Moms Giveaway & Upcoming Online Study

A heartfelt welcome to those here after reading my devotion at Proverbs 31 Ministries or on If you haven’t read it yet, click here. Be sure to come back for a giveaway & announcement!

So, have your hats got you frustrated?

Wife, mother, lover, chauffeur, cook, maid, worker, referee, nurse, counselor, and Facebook friend!?!?!

Tired of switching back and forth throughout the day?

Growing weary of the delicate balancing act that nearly topples them all over and sends your emotions crashing too?

Ever want to chuck them all, let your hair down, grab a good novel and head for the beach…..all alone!!

Try these 5 tips for Maxed Out Moms:

~Make your motto “I’ll do what is next, not what is easy.” Too many times we gravitate toward what is easiest rather than what most needs attention.

But activity does not always equal productivity. Determine the next chore that should be tackled. Then, get started on it, even if it is unpleasant. You’ll gain momentum from just getting out of the chutes.

~Plate Scrape. Twenty years of parenting has taught me an important lesson about moms who do too much. We must plate scrape.

Ask yourself why you are doing what you do. Is it to be liked? To appear to be Wonder Woman? To feel needed and included? Because you’ve always done that task or held that position?

Hold your too-full plate up to God, ask His opinion then get a rubber scraper and rid your schedule of what He has not called you to.

~ Don’t Freak Out. Instead, Farm Out or Opt Out. Don’t try to wow your friends and amaze the church ladies with how you “do it all”. It will make you freak out. Realize is okay to farm some things out. And sometimes, to opt out all together!

Whenever someone seems to imply that they don’t know how I “do it all”, I look them straight in the eye and say, “Why honey….I don’t even try!”

Yes, I am a homeschool mom of three. One is grown. The other two have co-op classes taught by other parents as well as me & a weekly math tutor who is worth her weight in dark chocolate. I do what I can do (speak & write) to get money to pay her to do what I can’t (Algebra & Geometry). This, I farm out.

Secondly, I do not scrapbook. When I tried, it was pitiful. My kids’ books? Partially finished. But hey, all my childhood pictures are in an old trunk in my mom’s house and I haven’t needed professional therapy. I love looking at others’ scrapbooks and am in awe at their talent! It just isn’t my gig. On this one, I opt out.

Housework? I don’t clean bathrooms or do laundry. My theory is that if a 12-year-old can work an Xbox controller, they can run the washing machine and fling a toilet brush! These tasks? Farm out to the kiddos.

You see ladies, trying to “do it all” will only do yourself in. Pick what you are gifted at and hire, beg or barter to accomplish the rest. Hey, even the woman in Proverbs 31 had servant girls!

~ Carve out calm. Running at break-neck speed with a frenzy of activity all around makes our spirits restless. Slow down. Get alone. Turn off the noise-making gadgets. Listen to nothingness for a while. God is in the silence.

If you are a mom of young children, find another mother who will partner and swap with you. You take all the kids one morning so she can be alone. The next week swap. This practice saved my sanity when my kids were small & still does now that they are all teens.

~ Don Your Crown First. As I said in the devotion, perhaps the points on our tiaras as daughters of the King keep all the other hats in place. Trying to tuck God in around the edges of our day rarely works.

Time gets away; family fires need to be extinguished; out the window go my best intentions.

My P31 sister Luann Prater recently said in a conference call with our team that when we think of having time alone with just God and our Bibles each day, we must think of the word “non-negotiable”.

Crucial. Mandatory for a successful life. And necessary if we want to keep our hats in balance!

Now, I have two practical take-aways for you today to help you juggle those hats! First, a giveaway!

One gal who comments will receive the following:

~ A copy of Holiday Cooking with Kids by Williams Sonoma.

~ Colorful kitchen gadgets including a rubber spatula, pan scraper and cookie dough ball maker.

~ 2 warm vanilla sugar Bath & BodyWorks melting tarts.

~A signed copy of my book The Complete Guide to Getting & Staying Organized.

~ A fun shirt given to me by a sweet gal at a Hearts at Home conference. The front says “What’s Your Day Look Like?” with the verse Prov. 31:30 on it. The back sports a long list of all the P31 woman did “Get up before dawn. Prepare breakfast. Plant a vineyard. Bring food from afar. Speak kind words. etc….” Size XL

Finally, beginning June 1st, I’ll be hosting a free 4 week online study designed to help busy women get their acts together. What better time to start than at the beginning of summer? Turn those lazy days into an opportunity to finally get your home in order and your time under control!

This will be based on my book The Complete Guide to Getting & Staying Organized. (So if you haven’t got a copy you’ll need to get your hands on one). We’ll have discussions on concepts and ideas in the book (de-junking, time management, handling paper piles, cooking, cleaning, involving kids, etc),  giveaways, practical take-aways, a few evening conference calls, guests and goodies all inspiring you to get those hats, and your homes, in order!

Since this will be done on Facebook, you can hop on at your convenience to comment, enter the giveaways, ask questions and share ideas and struggles. There will be a few evening conference calls that are optional.  And, although we’ll hit the topics from all the chapters, it won’t be tied to a strict reading plan so you can go at your own pace.

If you’d like more information, head over to the Facebook page where this will be happening by clicking here. Click on the “Like” button and you’ll be set!

Get started reading and mark your calendar for June 1st when we launch the official 4 week study! Oh, I can’t wait!!

Now, don’t forget to leave your comment here to be entered in this moms giveaway! Winner announced Monday (along with the winners of this post, and this one too. You can still enter both!)

And finally, if you have a few minutes and want a good laugh, check out my Hats of a Mom skit here. Have a fabulous Mother’s Day!!!

Happy Hat-Juggling!


  1. I am right there trying to balance all those hats, as a mom of four children. God convicts me of that verse many times. It’s amazing what all I accomplish with Him when He is first.

  2. You’re right – we can’t do it all! Need to farm it out! As well as carve out time for ourselves. Would love to read your organizational book!

  3. I love this post. I am not a mother yet, one day I hope to be. My husband and I are trying to trust more in God and His timing than our own hopes, dreams, and plans. All of these ideas you listed, I feel are a good practice for anyone to start. I hope to be able to put these into practice here very soon.

  4. I really like your suggestion to farm out housework to the kiddos. I rarely ask my kids to clean, but will encourage them to join in the fun (haha). Thank you for your ministry and the wonderful advice you give to help us through the day. I pray daily to be the wife and mother that Jesus wants me to be and it’s comforting to know that other women are striving to do the same.

  5. Reminds me of a Sunday when my Pastor came in wearing all sorts of hats. Her point was more that she needed some volunteers to help share the hats, but the same basics. We try to wear too many. Farm them out or opt out. Except for that precious crown of course.

  6. Oh how I would just love to win this giveaway.. My kids love helping me bake so this would be perfect and staying home with4 little one I would completely benefit from your book. I sent you an email scrapbooking;)

  7. These words were so encouraging. Thank you for letting all of us busy moms know that we are not alone. I really need to learn to prioritize things and look forward to reading your book! God bless!

  8. This is the second time this week I’ve been reminded that God does not expect us to be super women. We put so many expectations on ourselves in a world that moves so fast we can’t keep up no matter how hard we try. What does Jesus expect of us? To love Him and to love each other and to live a life worthy of His love and grace. Are there many things that have to be done throughout the day…….yes. Are some more important than others………..absolutely! The most important is to make the time to connect to the One who allows us the privilege to come before Him with any and all petitions and praise. Don’t forget the praise! Even in hard times, I thank God for the trials that He sends because they are molding me into who He wants me to be. I have this past week relinquished my huge “to do” list to the trash. I have eased up on myself and have actually accomplihed more……….less stress without the never ending list. Is my house spotless…….nope and probably never will be again. Is my anxiety level down…….you bet it is. I can focus more clearly on what it is that God has for me to do. I work from home and am trying to figure out a system for making progress there, staying on top of what is most important that has to be done that day and being a sane and loving wife when my husband gets home. Now that spring has sprung I have to add mowing and gardening into this mix. I think that your study on being organized it just what I need to get back on the right track. Will have to find the book……..thanks Karen for using your gifts to help others.

    Brenda Schiesser

  9. This devotion could not have come at a better time for me. But, I guess that is not coincidence at all, but God’s grace in action. Thank you.

  10. Thank you for this today. It is exactly what I need. In fact I keep seeing this alot…..I think that God is telling me something. We are way to busy and for what? I’m going to try to slow things down and see God everywhere. That is my goal for this summer to bask in God rays and not try to everything and anything with the kids. Teach them to slow down too!!!!

  11. I also have the book and would love to do the study, but I don’t do Facebook. Would you consider posting lessons on this blog?

  12. Wow it is always amazing how God always knows what we need. Last night after working I ran to check on my daughters horse and let her ride and then dropped friends off before rushing to my sons trackmeet. We did get to eat out but it was 8:30pm when we got home and homework and petcare awaited me. I ended up staying up all night to nurse my do who has an ear infection.(This morning I was wishing vets had walkin hours like our pediatrician)I still have to work today and I am running in a mini this weekend! I have family coming in on Sunday and the house looks like a Tornado struck!! I could go on and on but I know all of you ladies have been in my shoes. I finally stopped everything to read my devotion and yes God spoke straight to me. Thank you and I am very very excited to do your online study. Summer is my time since I am a school nurse. Gods Blessings and Happy Mothers Day to all!!!

  13. Karen, your devotional was so timely for me today! Of course I read it in the early afternoon, after getting everything else done I wanted to get done BEFORE my time with the Lord!! BAH! I know it’s a struggle, but I truly want to put Him first. Thanks for the scripture and devotional encouragement.

    I would have loved to take part in our 4 week study, but I’m not on Facebook! Boo! Maybe one day you can offer the study for those of us not on FB? Just a thought! Thanks and God bless!

  14. Via email: I can’t wait for the online study to get organized. Thank you for doing this Karen!! :)
    Connie Fleming

  15. Wow. I really needed this today. My friends and I have often joked about the various “job titles” we have by being Moms, but I have allowed myself to become entirely too busy. My quiet time with God used to be so refreshing, but lately it’s merely been an item on my to-do list that tends to get shuffled too easily. In just a little while, I plan to savor some silence – like you said, “God is in the silence.” Thank you for this encouraging post!

  16. Thank you for your encouraging words – today I SO needed to hear those exact words in my heart!

  17. Thank you so much for this reminder. Life has been “CrazyBusy” lately and I’m so glad that God told us if we put Him first all the other things in our life will fall into place in His perfect timing, under His perfect command. My prayer lately is to let His perfection guide my reflection.

  18. Thank you Karen,,,, I really needed this today!! I try to wear so many hats and then I forget about the most important hat that I need to wear “The Daughter of the King Hat”… Our lives are hectic because we are prone to do more things then we can handle and then we forget about the most important thing to do is having that alone time with God…. I have been ready to give up for weeks now, but I know that I can’t because that is not what God wants me to do…Thank you so much for doing God’s work and encouraging us…Much Love

  19. As I read this I thought — this woman is spying on me. lol. Do you know how many times in the past month I have told my husband I wanted to do EXACTLY what you said — go to the beach ALONE. I have been freaking out and sinking beneath all the priorities I have created for myself and the mountains of clutter.. I cannot wait to do your Bible Study — because I probably would never get around to calling the TV show Clean House. In the midst of all I had to do today, God kept whispering in the back of my mind to give him just five minutes and read a devotion this morning…do you think He was trying to tell me something? I KNOW He was. Thank you so much for delivering His message straight to my heart.

  20. Wow, as a Young Wife, I can totally relate to trying to do it all! I am still learning the acts of balencing my hats, with my crown being the first thing I put on. We don’t have kiddo’s yet, but I play many motherly roles as a aunt, and mentor to children at my work and in my life. If I won this gift, I would regift the set to my Sister In Law who is a mom….and soon to be mommy of 2. She is an amazing example of wearing your crown first.
    Thank you for your posts! They are amazing!

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