Remember Me
Will you pray for our family this weekend?
Really pray?
We are moving Kenzie to Charlotte, NC–12 hours away– to attend cosmetology school and live with some of my sweet P31 sisters. I’ll give you the full story later when I’ve stopped crying.
For now….if you want to know how I am feeling, click on the link below. I’ve watched this many times before, but today, I can hardly see it through my tears. You mommas of 18 year old girls leaving home, get out the tissues…….
Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Hug your babies tight!!!!!!
Someday you’ll blink….and they’ll be gone.
I just watched the video and was thinking…I only have 16 years left until she leaves. My son just hit the big double digits so he has about 8 years left at home.
I hurt for you, but your sharing reminds us all that we have the blink of an eye to try to raise them right.
I will be praying for you. I just watched that video you posted with big tears. And my boys are still young. I can’t even imagine how you are feeling as you move her 12 hours away. Just remember that God loves her so much. And how wonderful that she will have friends there. When we were first married, we moved 10 hrs away from home. Tough!! hugs for you!
Oh, I know those momma heart strings are pulling right now. I’m doing one of Lysa’s break out workshops at her conference this weekend, so I’ll be close in proximity and close in prayer. :)
This post is really close to my heart. Next week my youngest son will go off to college and then we will be empty nesters. I know it is probably different for Moms and daughters than Moms and sons but there is still a sadness at seeing them leave as well as a joyfullness knowing that you have raised them the best way you knew how, and now they are moving on to a new stage in life. Remember that God loves them more than we can even imagine. Also remember that although Kenzie is going far away she is staying with people you know and trust.
You and your family will be in my prayers as you enter this new stage in your life.
God’s Blessings,