Announcing Weight Loss Wednesdays (and a winner)

First, let me say thank you to all who left comments on the subject of the last two days: frenemies. I never dreamed one little word could drum up so much emotion. Seems we’ve all either had or been a frenemy. I pray we handle these sticky situations better in the future after our little cyber discussion.

And congrats to the winner of the Starbucks card. She is:

Melinda       Timestamp: 2009/10/14 at 10:03pm

Congrats! Email me at [email protected] so I can get your home address and mail you your Starbucks card.

Now, for the kick-off of a new feature:

Weight Loss Wednesdays

I know it isn’t Wednesday, but I couldn’t start this on Wednesday this week due to the Proverbs 31 devotion I had running. So, to begin, we’ll talk about this today. Next week, check in on Wednesday. K?

Here is the dealio……many of you have read my story or watched my interview on The 700 Club. For those of you who haven’t. In 2005 I began a weight loss journey and lost over 100 pounds.

I wrote about it.

I was interviewed about it.

I spoke about it.

I was asked about it on the streets and in numerous emails.

Then, I was begged to start an online weight loss group for women for the purpose of accountability.

I hemmed and hawed. I toyed with the idea, but didn’t follow through. I had enough on my plate (pun intended) already with homeschooling, writing, speaking and such.

Besides…..I didn’t need an accountability group. I’d lost and kept off 100 pounds!

Enter the year 2009.

  • My husband was laid off from GM on Christmas Eve 2008 (yes…..Christmas Eve, thank you very much). He didn’t return to regular work until this September. That is 9 months without work, people.
  • We were forced to move from our dream home in the country, complete with a pond, 8 acres of woods, a cute little creek, a deluxe whirlpool and an executive, custom-built two story house with a stone fireplace. Bummer.
  • My only daughter and BFF graduated and moved 15 hours away to North Carolina.
  • We experienced some stress and illnesses in our extended family.

To sum things up……. 2009, thus far, has stunk!

And, as a result, instead of totally throwing myself at Jesus’ feet…..I threw myself a big ‘ole pity party.

Oh, and I invited some old friends.

Namely chocolate, salty chips, cheese and ice cream.

I, the weight loss queen, put back on 1/3 of what I lost.


*Dissonant creepy organ chords*

*Shocked raised eyebrows*

Ahem……..Humbled blogger.

Now, it is I who is in desperate need of an accountability group.

And shame, shame, shame on me for not doing it sooner for all of you who asked.

Will you forgive me?

I want to break up (again) with my old love- food.

For good this time.

Anybody else feel my pain?

I want to hit the “restart” button. To get serious about my health again and quite flirtin’ with the brownies, for the love of Pete…… Pan Peanut Butter! (Oh, I do love that stuff too!)

How about you? Are you in?

Let’s start simple.

If you want to drive a stake in the ground and say “Enough, already!”, just leave a comment today with a very basic thought.

What is your motivation? Why do you want to see the scales go down and your health increase?

I know for me, I want to feel again like I am at the weight God intended for me to be. To not feel as if I have a “Says she follows God but is a total failure with her eating” sign on my back.

Oh….and fitting into all of those smaller size clothes I bought and had given to me would be totally fun too!

Okay….your turn…..

I hope LOTS of you respond.

But if only one of you….or two or three do, that is okay.

We’ll be weight loss buddies. We’ll check in every Wednesday and let each other know if the scale went up or down. (No weight will be given, just the # of pounds lost or gained….mostly lost, I pray :-)) And we’ll tackle some topics, share some recipes and chat it up about the many facets of this universal women’s struggle.

Oh….and I’ll make sure to work in some give aways too for rewards and incentive…….




And above all, thanks for still loving me when I failed to take my own advice and let some pounds creep back on.

I so *heart* you for that, sweet cyber-sistas!

Ready to re-enter God’s Weighting Room together,


  1. I just came across this today. I’d like to join in (late). Last year I lost almost 20 pounds, but have gained about 10 of it back. I hope to lose that. I don’t need to lose a lot of weight, but I’m feeling more like food is starting to control me instead of me controlling it. It’s really become an area of defeat for me and I’m tired of the guilt.

  2. I know it’s Feb., but I really want to start doing something about this “belly pooch” that I have. I lost 40 lbs. about 5 years ago. I kept it off for 2 years. Then I moved from FL to IA (long story!) and became the step-mom to 5 kids. And we have custody. Needless to say my life became instantly crazy, and that includes chocolate chip cookies! It’s hard to lose weight when the kids and my husband keep bringing home snacks. I’m also not as active as I was in FL (I played softball). So, needless to say, I gained it all back plus a few extra. I lay in bed every night and feel angry at myself for giving in to food, then wake up and do it all over again. What do I need to do to get started and where do I log into to “weigh-in” on Wednesdays?

    Thanks for the motivation to get started. I have been using food as a crutch to make myself feel better for way too long.

  3. I will like to join this group too, i have about 70lbs to lose mostly around my waist and hips. My Mom has arthritis mostly due to her weight and i dont want the same thing to happen to me. I have her body shape. What do we get to do? Just make comments every wednesday? My Church is starting a 40day fast from Feb 1 and i really hope i will be able to keep any weight lost as a result of the fasy permanently OFF. We do this every year and i lose weight then i gain it all back + extra 2 -3 months after the fast but im hoping to chnage that this year by God’s grace. thanks Karen for motivating me

  4. OK, I do understand the struggle – I gain a lot of
    weight from my medication. The irony of it all is if I loose weight I could probally eliminate over half the medication. I am currently working out 4 to 5 time a week, when I joined the plates and muscle class I could hardly breath.
    In taking these classes and adjusting eating habits I lost only 3pounds, but I can tell a signficant difference in the inches and my breathing has greately improved. I also got postive number on my last check up
    I want to live a happy and healthly life- with little
    or no medication. I work with ladies who are young
    enough to be my daughters they greately motivate me this help a lot .

  5. Hi, I’m taking a big step here! Years ago I also lost 100 pounds but it is all back again. I had no intention of doing anything about it until now. My life is a mess and God is really speaking to me. My weight is just a sign of a lot of other things and I should really handle it. I have more than 70 pounds to lose. To make things worse I have a weight loss site!!! I’m 58 and should really be healthier than I am.

  6. OK, Karen! Here I/we go! This is a huge step for me. My husband gave me a gaming system with a workout program for Christmas and I’ve been trying it, but get frustrated when my overweight body can’t do some of the moves. I have set myself a series of goals, but could use the support of all of you gal-pals. By the end of February, I want to be back in the jeans that I just quit wearing because they are too tight. I want to be down 15-20 pounds by my birthday in early May. After that, I’ll reassess and make new goals. My overall goal is to lose 50 pounds.

  7. Hi,
    Count me in. I have lost 37kgs over the last 18 months and have reached a weight that I haven’t been since I don’t know how long. I still have about 10kgs to go to get to my goal. I have particularly struggled with the issues of legalsim and grace as relating to food so will look forward to hearing about how others deal with this. All the best and thanks Karen for this opportunity.

  8. I am officially joining today after first finding this last week. Karen – your stresses for 2009 are tough. I remember how exciting it was when you moved into your house – I am so sorry that you had to leave it so shortly after moving in. I really believe that stress is the reason I have put on over 30 pounds in the last few years. Our family has dealt with extended family health problems for the last six years, and our own issues began to spiral at about the same time, including the loss of two unborn babies, a rebellious teenager, and financial problems. Yes, I want to see the number of the scale go down, and I want to decrease my clothing size, but more importantly, I want to honor God by taking care of this one body he has given me for this earth. I want to be healthy – for my children and to have the energy to do the work that He has for me to do. Thank you for doing this.

  9. Karen

    You are such a blessing to me. I, too, desperately need your accountability group. I have 20 pounds to lose and need all the spiritual encouragement I can possibly get. Just knowing this group is here is such a source of encouragement. I hope I’m not too late to join.

  10. Thanking God for you and the inspiration.

    I also need to lose 100 lbs to return to my healthy weight.
    It’s amazing, today I went to have blood tests done. My doctor requested a diabetes test. This is also the day I found your blog. I need accountability.

  11. I am joining in today. I have had lots of stress in the last year and have gained 10 pounds. No matter how many miles I walk in a week the weight doesn’t come off. Hoping to relearn lifestyle changes and to cope with the person that makes brownines in my house on a daily basis.

  12. I am also about 6 weeks late. I have had 2 kidney surgeries in November which would have kept me from from any excercise and healthing eating. I am almost healed and ready to jump back in.

    Can I still join in??

  13. I’m about 6 weeks late to the party … but I still want to join, if possible. I have about 15 lbs I want to lose – actually I need to lose it for my own benefit. My legs were severely injured in an accident 5 years ago – I’ve recovered well, but have pain/limitations/deformity and carrying any extra weight adds stress to my legs that they don’t need.
    And blessings to you on your weight-loss journey.

  14. I am a little late getting to this. I hope I can jump in? I attended my 4th Hearts at Home Conference in Rochester and couldn’t wait to hear from you. I am excited about Weight Loss Wednesdays. I am a stay-at-home mom that provides childcare to 10 families. I am 34, married to my high school sweetheart for 12 years, have a 11 year old boy and 7 year old girl. Needless to say I have yet to lose that stubborn baby weight :)

  15. Count me in too, Karen! I was at your American Idle workshop last weekend. And I just read your first entry about your husband losing his job, your losing the dream home, and your daughter/best friend moving away. Okay–that was seriously kind of like my last 9 months too.

    My husband was laid off in mid-January. He did get a job in mid-July but we had to move from MN to CA. I left my country home that I so loved (only lived there 3 years) and my best friend is back in Minnesota. I miss her dearly. As usual, I turned to food throughout all of this stuff. I have about 60 pounds to lose and at times it just feels impossible. I need some major encouragement. Thank you for providing it!

  16. God is soooo amazing. I joined WW in 2007 and lost 103 pounds, and have since had another baby, and gained a lot of it back. Since then WW has closed in my area and I strongly need accountability, I just yesterday handed my bondage to food over to God, and wounldn’t you know that he’d lead me to this website. I am so excited to have found you all! I’ll weigh in tomorrow, though I haven’t belonged for a full week yet!!

  17. Karen- Hi, this is the first time I have ever visited your blog site. I was getting caught up on reading the Proverbs 31 Ministries Daily Devotions and after reading the devotion you wrote “Serving Rolls and Switching Roles” I went to your blog and read about the Weight Loss Wednesdays. What a blessing. I put 50 pounds on 12 years ago while pregnant with my son, then a year and a half later I put on an additional 35 pounds while pregnant with my daughter. I have not taken off the weight and kept it off, I have lost 30 pounds but ended up gaining it back plus a few more pounds with it. I know that I can take the weight off, I just need the accountability. I did WW for a time, but the cost of weekly meetings just was not something that I could do every week, I have tried it on my own, just doesn’t seem to work. I have prayed for some way to be able to get motivated in getting back on the weight loss trail, and feel this is an answer to my prayer. Looking forward to joining you each Wednesday. THANK YOU!

  18. Karen,
    Thank you for doing this. I have been looking for a little motivation to loose a little weight I have put back on in the last year. This is just what I have been needing….accountability! Count me in!

  19. I will be joining you on Wednesdays I need something, I had lost 50 pounds waiting for lap band surgery which i will be having in the next couple of months but as soon as I got an appt with the doc I began eating very bad and have gained all the wait back knowing that if I gained wait he would not do the surgery, I need to get rid of my demons and be healthy for me.

  20. Karen & Friends,

    I too am wanting to get back into shape. Just recently visited the doctor and did not like stepping onto that scale or seeing those digits light up (thought someone was standing behind me). The Lord is my strength and I know He will give me the strength to do this with you all’s (southern gal) help. Really would like to learn to make healthier meals and snacks for my family, especially my sons. My hubby is the active parent, always going and doing stuff with the boys. It’s somewhat painful to hear it when my sons say “no we already know mom’s not going with us”. Partially, it is laziness, and the other part is busy-ness and no energy. So I hope to be able to gain all of the things back that the enemy has stolen over a period of time. I guess the holidays is not an ideal time to want to get in shape, but again, I know with the Lords and your help and encouragement, all things are possible! Ready and willing!!

  21. Karen,
    Thank you for your encouragement with this group!
    I am anxious to get started. We have been under some tremendous stress for the last 1 1/2 years, and even with exercise, the weight is stubborn. Truly watched portion sizes and was exercising 30-50 minutes 5 days a week. Only lost 8 pounds in 6 months. Very discouraging. I am certain I can learn some new here and maybe get that stubborn weight to leave, once and for all!

  22. Great! I’m not too late. You’re just getting started with this and it’s just what the Dr. and Jesus ordered. I’ve been overweight my entire adult life. I’ve lost and regained more times than I can count. About 3 years ago my husabnd and I decided we had to do something. We both got serious about weight loss. I lost 50 lbs and he lost 90 lbs. He’s kept his weight off for 3 years. He loves to exercise and his new healthy lifestyle. I on the other hand went on to gain back 30 of those pounds I lost (30!! Really??? Until now, I hadn’t admitted that to anyone, not even myself!). Lately I’ve had an overall depression that I blamed on everything from homeschooling my girls to laundry, but the truth is, I’m ashamed of myself. I know God has more for me and yet I choose the lesser, easier path everytime. I know God forgives, but I haven’t let go. But, it’s time (I’ve said that before, but somehow, someway, this really HAS to be the time!). Time for me to stop making excuses, stop blaming everyone else and get back to what I know is true! I look forward to joining this group and seeing what God can do!

  23. Hey Karen, I just finally got to the Weight Loss Wednesdays posts, but I am in too! It was January 1999 when I finally lost my baby weight (Marla was 8!) and all the other weight that had found its way to my tummy. I lost 45 pounds and kept most of it off until this last year or so when some 30+ lost pounds found me again. I’m down now about 2 pounds from when I gave it all back to God, but Greg and I have a way to go to get back to the healthy weights we want to be! :)

  24. I too would like to join. Didn’t stay up to date with my “favorites” b/c I was away from home visiting my ill father.
    I have been overweight all my life. I have tried many diet groups known to many of us…TOPS, WW, 3-D and there were several others.
    I am 60 and would like to not have to be on meds for blood pressure and cholestrol.
    I liked the one writing where the person said “I’m tired of being tired.”
    I have 60 pounds to lose.
    Count me in!! Thanks for doing this.

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