A Confident Heart Giveaway with Renee Swope

Have you ever felt any of the following?

~ I’m not good enough.

~ I have nothing special to offer.

~ I’d love to voice my opinion, but I’m afraid I’ll sound stupid.

~ Why does God seem to give everyone else the brains, skills and qualities? I am just a nobody.

~ If I am a Christian and serve the God who made heaven and earth, why do I lack confidence in myself?

Can you relate? If so, you will LOVE my friend Renee Swope’s very first book, A Confident Heart. Take 3 minutes to watch the book trailer here:

Renee Swope – A Confident Heart Book Trailer from SoundPost Productions on Vimeo.


I read Renee’s book just after her manuscript was completed and before it was published. As a woman who vacillates between sorely lacking self-confidence in certain areas to fearing I’ll cross the line into self-pride in others, A Confident Heart brought me balance.

Renee has drawn deep from the well of her life experiences, both pleasurable and painful, to craft a life-manual that is solidly biblical and perfectly practical.

This book will enable women to discover God’s original plan for them–that they would operate in the power of His word and as a result, unearth a holy confidence. Let this volume be your godly girlfriends GPS guiding you to a self-assured life lived for Christ!

~If you’d like a little taste of A Confident Heart, you can download chapter one here.

~ If you’d like to order the book, click here.

~ And, if you want to be entered in a drawing to win one of three copies Renee is giving away here on my blog, leave us a comment with the area in which you most struggle with doubt and a lack of self-confidence. (or God-confidence as Renee calls it!)

Winners announced Monday!


  1. I struggle with so many doubts, but I think the biggest enemy in a constant insecurity which is steeped in always thinking that I never, ever, ever measure up!!! That I can’t do anything right–I always mess up–I coulda/shoulda done it better! And if anything goes wrong–with any relationship, project, ministry, anything… it’s always gonna be MY fault..! I know this makes the focus all about me–which piles on guilt, so add that to the list of negative emotions piling up in my heart and mind! Wonder why I’m so hard on myself, why I blame myself for all that goes wrong??? Do I feel I have to be “perfect”… Do I want to control how everything turns out… Do I need people’s approval too much??? Yes to all of those! Sad but true! HELP!!! I think Renee’s book was written for me… hope I get to read it and find God’s thoughts about me to erase all these negative ones I’ve carried around for sooooo many years! Thanks for letting me share (and vent! :)… Blessings to you! chris

  2. I struggle with self-worth/self-confidence the most, I think. I grew up with siblings (I was the youngest) telling me that I was fat, ugly, and stupid; that nobody would ever love me and that I would always be a failure. I have moments when I know better… but it is hard to over-come so many years of hearing those things over and over again…

  3. I struggle with praying out loud or leading the prayer at my Women Active for Christ meetings. I can’t get the words to come and everything sounds like a stuttering mess. I also have trouble giving the occasional devotion. Others prayers and devotions sound like they are professional speakers, I just need the confidence to get through and need to trust God to help me.

  4. I know that God has given me gifts and talents, I have a hard time knowing that these are just as important as what society says are important. My desire is to grow me ever stronger in Thee.

  5. My biggest struggle with self-confidence is in my parenting skills, particularly with my strong-willed daughters.

  6. I waste so much time and energy questioning my choices and decisions wondering if I should or shouldn’t.

  7. I struggle with sometimes doubting God on His plan for my life. I think I should have a Christian husband by now at this point in my life. I know He loves me and His time table is best but sometimes it hurts when I see other couples together and I’m still alone.

  8. I struggle with way too many things..motherhood, and having to work and balance everything. I can’t wait to read the book!

  9. I am a mother of 4, who is back to school(fulltime) to fulfill a calling. Two years ago, I was accepted into the nursing program; however, I had to withdraw to care for my now disabled mother. Perfection, fear and confidence are my enemies. I’m tired of the “what if’s” in life. What if my kids need me? What if we don’t have enough? God puts out benchmarks along the way, so, I keep on keeping on. My desire is to live that God-filled, “I am able” attitude no matter what comes my way!!!

  10. I struggle with being a good disciple leader for my ladies study group. I’m sure this is where God had put me, but there are days and I’ve had a person in my group that really made me feel inadequate in my position.

  11. I struggle with confidence, with being the person that I need to be in this corrupt world that we live in. I don’t have the confidence to know what I know I can do at work, at home and church.

  12. As I read through some of these, I wondered if I should post as it seems that so many women need to hear these healing words. Then I thought to myself. There I go again. I am great at putting others before me! My husband, my kids, my church commitments, but where do I fit in? I make myself into the servant of my family and church. Not that my husband would ever put me in such a place, I do it to myself. My kids are 6 and 3 so they aren’t yet so good at making sure mom gets some time to herself. I am at home with them now, but have a degree in Early Childhood Ed. I wonder what I will be when I get to be “a grown-up” again? Was I a good teacher the first time around? I am presenting at an early childhood conference next Tuesday to peers in the early ed field about a disability my son, and many other kids have. I doubt that it will be well received since I don’t have any “letters” after my name :( WHY? I have read 7 books on the subject and researched the subject heavily on the internet. My son’s occupational therapist read it over and said it looks great. Still, I doubt :(

  13. I so want to read this book. I have read several books to help me with confidence in myself and had thought I had gotten it back, but after reading the first chapter of this book and going through the 7-day doubt diet. I know I needed to read Renee’s book. It is on my wish list and think it would be wonderful if I could win a copy.

  14. I struggle with the first two and am so grateful for God’s word to rely on. I wish this made me immune to doubting myself and what I have to offer but not quite yet! Maybe someday. Meantime I have taken a leap of faith and “come out of the closet” to share my writing despite my fears. I have written secretly for years- I have trunks of journals of my writing. One step at a time. I am looking forward to Rene’s book but did not get it yet! I guess I really should!

  15. Being good enough to fit in. I have been struggling with why am I left out. Why has one I have considered a good friend changed. I don’t think I have changed but I feel like the one on the outside and everyone else is at the party. I ask the Lord to not let be have a jealous heart and to prune what does not need to be there. It hurts and I wonder what am “I” doing wrong.

  16. I am praying for you ladies and asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you and give you God-confidence as you seek to live your life for Him!! Do check out the free download of Renee’s first chapter (link above) It will really help you!!! Cyber {{hugs}}!

  17. A few years ago I felt God calling me to minister to women. I fought Him for awhile because I lacked the confidence I needed. I finally decided to be a woman who says yes to God and stepped out., but I still struggle with lack of confidence. I am excited to read this book.

  18. I’ve always felt “in the shadow” of my older, “perfect” brother, never feeling like I measure up even though I am 42 years old!

  19. I stuggle with not being good enough, I am a single mom who is trying to do it on her own, and am realizing how hard it is. I am struggling with health issues and being out of work and am wondering how much longer I can take the stress of it all. I know I need to be more dependant on God by trusting in Him..I know he has a plan, but my self confidence is in the gutter. This book would be a tremendous blessing:)

  20. At my age, one would think I would confident in knowing what God has called me to do. Sometimes I am, but most of the time, I’m not. I would love to read Renee’s book to find out how to be confident in my calling all the time.

  21. Professional life. Despite previous work experience and sufficient education, I constantly doubt myself internally, thinking I can’t possibly be smart enough to handle what is thrown my way and that, if I’m not careful, someone will find out that I am not “qualified” to handle the job.

  22. I struggle with confidence and the constant feeling that I’m never good enough for anybody or to do anything. Im terrified of being put down.

  23. At times, both. Most often, self-confidence, even at this stage in life (being a grandparent several times over). I am back in school going after my doctorate to pursue what God is leading me to (teaching college…. anyone need a professor?) yet with every class, I question my ability, my following.

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