Embrace the Wait with Jeff Goins

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Welcome to those who are here via my Proverbs 31 devotion Embrace the Wait. {Not read it? Click here to catch up}

goins11  I’m thrilled to have author, speaker and difference-maker Jeff Goins here today for a short interview on his new book The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing.   Jeff helps people tell better stories and make a difference in the world. He and his family live outside of Nashville, TN. Follow him on TwitterFacebook, or Google Plus.

Today, on this Labor Day of rest, I want you to hear from him and he wants to hear from you about YOUR in-between, waiting time.  And he has a great freebie for you—a 5-day challenge that will hep you to embrace the wait.

Now for our interview:

Jeff, tell us about your life now as a husband and dad. What is going on at the Goins’ place this time of year?

It’s definitely not dull. Our son, Aiden, is on the brink of walking, which is both exciting and scary. Every day, we realize how many things in our house aren’t “baby proof.” He is definitely getting acquainted with the word “ah-ah-ah” and we as parents are learning how to be more patient.

This time of year for our family is full of lots of walks through the park, meals together, and the occasional movie night. My wife is trying to get me into the show, Friday Night Lights. I’m also just now on the other side of a book launch, which means I’ve got a little room to breathe before starting the next book.

Soon, it’ll be fall, which is my favorite time of year in Tennessee. But for now, it’s a good time to pause and enjoy life.

Your new book, The In-Between, tackles the topic of waiting. What prompted you to write it?The-In-Between3D

Becoming a father made me appreciate the “in-between” times in life — those small, seemingly insignificant moments that we can either miss or relish. When I miss a day with my son (which I occasionally do because of work), I miss a lot. He’s helped me realize that every day, every moment, every tiny time when we’re waiting for something to happen, is an opportunity to savor all life has to offer

I wrote the book to share some of the lessons I’ve learned in embracing the present instead of rushing on to the next big thing.

What do you hope readers of The In-Between gain from reading it? 

I hope it helps folks find meaning in the times that make the least sense, learn how to live more in the moment, and experience the joy that comes with embracing the less-than-spectacular (because it’s actually pretty amazing in its own way).

  slow-down-570x378You recently launched a free 5-day challenge on this topic to help people learn to embrace the wait. Tell us about it and how we can sign up. 

This season of life has taught me more about slowing down than any other. I’m learning to appreciate what’s right in front of me, and I want to share what I’ve learned with others. You can join the challenge, which will help you live with greater intentionality, have better focus, and develop deeper relationships, here: http://goinswriter.com/slow-down/

You are offering a giveaway to a few readers today. What is it and what do they need to do to enter? 

I’d love to hear what your personal in-between is. How are you learning to slow down and appreciate where you are? Share your answer in the comments, and one random winner will get a copy of my new book, The In-Between.

Thanks for taking time today to visit with us, Jeff! 

You bet! Thank you, Karen!


  1. My “in-betweens” as a single mom are a job and medical coverage for my daughter who has a progressive neurological syndrome. I am learning that God can orchestrate extravagant events in the “wait”.

  2. The in between time…learning to live on less, learning how to get a newer car when your family car has suddenly died with no hopes of repair (13 years old), learning what it is like with a child at college-out of state, learning that I must be still and wait is so very hard for me. In between means working 2 jobs while your husband goes to school to be a pastor and the not knowing… I am asking Him to direct me but He is not going as fast as I think he should….I am praying and waiting….

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Robin :)

  3. I realize that the in-between is a part of life we all experience of and on throughout our lives and it looks different for everyone…but I am going thru a new in-between unlike any other I’ve ever recognized…it’s very exciting – almost exhilarating as I feel my eyes are opening to so many new things that have always been right before my eyes…it is also by scary – I am realizing the importance of trusting God and His plan and His provision and its hard…somehow deep, deep inside I know He’s got this – He’s got a plan and its big and He’s got me and my family in His hands…I’m just trying to hold on in faith and see where He is taking us…

  4. This post is really quite timely for me. For the last 14 months, I’ve been embracing the wait as God’s plan unfold in my life. My marriage has fallen apart, but God has been faithful to hold my hand, my heart, and my tears as I wait for His promise of restoration. I’d love the opportunity to read this book and learn more practical ways to enjoy each and every day while I’m waiting for God’s miracle. May God bless each of you as you embrace the journey our creator has divinely designed specifically for you to walk.

  5. Waiting patiently (trying to!) as our sons grow into manhood and “maturity”. A difficult stage for them as they are studying towards a career, seeking a mate, and developing independence. My husband and I are dragged along the way with their outbursts and changing moods and disrespect. It’s hard for them, and for us at this stage. Praying for patience and much love.

  6. Just in between one season of life and the next…. I am learning to say no to more things and just enjoy the what there is already happening. I know I have missed a lot when I was hurrying to catch the next thing instead of letting it come in its (God’s) good and perfect timing.

  7. God truly listens to us! I was engaged to be married on August 2nd (last August 2nd). In a twist of events, my fiancé failed something important in school and was forced to switch majors. We thought he would be graduating last summer, but now it will be another two years. He told me less than three weeks before the wedding that he wanted to wait at least another year before we got married so he could settle into his new major and into being a full time student again. As a woman who had been dreaming up her wedding for the year and a half we had been engaged, it was extremely difficult to accept the fact that I was going to have to wait another whole year. While I’m glad that we were able to work through the difficulty of a put-off wedding, I’ve still been struggling with sadness and anxiety in the wait. Yesterday I cried to God in prayer and asked Him to help me be patient and use the time I have now to grow closer to Him. And then this morning I get an email from Proverbs 31 Ministries entitled “Embrace the Wait,” along with a link to this book! Thank you for being the tool through which God answers prayers :)

  8. Just love how the Lord speaks to me right when I need
    It!! This just really blessed my heart this morning I’m
    Really trying to learn to wait JOYFULLY as we are in
    The final steps of our adoption process. We really
    thought our two little boys would be forever home
    from Haiti the beginning of summer but one of their
    paperwork is still stuck in the process. Missing them so,
    but trusting God’s timing and trying to be joyful in the

  9. God’s timing to read this devotional is exactly where we’re at during this stage of our lives. My husband recently retired and now works as an interim pastor. He has finished his first interim and we are waiting for his next assignment. We have said good by to dear friends we have made. We have become homeless, waiting to be able to build a house and not able to find a short rental place. Today we will go live with our oldest son while we continue to wait for God’s direction in our lives. It has been a very difficult time for us with the good bye’s, the uncertainty, and the waiting. Your words and the truth of God’s presence and grace will help us as we go one day at a time. Thank you!

  10. For me waiting is not something I do well. I am a “doer”, a “fixer”, a lets keep this party moving kind of take charge woman. I am well educated, I have a great job, a cozy home prfect for my little “family”, an amazing daughter and I have a church family that stretches farther and wider than my wildest dreams could have ever imagined. I have a faith that is rooted in God’s love and mercy. But the one thing missing is the one thing my heart desires more than anything – a Godly husband and step-father for me and my sweet girl. See, I have been single for almost 10 years. Dated only twice (long term relationships – both of which are now married) and both ended in heartbreak for me and for her. I have waited patiently on The Lord to bring my prince, but he does not seem to be anywhere in sight. I live a life that I know God is proud of. I am surround by loving, wonderful, Godly women – who are all married. They encourage me the best they can, but have no real perspective on my desire to be a wife. I am grateful beyond measure for their love and friendship. I am living everyday keeping Him first in our lives and chasing Him with all I have. I continue to pray every single day for the sweet husband that I desire and I am trying desperately to not be angry with God for my circumstances. I know my lesson is finding joy in the waiting, it’s just so hard after 10 years of waiting.

  11. Great post an great perspective. My husband and I have been desiring children. After years of infertility, we have been on the adoption waiting list for two years. This summer we were matched with a birthmom and 2 days after the baby was born, she changed her mind about adoption. We are in between, and specifically for me as I quit all my responsibilities to raise this baby that didn’t end up in our home. We remain steadfast in our pursuit of God’s Word, that His plan cannot be thwarted, that He promises to provide everything we need and He has, that we can remain patient in hope, joyful in affliction and consistent in prayer. Days are long and I hope to check out this book for encouragement in this season.

  12. Ohhhhh…..I’m waiting anxiously to see how school goes for my developmentally challenged son. It is heartbreaking at times. I’m also waiting on my marriage to improve…meaning I’m in therapy and waiting to see what direction my husband decides to make. He isn’t happy, for many reasons that have little to do with our marriage, but it keeps him from participating in our marriage and in raising our children. This is hard.

  13. This could not be more timely. You see, my husband and I just got married in February and we are both older (he’s 40 and I’m 36) and desire to have children more than anything. So we prayed and agreed we would not do anything to prevent getting pregnant, in other words, we wanted to start “trying” immediately. Well it has been seven months of trying, months of exams, months of medication, months of hope just to be disappointed. Waiting for a child when it seems like every time I turn around another friend or co-worker is getting to exclaim those exuberant two words, “WE’RE PREGNANT!” while we sit and wait…. it’s taking it’s toll on our emotions, our desires and our dreams. But thankfully not our faith! We know God has given us this longing for a reason, and we know He will come through in His way and in His time. But it’s not easy, this waiting thing. I pray now more than ever we learn to embrace it, somehow, some way.

  14. I have always had a hard time being still in the in-between times until I had a miscarriage last year. I thought I had it all figured & planned out. God took me on a journey where he is helping me to realize I’m not in control of this life. If I choose to totally surrender to Him and his will for my life… my life truly is not mine. It’s his. I’m okay with that. Still learning what it means each day to breathe and enjoy every moment he allows me to have! Thank you!!!

  15. I find myself in the wait right now. Just not knowing what God has planned next for me. It has caused a lot of fear and anxiety. But I feel that he is challenging me to grow during this period and deepen my faith. I feel my trust and patience increasing daily and he has truly provided peace beyond my understanding and is showing me that He truly truly portion everyday.

  16. My in between times can seem to last for a long time some days. I have six children and can get so lost in the everyday things. I have really been trying to remember to be intentional with my time and attitude and not let life pass me by. It is all too easy to go through the motions and then before you know it that day is gone. I want to cherish every moment. In every day with my children. We only get this day once!

  17. For the most part, I am very patient. Multiple major life events are my weakness. Three years ago God spoke to me saying “You had to be here to meet your future spouse”. I’ve also been unemployed for over three years. In both these situations, I believe God is growing my faith, hope,and trust. I keep telling myself His timing is perfect.

  18. If I won this book I would give it to my sister whos son, my nephew had an operation on his brain ( only 10% surivive this surgery) the patience they will have to have with his recovery and all that goes with it will be a great strain. She is physically exhausted with all going on since it happened this last week. Please pray for him. Praise God he is still living.

  19. I find it difficult right now waiting to find out what my next stage in life will be. I’ve been home with my two children for 13 years now, but I feel the desired to go back to my chosen profession. Since I’ve been out of the business world for more than a decade, it’s a little scary to decide to go back. I am looking to God for strength and wisdom to figure out what is best for me and my family.

  20. I haven’t! I haven’t been appreciating this in-between time I’ve been in for quite a while and dare I say, I’ve been a little irked with God for leaving me here. This post came at a perfect time – I’m up for the challenge!

  21. An example of how everyday waiting is less frustrating for me now (and therefore long term waiting has gotten less stressful and more joyful): when I’m waiting in line at the store (and I have the knack of choosing the wrong line), I start praying for whoever is ahead of me and for the cashier. I pray that God would bless them and draw them close to Himself, that their lives would be transformed by God’s love and saving grace. So when I would naturally get frustrated with the people and situations that would make a hard day even harder, I turn my thoughts and attitude toward the things that really matter. And this has made long term waiting a bit easier to do, as well. It all depends on my focus (God or me).

    1. That is such good advice. I think I have read it before somewhere else. I will ask the Lord to remind me to do that when ever I am in line. Thank you!

  22. Living in The In-Between right now. Watching one of your children struggle with addiction is probably the most difficult challenge I have had as a mom. I pray, I sing, I write and each morning I seek His face for the strength and wisdom to face “one day at a time.” Prior to the problem, I grabbed hold of the word “intentional.” Love the way it sounds, love the rich meaning it conveys. Shared it with one of my study groups and have embraced it as my way of living each day. Now in the midst of all that we “could” worry about, I am intentional about my time with my LORD each morning and He never fails. Thank you for being one of God’s messengers to me this day. (Being a Tennessee native, I don’t even have to close my eyes to see beautiful Franklin, Tennessee. What a wonderful place to raise a family. What special joys ahead for you. Congratulations.)

    1. I’ve been there (child with addiction) and I’m sorry that you are going through that. Prayer, seeking the Lord, and a godly extended family are what got us all through. My daughter has been clean for 2 1/2 years now. God is faithful. And He has a lot to teach us in the waiting. Praying for you and your family today.

    2. Martha–
      Praying for you in your in-between time. May god protect your child and help them to break the cycle of addiction. You are loved by the Creator of the universe!!!

  23. It never ceases to amaze me when God sends me exactly what I need to hear at the perfect time. This is such a struggle for me. I feel that I am constantly looking for that next stage in life, or next big thing and I get so stuck in the in-betweens. Our busy little 2 year old is constantly keeping us on our toes right now, and us both being full time working parents we sometimes just feel stuck in the motions. I have to keep reminding myself that God is my portion and in every stage, there is something I should stop and learn, savor, or praise Him for!

  24. I love the in-between. My richest moments have occurred there. To keep myself slowed down, I have a running dialogue with myself about how the exact moment I am in will never happen again. It forces me to slow down to absorb the experiences. I try to remember that God has a message for me in every moment He places me….even the in-betweens.

  25. My most difficult in-between time is happening right now. Trying to remember that God is my portion each and every day and that my today does matter, can be so hard. I want the next steps, the things that I think will make me the happiest. Only God knows what my future holds but it doesn’t stop me from dreaming and obsessing over it. Finding the happiness and joy in each day needs to be my focus. Maybe if I stop worrying about the future, I will be able to enjoy today. This is my prayer.

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