12 Days of Christmas (2017) – Day 9
One of you WHO COMMENTS ON ALL TWELVE POSTS AND ALSO SHARES ABOUT THE SERIES ON SOCIAL MEDIA will win a grand prize from me, pictured here.
REMEMBER…in order to win the grand prize, you must leave a comment on all 12 posts. You can start with Day One HERE.
OK, let’s get started with our ninth day’s guest, Kristen Kill!
Last year St. Lucia was late to breakfast. She nearly missed it entirely.
In our family, one of our favorite traditions is celebrating St. Lucia Day. Originally a Scandinavian holiday, St. Lucia is a light bearer, bringing warmth and hope in the early morning. The oldest daughter of the family typically bears the honor of wearing a crown of light and evergreens, a white dress with a red sash and waking her family with delicious saffron buns, reminiscent of when Lucia herself delivered food to Christians persecuted and hiding in the catacombs- and of what it means to hold out hope in the darkest days of winter as we wait for the birth of the Christ Child during Advent.
We’ve never been a stickler for only letting our oldest embrace being St. Lucia, but as I asked my girls the past few years, busy schedules and the pang of waking early, coupled with the year I almost lit their hair on fire, seemed to dissuade them from the celebration.
I casually mentioned the approach of December 13th, made some muffins the night before, and planned to leave the morning void of any fanfare. But when the day arrived, it was not my oldest daughters, but my littlest who snuck into my room asking when things would be ready for her to surprise everyone. She was shocked that I hadn’t woken her earlier. This tradition had found its way into her heart and she was expectant to bear light and love to her family.
We searched in her closet for her white summer sundress, clipped some greens from our tree and tied them together with twine for her crown, and the candles for our little light bearer? Well, we placed an LED tea light on top of the plateful of muffins.
At the last minute, I realized we were missing anything red and I pulled an ornament off the tree and looped it on to her crown. It was the most haphazard St. Lucia breakfast we have ever experienced, but maybe the most delicious, because it was the year we remembered that no matter what we do, it is God who gives light to warm our hearts in dark seasons, who shines beauty that we can feel and taste, and savor like saffron buns.
Taking time to rest and receive from God re-orients our hearts to Him in a world full of darkness. Take time to discover the practice of peace God desires for you in Kristen’s new book, Finding Selah. We are giving away a copy of her book today, along with a beautiful cuff designed to remind you to take time to pause and remember light in the midst of your busy life.
Day Nine Giveaway
For the 12 Days of Christmas series, I am giving away the bracelet pictured below and my new book coming out January 9th, Finding Selah: The Simple Practice of Peace When You Need It Most.

A contributing Editor at The Better Mom, and co-host of At Home With Sally and Friends, a popular podcast with Sally Clarkson, Kristen is passionate about encouraging women who feel stretched thin. She believes that tension is where we can learn to live expectant for the music and melody God is singing over of each one of us. She writes about home, creativity, and flourishing at her blog Hope With Feathers (kristenkill.com)
After spending the last seven years in the hustle of New York City, she and her husband, Josh, are learning to go slow as they raise their family and walk their anxious hound dog in the Pacific Northwest. Her first book, Finding Selah, releases from Zondervan in January. You can find her documenting life on Instagram and Facebook
12 Days of Christmas Giveaways Rules
- You can comment on all 12 days (once per person) up until midnight Pacific time, Sunday, December 17. All posts are linked on Day One here.
- U.S. Addresses only please.
- One daily winner will be chosen from each day’s comments and all winners (including Grand Prize) will be announced on Wednesday, December 20.
- Share the giveaway with your friends and followers using the share buttons below.
- If you’re not already subscribed, click here and receive an email notification each day of our series.
Beautiful bracelet and would love to read your new book
Finding rest and peace in the midst of this season has been my quest. Your book sounds good!
What a great tradition!
Thank you for sharing
What a great tradition!
so encouraging to keep up with all the hard work of traditions!
What a beautiful tradition and just so love the way she embraced it. It shows how important these do become to our children. Thank you
Thank you for sharing and reminding us of what is most important in this holiday season
I always have me table set for whatever time of year. My door is always open for anyone to come join us. That is also one thing I have past down to my kids. No one should be alone.
It is true that we can overcomplicate the Christmas season. It’s nice when we do something simple that brings us back to what Christmas is really all about.
Thanks for sharing your sweet St. Lucia story, Kristen! I’m sure your youngest will always remember having had the honor to bring light and love to her family. Such a wonderful reminder, when at this time of year, there is so much busyness and distraction. I am grateful for being able to rest in God’s peace and I’ve spent the last year learning about that more & more. I thank God for His Son and for His invitation for us to rest in Him always. God bless!
Thank you for sharing your tradition. In a world that is so busy we tend to feel that tension trying to take over us. It feels like the day is to short to do all the things we need to do. I’m sure your new book will be a must have.
Thanks for sharing
I love this tradition. I had not heard of this tradition, even though I had heard of St. Lucia.
I’ve always been intrigued by the story of St Lucia; and this is a precious story of your daughter. Finding peace and rest as we get closer to Christmas has always been a desire – love the bracelet.
I remember reading about St Lucia in the American Girl books about Kirsten. I thought that was such a neat tradition!
Thanks for giving me another book to add to my must-read list! Your tradition sounds precious, by the way!
great read, thanks for this
What a neat tradition and how precious that the youngest had been noticing! Love the impromptu celebration!! Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks for sharing your family tradition! I have never heard about this before. Beautiful picture of your daughter!
Busyness is really something we fight with on a daily basis. Thank you for sharing. Events may sneak up on us and before we know it may pass us up without notice. I continue to pray that the Lord may continue to guide our steps and focus on things that really matter deep inside :)
Thank you for sharing. As the kids get older, I find it easy to let go of traditions since they are getting “older”. This just reminds me to keep it up!