Unglued Giveaway

Have you ever come emotionally unglued?

With your spouse? A child? The lady at the dry cleaners? The driver on the road?

Yeah, me too.

Sometimes in the midst of raw emotions we don’t make wise choices.

Like the time my husband disappointed me early in our marriage and I questioned his love for me. I was emotionally raw. So I cried. But I didn’t just cry.

I accused him of wishing he’d married his high school girlfriend instead of me and then? I chucked the closest thing I could find, his work briefcase, way across the room. As I did, it flung open and the entire contents sprawled across our tiny apartment living room.

It was not my finest moment back in 1986.

But neither was the time I snapped at my daughter as I prepared our Sunday dinner at which two of her friends were going to be guests. They were late. Very late.

As I leaned over to my husband to ask quietly if we should start with out them, my daughter thought I was complaining. I wasn’t complaining, just asking. However, my whisper made it seem otherwise. When she questioned what I said, I came unglued.

I didn’t let a brief case going flying, just some guilt-inducing and caustically accusatory words.

It was not my finest moment….three weeks ago.

My friend Lysa has also struggled with this issue. A lot.

Just last summer she penned a little book to help other women learn to process their emotions in a healthy and God-honoring way.

It is now a New York Times best-seller.

Just recently, she released a devotional on the same topic. I am currently reading it each morning. Here are just a few quotes that I’ve been tweeting that have stood out to me:

“Feelings are indicators, not dictators. Quiet my inner dialogue and replace my anxiety with your comfort and truth.”

“If ever I catch myself pretending or proving, I know I’m processing my hurt the wrong way.”

“When I feel an argument brewing I have to remember that my goal is to tackle the issue not the person.”

If you’d like a chance to be encouraged by this devotional and win not only it but some more cool stuff associated with it, leave a comment telling us what most makes you come unglued. If your what is a who, please don’t use names, just loose titles like, a certain friend, an extended family member or close family member. :) Thanks.

You could win:

~Unglued book

~Unglued Devotional

~Set of 4 Unglued key tags



~$5 Starbucks gift card

BONUS YOU ALL WIN: If you’re interested in talking about Unglued some more, join Lysa on January 29 at 9pm EST – when she’ll be hosting a live, FREE Webcast with Women of Faith’s Sheila Walsh! Visit Lysa’s Unglued book site for details by clicking here.

Okay, what threatens to make you come unglued? Winner announced Monday.


  1. Most of the times that I battle with becoming unglued there are just too many people, making too much noise, and trying to do too many things in one small area of space; Really, when I’m trying to cook dinner, with the one-year-old tugging and crying, the three-year-old bouncing and running after a large ball, the five-year-old attempting to complete his reading homework, and the dear husband tackling a home repair – all in the same small kitchen space – it is all I can do to keep my sanity and try to see the blessings in the chaos.


  3. Dealing with an 18-year old daughter who is in a season of irresponsibility, walking in disobedience, and attempting to manipulate and mom and dad to get what she wants. Working full-time in ministry and trying to give grace and mercy to my child during this season can be challenging some days and I admit I come unglued. I’ve begun reading this book and plan to share copies with friends. Praise God for the honesty, transparency and wisdom shared here-Thanks, Lisa!

  4. Letting what others think of me or how they treat me override what I know the truth of God’s Word says about me! (And in the midst of it –even having been there, done that — the unwise choice is too often the one I make)

  5. Karen, the thing that has most gotten me unglued in the past was the daily grind of living with somebody who has oppositional/defiant disorder. The LORD and I have made great strides in this area, and I am praising Him immensely for this! I still come unglued inside at times when I think too much about how other people see me. Why is it so hard to see myself through God’s eyes only? He is the lover of my soul, my strong tower and defender. Gotta keep reminding myself to trust in Him with my whole heart!

  6. I have come unglued a lot in the past year. I’ve had a hard time at work and in my closest personal relationships. I’ve learned a lot from it but know that there’s more to do. I have been reading Unglued and have found it helpful. I’m excited to read the devotional!

  7. Sadly, it is usually the people who I Iove the most that I come unglued with. I hate that I do that but sometimes the words just fall out of my mouth before I catch myself. I wish I could hit the backspace key and erase them all.

  8. I come unglued a lot when it comes to my two girls, ages 8 and 5, for a variety of reasons. I always end up wanting to have the moment back right before I became unglued so I can redo my response/reaction.

  9. I did the Unglued Online Bible Study and boy was that God’s perfect timing. We have had a family member move in with us that has no boundaries and does to like us setting them with her. Imperfect progress is a daily goal for me.

  10. I find myself coming unglued on a daily basis with traffic. This has been a major issue for sometime. I drive a 100 miles @ day to work and most days I just end up crying and just loosing it. (not at anyone, but I can sure talk in my car with the windows rolled up, lol) I pray alot about this, but for some reason today a calm came over me., I really poured my heart out today and asked him to provide a way out and help me find another job that is closer to home. I am trusting him to provide.

    Everyday my morning mantra is , You don’t have control over others choices, so let it go..
    However, it goes out the window when I realize I am doing the job I wasn’t hired for….

  12. When a spouse, now an ex-spouse, consistantly missed coming home for dinner. Maybe it was my cooking. (I can laugh now.).

  13. I become most unglued when I am overwhelmed; too much to do, too little time and drama all around. Thankfully this doesn’t happen often, but when it does I can come unwound.

  14. I become most unglued with my son, mainly because I’m a slight control freak…and he knows just how to push my buttons. I am already working on staying calm but every little bit of extra support would be wonderful!

  15. I come unglued when I’m feeling anxious or stressed. Sad to say that my family is usually the ones that see me when I come unglued. Excited to read Lysa’s book.

  16. I become most “Unglued” when others forget I’m no longer the mess of a woman I once was. They think my past is who I am today, and because of God’s amazing grace, I thankfully am not.

  17. I come unglued when I am overwhelmed with the day’s itinerary and then my family leaves bits and pieces of themselves all over the house. AHHH! This drives me crazy. I am glad they think I am super woman, but I am not. I am really looking forward to this book. Thanks

  18. Let me first say – oh thanks goodness it isn’t just me! The bickering of my oldest girls (10 and 7) will unglue me faster then anything. But the one that worries me are the times I get unglued at work. i worry that a slip up could cost me my job if it was ever to the wrong person. This post really jumped out at me today and I am looking forward to this book – even if I don’t win :)

  19. I become unglued most often during the early morning hours when I’m trying to get everyone out the door on time and no one is listening to me and at night when I’m trying to get kids bathed & in bed & their not listening to me. Hum, I’m sensing a theme…I’m tired during both times and no ones listening to me…thinking I need to pray about these triggers :-).

    In His Calm,

  20. Most recently, I have experienced those who judge or instantaneously tell me, without a prayer or a second thought, when it comes to the relationship issue. They don’t know the whole story, and do not even try to understand, but they are looking at only the surface, then simply judge or presume. It is more hurting, makes me come unglued, when the most trustworthy ones I believe do this.

    Dear Lord,
    Help me Lord, to forgive those who have made me unglued. Forgive me if I am being sensitive to this issue. Help me find a right counsel. Lord, I truly want to live care-free life, handing all the issues over to Your mighty hands. I am giving You the control over all of my desires. Thank You, Lord in Your precious name, A-men :)

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