The Guest Book Giveaway with Marybeth Whalen

The winners of the three Seek packages from Donna Jones are: Luz, MO gal and Deborah. My assistant Kim will contact you to get your home address.


I have a confession to make. I’m not a huge fiction fan.

I have friends who always have a novel tucked in their bag or loaded on their Kindle ready to read when they can find even a tiny pocket of time.

The practical side of me says, “Reading fiction isn’t using my time wisely. I’m not getting anything done nor am I learning anything I can use in real life.” That is the “do-er” in me talking.

However, I have a little problem. I have a few friends who are fiction writers.


Marybeth Whalen is one of those friends. She challenged me a few years to look at fiction with different eyes. Fiction helps to relax us. (I’m a nervous Nille who doesn’t kick back much.) Fiction can inspire us. It can cause us to see the good in humanity or the glory of God. It can teach us important life lessons.

Reading fiction helps the “do-er” in me pause long enough for the “be-er” in me to emerge.

So, I took her up on the challenge and she was right. I read her book The Mailbox and I learned of a God of second chances. I read her book She Makes it Look Easy and I was reminded that comparisons kill contentment. (Which is the entire point of one of my talks!)

Marybeth has just released another novel called The Guest Book. Hear what she has to say about it:

How did the idea for The Guest Book come about?
I got a letter from a woman who had read my first novel, The Mailbox. In the letter, she mentioned a guest book she used to draw pictures in when she was little. That image– of a little girl drawing in a guest book– became the impetus for the story. The rest of the story elements emerged over time.

How do you come up with the characters personalities and their names?

I keep a running list of names I might use. I try to look for uncommon names, or names that reflect a certain personality. As for their personalities, it seems my characters just come with theirs, strange as that may sound.

What do you hope your readers gain from experiencing this novel?

I hope that they feel hopeful about their own situations. This is a novel about moving forward in life, about getting unstuck and learning to believe again. I love hearing that my characters’ situations have helped readers reflect on their own situations and gain a different perspective.

What is next on the writing horizon for you?
I have another Sunset Beach love story coming out next summer. This one is called The Wishing Tree, about two sisters, a beach wedding, and the hopes and dreams we carry into marriage.
Thanks Marybeth!
Now, to be entered to win The Guest Book giveaway, leave a comment on how many fiction books you read a year.  You may win the package which includes the book, a beach tote from Target, some decorative beach shells, some coconut-lime breeze lotion and a Yankee Candle in Ocean Breeze scent. Winner announced Friday.


  1. I read about 6 each year – it’s tough to fit in the time, but what a wonderful way to relax! And, Karen is correct, you learn from the stories too :)

  2. I probably read at least 2 ficton books per week and sometimes more!!! Reading is my escape and I have been reading more and more wonderful Christian authors. I love Karen Kingsbury, Terri Blackstock and have read both of Marybeth Whalens other books and enjoyed them very much.

  3. I have always loved to read.

    One of my fondest memories is of my parents and me sitting at the dinner table after we had eaten reading aloud a classic book (we read through all the Little House series as well as many others this way); each of us would take turns on different nights reading out loud a chapter from the book we were currently on, and then we’d talk about it afterward. It was cherished time.

    I like all sorts of books (fiction and non), but if I had to estimate, I’d say I probably read at least 35 fiction books per year.

  4. I have picked up reading alot this summer. I’m in a reading club at the library and I love to read!!!

  5. I can’t remember the last time I read a fiction book but am looking for a good book to read at the beach.

  6. I’m one of those women who always seems to have a book within arms reach. I probably read 150 -200 fiction books a year, on top of the Bible and the more serious books I also read …. I’m a fast reader, especially for what I often term “brain fluff” books, and fiction relaxes me and makes me think about real life, as I apply concepts, ideas, situations, and behavior to what I know about the ways of the Lord. I come away from my reading refreshed and built up.

  7. Karen, I am the exact opposite of you. I have to make myself read non-fiction. I try and follow Dave Ramsay’s suggestion of reading at least one non-fiction book per month. As far as fiction, gosh maybe 100/year. I read to relax before bed, instead of watching tv. I read when I am eating lunch (since I am alone), I read in the bathtub, I read on the beach when we are on vacation and sometimes I even read when I walk on the golf course in the evening. Love it! I enjoyed MaryBeth’s “The Mailbox” and look forward to this one too!

  8. I am a binge reader. I get the desire to read and will sit down and read 5 or six books in a few days and then not read anything for a month. I also love it when my husband read aloud to me. I will be working on a project (painting the spare room is the current one) and he will read to me while I work. We usually choose a classic, our current book is the Hobbit.

  9. I love reading….I’m in a season of life that I don’t have as much time to read as I have in the past. Plus, I’ve been reading a lot more non-fiction these days. I would say that I read 6 fiction books a year.

  10. I love to read – however, I usually limit myself to read about 4 fictions a year – I become engrossed in the characters and enjoy entering the fiction world for a while. I would enjoy reading The Guestbook.


  11. Reading books has been something I’ve enjoyed throughout my life! My daughters (now adults with families) all enjoy reading and we have exchanged books. Now that my husband and I are retired and travel I read about 20 books a year. Since I lose myself in a book, it takes my attention away from his driving and helps him relax. :)

  12. I can honestly say I think I have read 1 in my life time. I like to read but I don’t find a lot of time for it. I read my bible, devotionals and books to help me grow in the Lord. I might try to buy a christian fiction book to read, as I could use an escape with encouragement and growth in the Lord. Thank you.

  13. I loved Mary Beth’s last book “She Makes It Look Easy”…..can’t wait to read “The Guest Book”. I read about 4 fiction books a year, but trying to read more this year!!! Happy Day!

  14. I love to read and I probably read about 30-40 books a year. Half of those are usually fiction. I do find that it relaxes me and also challenges me in areas that I need to grow. Thanks for this great giveaway! I need a good book to read for the summer!

  15. B.K. aka before kids, I read at least 20 fiction books a year. I think that number has come down significantly to 5-10. Plus now I read more christian nonfiction.

    P.S. Karen, Loved your pic with Courtney from Women Living Well she posted on her website. You look great!

  16. Reading is my escape from the pressure and stress of my job, and I don’t think a day goes by without me reading something – even if it’s just one chapter before I go to bed. I probably read 60 – 70 books a year.

  17. I have not read a fiction book this year! It makes me realize that I’ve been too “serious”!… :)

  18. I read between 20 to 25 a year. They help me to relax before bed. They encourage me. I like books that either are about the Amish or the ones that are in the 1800’s. I love the simplicity of the people and the times.

  19. I used to read lots of fiction especially when good Christian fiction was available through a library. It probably averaged out to 1-2/week if not more .. Now I read more nonfiction, but I still love a well crafted novel. They relax and encourage and inspire.

  20. I read about 6 fiction books a year. The cool thing is my hubby and I read them together. We can leave the cares of our lives and visit someone elses together. Just another way we share all of life.

  21. I am not a big fiction reader either…at least not lately. I seem to always be reading some self-help book… :) I would like to read this book, it sounds really good and i can’t wait for the next new book…that sounds like something I would love!!

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