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A Sweet-as-Honey Giveaway

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Don't say something permanently painful just because you are temporarily ticked off. karenehman.com #keepitshutbookHave you joined us after reading my Proverbs 31 devotion today “Seasoned With Snark or Laced With Grace?” If not, please hop over to read it by clicking here.

Sweet Speech giveaway at karenehman.com #keepitshutbookAs promised, today I am offering a honey-themed Sweet Speech giveaway that includes:

This adorable necklace from the talented Beki over at The Rusted Chain. She created it just for my latest book KEEP IT SHUT which talks about making our speech sweet. (Be sure to check out her site. Her items are FABULOUS and have been worn by everyone from the Duck Dynasty gals to Candace Cameron Bure to the Pioneer Woman.)

rusted chain necklaceThese fun honey-themed items, including organic oats and honey granola bars, Honey-Vanilla Chamomile herbal tea, and a Burt’s Bees gift set that includes, hand and foot creams, and lip balm:

IMG_3175And a copy of my latest book KEEP IT SHUT: What to Say, How to Say It and When to Say Nothing at All. It can help your speech to be laced with grace and as sweet as honey.

Keep It Shut

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24

To be entered to win all these goodies, leave a comment with your thoughts about the topic of the devotion or about anything that has to do with honey. Do you like honey? Cook with honey? Allergic to honey?

Winner announced Monday.

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  1. I needed this today. I love my job as a preschool teacher, but there are times the little ones press every last one of my buttons. It is tempting to snap at them when they do. However, I have to remind myself, as their teacher, it is my job to teach them how to react. I can’t tell them to use their nice words, if I don’t use mine. It has been a really rough week and I woke up thinking, I just need to get through today. This devotion reminded me to do so much more. Thank you

  2. went thru this study with Proverbs31 loved the book have already loaned it out to others as it really helped me and still does. Great read and tool for Christians .

  3. Honey is an excellent at home remedy. It is anti bacterial so people use to put it on wounds to keep infection away, some still do. A teaspoon of local honey and a small amount of cinnamon helps curb allergies and also helps burn fat and may help diabetics process sugar.
    But the thing about honey that reminds me of the Bible scripture mentioned is that if you have a cough or sore throat, it will soothe them. So honey is hood for the mouth and throat. You can even rub honey on your lips when they are chapped to help soothe them.;)

  4. My daughters and I LOVE honey! I love the Proverbs verse that was referenced yesterday. Lacing my words with grace is something I’ve been trying to do and something I’ve been praying about a lot lately. Unfortunately, I’m still very short especially with my family. I will be posting this verse to my refrigerator.

  5. Thank you for the devotion! I’ve enjoyed reading “Keep It Shut” about controlling our mouths.

  6. Loved the devotion, Thank you for all the God given words. Very uplifting, always. A cup of hot tea with honey and a devotional always warms my heart.

  7. It’s late & I can’t sleep so I went online to find something to read, something inspiring, hmmm yep this is definitely the LORDs work here! Directing me to your Devo & book. I struggle with the words of my mouth & it is usually to those I dearly love & do not wish to hurt ….what was it the apostle Paul said… “For what I don’t want to do I do and what I want to do I don’t” ….. Thank you for this Devo I will be coming back for more & looking for your book.

  8. I love honey! I use it in desserts and one of my favorite recipes is honey cornbread which I made this last Thanksgiving and it was a hit!

  9. I surely need to sweeten my words! I have been in a crabby *slump* :/ But GOD is good..All the time ;)

  10. I loved this devotional today. I enjoy the sweetness and thickness of honey. Yes, if our words ooze and are sweet like honey, we will even feel better in the end. Sticking close to the Son everyday helps to keep our perspective. l love your illustration to help cement the meaning of this verse.

  11. Karen, my mom is 85 years of age and has consumed more honey than anyone I know… on almost anything and/or with her daily cups of tea. It must be in our genes because our family are honey lovers as well. I would love to keep my words as sweet as honey and my big mouth shut when…well you know…anytime my words are sour! Thx for the chance to win!

  12. Great quote about the perspective of permanent v. temporary. glad to be able to pin it! Had shared it with my hubby from the P31 devo even before clicking over here to see the blog! Your honey illustration brings it all together- sweet! I’d be so grateful to win the honey goodies.
    (And please tell Jake that I’m impressed by his obvious time management skills to get all this stuff done all while being a student!)

  13. Honey, I do NOT like it. As a child, it was mixed with lemon juice for a home made cough remedy and I have not liked it since. Thanks for a great devotion today <3


  14. Wish I would have read this devotional BEFORE I went to work today! As a full-time ministry assistant, many, many “on purpose” people come through our doors or call on the phone each and every day. I know my words “speak life” to many, and I am blessed with so many “easy to love” folks…but two of the sandpaper kind crossed my path today and… need I say more? UGH. I think I will put a small jar of honey on my desk as a reminder of the miracle of not only how God ordered all the steps in a busy bee’s day to make the sweet, delicious honey–but also of His daily gift of grace to me. Father, please help me to always remember to speak SWEET, soothing words and to think about healing rather than wounding before my mouth opens. Thanks for the timely reminder, Karen!!! :)

  15. Thank you, Karen, for your blog and ministry. We studied beekeeping for two of our scout badges this fall and they are truly amazing creatures God designed. Our words being sweet and satisfying like honey is a word picture that resonates with me.

  16. I shared this devotion with my 10 year old son. He’s been negative & whiney lately. I think he needed a good visual that his honey is not tasting good to others around him. Thank you for this devotion, perfect timing as God always knows!!!

  17. Love this topic and loved your post on Proverbs 31. I liked how you brought in that first and foremost, our focus should be on reading His word/the Bible and that is where our “sweet speech” can spill from. We cannot do it with our own good will. I am preaching this message to myself as I write it :) Thanks again!

  18. This post reminds me how our Father reminds us to guard our hearts so no words of negative words would slip out. Our bodies and our hearts are the vessels that the Holy spirit dwell within.

  19. Thank you for these words I really needed to hear today. I love honey and put it on my bread, biscuits, etc.

  20. Oh, I need this reminder on a daily basis!

    As for honey, I love it in tea and on toast with peanut butter. I wouldn’t mind trying my hand at beekeeping but my daughter is terrified of bees, so I don’t think this is the right season for that. ;)

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