Red Hot Faith giveaway by Cindy Bultema

Today I am excited for you to meet my close friend and prayer pal Cindy Bultema who is guest posting on having faith that is Red Hot. Can I get an Amen?  {I am on Cindy’s personal prayer team and she is on mine. I pray for her children and marriage and she prays for mine. Our combined seven kids and two hubbies owe us each a new pair of jeans because the knees on the ones we own now are worn right through!}

This girl lives her message and I am excited to have her share that message with you here. {Be sure to leave a comment on today’s post for a chance to win a leader’s pack, which includes the DVD teaching (8 lessons) plus leader’s guide and participant guide.}

Now meet Cindy.


Cindy  loves the Lord, loves her family, and loves to celebrate!  With nearly 20 years of ministry experience, Cindy is a popular women’s speaker, author, and Bible teacher.  But don’t let her cheerful smile fool you—Cindy has endured single parenting, overcome bondage to addiction, and survived tragic loss.  Sharing messages of God’s hope and redemption is now Cindy’s great delight.  Her video-driven Bible study, Red Hot Faith: Lessons from a Lukewarm Church, was released in July 2014.  Cindy lives in Michigan with her husband and their four kids.

Most days you can find Cindy walking her dog Rocky, attending one of her boys’ hockey games, or serving hot lunch at her kids’ school.

Is your faith life more fired up or fizzled out?  How I long for a faith life filled with purpose, passion, spark, and meaning but truth be told —most days I feel caught up in the whirlpool of life.  After long days jam-packed with a house full of kids, never-ending chores, and our zany dog—I barely have energy to change the sheets, much less change the world.

Maybe when my family life slows down, then I should serve. When I lose weight, then I’ll be more comfortable sharing my story. Or when I learn more Scripture verses, then I’ll be a better Bible teacher.  In the meantime, it’s easy to settle into a lukewarm routine, filling my days being busy with “good” things, while allowing the “best” opportunities God has for me to pass on by.

I wonder if you can relate.  You read about women who are moving mountains with their faith, blogging to billions, caring for orphans, and you want that life!  You declare “Use me, Lord!”  But when it’s time to talk to your neighbor, sign up to serve, or pray for the hurting friend, you hide behind your badge of busyness and settle in to accept comfort over calling, simplicity over serving, hiding instead of hospitality.  Thankfully God never intended for “lukewarm” to become our norm.

I’ve found the key to living with fresh passion and purpose tucked in a letter to the ancient church of Laodicea, also known as Revelation 3:14-22. The people in that church were not very different from you and me today.  They struggled with being lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—and Jesus had the perfect remedy for their lackluster faith.

Sweet friend, what if God has purpose for us in the midst of our most mundane days?  What if we went from just “believing in God” to allowing Him to ignite every part of our faith lives?  Let’s learn from the lukewarm church and say “no” to lives of complacency, staleness, and stagnation and instead pursue a life of Red Hot Faith!

Visit Cindy at

Now for the giveaway.

Cindy's book

Someone will win Cindy’s Red Hot Faith leader’s pack.  Leave a comment on how you said ‘NO’ to mundane living and yes to living a life of Red Hot Faith.


  1. I would love to share this with my sisters in the Lord in our study group. We are looking for something as we are almost done with our study book. blessings

  2. After his contract expired he returned to his native Morroco via the United Arab Emirates where he was killed in a car accident two days after scoring a double for FAR Rabat,. Trastevere, the vibrantly pretty district south of the Vatican, is everyone favourite setting for an evening drink, with its gorgeous tangle of ochre and orange ivy draped buildings. The Goodwill or nearby thrift store is a great place to get any of these articles of clothing at great prices, they usually have plen

  3. Where to begin… God gave me the gift of faith at conversion when I was 23… I was an atheist prior to then persecuting the church and all who believed. But to HIS glory, He has provided miraculously in so many ways and has grown my faith that everything was tested much like Job… After 20 years of marriage I lost everything I held dear and almost my own life… My husband left me for another woman after a motorcycle accident that had me in the hospital for months and now I have seizures I have been unable to control with several different medicines… Because of my many seizures I also have mild brain damage that affects my memory… We are going through a divorce currently and I am doing my best to raise our four children on $300 a week he gives for child support when he feels like it… BUT, God, MY MAKER MY HUSBAND… Has never failed me! He has ALWAYS PROVIDED NO MATTER THE NEED!! :-) my faith is no only red hot it is like the fiery tongue of Pentecost! And I love The Lord my God with all my heart and soul! With all my mind and strength! He literally is all I have left!!! Thank you for blessing me with the forum to share my story!!!

  4. I am a preachers kid, and old one to, my journey through this was a wonderful childhood, and a marriage and I have kids a girl who be 40 in a few weeks and a son who will be 35 next week. They are wonderful christians along with their families, however life was not always good in there home life their Dad divorced me 1 month before we were married 25 years….However I survived and became very involved in bible studies at my new church, and made alot of new friends and God has really changed my life around. I still have some difficultys remembering Bible verses, and become very upset when I cant remmeber, any way I would love to share your ne book Red Hot Faith with my bible study ladies at church. A few of us ladies go to a place nearby to have bible studies with ladies who are newly out of jail and need to become focus on God as part of their recovery, they are great ladies and so willing to learn and they have all become very much into the word and willing to learn. It is program they must finish before they can leave this home, so far the ladies are doing so great and are always so glad to receive us and go to our church. Would love to share this bible study with these ladies. God Bless you!!!

  5. The newest step out of the norm for me is joining a church plant from our home church where basically my hubby and I (early 50s) are the senior citizens! We have gone from the typical Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night to Sunday mornings at a high school auditorium and then co-leading a community group on Thursday nights, but oh how we love it! The last few years have been full of challenges and changes – we were foster parents for two years (hosting nine kids total throughout that time) and going to Nicaragua three summers in a row. Now, I have a new full-time job (first full-time job in 30 years) where I have the opportunity to be Jesus’ hands and feet to my coworkers and clients. This is the “great adventure!” Would love to do this study!

  6. I try to stay away from mundane. When a friend asks me to pray, i stop what I am doing and say a prayer. I also volunteer to teach 3rd graders for a week every summer for VBS. I’m not a teacher by nature and I’m not a very organized person. But I do it for this one week, no matter what else is going on. I am always exhausted by the end of it because I work full time during the day and then go straight to my church in the evenings that week for VBS and get home in time to go to bed and then do it all over again. It’s exhausting, but knowing that I am making a difference in the lives of kids makes it worth it. And I have also signed up to be a substitute teacher for Sunday School, although I usually struggle to get me and my two kids out the door on time for church.

  7. I NEED THIS BOOK! If I win it or not! I am always get caught in the “whirlpool of life” and I want the Spark back and live with the On Fire For the LORD attitude EVERYDAY! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  8. I am a ministry wife so it is not hard for me to feel worn out or in a mundane rut. I choose to serve the Lord with gladness by lifting people in prayer, keeping in confidence when they reach out to me with a need, bringing a meal in a trying time, and by loving as our Lord loves us.
    I look forward to Bible study time with a few other ministry wife friends and we enjoy our time together growing in our faith and being energized through our Bible fellowship time.
    Thank you for the blessing of your ministry!

  9. Would love to share this study with a group of my teacher friends who after only meeting a few hours this week to get ready for the school year, feel overwhelmed, stressed and that our lives are mundane. We never are appreciated by our administration or parents but we feel it is a ministry to the children we serve. We just don’t want the year to be mundane and for us to already be feeling worn out and barely getting by.

  10. My friends & I have a Bible study in our homes during the year. We were considering this book already. I saw it advertised at a MOPS Michigan training. I have been brave & stepped up into our MOPS leadership role. It is terrifying! I want to quit some days as I’m on the frontlines. :) I’m pressing on that God has a plan. My team of Moms are great as we prepare for a year of ministering to women in our community. Our goals are to have every mom that joins feel connected, welcomed, and heard. And they would all hear about Jesus Christ. Then it will all be worth it!
    Thank you for letting God use you!

  11. My faith exploded because it had to …. I grew up a good Christian girl in a typical Christian home. Life was pretty uneventful, I had no big “story to tell” until November 5, 2011 when my husband of almost 20 years, the Daddy to our 3 girls, my best friend fell off of a roof he was working on and was instantly ushered into the presence of Jesus. In the moment I heard the Dr. Speak the words I’ll never forget, “I’m sorry, Rickey didn’t make it” my faith went from lukewarm to red hot. It had to, either I believed everything I’d learned up to that point or I didnt. With a calm that wasn’t my own, I hugged my girls and said, “Daddy is in Heaven!” I have learned and grown so much since then, but I still desire to live out “Red Hot” faith!

  12. I’d love to share this with my women’s ministry group! We were recently talking about this very thing!

  13. I stepped out in faith two weeks ago, and God was with me all the way. I volunteered to get involved with a street ministry team in a crime-ridden area in a nearby city. It was something I never envisioned having the courage to do. I thought I would be scared, but our team was bathed in prayer, and I never felt frightened. We prayed with many, many dear people who had a variety of concerns. It was the highlight of my summer!

  14. To be honest this is something that I am still struggling with. I want so badly to find freedom in the mundane. I know this is a heart issue that God is working out in me everyday.

  15. I stepped out of the mundane to lead a FB group for Christian Woen with depression and anxiety. Basically a group from scratch that now had 32 members in it. They bless me more than I bless them I think!

  16. Would love to lead this study for my volunteers who are doing Prison Ministry with me at a maximum security women’s prison!

  17. I have had the pleasure of meeting both you and Cindy. What a blessing! Saying NO to a mundane life is a daily task. Thank goodness each day we are able to begin anew. I feel like I’m in a Spiritual slump, as of late. I don’t know if it’s just “life”, because it’s summer, or because of things changing around me. I sure could use a Red Hot Faith!

  18. Unfortunately, I have not said ‘NO’ to mundane living; I feel like that is where I’m at right now, for a variety of reasons. This book may be the catalyst I need to learn how to empower myself and say yes to living a life filled with Red Hot Faith.

  19. I’ve accepted the opportunity to teach our adult ladies class once as a sub, and this next week is a stretch as we host/entertain three sets of guests. I would love to do this book study with our church ladies. I need just such a challenge!

  20. I said “yes” to an opportunity at our church to prepare, serve, and clean up for lunches for a project at our church. It was for mentally challenged young adults. I was blessed in COUNTLESS ways. Less of me and more of Him as I seek to serve.

  21. Eight years ago I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Since then I have decided that I will enjoy life that God has given me. I will not let my illness send me into a feel sorry for myself or complain about it. I want to live each day with the joy of the Lord in my life.


  23. I said no to the mundane by swallowing my fears and obediently starting my blog. It is my prayer that it is a blessing to Him and to my readers. This looks like a wonderful study – thanks so much for the chance to win!

  24. My 13 daughter year old daughter was diagnosed with cancer last December. I can tell you now that God uses tragedy in our lives to wake us up and realize that, when we think we have been awake in our faith, we really have been asleep. Praising God and thanking him every single day for waking me up from my slumber. Determined to grow every single day in the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus to become more alive with every passing day.

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