Unglued Giveaway

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I’ve had a few situations that have tempted me to become unglued emotionally this week.

My stove top isn’t working properly and needs to be repaired.

My dishwasher is on the fritz.

Oh, and when it went on the fritz, it flooded the kitchen. I woke up to a lake one morning with my kitchen island floating in the center.

While waiting for the appliances to be fixed, I must light the gas stove top by hand (no biggie) and do all of our dishes by hand (a biggie!).

Last night, the kitchen was clean when I retired. This morning, after my 17 year old son had two friends over who decided to bake a cake, it looks like this:


And, the tasty cake they made—orange cream with cream cheese frosting—is a sweet—-something I am trying NOT to eat.

Unglued again.

Have you been there?

Are you there now?

Leave a comment with your unglued situtaion and you just might win one of three copies of Lysa TerKeurt’s new book Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions.

It has only been out since August 7th and is already a New York Times bestseller!

I read an advanced copy and it is FABULOUS!!!!

In fact, reading it helped me reign in my emotions when my kitchen appliances (and my kids) didn’t cooperate.

It just might help you keep your cool too when your situations are spinning out of control.

Winner announced Monday. :-)


  1. This past month I have become unglued to
    Many times to count . Each time asking
    God to forgive me and my husband. The
    Problem is I live in a small 2 bedroom house
    With 1 small bath and my stepdaughter and
    Her two children moved in with us. I really want
    To be nice and christ like. Needless to say I haven’t
    Been either. Lately I stay unglued

  2. unglued moment, you go to work and find you have a flat tire, husband comes to get car and have it repaired, all four tires are replaced, no lunch waiting for new tires on car, finally done. now your rushing back to work, and get a FLAT TIRE on the way back, unglued, lets pray.

  3. I am currently under construction and am not allowing myself to speak negatively! I am getting a kick out of some of the comments only because I am often in those shoes. Some of the posts are just plain heartbreaking. Jade, I am in a similar boat. God will never give us more than we can handle. Let Him work on your husband. I will keep you in my prayers.
    I would love to win this book. My husband and I are in counseling and my outbursts have been brought up many times. I have promised myself and my family that I will get it under control, by the grace of God.

  4. Just daily life raising kids- specifically grocery store behavior today. So trivial, but often it’s the little things that get me. I’m told that strong willed children make great adults. Let’s hope so!

  5. I come unglued at my office daily when I hear some of our employees complain that they have so much work to do and can’t meet their deadlines (tax returns, of all things!); yet, they visit for hours on end, take long lunch hours together, and leave early to go work out at the gym! What are they thinking? Where are our ethics and integrity?

  6. Unglued in ways I never thought I’d have to face…

    And unglued in something I knew was coming…our daughter starting college in another STATE and our son in another state as well.

    Prayers for God’s blessings on everyone who is unglued today!

  7. you are so generous! would love one of those books – some days i need much more than super glue to hold me together! (Praising God that He is always there – no matter what)

  8. I have 2 kids that I feel like I yell at every morning as we are trying to get out of the house to go to school. I have read the first 2 chapters of this book. I feel like it would be a great help in our house. I would love to win.

  9. My unglued summer: I was summoned for two months of federal jury duty, so I could make no plans, but had to call in each Monday to hear my instructions. I just called in today and found I am released from serving. Actually, I only had to go one day and was not placed on a jury, but still, I couldn’t make plans! Glad that’s done!

  10. When am I not unglued? I really do have a wonderful life….if only I’d stop screeching enough to live it.

  11. When you are hurt by another person, and know you need to forgive so you take steps towards that,, but they completely ignore you, do not even acknowledge you exist.. Praise God we make the choice and He works it out… I still feel unglued..

  12. My unglued moment? I had a litany of problems and troubles that make me feel unglued. Then I started reading others comments and realized for the most part we all have the same moments that make us go bonkers. I wish we could all win this book.

  13. With 9 children( which includes 3 teens & a 1 & 2 yeao old) I pray every day I don’t come unglued! There is never a dull moment & it’s a constant juggle .

  14. My worst ever unglued moment happened on a Monday, of course! I had to get to a nearby town for a very important doctor’s appointment.

    To start it off the alarm didn’t go off on time so I overslept. I spilled juice on my jeans and had to change, and kept dropping things on my way to the car. I got into the car, and of course it wouldn’t start, the battery was dead. My friend finally made it out to the house and jump-started the car, only to get down the road a few miles to be stoped by road construction! Luckily, I barely made it to my appointment.

    If that won’t make you come unglued, what wouldn’t?

  15. The current thing that makes me unglued is my son’s LOUD LOUD voice!!! He has no concept of an inside voice and no, he doesn’t have any hearing problems, been checked! Someday I’ll miss the loud, right??

  16. School starts in a week. My baby will be a senior. I’m the only one in the office. Need to go to town which is 100 miles away for haircuts and pick up glasses. Been going somewhere every weekend this month for someone. Out of time, out of money, and so very tired….I’m sure I’ll come unglued alot this year.

  17. I become
    unglued when I let my emtions control me when my thoughts overwhelm me about my 24 year d daughter who is a prodigal right now living a lifestyle that goes against our biblical beliefs. She also has a daughter who is 5 and she has begged me to live with us…that totally unglues me. Her mom won’t even let us see her.

  18. Oh ya. Especially when my husband is supposed to take care of this dishes and he doesn’t. I am so looking forward to reading your book. I am pretty sure I actually need “re-glued” as I often feel like I am only ever unglued!! Lol. Thanks for the opportunity!

  19. i have been living in in a perpetual unglued state for the past 7.5 years. the circumstances are all wonderful, but i have yet to find a realistic normal for myself. i am married to a man who owns his own business, i work outside the home, we have two wonderful children (ages 17 and 5) who have completely different activity and social schedules. My husband is also a deacon, which at my church makes me a deaconness and I’m a youth advisor at church as well. I’m a run coordinator for an affiliate of a national run group and the president of the high school booster club! In reading this, you may say, “just drop something and you won’t be unglued.” Unfortunately, I have dropped things SEVERAL times and it seems things are worse when I’m doing nothing, AND somehow things creep back onto my schedule! Every now and again, I take little mini-sabbaticals to help gain my composure, but I find myself getting irritated with people and while I’ve gotten better with not blurting out the quick, snappy comebacks, they’re there.

  20. This week I am trying to get everything done to get the kids ready for school while my husband is stressing about finishing a new course he is writing and having to attend meetings.. Need to make a trip to see my in-laws who are housebound. Trying very hard to hold my tongue and not get unglued so we can enjoy our anniversary today – 24 years.

  21. I have discovered that it is easy for me to come unglued. I have been working and praying on this imperfection of mine. I must say that it really rears it’s ugly head when I am dealing with my son’s paternal grandparents. I actually had a run in with his grandfather when he told my son that a dear family friend he calls Meme, that he couldn’t call her Meme anymore, he only has one Mimi and it was his wife. I can let a lot of things pass but telling my son what and who he can call someone is stepping over the lines and into my property. I work in a public place so it is easy to let the customers come in and ruin your day but I pray every morning to help me through and with God’s help I am able to not come unglued on our customers! Woohoo! It is the people in my personal life who I get irritated with and want to lash out at. I can’t wait to be able to get my book so I can start reading it!

  22. I have a new puppy and my whole life is different now. I don’t sleep a full night, I can’t work on my laptop without the puppy bothering me, my carpet is ruined from chewing and moreso from bathroom accidents! My whole life feels unglued!

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