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Day 7 of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways (with Titania Paige)

Winners announced here! Congratulations!

*Give Away has Ended*

It’s Day 7 of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways!

If you’re just joining in, start at Day One here.

11th Annual 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways (2018) December 4-15 at karenehman.com.

My guest today is my fellow First 5  app Bible teacher, and brand new mama, Titania (Nia) PaigeI mean she is a brand new mama, as in less than four weeks! One moment she and I were talking while she was in the waiting room at her doctors and the next thing I knew, she was headed to the hospital to give birth to a sweet baby girl. I’m grateful she found time to give us some Christmas thoughts and a fantastic giveaway. Here’s my friend Nia…


Christmas and giving go hand-and-hand don’t they? This spirit of generosity is inspired by Christ, who gifted us with His presence and His salvation through His sacrifice on the cross. Traditionally, Christmas gifts are exchanged on December 25th, but this year I got an early Christmas gift: my precious first-born daughter, Gabrielle.
Looking ahead to when my husband and I teach Gabrielle about the significance of Christmas, our hope is Christ will be at the center of this cherished celebration. One practical way we plan to resist the commercial and materialistic appeal of Christmas is by having a consistent family devotional time that includes scripture reading, prayer, and meditation on God’s word. Though it’s easy to become distracted by the hustle-and-bustle of the holidays, I can’t wait to teach Gabby how to focus on the true meaning of Christmas through reading God’s word.
Leave us a comment telling us how scripture, or the nativity story, is a part of your celebration of Christmas.

Day 7 Giveaway

Nia is giving away a copy of her My Devotional Journal: A 60-Day Guide to Scripture Reading, Meditation, & Prayer, along with a Keep the Faith T-shirt.


Titania Paige (Nia) is the founder of LifeBeforeEternity.com, where she spurs the modern woman onto enduring faith as she awaits her eternal crown. (James 1:12) On her personal site, TitaniaPaige.com, she helps women embrace passion and purity, so they can live out their God-given purpose. Join her Tuesdays for the latest episode of “The Purpose in Purity Podcast.” Right after her relationship with Christ, Titania prioritizes and cherishes her best friend and husband, Gerald, and newborn daughter, Gabrielle. When she isn’t writing or vlogging, she’s convincing her husband to take her out for Thai food, studying Japanese, and learning Korean pop dances.
12 Days of Christmas Giveaways Rules
  1. U.S. Addresses only please.
  2. You can comment on all 12 days (once per person) up until midnight Pacific time, Sunday, December 16. Start with Day One here.
  3. Share the giveaway with your friends and followers. You can use the share buttons below or repost and share on Instagram (my fave) and tag me @karenehman.
  4. One daily winner will be chosen from each day’s comments.
  5. To enter to win the Grand Prize (below), comment on all 12 posts and share on social media. 
  6. All winners (including Grand Prize) will be announced here on the blog on Tuesday, December 18, and contacted via email. Please allow 4-6 weeks to receive your prizes.
  7. If you’re not already subscribed, click HERE and you’ll receive an email notification each day of our series.

11th Annual 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways (2018) December 4-15 at karenehman.com.

NOTE: affiliate links may be included. I only recommend products I know my readers will love!

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  1. When my daughters were younger, I would read them the Nativity story. I basically taught them that Christmas wasn’t about the toys you received but that it was the birth of Christ. I feel that Christmas has become too commercialized. People worry more about what to buy instead of how Jesus was born to save us from our sins.

  2. Love love love these items!!

    Each year during Christmas we are sure to explain to our 3 year old all about Jesus and his birth, he loves to read the Bible story app on my phone which reads out loud (which we do this all as a family) and then he does the activities afterwards which usually asks questions. And we go through each icon in the app and he just loves it.

  3. Oops, I’m leaving a similar comment to the previous day’s question. Ever since my kids were old enough to read, we always read the story in Luke and some scripture from Isaiah on Christmas morning. The kids all take turns reading a little bit. My husband’s family did that when HE was a kid.

  4. Congratulations with your newborn. For me I went to church with my grandma and it would be decorated so nicely. The nativity was celebrated by an acting performance celebrating the birth of Christ.

  5. Congratulations on your bundle of joy! We have a couple of small nativities set out all year, not just out for holiday decorations. But we do add more at Christmas. The plastic ” child friendly” one has many a fun story and the missing wise man got replaced with a plastic army man many years ago. ( we have 5 sons and a military dad). The Night Before Christmas always gets read the night before but we don’t focus on that, we take out the Bible and read THE STORY and make that the focus. And we always make baby Jesus a birthday cake. Happy memory and tradition making and Merry Christmas!

  6. By reading a devotional focusing on the birth of Christ. It’s easy to get lost in the world’s view of Christmas and the busyness.

  7. My son-in-law’s family of 7 practiced and finally memorized and recited Luke 2 ( the entire chapter!) every year while he grew up. What a wonderful event for a family !

  8. As pastors of a small rural church, we depend upon Scripture as we teach others about the real meaning of Christmas. This year our youth “performed” a very minimalist Christmas story for our younger kids during our midweek kids’ service. Using a script from The Beginners Bible, we used only signs to show who was who, or whatever emotion they felt. .only used a few props (a tin foil star on a yard stick, a manger with a doll, three wrapped gifts). We wanted to feature the story without all the glitz and tinsel of a well-rehearsed program. It worked so well – our kids really heard the story, some for the very first time.

  9. Congratulations on your New Baby!! You are so spot on by having scripture reading, prayer, and meditation on God’s word! Jesus is the Reason!! Merry Christmas!!!

  10. Congrats on your new little one! I also look forward to raising my future children to love Christ more than anything, especially around the holiday season. As for me, we have a little nativity scene in our home. We also have an advent calendar that our church provided for each household. It helps us appreciate the anticipation of Christ’s coming, with thought provoking scripture and parts of the Christmas story! Have a merry Christmas!

  11. I have a very old nativity scene that belonged to my great grandmother and I put it up every year. I love discussing the nativity with my boys and any friends they or we have over! It’s just another chance to share Jesus!

  12. We love beautiful nativity scenes but my favorite one was one I had as a child. I took great pride in it because there were 5 wise men because it doesn’t say in Scripture hoe many there were

  13. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! I love it! I want the real reason Jesus birth to be the center of our Christmas season too. We bake a birthday cake every year but adding devotions all month long would be a great thing too! Thank you!

  14. Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl. What a precious gift indeed!
    As my children were growing up, the 12 days prior to Christmas instead of reading books from their collection, each night we would snuggle into one or the others bed and I would tell them stories. Each night was different. I would recount the day of their birth, or we would tell the story of how mommy and daddy met and became a family, ending on Christmas Eve with the birth of baby Jesus.

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