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Having a Martha Home the Mary Way {GIVEAWAY!!!}

Got housework? Yeah you do.

But you also have a soul that needs tending to. If you’ve struggled under the weight of all there is to do and be as a woman who makes a home, I want to tell you about a place to discover refreshment and relief for your weary, overwhelmed soul. Oh….and a ton of cleaning hints and strategies.

If your homemaking habits—or lack there of—could use a little boost, and you also long to have a clean heart too, check out the new book by my friend Sarah Mae called Having a Martha Home the Mary Way. {If you’ve not heard of the sisters Mary and Martha from the Bible, one was a cleaner and one clung to Jesus. This book helps you clean like Martha and cling to Jesus like Mary.}

Having a Martha Home the Mary Way by Sarah Mae

Having a Martha Home the Mary Way is for those of us who are still drowning a bit in housework, but who need to know that our identity is not in the work or the expectations put on us. At the heart, this book is about love, loving ourselves and others through a home that offers rest and peace and welcome. It is a move towards gentle homemaking, where we accept our limitations with grace, and offer that same grace to those who come under our roofs and into our care.

Having a Martha Home the Mary Way will help you…

  • Learn the art of gentle homemaking – being gentle with yourself and others
  • Learn the beautiful balance between being a “Mary” and a “Martha” – We need both!
  • Finally release the guilt that you have to be a certain type of homemaker to be a “good” one
  • Be inspired to clean! Yes, really! And it can be fun!

If you would like to be entered to win a copy of Having a Martha Home the Mary Way, leave a comment with your least favorite cleaning chore. Winner announced Wednesday. In the mean time, head over to Sarah’s blog for a fun post on cleaning for the domestically challenged.

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  1. I am not fond of cleaning the toilets. I live in a house of all boys; my husband and my two little boys. It can be quite yucky at times!

  2. My least favorite chore is cleaning the litter box. I love those pesky little felines, but they are gross. :-)

  3. Absolutely my least favorite chore is putting away laundry. I am a champ at getting it through the washer and dryer…it’s folding it and putting it away that I dread. In fact, today I am trying to tackle those 5 loads sitting in my laundry room :-(

  4. Least favorite cleaning chore is ironing. I can’t stand setting up the board and waiting for the iron to warm and then the actual task of ironing. I feel like it’s a big time waster so I do everything I can to keep our clothes nice enough to avoid it!

  5. Laundry. My friend Dianne and I talk about it all the time. Last week, the piles of laundry sat in the family room as we had lunch around them. If only we had someone to do our laundry for us…then we could keep it together. I hope your laughing, because we always are at the thought!
    Happy Monday!!!

  6. My least favorite cleaning chore is dusting!!! All that work taking things off the shelve for a quick dusting, only to see more dust in a few days! ? Lord help me!

  7. The kitchen. It’s just never ending for this momma and I will gladly clean up all around it…I just always put it last.

  8. My least favorite chore would be doing dishes! I don’t know why but they pile up so fast and I leave them go as long as I can. My housekeeping needs MAJOR tending to. I keep about everything that comes in this house so well….it’s getting over filled and I just went through some newspapers I found in a stash from 2013 this weekend. That’s “old news” for sure. This sounds like a great book as my soul needs some cleaning out too.

  9. I’ve been sick for so long that I’ve been piling things up in boxes in each room. On my good days I think I’m going to sort them out. There is so much, especially what I’ve printed off the computer that it gets night and I have to restack them. I desperately need help. Thanks. Love your giveaways.

  10. I need this book- but probably not for the reason you might think. I am actually obsessive about housecleaning (definitely a Martha) and need to learn how to be more like Mary. I love the concept of gentle housecleaning and need to work on more balance in that way. That all said, my least favorite cleaning chore is probably scrubbing the floors, even though I’m always happy when it’s done.

  11. Dishes. I hate dishes. Have ever since I was little…and I have a dishwasher now! Lol sigh. Still don’t like doing them.

  12. Hands down, my least favorite chore is cleaning the bathrooms. Although, dishes are not too far behind.

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