Embrace the Wait with Jeff Goins
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Welcome to those who are here via my Proverbs 31 devotion Embrace the Wait. {Not read it? Click here to catch up}
I’m thrilled to have author, speaker and difference-maker Jeff Goins here today for a short interview on his new book The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing. Jeff helps people tell better stories and make a difference in the world. He and his family live outside of Nashville, TN. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, or Google Plus.
Today, on this Labor Day of rest, I want you to hear from him and he wants to hear from you about YOUR in-between, waiting time. And he has a great freebie for you—a 5-day challenge that will hep you to embrace the wait.
Now for our interview:
Jeff, tell us about your life now as a husband and dad. What is going on at the Goins’ place this time of year?
It’s definitely not dull. Our son, Aiden, is on the brink of walking, which is both exciting and scary. Every day, we realize how many things in our house aren’t “baby proof.” He is definitely getting acquainted with the word “ah-ah-ah” and we as parents are learning how to be more patient.
This time of year for our family is full of lots of walks through the park, meals together, and the occasional movie night. My wife is trying to get me into the show, Friday Night Lights. I’m also just now on the other side of a book launch, which means I’ve got a little room to breathe before starting the next book.
Soon, it’ll be fall, which is my favorite time of year in Tennessee. But for now, it’s a good time to pause and enjoy life.
Your new book, The In-Between, tackles the topic of waiting. What prompted you to write it?
Becoming a father made me appreciate the “in-between” times in life — those small, seemingly insignificant moments that we can either miss or relish. When I miss a day with my son (which I occasionally do because of work), I miss a lot. He’s helped me realize that every day, every moment, every tiny time when we’re waiting for something to happen, is an opportunity to savor all life has to offer
I wrote the book to share some of the lessons I’ve learned in embracing the present instead of rushing on to the next big thing.
What do you hope readers of The In-Between gain from reading it?
I hope it helps folks find meaning in the times that make the least sense, learn how to live more in the moment, and experience the joy that comes with embracing the less-than-spectacular (because it’s actually pretty amazing in its own way).
You recently launched a free 5-day challenge on this topic to help people learn to embrace the wait. Tell us about it and how we can sign up.
This season of life has taught me more about slowing down than any other. I’m learning to appreciate what’s right in front of me, and I want to share what I’ve learned with others. You can join the challenge, which will help you live with greater intentionality, have better focus, and develop deeper relationships, here: http://goinswriter.com/slow-down/
You are offering a giveaway to a few readers today. What is it and what do they need to do to enter?
I’d love to hear what your personal in-between is. How are you learning to slow down and appreciate where you are? Share your answer in the comments, and one random winner will get a copy of my new book, The In-Between.
Thanks for taking time today to visit with us, Jeff!
You bet! Thank you, Karen!
I am in my in-between time. This is year 29 of my life as a teacher. I am nearing retirement and an empty nest. One of my children is a sophomore in college and the youngest is a senior in high school. My life right now if filled with applications for college, scholarships, and college loans. My husband and I are discussing whether we should consider moving after I do retire, and I am trying desperately to determine WHEN I SHOULD retire.
I have had slight tastes of what an “empty nest” will feel like and I didn’t always like it. The house was just too quiet and I needed someone with which to do those “fun” things.
I think I may need to get your book to help me to better appreciate this season of my life.
Almost one year ago I changed jobs. I knew it would be a challenge to adjust our budget with my new position, but life is about more than money and my previous position had taken control of every aspect of my life. The new job sounded like it had been created for me! I enjoy working and always have. After being in my current position for around a month I found put just how true the old saying of ” the grass isn’t always greener” could be. My husband and I had prayed about the job change and I felt like God had placed me there for a reason. In short , the job isn’t the right fit but I know it is according to His plan for my life. However, it has been a daily struggle to not question ” why would God put me in a job that consumed me even more than the previous “. I am in one of those in between times of life. Each day after work I try to find one positive thing from that day. Most days my positive is , that this situation has reminded me that God is in control. It has made me more consistent with my devotional and prayer time. I know he has a greater plan for my life. But “in-between” this stage and the next seems to be lasting forever. I look forward to reading your book to find new daily inspiration to help me get through the in-between.
Thank you
I am definitely in-the-in-between of my life. Dealing with it is very difficult. Most of all it has increased my faith and trust in Jesus Christ. I am broken and humble, because of my life situation…being 57 yrs, with a adopted 5yr. old, a teenager, and a retired AF husband that now works part-time, after I have been a work-at-home mom. We have not had a weekend together for 7yrs. I need lots of encouragement. God is my best friend!!!
I’m in the in-between stage that Karen mentioned in the beginning of her devotion today. I have a 4 year old learning how to read, a 2year old that I want to potty train (after he starts talking!) and a little one that just started rolling over! I love these little years, but sometimes I also look forward to the “easier” days, when I don’t hear “Mommy” about 100x a day. But then The Lord offers a brief, joyful moment or two with my boys, whether its a fresh-picked dandelion, a random hug and “thank you Mommy” from my child of few words, or a (toy food) breakfast in bed… And then I’m so thankful and in love with the blessings of the in-between!
A wise woman once told me to put aside the cleaning to enjoy them before they grow up, and I try to remember to do that each day.
I feel like I am waiting for one thing in particular but it isn’t happening…but I must, as I read today in the devo & blog, learn to wait with patience & accept God’s timing.
I must admit that I am not very good at slowing down, so I really don’t have an answer for how I will slow down. However, this blog has convinced me that I need to learn how to slow down & I know that one way I can slow down is by sitting quietly with my God for a while & just listening. ~Blessings~
This is definitely the in-between time for me right now. There are many things in our lives that are changing and many others that will be, but it’s the waiting time right now. Thanks for the awesome encouragement! As always, God is always right on time!
My biggest in-between so far in my life is my current season of life. I am learning to embrace the everyday duties of being a wife, mother, daughter, friend, etc. I used to wonder what the next “big” thing God was going to use me for was, when in reality, He wanted me to be faithful to my current responsibilities. We have so much impact on those we see face to face each day and come into contact with in the scope of our normal lives. God expects us to share the Gospel with these people! It was a freeing, although still difficult, revelation. It allowed me to be a mother and not constantly expect the next “big” thing to come my way. What a beautiful gift that is.
Hi Karen and Jeff! God blessed me with a day by day, moment by moment approach to life since birth that in my younger year others most often saw as a fault, a character flaw, but this blessing has served me well and allowed me to serve God well! I thank Him every day of my life for always being my portion for the day and for somehow, long before I read Scripture, letting me know not to worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will have enough worries or troubles of its own. The only area of my life that sometimes caused me to forget this truth is when it came to my children and now my grandchildren, but with faith, trust and prayer, I continue to offer it up to Him. This brings almost immediate peace! I would love to read this book. Ps Karen, I am even a good waiter at the DMV…Praise God!
Wow, Mary! Talk about supernatural power! The DMV? I’m in awe. ;)
It seems all my life I have been waiting for something different to come along, for things to get better for me, for my struggles to end. I am a person with severe bipolar. I always want my struggles or episodes to pass as quickly and as painlessly as possible. While things are getting better as far as space between intervals, I am still struggling with waiting out the storm and trusting that even though the waves of emotions are stormy and rough, I have a God who has created the world and perhaps in my struggles God is trying to teach me something, whether it is patience, trusting Him more, becoming a more stronger and sympathetic young lady, I don’t know, but I do know that He is holding me in his arms during the storms of life and will continue to as I live my life. So right now I am constantly in an “in-between” with desiring for the storms to pass and resting in the fact that life gives us storms and God allows these storms to shape and mold us into the people He wants us to be. Also each minute of life is a gift from God, so wishing some away, seems to me like not appreciating a gift that God is giving us, even though it might not be on our gift list.
I feel called to write books…but I’m also getting the “not-just-yet” message. So in the meantime, I teach my five children and do a little daily writing to keep in practice. And I read voraciously!
My daughter was my life. For 19 years she was my best friend and I admired her many talents, her godliness, and sweet personality. With trepidation (on my part) she went away to university 4 years ago. During her first year she met an unbeliever who she fell in love with and married just 2 weeks ago. She has changed so radically, I hardly see any reminders of my former daughter. As difficult as these last 3 years have been (more than anything I could have guessed), entering this new period when all hopes of her return are extinguished is stepping into a new unknown. I’m not sure what is waiting down the road and see this period as my “in between”. I feel I need to use this time to recharge my drained battery.
I feel as if my in-between is happening right now in my life, for numerous reasons. My husband and I are going through a separation, so I’m anxious for this period of my life to be over – the angry, the sad-filled and lonely season I’m living in. I want to fast-forward to happier times rather than having to fully experience all the heartache. However, I do know that as long as I keep my focus on God, He will show me what His plan is. I just need to be patient and wait for Him to reveal it.
My in-between is happing now! And I’m the first to admit it ain’t pretty! My husband and I moved 10 hours from family and friends for his job. This move forced me to give up my job. His career is skyrocketing and my flames have been put out! I’m home everyday applying for jobs and praying for interviews. Plus, I’m about to be 31 and really don’t know what I want to do! I am totally depressed and at times so resentful. I’m often angry at my husband because of the move. Right now, I’m praying that God will reveal what’s next for me.
I’m not very good at in-between times. I am not very patient so God is teaching me that through my current in-between. I am waiting for Him to tell me what He wants me to do with my life as far as a job and spouse, etc. This particular in-between has been very long and I try to wait on Him and enjoy right now but as I said I’m not very good at it. I need to learn that all I need is God and not a great job or a spouse or children or a huge salary.
I don’t seem to be at peace with the times in-between because I worry about if this not an in-between time but the way things will be until the end. What if God chooses not to move me past this time.
My sister died two years ago. Since that time I feel as though I’ve been wandering aimlessly in the wilderness with a huge, empty hole in my soul…and wondering what is my purpose for even living. For the last few weeks, though, I have felt as though God is leading me to something…I don’t know exactly what…but now I am hopefully waiting on Him to reveal it to me.
I find that waiting is difficult for me, something I struggle with. This is perfect timing for me.
I love all that I’ve been reading about your book so far and find that to be my greatest challenge right now in the area of parenting with a 16 month old and a 4 yr old. I want to do well with waiting seasons in my life but find it so difficult. One way I try to do that is by having a grateful heart, taking time to thank God daily for several things around me, chubby hands, dirty footprints on my clean floor, etc.
Embracing the Wait, what a concept. The wait for me right now is the longing for a restored relationship with my 30 year old daughter. During this time of pain, I lean into Jesus, search his word and seek to walk in his ways. Learning valuable truths and lessons during this difficult journey. God is my portion, a shield around me and the lifter of my head.
My personal in-between is the time between getting married and having children, and it has been and continues to be a long wait. Sometimes I realize how blessed I am to have this time with just my husband and me, and other times I feel overwhelmed with my desire to hold my own child in my arms.
I feel that I am on my face before the Lord. I have never felt so down and lost. I so want to live what ever my mission here is on earth. But with a husband who left after a 20 year marriage after coming into some money, and kids – just being kids – has left me devastated. I do not know who I am and what God wants of me. I surrender it to Him and will look to Him to be my all. I am empty…
The In-between for me is happening now, 2010 my husband left myself and four girls for someone else. There was also an addiction involved. I filed for divorce after trying to reconcile, he was still seeing this other person and his addiction was still an issue. I have recently started to date again, I know God has someone for me. I just struggle with the waiting, I trust God with picking the right person. I struggle with being patient while God does his work! I pray daily for whoever God has picked, and for me while in the wait!
Right now I’m in an in-between in two ways:
1. I’m the mama of 7, and the youngest three are ages 1, 2, and 3. It’s a wonderful and precious season for so many reasons, yet trying too. Mama is a very popular figure, and sometimes I just feel like I’ve given more than I can. I don’t want to rush it. I know I have more to give (because He makes me able) and struggle to keep the proper perspective.
2. I’m also in the season right now waiting for something to happen or not happen. I’m relishing it. I’m actually loving this time. Because if it happens, life will change. And I don’t want to rush, and wish I was back here in the in-between.
My husband and I made a big decision three years ago that we wanted to farm his parents land. In order to do this, we had to move from our nice sized three bedroom home to an 800 square foot house of the farm that has two bedrooms and a “one room downstairs”. The plan is to move into my in-laws home when they move into his grandparents home. It’s a great big house swap! But the plan was to be in this house for about two years, and we’re working our way past three, with another 1-2 years tacked onto our potential wait. It’s been hard for me to learn to be content in a shoebox of a house with a growing family. But, I know the Lord wants us where we are, and that his timing is more important than ours. I pray each day that today will be the day we hear the news, that it’s “go time”! Until then, I will (try) to enjoy the space in between then and now!
I cannot help but think of those times when my boys say, “Stop taking pictures. Come be with us.” Slow down….enjoy the moment we are in.