Wait Training Giveaway
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Welcome to those of you who’ve landed here after reading my Proverbs 31 devotion Wait Training 101. If you haven’t read it, click here to catch up with the rest of us.
Ever feel like this screen shot from my phone sums up your life perfectly?
Yeah. Me too.
Let’s chat about waiting today.
What are you currently waiting on God about? How long has it been? What do you do while you are waiting that helps to settle your heart and mind? What do you think about the concept from the devotion of “waiting on God” like a maid or butler or waiter?
And let’s help one of you along as you wait. That person will win this giveaway:
It includes:
~ A Mission of God brown leatherette Bible in the Holman Christian Standard version
~ A Bible highlighter
~ Three plaid journals (to journal while you wait)
~Some Cinnamon coffee to sip while you wait
~ Some Caribbean Escape hand soap (You know the signs always say all employees–including waiters–must wash hands!)
~A copy of my newest book LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith. (It is on how to stop trying to control and start trusting God)
To be entered to win, leave a comment today.
BONUS: If you also sign up for my posts via email, you will be entered twice.
Follow me on Pinterest (or if you already do, pin today’s giveaway on PInterest) you’ll be entered three times.
“Like” me on Facebook (or share this post on Facebook)? FOUR entries.
Yep. You guessed it. Follow me on Twitter or tweet about today’s post. You get five chances to win.
If you did any of the bonus activities, please tell me in your comment. (And yes, I have people who can check it out so no funny stuff. lol)
Okay. Let’s chat about today’s topic.
I’m waiting……….:)
To grow old with my husband ..
Patience is definately not my strong suit. Thanks for understanding.
Well I use to wait on being a mom now I think I am waiting on what mission field God will send me too. I have learned to be patient but most of all I have learned to listen. I already follow you on FB and I already follow you on twitter. I am also looking forward to see you at the Hearts of Home conference. couple weeks
After finishing treatments and reconsturction for breast cancer Ive felt a little lost. God is shown me how to slow down during this time and I admit waiting is not a strength of mine. I love the persepective in this devotion. For now, I wait for His direction and press forward learning as I go.
Thank you so much for reminding me that just as we are to strengthen our bodies with exercise, the Lord also strengthens our spirit and faith in waiting. I’m currently in a season of intense “Wait Training” as I wait for God to fulfill His promise of marriage restoration. Thank you for your encouragement. I’m loving being part of the Proverbs31 online study of your fabulous Let.It.Go book! I’m now following you on Pinterest, liked you on Facebook, and signed up for your emails. Thank you for sharing your faith and encouraging us to strengthen our spiritual muscles!
WAIT. The 4 letter word that we all struggle with. No denying that. I have been in God’s waiting room with NF for 29 years now. How faithful he has been . I would love to win this. Thanks for sharing and your words of wisdom. I’m on your email list :)
Waiting can be sooo hard, but I have learned that it is God’s classroom. I just have to be willing and ready to learn the lesson and do the homework.
Karen, I’m just now getting to read this. Wish I’d have been able to enter on time, but we were sick with the stomach flu yesterday.
I’m an email subscriber.
This has been a verse I have leaned on for many years, however, I now see it in a new light.
I have always seen Isaiah 40:31 as if I serve Him, then He will strengthen me. I hadn’t thought about how my waiting, as your weight lifting analogy serves to strengthen my faith and my trust in Him. Thank so much for sharing this insight that the Lord has revealed to you.
Our family is waiting to see if our business will profit or not this year. And if it doesn’t, what direction is the Lord desiring for us. I like the thought of serving God wholehearted in the business while waiting for His direction.
I receive your emails.
Our family is waiting to see if our business will profit or not this year. And if it doesn’t, what direction is the Lord desiring for us. I like the thought of serving God wholehearted in the business while waiting for His direction.
I prayed that the Lord would give me patience, and He gave me a husband, children, and a lot of periods of waiting! Not exactly what I had in mind, but He is faithful!
I am an e-mail subscriber.
I am disabled and finally after a 2 year waiting period got my medicare. That’s great but medicare takes money from my already too small disability check which means there is one bill now that i can’t pay each month. I totally qualify for financial help but i have to jump through all the proper hoops to get it and of course that takes time and i have to wait and wait and wait. So i am waiting on the Lord to watch over me and supply my needs until this is all straightened around which can take up to 3 months. So i’m waiting. But on the praise side of things the Lord helped me win a copy of LET IT GO so i could do the bible study and before that He worked miracles and got me on disability in 9 months time instead of the usual 2 years i was warned it would take. So i am finding with the Lord the wait is always worth it and a lot of times the wait has been shorter when i just give into the Lord and let Him handle it in the first place.
Karen i found you on Facebook and liked you and i pinned the give-away to my Wishlist on Pinterest. Thanks for all you do for us girls! Have a good weekend!
Got so emotional forgot to add that I will look forward to your blogs via email sign up. Thanks for supporting the faith and hope of all who are waiting…
Many years ago I learned a valuable lesson from the Lord about “waiting”. My daughter refused to speak to me or see me for about two years. Within the first weeks as I cried out to the Lord in my despair, I began to pray the rosary and attend daily mass…as I allowed Jesus to take my anguish from me, I continued to learn “how to pray”, which was the most basic prayer of all…”thy will be done”. The waiting became a precious gift as I waited with the Lord and as you so beautifully stated I waited on the Lord. Recent events have once again turned my daughter away. It has been over a year since I have been allowed to see my granddaughter and once again I am praying patiently but this time it has presented me with more challenges.
Absolutely beautiful words of inspiration today; thank you!! I struggle with waiting well sometimes, when life doesn’t make sense. God is teaching me all about trust, and this devotional was such an encouragement! And btw, I shared you’re post, pinned it, and subscribed! :)
I’ve been waiting on God for a job. it’s been a learning process I’ve had to learn to depend on God for everything.
You when God is trying to tell you something He usually tells you in more than one way.I waiting for healing from Fibromyalgia for ten year and bi polar,to have a job as a teacher,to financially free of my parents’ help,to free from oppression/fear/abuse in any form,for my family to be restored and for my 15 yr old daughter to be healed of bipolar and come out of her depression and self destructive path and 12 yr old son to be healed from his behavior disorders and to know they have truely found salvation in the Lord.All this has me just sitting and worrying and fearing for my and my kids’ future and health.My daughter was hospitalized in Sept and kept making self destructive decisions so I stepped down from my position in the Children’s Ministry to focus on my family.Well I think I need to wait on the Lord by serving Him again in the Children’s ministry and trust He is in control and will work everything out for our good.I lost my hope but I am trying to hope again.
Great discussion today. I have been going thru this myself and just stumbled upon your devo on P31. It has been so inspiring just to read all the comments and see that I am not in my boat alone. So many are going thru the same thing I am. I am waiting for God to become real to my husband of 15 years. God is so good to me as just when I think I can’t stay another minute, He sends me a ray of hope…it may be something soo tiny, but something, enough to get me thru a little while longer. The verse you mentioned is actually a song we used to sing at a church I attended when I was younger. I have sang that song hundreds of times…but never thought about it the way you mentioned it today. Sometimes we just need a new perspective…and this may be just what I needed. I liked you on facebook and signed up for your emails…. :-)
I follow you via Twitter as @savvyblog1 and tweeted message
I follow you via email.
I like you on Facebook as Sherri Sav
I follow you Pinterest as Sherri Sav and pinned the giveaway
I am waiting for God to answer to help me with my teenage son…I am single mom with 2 teens and the oldest is my son…he has no father figure except for the men at church who have good intentions but don’t follow through all the time with him. I just pray that he makes good choices and buckles down with junior year school work so he can get scholarships to college.
I feel a conflict. I am definitely waiting…in a LOT of areas. BUt in many others that are more spiritual disciplines I feel like God is asking me to step forward. It is an interesting thing, but I do think they are closely linked together.
(I do get your emails and follow you on pinterest too)