The Awesomest Calendar EVER Giveaway

Last year I bought a wall calendar with a Groupon. The company selling it claimed that their calendar was awesome. It is!

Kept my year organized.

Got kids to their color-coded activities on time.

Helped me see several months at a glance.

Organizational bliss!

It is a wall calendar that has a horizontal layout on one side and a vertical on the other. It comes in academic year (August-July) or calendar year (January-December) and it is available in dry erase or uncoated.

So, this year, even though there wasn’t a Groupon deal, I ordered another one. Even Tweeted about it to get 20% off. When the calendar got here, I was super pumped. However, when the mail lady handed it to me the shipping tube was empty.


So, I emailed the fantabulous Jesse at the company. An apology was quickly given and another one shipped out pronto. Then, Jesse & I got chatting via email. I wanted to express what great customer service they have (not to mention what a great product).


That brought about this generous offer Jesse wants to give my readers:

YOU TOO can get the wall calendar of awesomeness for not 20—but 30% off!!!!!!  (by entering the code KarenEhman at checkout. Expires 2/28/2013)

AND this way cool company is also giving away a free calendar to FIVE of you who comment today!!! Yipeee! The company is called Neuyear and you can find them by clicking HERE.

You won’t regret buying this time management tool. Leave a comment telling us what kind of calendar you currently use and your name will be entered in the random drawing. Winners announced Monday.

Don’t forget to CLICK here and enter KarenEhman at checkout to get 30% off!!!!


  1. Humm…I currently have a month at a glance calendar that I have torn off the first 3 months of. I have then taped January, February, March and April (still with the rest of the months) on to the back of my door. With a family of 6 and a ministry to run, EVERYTHING lives on my calendar! Are the squares really big enough to write in??? Still a bit doubtful, but I’m still looking at it! :)

  2. As a mom of 4 very busy & active children and one super busy hubby….this calendar might just be the end of all my struggles….I would love a chance to win and become more organized in this new year (a goal of mine).

    Have a blessed day!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Robin :)

  3. Thanks for the great link!
    I just ordered one for our church office, I’ve used the spiral top At-A-Glance wall calendar for years, but I love the idea of the whole year being available to anyone scheduling the church.

  4. I haven’t bought a 2013 calender yet! Yikes, I know!! This would be super handy! Thanks for the chance to win one, Karen & Neuyear.

  5. I use to pride myself on not needing a calendar! As a mother of 3 I could keep it all in my head and actually discovered that if I wrote things on the calendar I forgot them, as though putting them down on paper allowed me to let go of it in my brain. Go figure………I am kind of the same way with a grocery list. Heavan forbid I lose the list, and for that reason I often keep it all in my brain.
    However, now that some of my kids are older and have part time jobs and the ability to drive themselves to this activity or that, I am finding that my brain can’t handle it as well. Could be that Mama’s brain has gotten older too!
    I love the idea of seeing the whole year and not flipping back and forth from month to month. Now I am looking for just the perfect spot to hang it!
    Thanks for passing along this great find, Karen :0)

  6. I’ve been using a dry erase calendar mounted to the fridge. I’m always game for trying something new if it seems like it might be better

  7. I use a portable appointment book type for work/personal. At home, we have a dry erase board that I have to fill out each month — and guess what — I haven’t even changed it to January yet! LOL Thanks for much for this offer :)

  8. Always on the look out for a new calendar because I’m always trying to get and stay organized. I did well when my children were small but now that they are all grown I can’t seem to get it together.

  9. I’m currently using a calendar (one month on a page with beautiful scenic photos on the upper page) that I received free from Forgotten Man Ministries.

  10. I use the calendar on my android, but I really need something the whole family can use. It’s silly for me to have to constantly check my phone to tell the family what’s up. I have a wall calendar, but it’s just not organized. We are still trying to find the organizational tool that works for our family.

  11. Been using regular calendar where you see one month at a time, and it has monthly verse. My husband’s schedule is all over, and I have two busy school aged boys. This is a cool calendar that I would love to have!

  12. I’ve been on the hunt for a calendar that will really be helpful (for me) and haven’t been able to find one that is “just right.” This may be the one! Will have to check it out. Thanks!

  13. I’ve been using the calendar on my phone but it has serious limitations. I cannot automatically record my every other week commitments and “third Saturday” commitments, among others. I’ve been struggling to organize my life, but it’s just so complicated! I’m going to have to check these guys out…

  14. I currently use a pocket calendar. Not the most efficient way, but Im trying. I usually misplaced it and that doesn’t help. Im the mommy of three aged five and under with one more due in the next few weeks. Im surviving on what mommy brain I have left!

  15. I am the Nana to three homeschoolers…… daughter has the regular flip calendar which is written on and ove……she has the computer, the iphone, and so many little yellow post-it notes stuck to her chalkboard, bulletin boards and even the car windshield, that I worry about her driving!!!!! This calendar would be a real asset to her daily living. I think it is a wonderful gift from this company.

  16. We have a one month white dry erase wall calendar, which works well for us thus far. I LOVE the idea of being able to see the months flow into each other on the giveaway calendar but I have six children and am not sure if the squares would be big enough to accommodate all of our color coded schedules. It’s worth a try though…thanks for the chance to win!

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