Next Monday…..

Welcome Weight Loss Wednesday gals!!!!

I look forward each week to our little cyber group that is cheering on one another in our weight loss journeys. After last week’s Proverbs 31 devotion about my triple-braided cord that invited new women to join us, I thought we might pick up a few more gals who would meet with us here once a week.

I about fell over when nearly 1,000 of them responded.

God is truly amazing.

And I feel VERY inadequate!!!!

Pouring over the comments, I saw women who were frustrated. Ones who felt alone. Some were scared for their health. Others were embarrassed and ashamed. A few were sick and tired of being sick and tired.

All of them wanted support and encouragement.

That is what WLW is all about.

Please be assured, I am no weight loss guru. Although I have lost over 100 pounds, I also regained a good chunk last year and am still trying to get it back off. I need this group as much as anyone.

And please know, we already have a core of amazing women. I love to see how they cheer each other on, offer gentle advice and heartfelt prayers for the other gals here.

We are thrilled to make our circle even bigger. Before we do, however, let me just go over a few things real quickly.

First, I’ve had many ask “Just how does this work?”.

It is simple.

  • Just click over here each Wednesday and read the post that is up.
  • Leave a comment about the topic if desired. At the very least, let us know how your week went. Did you struggle? How? Did you make some good choices? Pick that apple over the fudge brownie, etc…
  • You can also let us know what the scale did IF YOU WISH. (Not required.) Did it go up or down? How much? Please note our rule of thumb: If the scale went down, you lost solid fat. If it spiked up slightly, you are retaining water! ;-)
  • Finally, hop back on later in the day or the week if you can to read the other comments and offer words of encouragement if you wish.

That’s it!

Now, I have had some ask if I can set it up that the WLW posts come into your email box. I’m sure it can be done. I however, have no idea how to do it. I will get with my web gal, the amazing Vicky Hughes to see what can be done about that.

Now, for today’s topic.

Starting over.

How many times have YOU started over at losing weight? I have no way to accurately add it up, but I’m sure my count would easily be in the hundreds.

You know the routine.

You feel fat. Ugly. Disgusted. Compared to others.

You vow you are going to start over…first thing in the morning.

So, you eat everything in site that night.

Tomorrow comes. You do fine at breakfast. But by mid-afternoon, the munchies are calling.

You answer their call, fall off of the bandwagon and straight into a huge vat of gooey guilt.

So you again pig out, vowing you’ll start over.


Tomorrow comes.

Tomorrow isn’t so hot either and by 2:00 pm, you are plum out of calories (not from eating plums, but from cramming cookies down your throat or opening the hatch and downing nearly a pound bag of peanut M & M’s!!) so you tell yourself, “I’ll start next Monday.”

Then you eat like a pig until Monday comes, try to start over, blow it again by noon and promise yourself… “Okay, let’s try next month. Yeah, that’s it, I’ll start the first of next month…..” and on and on it goes.

Enough already!!!

Let’s stop the “start over” cycle of defeat! Let’s all vow to begin again RIGHT NOW.

No, not once you’ve eaten up all the “bad food” in the house.

No, not once you get a large fry on your way to pick the kiddos up from school this afternoon.

No, not next Monday after you pig out at a fattening function this weekend.

Start RIGHT NOW!!!

And hey ladies…I am talking to myself here! I started off great guns last October, dropped a couple dozen pounds by February and then have been hovering around the same number on the scale ever since. And I still need to drop 20 more pounds. Dropping these last 20 is harder than the first 80!!!!!

So there you have today’s topic.

Please comment with your thoughts. Can you relate?

If you are a current member of WLW, also tell us how your week went. And for motivation, if you will, tell our new cyber sisters how much weight you’ve lost since you joined WLW.

If you are a newbie, let us know your goal. How much do you want to lose? Why? What habits do you want to break or to begin?

Okay….here we go….comments please!

Praying for you,


  1. I just found this post today. I would love to join the WLW group. I really appreciated Karen’s honesty in the devotional, and in the two posts from last week and this week. I am desperate to lose some weight. I feel like my body is falling apart because of all the issues that have arisen carrying around all this extra weight. I have over 100 pounds to lose, more would be great. But, if I could even lose 30 pounds, that would be so helpful. I am going to try this week to get several glasses of water in each day. That does not seem like much, but it is a small step.

  2. Oh, my – this is the story of my life!! My weight has fluctuated over the years reaching a high of 176 on my 5’4″ body. Then my mom “made” me join Curves. A year later I was their “poster child” after getting down to 122 pounds! Then I got remarried, got too busy to keep going to Curves, and the “happy pounds” have crept back on – to the point I’m NOT happy!! Right now I am hovering between 144-148. How did that happen?!? Anyway, I would love to get back down to 122. However, wanting is not doing, so with the help and accountability of this group, and the Lord’s strength, I will be DOING this!

  3. This is my 2nd WLW week and I lost 1.4 lbs this week!! I have a long way to go to reach my goal of 70 lbs. but I believe with the prayers and encouragement of other believers I can do this. Thanks for the accountability, too.

  4. reading over a few comments from today, Cake, Cake and more Cake its my weakness, every one at works knows this and I have instructed them to hide all cake from me in the next few weeks. I hope every one makes healthy choices this week.

  5. Welcome to all the newbies! It is fun to have so many posts to read. Although I will confess that I am skimming most! I’ve been part of WLW since the beginning and it really has been a great source of encouragement. We all have to start somewhere and baby steps really do make a difference. For me getting a workout in 5 days a week is what a strive for. I also am getting back to keeping track of everything that goes into my mouth. Since we began this journey, I have lost 25#. I have about 15 more to lose and they, so far, are more difficult than the first ones! We are enjoying warmer weather here too so have been able to do more family bike rides. I fell off my bike for the first time in years on Saturday. I think I was more shocked than hurt! Anyway the scale did go down this week so I am thankful and praying that all of us will make healthy choices this week!

    Rebecca Ann

  6. Thank you for the encouragement. Does someone have some suggestions for snacks at work that “satisfy.” I’ve been “pulled into” eating peanut M&M’s and they seem to call my name every afternoon (one of the guys has an M&M bowl on his desk that calls my name!). Then ice cream after dinner. I too have been up and down with weight and would love to lose 25 pounds before August 7th (for a wedding – not mine).

    Thank you, I am so glad to know about your website.

  7. It is so great that failure is not final with Our Lord but starting over brings new life and hope for us. I am a newbie and I have really enjoyed the devotion and all of the comments that you girls have made. I need to lose about 50 more pounds and I have run into a slump and can’t seem to get over it. Please pray for me that I will be consistent and patient.

  8. I’m in awe of all the responses on here and to see how I’m not the only one going through a rough patch with my weight/over-eating. I stumbled upon WLW last wk so this is wk 1 for me. This was a much needed word for today as I’ve completely lost count of how many times I’ve “started over”. I weighed myself this morning and I’ve lost 2lbs since last Wednesday. I’m currently 320lbs and my goal is to get down to around 150lbs….so I’ve got a LONG way to go! However, I’m so tired of not being able to keep up with my girls when their playing and having health problems(I’m currently struggling w/high bp). I did better on my eating than I normally do. I made healthier choices on my food and when it came to the weekend I didn’t benge like I normally would. Now mind you I did over eat for my dinner on Sat & Sun but those were the only times. Normally I completely go crazy the minute I’m off of work Friday evening ’til Sunday night eating whatever I can get in my mouth to whenever I can grab food. So this was an accomplishment for me. At least it was only 2 meals over the weekend instead of all my meals. My goal for this weekend is to not over-eat at all!!! I know w/Gods help I can do it. My thoughts and prayers goes out to everyone on here. Just remember Gods strength is made perfert in your weakness 2 Corinthians 12:9 We can do this!!!

  9. Thanks Karen for your words of encouragement….

    I would appreciate prayers as I am just about ready to start a diet thru the hospital works at. I’ve yo yo-ed for the last 7 yrs but now am at my heaviest at 230+. This diet will be very strict at first. I’ve always done weight watchers before where I been able to choose my foods so this will be a big change for me. I feel like the restriction will be beneficial since it’s obvious to me I lack self control lol! Please pray that I will seek God’s strength to be diligent and “on plan” My first appointment is tomorrow night so prayers would be appreciated. Thank you all for your encouragement!

  10. Oh Ladies! It has been awhile since I’ve posted and so much is happening in our lives. I am praying to not eat out of stress as I know that is a weakness I have. This week will be my ‘starting over’ week. ;-) Right were I am. As I sit here I am submitting everything to God and know there is no way I can do this on my own. Thank you for being such a great sounding board ladies and I pray I continue checking in with our wonderful group.

  11. I was laugh-crying as I read Karen’s blog today. I could’ve written that word for word myself. It amazed me that someone else has felt/said exact same things as myself. I’ve lived on ‘tomorrow’ or ‘next Monday’ diet ideas. Always starting fresh the next day, week or month – and ALWAYS after eating the bad stuff first, just to get it out of the house! Ha-ha. Well, today I actually exercised! I still can’t believe I did it, actually – but after exercising and doing my Bible study I feel so accomplished and good! Today is a new day and I hope tomorrow is even better! I pray I continue each day – even with a little, just to keep at it. Thanks to anyone who has prayed; I need it and pray for each of you.

  12. Hello Ladies!
    This week has been a long and trying week for me. I am dealing with some major womanly issues from a doctor appointment last week and I am praying and standing in faith that it stops NOW!!! Anyways, I didn’t weigh myself today because I am trying not to on a weekly basis, but I feel like the scale has gone in the right direction. I am basing it off the fact that I can no longer keep my pants up without a belt! Since joining this awesome group at the end of February, I have lost 8 lbs. I am rejoicing in this, but still have another 47 to reach my end goal. Although my weight loss my soon come to an end for the time being, my husband and I have recently decided to add to our beautiful family and hopeful we will get pregnant with #3 soon!

    I hope everyone has a blessed week. The weather is AWESOME here and it sure makes everything seem better!

  13. Hi All ,

    I have had a cake week this week, as everywhere I have been have been offering cake, for celebrations, etc, BUT , instead of eating cake and full blown lunch I am not having as much lunch, or meals, also asking for the Holy Spirit to guide me, to eat when I am truly hungary and not just to top up, and to stop when I am satisfied not over full. My sister-in -law and I have decided to become accountable to each other and pray with each other when needed.
    As for the scales, I just don’t like the way they make me feel soooooooooo happy if I loose a pound, and sooooooooooooooooo down if I put one on. SO I am going by my clothes, as when they start getting loose, I will know something is happening. As for exercise, need to step up a gear, on that , do a walk every day, but not very fast! Take care all you blog friends. Remember we can do all things with Gods strength.

  14. Well I did not lose any weight this week, but neither did I gain. But I must say that I am beginning to learn to give everything over to God including my food choices and exercise program. I know that when HE is in charge, things happen that I never would have imagined could happen. I don’t know how many times I have said “tomorrow I will start over”. But tomorrow is here!

  15. I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of the women who have posted. I have been inspired to do my workout today!!

  16. As I feel totally tired….but have done nothing, I remembered last Wednesday I read this blog so I thought I would check it out again. I am so glad to read others like me with the starting the diet in the a.m. FOR YEARS I have been doing that, I am so tired of it yet it is so hard….

    Thanks for your words that help remind me that I am not the only one feeling this way.

  17. Hi to all you wonderful precious WLW girls- As I am typing this I am sending up a special prayer that God will meet each of you where you are. As I have read some of the comments I see some had a great week, some struggled, some conquer and for Mary Ruth praise God for your good report. There has been a lot of that this week including prayers for the good report that Micca Campbell received too. If you don’t know her she a P31 Speaker and friend of Karen’s.

    So I have struggled this week. If anyone read my post last week I suffer from many health conditions and an overwhelming amount of food allergies. So I have to read the labels and I have some treats that are on the all clear list. This past week I went to the accountant and discovered a new Cupcake place. Thankfully I don’t go out that way much at all but it definitely drew me in. They had so many kinds and varieties that I left with 6 cupcakes and I ate all six (thankfully not in 1 day but over 3.) As of the weekend I was fervently praying that God would help me break the hold that sugar has on me and also that he would heal the food allergies so I can add the good foods back in. It is very frustrating to have to cut so many things out and not know what to eat. I have tried some new things including Spaghetti Squash which I loved but I got a reaction to it. So will you pray with me and for me that the Lord would touch my body and heal it.

    I did pretty good so far this week. Day 1- I had 2 cookies. Yesterday snack was a crepe with Fresh Raspberries and some semi sweet choc chips. I am not really supposed to do the crepe as it has dairy in it. Today was 6 Hershey’s kisses. Everything else was good and I decided to take it one day at a time- one meal at a time if I need to. I am deciding to put good food into my body to fuel me and make me feel better. I definitely want to cut the sugar back again- I do it every so often and I go back to less. I just need to find some options of things to eat that don’t give me hives or cause me to itch.

    Bravo to Michelle on drinking more water and less soda. Girls if you can kick the Diet Soda habit do it. The research shows something like people who drink Diet Soda are 61% more likely to be obese. The chemicals are horrible for us. I gave it up 4 years ago and it wasn’t that bad. It was contributing to autoimmune issues and I felt better right away. I tried to drink a glass of diet soda about 4 months after I quit- I took one sip and poured it down the drain- it tasted horrible. That said- enjoy your food. I drink mostly water, some tea and coffee and occasionally a real soda- Italian sodas from Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods, Orange San Pellegrino is really good and it is a treat. I also mix Trader Joe’s Mango Lemonade with at least 1/2 water. I get some taste and not as many calories or sugar for a treat. Sparkling water with Flavored Stevia is also great and doesn’t give a blood sugar rush.

    Have a great week girls- you can Do It! One day at a time and we will conquer this together. So glad for the support and community.

  18. Hi Everyone, I lost 1 pound this week. How I am not real sure but it seems to be gone according to the scale this morning. I started my 30 minute walk last night. I felt good after the walk. I need to drop 75 pounds. I am really tired of not being able to do all the things I want to do and groaning every time I have to stand up. I read today’s topic and kinda laughed because that is me more times than I would like to admit. I got a very good piece of advice several years ago– Pick yourself up, dust off the “crumbs” and begin your good habit with your next bite. And savor the journey. Strange I haven’t thought of that advice for a long time. Reading your post brought it back to me. Thank you Ladies for your words and for letting me know I am not alone. Bless you all.

  19. I started the week strong but lost steam when my husband went out of town. It is amazing how you can get off track when your routine changes. I will once again “start over” looking to the Lord for the strength I need when times get tough instead of looking to food.

  20. Well the scale says I’m down 2 lbs, but that is sometimes hard to believe as my weight flucuates by that much. I dont’ feel like I lost 2 lbs. Mostly because I had gum surgery on Friday and I can’t eat anything but soft foods, so you guessed it I’ve ate a lot of ice cream, pastas, etc. I am not able to excerise either. I go back in a week to have my stitches out, so we will see if my limitations have been lifted. The positive thing is that I am drinking a lot more water than I did before and a lot less soda.

  21. Had a hard 2 weeks with Easter (think headless solid chocolate bunnies due to stress) followed by surgery.

    PRAISE GOD the breast biopsy was negative. NO CANCER.
    But I can’t exercise for a week per doctor’s orders and that’s what I need to lose.

    However, I decided this is regular life-stuff and there’s no need to move backward. So maintaining my weight this week is my goal.

  22. LOST 4 POUNDS THIS FIRST WEEK!! So glad to be a part of this group. God really came through for me by helping me not suffer with cravings, so I”m praying He will do the same this week.

  23. Yay! Thanks so much for the website and the pep talk!
    I am beginning by trying to get myself on my treadmill. I don’t call it exercising…I call it my worship time! I got my husband to put my favorite Christian music on his old ipod, I hop on the treadmill, close my eyes and just worship God to the music. The time FLIES by and soon I am having to make myself get off so I can get to work! I don’t know how much, if any I have lost, I have over 125 1lbs to lose…so here I go!!
    I am praying for all of you to succeed! One day at a time!

  24. How encouraging to know I’m not alone in this. This is really critical for me as I like to do things by myself: exercise, drive in the car, read, study, etc. But this approach has not helped me get rid of the weight I have accumulated over the years. This last week I have taken steps in a new direction which involves having others keep me accountable. My “Praying for our Adult Children” prayer partners have agreed to ask me each week how things are going in the area of weight loss. I also signed up for a weight management program through our local hospital which is a year long commitment. That is huge! This all came after asking others to pray for me in this area. Thank You, Jesus!

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