Is There Really Sex After Kids? Giveaway with Jill Savage

PRAYER PLEASE: As I was preparing this post about Jill Savage on Monday night, I got an email telling me that she had been admitted to the hospital with chest pains and stroke-like symptoms. It turns out she has blood clots on her lungs and will need to be put on blood thinners and observed for a few days. Please pray for her and her family! Thanks so much.


Well moms….does your “To Do” list look somewhat like this?

  • Get kids up and ready for school
  • pack lunches
  • check homework
  • change baby
  • do three loads of laundry
  • mop floor (again!)
  • feed dog
  • get groceries and go to post office
  • referee siblings squabble
  • scour sinks and tubs
  • give baths and locate pj’s
  • scrub baked-on grease off of supper pans
  • turn into sex goddess in 6 seconds flat and make hubby happy with a little horizontal fellowship
  • collapse in bed
  • get up the next day and do it all again….

Whew!!! I am tired just reading that list!

IMG_5697_2Well, cyber sisters, my dear, nearly decades-long friend Jill Savage knows all too well the demands placed on a busy mom. Demands of motherhood and demands of marriage. She penned a book just for such women that answers the question Is There Really Sex After Kids? (Don’t worry dads….the answer is a resounding yes!)

Here is a little bit about her straight-shooting and practical book:

What’s happened to our sex life now that we have kids? Many moms may not ask this question aloud, but Jill Savage knows from years of leading Hearts at Home conferences that no workshop subject will more quickly fill a room. Having children in the home alters the sexual dynamic between husband and wife. Going from making meatloaf to making love, from practical mommy to passionate lover, all in one crowded evening has its own set of unique challenges.

22376_293718789245_731229245_3136485_3642287_nIs There Really Sex After Kids? is written by a mom, for moms, and is filled with practical ideas. This is not a clinical book on sexual technique, though readers will find some creative suggestions. It isn’t a counselor’s text, though it contains the sage wisdom of a mentor and friend. It is a woman-to-woman discussion—a true insider’s look—at what works to build intimacy outside the bedroom and improve intimacy inside the bedroom.

This practical guide helps women rise above frustrations and disappointments to restore intimacy, pleasure, spontaneity, and passion in their marriage.

Today Jill has graciously agreed to offer a signed copy of this book to one of you who leaves a comment. And since she talks about the struggle moms face going from making meatloaf to making love, I’ll throw in a cute, heart-decorated oven mitt (for the meatloaf part) and some Bath and Body Works P.S. I Love You Spring Fling Lotion (for the making love part!)

Simply leave a comment today telling us where you and your hubby went on your honeymoon. Drawing will be random. Oh, and you may leave a comment on any or all of this week’s Valentines posts until Sunday at midnight EST. All of the winners will be announced on Monday.

I’ll start us off with today’s comment.

Todd took me on a tour of many Bed & Breakfast Inn’s in Michigan’s northern lower peninsula and then across the Mackinac Bridge to the upper peninsula. Then we took a ferry to charming Mackinac Island (a quaint, frozen-in-time island, famous for fudge and where the only transportation methods are horse-drawn carriages and bicycles!) We stayed in the Grand Hotel (where  the movie Somewhere in Time was filmed) and then crossed into Canada to take a color train tour.

We always planned to replicate the trip on our 25th anniversary, but that is only 1 1/2 years away in June 2011 and instead, we’ll probably be knee-deep in college bills and both boys’ baseball seasons!  Hmmmm…well, maybe for our 30th….

Now, where did you and your hubby go on your honeymoon? (besides to bed, I mean ;-))

Horizontal Fellowship Blessings,


  1. We went to California and my husband surprised me with reservations at a bed and breakfast in Santa Monica. It was a wonderful surprise and we still talk about it 15 years later.

  2. We went to Cancun Mexico. It was beautiful & relaxing!! However we brought home a little E-Coli bug making the week following our honeymoon give new meaning to “in sickness and in health”!

  3. We went on a cruise. We even won the “Newlywed Game” on the ship. Little did we know the game show would be run and re-run MANY times through out our voyage….we had some wild answers and people recognized us through out the rest of the week. It made it unforgettable! :-)

  4. Honeymoon?! We almost didn’t have a wedding due to the great last blizzard in 1978. My hubby missed the rehearsal (my daddy was the preacher, so no real problem there) and only made it to the church with a few hours to spare (did I mention that he had just finished basic training with the AF and they changed our wedding date 3 times in as many months?). Our honeymoon was pulling a uhaul trailer to his first base in Wyoming through an ice and snow storm. We arrived in WY to unload the trailer in the later afternoon to me waking up the following morning with double ear infections! Our wedding night we stayed at a local Holiday Inn where as soon as we were in the room, my husband was so excited to order a steak and then promptly fell asleep. I love the stories we tell about our wedding, but do NOT care to repeat it in person. However, 31 years and we are in love even more with each other!

  5. My husband and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas. The interesting part of the cruise is that we “won” it by buying some cookware (which I still have today even though I don’t use it! I can’t stand to think of throwing it out or giving it away!). We “earned” hotel stays by listening to time share seminars! We even earned tickets to Universal Studios and Sea World by listening to these seminars! My husband laughs now whenever we hear a commercial about time shares!

  6. My husband and I went to Eureka Springs, Arkansas and Branson, Missouri for our honeymoon 23 years ago. We saw the Passion Play and Holy Land tour and took in a couple of shows in Branson. Had a great time. Thank you so much for all your thoughts and Godly knowledge regarding marriage. It is something that gets taken for granted alot, but should be held with the most importance in our lives. God first, then your marriage and family. Thanks again.

  7. We were very young with no money. SO we just had a small overnight stay a few hours away for two nights. My DH was getting ready to go to bootcamp. So we plan to do something really nice next year for our 20 year.

  8. We drove cross country from Utah to Wisconsin to get to his intern job for the summer. We didn’t really have a honeymoon until about 6 months later. We decided to leave our college town during Thanksgiving break and headed to Las Vegas to see the sights of the strip. We ate Thanksgiving at Treasure Island!

  9. My husband and I honeymooned in Yosemite at the Ahwahnee…a fabulous hotel! We were engaged for 6 months but decided to have an impromptu, family only, wedding to save all the headaches of a big one. It was wonderful and the Ahwahnee honeymoon package was great too. That was almost 5 years ago and now with a 2 year old, we also struggle with finding quality time for each other. Thanks for sharing these issues so we can see that we are not alone in our efforts to make time for the right things.

  10. My husband and I have been married 15 years. We just celebrated our anniversary on Feb.4th. We went to Hollywood California for our honeymoon. Had a wonderful time and even ended up on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. My husband was known at the “honeymoon guy” during one of Jay’s skits. One memory of many we’ll never forget.

  11. My husband and I went on a 4 day/3 night cruise on the Disney Magic cruise ship for our honeymoon. We had been to Disney World twice while we were dating, so we “stepped it up a notch” and added the cruise and we were not disappointed. Sadly, we haven’t been back since. Maybe that can be arranged for our 15th Wedding Anniversary–5 years from now??

  12. We had no honeymoon except one night in a lovely hotel… it is a second marriage for us both and came with five children between us! Grandparents babysat for the night (the kids were 5,6,7,8 and 10). Now, fifteen years later (and empty nesters with four in college), we will celebrate in July with a vow-renewal/covenant ceremony and a five day cruise to Bermuda! YAY!

  13. We went to Eureka Springs, AR. We saw “The Great Passion Play”, took the Holy Lands walking tour, took in the Bible museum, the cave, and just shopped around and enjoy the sweet little town. Very nice and VERY affordable for two college students! ;)

  14. My husband & I spent several days in Gatlinburg Tn in a beautiful cabin on a mountaintop in the thick of the peak leaf-changing weekend. After 17 years and 4 children later, I long for a few lazy days alone with him again……!!

  15. Hubbie and I went to Barbados for our honeymoon almost 25 years ago. The island was beautiful but, my goodness, what culture shock for me. I’d never been off the east coast – nor so far from home. Yes, I was homesick – but we have great memories. We would like to go back some day but for our 25th this fall, we are hoping to go to Paris:)

    Thanks for the give-away!

  16. We spent 10 days in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. I was so proud of my husband for planning the whole thing and saving his money to pay cash. It was definitely a memorable honeymoon…for many reasons :-)

  17. We went on a Caribbean cruise together – very romantic and a first-time experience for both of us. Our first day we fell asleep on lounging chairs on the deck while watching the sun set. We even won a contest they had for newlyweds. We still laugh about my motion sickness and having to miss lobster night and our adventures aboard a pirate fun ship. Now, almost 19 years later, we’re planning a mission trip to Guatemala with our two children and know that this trip will definitely top the cruise.

  18. We spent our honeymoon at our townhouse! My husband had to go to work the next night (he worked third shift) so we didn’t have time to go anywhere. We’ve always promised ourselves that we will renew our vows, and then take a “REAL” honeymoon!

  19. We went on a Caribbean Cruise. We said we’d never travel any other way again because we has so much fun. But kids came along and we haven’t been back on a cruise since. Maybe for our 10th anniversary we will :)

  20. Our plan changed somewhat. My sweet hubby’s brother gave us tickets to Colonial Williamsburg…and they were to be waiting for us when we arrived. But, our tickets were nowhere to be found. We ended up detouring to Busch Gardens and took a day-trip up the coast to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. It was awesome, even if it wasn’t totally planned.

  21. We went to a cabin that belonged to a relative, in north Georgia. I had joked about “getting snowed in.” Well, it wasn’t a joke. We did get snowed in. The Pastor who married us said he expected our marriage to last after this experience. It was interesting, our relative finally had to come get us out with snow chains – in Georgia!

  22. 3 glorius days at the Hilton in Niagara Falls almost 33 years ago. It was great! We were just two young, dumb kids with very little money. When we got back we found out my husband had been laid off from his job. (The first of many times that would happen.) God has watched over us all these years and I love him more today than way back then.

  23. We didn’t have much money so we stayed in hotel not far from where we lived. I keep giving my husband ‘hints’ that I want to rededicate our marriage and have a ‘real’ honeymoon when we reach 20 years. (it’s been 17, so 2012 is the year)

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