    1. Forgot to mention…loved loved loved forays study! I miss the mark so often, but now I have a list of guidelines to follow and strive for. Thank you!!!

  18. There is an organization called “Cinderella’s Closet” my Church Life Group (Jr and Sr High girls) had the opportunity to be a part of. We volunteered as sales girls (well, I was a lady). This program collects donated prom dresses, shoes, evening bags and jewelry and GIVES them to girls in the community. I also substitute teach at our local high school and discovered one of the girls had been given $30 to purchase a prom dress. I had the privilege of taking this young lady “shopping” this week during Easter break. We had a ball! She found a dress, bag, and earrings for the prom. We also had lunch and ran some errands. As a retired teacher, I am finding some rewarding activities to encourage and mentor our youth……plus get my “kid fix.” I’ve never met a child I didn’t like!

  19. via email: Hospitality on the road
    This may not be exactly what you’re looking for…. Years ago my parents home burned down during the night. I live an hour away and traveled up there when called by a cousin. I was shocked the next day when people would stop to be nosey but NO ONE brought any food, toiletries, necessities to them. We had to make a trip to town and buy shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, etc. They lost everything. Even the church family didn’t do anything until the home was built back and then they had a shower. That layed a burden upon my heart so now every time I hear of a house fire where all is lost I try to do what I can. Recently a friend’s home burned and she had to stay a couple of nights at a motel. I got her some snack foods, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, search a word book, pens, and a laundry basket. She came to my work place this week to thank me for the prayers and the much needed items.

    Should this idea win I’m in south Georgia so I might could possibly do the B&B depending on where it’s located.
    Happy Easter and Hope you feel better soon!!! I’m really enjoying these challenges:)


  20. I have loved all of the ideas! Although I am not very good at hospitality away from home, I have recently realized that even if I don’t have time to cook, I can take something to someone who is sick or who has just come in from traveling by picking up a pre-prepared dinner from the grocery store (rotisserie chicken or lasagna). They appreciate it just as much as if I had made it myself! It’s the thought that counts! B&B for me please! :)

  21. My mom was a waitress most of her life so I know how dependent those in the hospitality world are on tips. When we dine out, we try to tip above and beyond to bless the person who served us. When you stay in a hotel, don’t forget the cleaning staff. Next time I plan to take a little something special along to leave with the tip as an extra blessing.

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