5 Ways to Prevent Mistaken Identity

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Welcome Proverbs 31 Encouragement for Today devotion readers. If the rest of you haven’t read my devotion, click here to do so.

Mistaken identity. I do it all the time around here since we share a computer with our teens.

I think I am logged in as me, but I find I am cruising the Internet as someone else.

Spiritually it is also easy to have mistaken identity; to believe we are someone we are not. Satan’s biggest scheme is to make us doubt God and what He says to and about us. It is his oldest trick in the book.

Here are some ways to prevent identity theft by Satan; how to keep your mind centered on what God thinks about you.

Leave a comment and you may win a signed copy of Renee Swope’s book A Confident Heart.

5 Ways to Prevent Mistaken Identity

1. Read God’s Word. Though that sounds simplistic, I know the days I struggle with wrong thoughts about myself are the ones where it has been a few days since I cracked my Bible. Such tools as You Version on your smart phone or a small Bible that will fit in your purse can help you work reading the Bible into your busy schedule.

2. Find and replace.  Just like the feature on your computer, you can find those destructive words you are tempted to believe about yourself and replace them with God’s truth. I use www.biblegateway.com to locate scriptures by searching key words.

If you think you are incapable of living a godly life because you just can’t seem to do it, find 2 Timothy 1:9 that says, “He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time”

If you feel you aren’t wanted or loved, find Colossians 3:12 that states,  “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

Each time Satan tries to whisper you aren’t good enough, let God shout that you are.

3. Don’t go it alone. Find a friend who will be available for you to call on those days when your thinking about yourself is askew. My friend Mary has talked me off the ledge and back down to reality on many days when I was tempted to take the leap head-first into wrong thinking.

4. Grab a pen.  I find that getting alone and writing my thoughts to God in a journal or notebook helps me to slow down and think more clearly. Be honest. Tell Him your fears, failures and desires for change. Nothing you can say will surprise Him. He knows it all. And He loves you anyway.

5. Grab a book. Besides Renee’s great book listed above, here are a few of my favorite books that help me to remember who and whose I am:

~ Crazy Love  by Francis Chan.

~ Self Talk, Soul Talk  by Jennifer Rothschild.

~ My Utmost for His Highest  by Oswald Chambers.

~ Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free  by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

Now, to be entered to win Renee’s book, leave a comment with the lie you are most tempted to believe about yourself. Don’t forget to scroll down to the other two giveaways this week: the beach-themed gift centered on the novel The Guest Book and yesterday’s Christmas in July giveaway. All winners announced tomorrow.


  1. The lie that stays with me… because of my past God surely does not love me. I have a difficult time with the Father / daughter relationship. Never having one, I long for a Father who will love me unconditionally – I need to cast the lie out of my mind and BELIEVE that God is my Father and that no matter how many poor choices I have made, HE still and will continue to Love me unconditionally. I would like to learn how to be loved and how to love unconditionally towards my family.

  2. Having been rejected by my spouse, it’s easy to believe the lie that I’m lacking in so many ways. I can go from high to low in a very short period of time. God’s word and His love is what brings me back up – I just have to remember to turn to Him first to set me back on my feet. And encouraging friends help tremendously.

  3. I struggle each day with “I am not good enough.” As a cronic perfectionist, I am my worst critic. I have to remind myself that God made me so I am “beautifully and wonderfully made.” He made me exactly the way I was intended to be made. The areas that I need help in are so I can be blessed by the AMAZING people He put in my life and so I can bless them.

  4. The biggest lie that I struggle against comes in the voice of my ex-husband who called me a “fat, lazy, b****.”
    The best promise that I claim is Isaiah 43:1b “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!” Our Abba never calls me anything but loved and created for a purpose and His! Praise Him, Sister-chicks!
    I would love to win Renee’s book for my friend who worries about her grown children alot and is very negative in her thinking.

  5. The biggest lie that I seem to believe is that I will never change–more specifically, that my circumstances will never change. I am in a really frustrating situation right now and I’m waiting for my prayers to be answered but sometimes I’m not very patient.

  6. The biggest issue I’m struggling with right now is that I feel I’ll never stay organized. My house always seems to have piles throughout it, even though I work at keeping them at bay. I sometimes feel like they multiply overnight! When I go to other people’s houses it looks like they are so much more organized than me. I think a serious deep cleaning and decluttering marathon is in order!

  7. I loved your post today, very very encouraging!! I do have a lot of self doubt that sinks in daily. I work full-time and also am a full-time parent. I think the lie that sets in the most is that I’m not as good as everyone else, I’m not doing enough……. Definitely hard not to look around and compare yourself to others!!

  8. Lie I believe is that someone is always prettier than me. But the truth is, the only thing that matters is that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator, and that’s what makes me beautiful.

  9. Loved your blog. It spoke volumes to me. I have been unemployed for almost 2 years. I have a masters degree & over 20 years of experience in my field. I let self-doubt & inadequancy reside in my thoughts all too oftern. I know that Satan is having a party with my self-talk and today your blog reminded me that yes, I am a daughter of the most high God who walks every step with me and has each of my days in His mighty hand. Thank you so much for sharing your message today.

  10. The lie that always gets me is that I fail at everything I attempt to do. Why would this time be any different? I hate this lie, but can’t seem to get beyond it. I bought your book when it first came out, but can’t even bring myself to finish it. I am thinking it would be a good Bible Study though to share with some special ladies. Thanks for all you do!

  11. A big area for me is work. I went back yesterday after a long vacation. I was in a meeting and found myself getting caught up in a negative discussion with my co workers. I said something that wasn’t Christlike. I caught myself right away and repented. I find that in the work environment I tend to “forget” my identity in Christ and get caught up in the “do what you gotta do to get the job done, dog eat dog” world. Thank you for reminding me that my identity is not in my career but its in Christ and I need to be the example in my workplace that God is in control and I need to lift the challenges up to him and to remember:

    I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
    -Philippians 4:13

    And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
    -Matthew 19:26

  12. Oh my goodness this hit so close to home that I think it actually knocked me in my forehead….I struggle daily…we all do. For if we don’t have struggles then we can not grow stronger and closer to God. The lie that I deal with the most is that I am not perfect. We are so struggling financially that I pretend all is well and not let others know what is happening because I dont’ want others to feel sorry for me. I put on my happy face and pretend to be someone and thing that I am not. I believe that this valley will someday rise to be a mountain and I will look back and say really I made it…but until then this valley is deep and dark…I know that God is there and will hold my hand all the way.

    Your devotions and comments always brighten my day…thank you for who you are and what you do for me and others….You are a blessing!

    Smiles & Blessings Abound, Robin :)

  13. Thank you so much for your post today! I often feel that I am not well liked and have no special gifts to offer. Negeative self-talk and doubt such as this often creep into my day and hang around influencing my behavior towards myself and others. I have seen the results of these lies in my relationships. Your post helped me remember who I am in God’s eyes. And although self-doubt and negeatave thinking is always lurking and seeking to destroy, God’s is always loving and seeking to save. I know that He can mend, repair, and lead me to the relationships that he desires me to have if I trust in him. Oh, how easily I forget! He has all the answers. There is no truth apart from Him! Thank you so much for helping me remember to dig deep into God’s word!

  14. Thank you so much for this devotion this morning. It was exactly what I needed. Like many women (yes I am a female don’t let my name fool you : – ) ) I struggle with the lie that I have to be “perfect” – the perfect mom, the perfect wife, the perfect teacher, etc. but I know that God loves me just the way I am and my family does too.

  15. Yesterday felt really “yucky” about everything, today I feel a little differently. I do forget “who I am in Christ” and replace it with my own inadequate thoughts, I need to do the reverse. I need to start being thankful for who I am and stop being so down on myself. Tks.

  16. Definitely struggle with feeling like I don’t measure up/I’m not good enough. Been feeling that way my whole life. I’m very grateful for your list in today’s post – this is a wonderful jumping off point for me to refocus on God’s truth for me. Thank you!

  17. Love your devotion this morning. The lie I most struggle with is “you’ve failed before, you’ll do it again…you’re never going to do it.” My past failures always creep back into my thoughts and make me feel like a failure. I just can’t seem to get past them. I know God has forgiven me, but I don’t know how to forgive myself. Thank you again for your words of encouragement. May God bless you!

  18. Karen as i woke up this morning, i felt so sad. I was heartbroken.Tears started rolling down my face as i go to God in prayer”, Father i need u this morning. I am battling hurt and failure today. Karen, this was heavy today, mre than ever on me, Why? Needing to find peace within myself. I read a while, knowing Gods word wud forfill me, but the enemy wasnt letten me.Why? God i need u, please help me. Not being able to escape the bad feelings and lies the enemy was driving in me, i decided to log into fb. As im srolling down, i come upon someone that posted u and yur blog. Automatically, sumthing hit me, I heard a voice say, “Diane this is for u, i have sent her here just for u today, a friend, i know wat u r going thru, how you are feeling this morning, read and know that i am with u and will be with u thru it all”! Sign yur Father, God! As i read the tears flowed so much. I couldnt contane myself. I cried out to God! “”Thank u , thank u”!! Karen , i wantd to say thank u for being here for me.It was no accident that i met you. God lead me to u and for that im forever greatful. I know this should be a comment , but i didnt know how to start and even end. I really enjoy reading this blog. I am really eager to read mre. This is wat i battle : The lie the enemy is telling me is”, you are nothing and will never be anything. No one cares about you. You have nothing, you cant work, etc. Karen i have dreams and i know God loves me, but i just cant seem to escape from this feeling of myself. Though i try and not let it get to me, its still inside me reminding me everyday. I became disabled in 2004, i know this is wat has gotten me to this point. I have always done for myself,and nw i cant work, have had so many surgerys, thank God for bringing me through them all. Just hate im this way. Now i feel lost, alone, sad, hurt, angry, selfish, confused! I had so much i wanted to do, and i feel it will never be. I feel like a failure, to my kids, family, myself, and most of all God! Even though i go thru this, i will never stop having faith that my life will have meaning, and i will make a difference, that sumwhere ,someone needed me, and i was there. Im so sorry for writing so much, but i couldnt stop. Thank u for sharing this with me, I need to take my IDENTITY BACK!!Thank u so much, cant wait to read the rest of yur posts!! God bless u Karen!!

    1. Oh Diane, I’m so glad God is so good. He knew just what you needed today. And He sent Karen’s blog your way. All I can say is, yes, you are believing lies. You are a person of great worth…you are needed by your family. Even if you can’t do, you can be their encourager, source of great love, example of a godly woman. God loves you just as you are, more than you can fathom. Receive!

  19. That I’m not a good enough wife, mom, you name it and I never will be. I’m also tempted to compare myself with others. I look at the lives other people and think, “They have it all together. What’s wrong with me? I’ll never be that good.”
    Your devotion today was very timely for me. I needed the encouragement! Thanks!

  20. God spoke straight through you to me this morning. When I first started to read I thought this isn’t for me this morning and then it hit me. This was exactly what I needed to hear. Too many times I feel not good enough that I am not following hard enough after God and I am currently going through some rough times financially and with my marriage. I need to remember that satan is having a hay day with this and to remember who God says I am.
    Thank you God Bless

  21. Loved your devotion today. I wrote the truths in the front of my bible so that I can work on hiding those in my heart. I also cling alot to Philippians 4:8 to remind myself to focus on what God tells us to focus on and not on the lies of the world. Thank you so much for sharing what God gives you, it helps in so many ways!

  22. I try to be an encourager, but I struggle with not having anyone to encourage me. I need to remember, “I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength.” HE encourages me!

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