Sum…Sum…Summertime Giveaway :-)

Hi all!

Let’s have ourselves an ol’-fashioned, watermelon seed-spittin’, swinging from a tire swing down at the swimming hole party.

Time for a cool summer giveaway.

Simply leave a comment today and you’ll be in the pool (pun intended) for the drawing for this basket-in-a-box summer giveaway. It includes:

*A copy of a fantabulous summer beach read,  The Mailbox by Marybeth Whalen. (Click here to read about it)

*A cute, summery, flip-flop kitchen towel

*Some Jelly Belly tropical jelly beans

*A watermelon sticky note pad with matching pen

*A box of TAZO tea for brewing some of the season’s famous beverage

* A Colonial at Home jar candle in Sea Glass (just smells like the fresh air at the beach!)

*And a box of Fralingers salt water taffy, “with sea air and sunshine sealed in every box!”

Okay gals… is the dealio. I am needed greatly the next few days by both my family and my ministry, so y’all will have to party without me. I’ll be back on Tuesday to announce the winner. In the mean time, here’s what I want you to do:

Leave a comment here on your favorite summertime memory.

Then, hop on often between now and Monday at midnight Pacific time. Check out the other comments. See if anyone else’s comment makes you think of another memory or provokes another comment from you. Each time you comment, your name will be entered into the drawing. No limit. (But don’t go getting too crazy and leaving like 100 or anything!)

Have a fun party!

I’ll be splitting my time these next few days between cheering for our boys at the ball fields in two different towns, and at some nearby coffee shoppes (with my laptop in tow) as I prepare my talks for our Proverbs 31 She Speaks Conference next month.

But before I exit, let me leave one of my favorite summertime memories. Going swimming at the Portland Country Club pool as a 10-year-old, buying a mounds bar at the gift shop, slathering my legs with Coppertone cocoa butter (I still love ANYTHING that smells or tastes like coconut) and then after a few hours, heading into the clubhouse to have a sandwich with my dad after he was done playing 18 holes.

Your turn….what memories of summer do you have? You could win big!

Summertime Blessings,


  1. Another favorite memory of summer was playing outside on those warm summer evenings with the neighborhood kids barefooted catching lightning bugs. Right after dinner we would all go outside and play until it was time for bed.

  2. My favorite memory of summer was going to the lake and water-skiing. I love to ski and I had so much fun trying to teach my cousins how to ski. We would laugh so hard, it was so much fun.

  3. My favorite summertime memory was TORNADOS! I know it sounds funny but I grew up in west Texas & summer was Tornados Season. We would all get in the bath tub or we would go to a neighbors basement & sit around & wait for the storm to pass. We would sit around & tell funny stories & My Step Dad would try & scare us! GOOD TIMES! I live in Arizona know & I miss them. It was time where we has no electricity & we were forced to be all together. :)

  4. My favorite memories are of church camp. Camp was located in the woods, and whenever it rained, it just smelled heavenly. Still to this day, I love the smell of pine trees and rain together. But, camping with my best friend @ church camp, along with all the fun games/songs/crafts, lessons we did, it was just an absolute blast.

  5. I definitely remember vacation bible school, both the times I attended as a child and when I was a teenager and got to teach the little ones. Blessed by such a happy memory.

  6. Another one of my favorite memories of summer is the camping trips our family has gone on. We’ve experienced everything from bad storms, injuries, sickness but also the fun stuff like canoeing, bike riding, hiking campfires, campfire food and lots of laughter. I wouldn’t trade any of the memories for anything.

  7. We just finished VBS with our children at church. One memory I have from my childhood is going to VBS each summer. Everyday after we left church we would go over to a friends house and have a picnic lunch. After lunch we would swim all afternoon. We had a blast. My children are now having fun in VBS each summer. As often as we can we go to a friends house have a picnic lunch and play in the pool all afternoon.

  8. Haying when my Dad was still farming. I was too young to help at the time but loved the smell of fresh cut hay, riding in the wagon, building cabins in the hay loft.

  9. I didn’t have a very happy childhood, but my most frequent memory is going to a place we called “Duck Pond.” I doubt that was the name of it, but it was in a city park, and ducks lived there that people could toss bread crumbs to. I watched them – my mom was not one to allow me to do the tossing, nor would she “waste” any bread. My mom and step-dad took me there for every summer holiday – Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day. We always took a picnic (hot dogs, macaroni salad, and baked beans) that we ate on plastic divided plates out of a metal picnic basket that was painted to look like wicker. They always spent the whole day arguing, much like any other day – but for me it was like heaven to escape to the water’s edge and watch those ducks scramble for breadcrumbs. If there’s a message in my little story – it is to say not to feel sorry for me, but to understand that for some children who live in tough situations, little things mean A LOT! If you know a kid in need, it would not take much of your time or resources to do one little thing and it could change his or her life. Happy summer!

  10. Summertime….sweet Summertime….going to Patrick Co. Va to Springs Of Life Church Camp. Eating those green eggs and Ham for breakfast….and calling out people at your table for having their elbows on the table then they would have to go around the room. Lots of time spent in the Bible learning daily devotions and lots of Fun Activities…flour and water ballon fights…teaming up to see which team could melt a huge block of ice 1st…on an those wonderful wooden skis that held 4 people at a time…yelling left; right;left hoping our team could win. And, the most important memory of all! That’s where I was Saved many years ago at the age of 12.

  11. Going to my Grandmother’s way out in the country and using her outhouse; bathing in a wash tub.

  12. One of my favorites was my first trip to Florida – Panama City Beach. I’m was a homeschooled country kid – so it was a blast!

  13. Two memories: (1) spending the week at grandma and grandpa’s farm and (2) running around the yard after dark catching as many lightning bugs as possible.

  14. One of my favorite summertime memories is getting up at the crack of dawn, meeting my friends outside while the grass was still wet with dew, playing in the creek or the neighborhood or hanging out at the pool all day. We’d check in at lunch and dinner and play until dark. Those were the days.

  15. My favorite thing about summer as a child was spending time at my grandparents farm. As a city girl, it was always fun to be in a completely different place surrounded by people who loved me!

    Rebecca Ann

  16. Spending time at our cabin at the lake that my parents owned with my aunt and uncle. 10 cousins in 7 years. We grew up more like brothers and sisters. Great times.

  17. My favorite memory for summer are ones I am still making…I love having kids home from school and spending a lazy day at the pool… relaxing!!

  18. My favorite summertime memories are the ones where we were together as a family. My dad was always working and so when he did take that week off in the summer for us, we squeezed as much time in as we could! Beach trips, boating, camping, it was all precious because we were together!

  19. Our last neighborhood had a pool and I loved the site of my children riding their bikes, towels wrapped around their necks with the ends flying out as they got faster!

  20. One of my favorite summertime memories include going to my Mother’s best friend’s house. My mom had 3 children and her friend had 6 children. The nine of us would play hide and seek in their wooded lot for hours.

  21. some of my favorite childhood memories are staying outside ALL day skipping rope, riding bikes and throwing a blanket on the ground and spending hours with a box of crayons and a good coloring book! Then when it got dark all of us neighborhood kids would play flashlight tag! It was sooo sweet!

  22. 1987- the summer after we got married. With friends next door and my husband’s daughter and her boyfriend, we spent a lot of evenings outside on the deck – which is a miracle for Western Washington weather – talking and having fun. I don’t think we turned the TV on once during that summer.

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