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When Your Child Makes a Bad Choice {& Giveaway of Hoodwinked!}

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Welcome to you joining by finding your way here from my Proverbs 31 Ministries devotion today called When Your Child Makes a Bad Choice {To read it, click here but be sure to come back for the giveaway!}


The concept of this devotion was taken from my new book that releases in two weeks. Hoodwinked: Ten Myths Moms Believe and Why We All Need to Knock It Off  helps moms to stop believing the lies that mess with our mothering in the worst of ways. One of these lies is “My child’s bad choice means I am a bad mom.” No it doesn’t. Not when your child is throwing a tantrum in the middle of the grocery store nor when they wind up in trouble in their teens.

If you preorder the book by midnight November 2, you get tons of freebies including sample chapters of the book, screen savers for your phone, a collection of retro family recipes, life planning sheets to help you get your act together, a short ebook on praying for your kids, and more! AND if you order it from Proverbs 31 Ministries,  you get an additional bonus downloadable PDF entitled “On My Knees & In My Heart; 5 Mini-Retreats for Moms.”  This resource provides moms with five different, guided sessions to get alone with God in order to rest, reflect, renew, and get back at the difficult yet oh-so-holy job of motherhood. Features include prayers, scripture study, reflection questions, journaling sections, and practical, doable ideas for deepening a mom’s relationship with her heavenly Father. This downloadable PDF  will enable you to go from crazy to calm, helping you to better love and care for your family. {And remember– it is only available to those who purchase through Proverbs 31.}

Now for the details.

Be sure to follow them carefully because you need to email/forward a copy of your receipt to claim your free bundle and do it again to a second address if you ordered from Proverbs 31 to get your bonus PDF with the mini-retreats for moms.

Freebies when you order Hoodwinked! Ten Myths Moms Believe & Why We All Need to Knock It Off.

Are you a mom? Do you need a little help and encouragement? Well, have we got a deal for you! Simply order my new book Hoodwinked: Ten Myths Moms Believe and Why We All Need to Knock It Off from Proverbs 31 and you will receive a tons of freebies. Let me explain.

First, if you pre-order the book anywhere and send a copy of the receipt to [email protected] from now until Midnight, Pacific Time, on Monday, November 2, 2015, you get these freebies:

  • Two free chapters to Hoodwinked:
    • “The Mythical Mosiac of Motherhood”
    • “Everything Depends on You”
  • The mini e-book, A Guide to Praying from Your Children
  • Five downloadable Hoodwinked screensavers for your phone
  • Link to Hoodwinked Curriculum Session 1
  • Life Intentional Daily Planner
  • Five Family Favorite Retro Recipes


Order Hoodwinked from Proverbs 31 & get TONS of freebies!

If you order it from Proverbs 31 Ministries, you also get another bonus freebie: a PDF journal entitled On My Knees & In My Heart: 5 Mini-Retreats for Moms. This resource provides moms with five different, guided session to get alone with God in order to rest, reflect, renew, and get back at the difficult yet oh-so-holy job of motherhood. Features include prayers, scripture study, reflection questions, journaling sections, and practical, doable ideas for deepening a mom’s relationship with her heavenly Father. This downloadable PDF  will enable you to go from crazy to calm, helping you to better love and care for your family. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need to email your receipt two places if you want all the freebies–to the email address above  {[email protected]and also to the one on the Proverbs 31 page. If you want to get it from Proverbs so you get all the freebies, click here.

If you’d like to get it from another retailer and get all the freebies except the PDF journal-mini-retreats, here are the links:


Barnes & Noble


I hope these free resources will encourage you in your mothering and strengthen your relationship with God.


Now, leave a comment here telling us about your mothering. How many kids do you have? Their ages? One winner will be chosen to receive a free copy of Hoodwinked!

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  1. I have 3 children, ages 12, 10, and 5. The 2 oldest have special needs, and the youngest has become a little mini mom. I have long struggled with feeling like I am not a good mom, and reacting with anger or controlling, and I see my 5 year old struggling with the same thing. Your devotion today definitely struck a cord, especially when you said we can’t force them to do the right things, but need to model good things and step back and pray for their hearts.

  2. I have 2 teens and the oldest has made some questionable choices with college and studying and this has landed him moving home and starting over. It’s been very stressful to him and me. It was very hard for me to not feel like the bad parent for not making sure he really was ready for college- that “bad parent badge” label is hard to get out of your head. I think this book sounds great.

  3. I have four children: 18 year old son in college, 14 year old daughter and 11year old twin boys. My daughter has special needs and as her mother, I’ve felt guilt from all the physical struggles she’s had; the daily challenges as well as those that have required 7major surgeries. Then I have the twin boys-oh my word-they have challenged me! Both have ADHD and dyslexia so school is hard for them, which contributes to their bad choices. I struggle daily with beating myself up that I have failed them and though we talk about actions and consequences, it all seems forgotten when they’ve walked out the door. This devotion was exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you!!

  4. I have two children 36 and 34 and 17 grandkids. I am struggling with the bad choices my son is making and trying to help raise his kids. It is so had not to believe I failed when I see some of his choices.

  5. How many children? I imagine I should say 4: Kelly soon 46 and in prison, Brittany soon 24 and missing, Caitlin 17 and a scholar and athlete who is strong in her faith, and Johnny who is 4 and a kind, happy child who can lead us in prayer. When I was young I used to pray that God would give me many children; little did I know that God would answer that prayer by giving me 3 generations of children to raise. For years I fought the guilt of Kelly’s decisions and my mothering errors that may have led her to her mistakes. One day it dawned on me that I was forgiven by our Heavenly Father through the Cross. Who was I not to forgive myself? As a great grandmother who is on a limited income, recently having lost her job and whose mothering responsibilities are ongoing, I would love a copy of your book. If you find another more needing of this guidance and choose her as the recipient, please just lift my little family in prayer.

  6. I have a 6 year old son, a 3 1/2 year old daughter, and another one due in March. I daily struggle with the feelings of being a bad mom and making the wrong choices when it comes to my kids. I’m also the leader of a moms group at my church. This book would be awesome for me and them!

  7. I have two children, ages 11 and 7. I was just telling my MIL yesterday that I feel like a failure as a mother. My children are complete opposites. My oldest is a model student and was just nominated to be on a leadership council for her grade. My youngest is going to be evaluated for ADHD and has so many behavior problems that I wonder where I went wrong with him. I have really been stressing about the problems he has and I feel like everyone judges our parenting skills when they see his behavior. Thank you for the reminder to stop beating myself up! I would LOVE to read your new book!!!!

  8. My dear friend is dealing with bad choices by her 16 year old and called me yesterday. This morning she texted me with heavy heart and I responded by directing her to this devo. thanks

  9. I am a mom of 3…9, 5, & 3 year old. I struggle daily with Mom guilt, wether it be from my children’s behavior or mine. I would love to read your book & find ways to overcome my Mom guilt.

  10. I have tow kids a a girl she is 10 and a boy he is 6 and he is a special need kid and both of my children has many challenges I am trying to keep up with every thing but some times I am so tired also I am a pastor wife for an Arabic church most of them are refugees so my husband is busy most of the time but he is trying to do his best but every day is a struggle

  11. I need this book , I hope I win it I feel like at times I’m a complete failure as a mother of a rebellious son , he is grown now and sometimes I feel like I should have done more and maybe he wouldn’t have made such bad choices

  12. Thank you for this devotion today. I have, too often, beat myself up mentally when my child (ren) mess up. I love my boys and want them to be close to God and to choose what’s right-even if it’s not popular. I hurt when they seem to be stubborn about spiritual things, and don’t do/say what’s right. Your devo reminded me that I must pray each day with & for my boys and teach them God’s word but then I must entrust them to God’s care and remember that HE loves them even more than I do and that’s a lot of love?

    In answer to your question, I have two elementary age boys and they keep me busy! ?

  13. I’m a mom of a three and soon-to-be one year-old. I’d love to see how many of the negative thoughts I battle about my mothering are addressed in your new book. Congrats on your publication and thank you for the giveaway!

  14. God’s timing is so perfect. This devotion was exactly what I needed today. Satan knows that one of the areas of weakness where he can sneak in & cause doubt & confusion in my life is by attacking my family thru my children.

  15. I have eight children ages 13, 12, 10, 9, 7, 5, 2, and four months. Being a mom is the hardest thing I have ever done. It is so easy to feel like a failure and worry that I’m not doing enough. I love my kiddos so much and just want them to love the lord with all their hearts.

  16. I have 5 children. One working and engaged, two in college, and two in high school. All I can say is ,”Praise God for His amazing grace!! When I am weak, He is strong!” Amen :)

  17. I have 1 son, he is 26….boy do I feel old…I have to say I am blessed, I really never had much trouble. Teach them at a young age right from wrong. Don’t let them walk all over you.

  18. Thank you. I desperately needed this reminder today. My kids are seniors – one in college and one in high school and daily I struggle with why they won’t do what I think they should. I needed the reminder that they have to make their own choices – not mine.

  19. I have 5 children ages 10, 12, 14, 15 and 18. The four oldest are girls and having 4 teenage girls is probably one of the greatest challenges I’ve ever faced. I was a youth pastor for 10 years, but even that experience did not prepare me adequately for shepherding the hearts of these children through their teenage years! This is an “on my knees every day” experience that is shaping me just as much as I hope it is shaping them. Thank you for your encouragement in the journey!

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