Emily Freeman’s A Million Little Ways

Okay friends…. you are in for treat! Emily Freeman, author, speaker, blogger, and way-encouraging wordsmith has agreed to give away three copies of her latest book A Million Little Ways to three of you who comment on this post. But, before we go all crazy trying to win this wonderfully helpful book, let’s take a little peek into who Emily is and just what this book is all about.

In her own words…….

emily freemanI live in North Carolina with my husband, John.  We have been married for twelve years and have three children: twin girls who look like him and a son who looks like me.  I’m deeply curious about the mystery of Christ, the gracefulness of the everyday, and the sacredness of our inner lives. Everything I write or speak about comes from this curiosity and the deep conviction that every need, desire, and expectation is met in the person of Jesus Christ.

Sometimes when blog readers meet me in real life, they are surprised by my personality. I am a quiet, contemplative writer with a loud, obnoxious laugh and an emotional allergy to small talk. Technically I’m an introvert, but from the outside you probably wouldn’t know it.

You can find me writing on my blog Chatting at the Sky several times a week as well as once a month over at (in)courage.

My books are Grace for the Good Girl: Letting Go of the Try-Hard Life (2011) Graceful {For Young Women} (2012) and the book I am giving away here today: A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live (2013)

{Karen here again} Isn’t this fun getting to know Emily?

Now, here is the low-down on her third book, A Million Little Ways.  It uncovers the creative, personal imprint of God on every individual.  Inviting the discouraged parent, the bored Christian, the exhausted executive to look at their lives differently by approaching their critics, their jobs, and the kids around their table the same way an artist approaches the canvas–with wonder, bravery, and hope.million little ways 2

In her gentle, compelling style, Emily encourages readers to turn down the volume on their inner critic and move into the world with the courage to be who they most deeply are.

She invites regular people to see the artistic potential in words, gestures, attitudes, and relationships.  discover the art in a quiet word, a hot dinner, a made bed, a grace-filled glance, and a million other ways of showing God to the world through the simple human acts of listening, waiting, creating, and showing up.

If you want to be entered to win the random drawing for one of the three copies of this fabulous book, leave a comment here on this post.

Tell us the answer to this question: In what area of life are you the most critical of yourself? Your marriage? Mothering? Housekeeping skills? Your work? A personality trait or physical characteristic? We all have at least one area so please share.

And then? Know that His grace covers it all. In fact, after you tell us your area, in all caps please write GRACE, GRACE, GRACE!

The three winners will be announced Friday.


  1. I am most critical of my housekeeping skills. The dishes in the sink, crumbs on the floor, and dust on the shelf all scream You’re not enough! I need GRACE, GRACE, GRACE!

  2. I grew up in a super messy house and have struggles in that area and always wonder how other people keep heir houses so perfect, hold down job, and my case, go back to college as an older woman. WOW, who puts all that dust everywhere!

  3. I am so very critical about everything about me. I believe it probably all stems from not being where I should be with The Lord. I am so thankful for His GRACE! GRACE! GRACE!

  4. I am so critical of my appearance, my husband was always critical of the way I look, so even though I would try to look nice, he would put me down. But I know that God sees me as beautiful and that’s the most important! Thank God for Your love and grace

  5. I have many! My mothering skills, homemaking and weight are probably the biggest ones. I search for my strengths everyday and have a hard time finding them in any area most of the time. GRACE, GRACE, GRACE!

  6. I am the mother of two grown women and looking back I always feel guilty about my Mothering Skills. I tried so hard to give them a better childhood than I had, with all the drinking, fights, etc. They did not see that, but hearing my youngest daughter talk, I feel so guilty that her look back is such a horrible view. My oldest daughter tells me, she remembers things a lot different from what my younger one does. I am so trying to be the mother for these two grown daughters that they need (and understand when they don’t need) as they make their way through life. Your words spoke to me. I pray for my girls and trust in the Lord to guide them and for them to hear His voice and to walk in His way. There are so many other areas where the guilt card calls my name, but this one stands out the most and the one that troubles my heart the most. Thank you for the chance to win your book and may you continue to bless others with your books.

  7. Oh how this book speaks to my ongoing battle with my critical spirit!! I am most critical of myl housekeeping skills right now and when I beat myself up about that it seems to spread to other areas……marriage parenting appearance

  8. If I had to pick, I would probably say I am most critical of myself when I compare myself to other women who I think have it all together. I know they don’t, so I keep reminding myself of that when that feeling creeps up on me. Grace, grace, grace. Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. My inner critic knows my current weakness – whatever it my be at the time. It usually is my mothering that hurts the most. GRACE GRACE GRACE

  10. I am a perfectionist by nature. This causes me real problems as a mother and just everyday living. I get so stressed and uptight day in and day out over doing, saying, planning, and eating just the right things. I know God doesn’t want me to feel this way, but I struggle to just let go of the details. I think I’d really like to read your new book (and your others, as well).
    Thanks for letting God use you to speak words of GRACE, GRACE, GRACE over others!

  11. I am most critical in assuming what other people think about me. I always assume the worst even though I know it is not true. GRACE GRACE GRACE!

  12. I am most criticial of my career and where I am in life. I try so hard not to compare myself to other people. I’ll be 32 next month and feel I have thrown my life away. Most of my peers have great careers and families. Me, I am still trying to establish my career and rebound from a divorce.

  13. I want to add, I so understand how Emily feels about being an introvert. I too can come off as an extrovert, but most days all I want is quiet.

  14. The most critical area of my life is being a 1950 housewife. My mom was a stay at home farmer mom. The house was clutter free and meal were made and she had time for us. My house looks like a bomb went off in it… All the time. Dinner may get on the table, but it might be cold cereal. I am always pulled in so many directions that I miss important events for my kiddos.

  15. It sounds like all women would get so much out of this book. I would like to read it and her other books too.

  16. I have always struggled with my physical appearance, namely my weight. I believe some of the reason is because of several things that happened to me as a child. I love learning the psychology of things but even more I love God, and I know I am fearfully and wonderfully made. GRACE, GRACE, GRACE!

  17. Most days I don’t feel that I’m good at anything. I’m most critical of my past and present mothering skills and managing home.

  18. although my three kids are adults, i am still most critical of my mothering! strange, right? critical of my mothering through their youth (as a non-christian mom) and even still today!!

  19. Thank you for introducing us to Emily!! I am definitely most critical about my house keeping skills-I am disabled so cleaning is a challenge but that is not the area I am most critical about. I think I am the queen of clutter. No matter how hard I try, I always seem to have piles of clutter and can’t seem to get a handle on them. It’s pretty funny you posted this today as my main focus today is to get rid of the clutter piles–or at least some of them :)

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